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词汇 lock
释义 lock (verb) lock (noun) lock 11 ENTRIES FOUND: lock (noun) lock (verb) lock (noun) air lock (noun) central locking (noun) combination lock (noun) mortise lock (noun) horn (noun) key (noun) pick (verb) stock (noun) 1 lock /ˈlɑːk/ noun plural locks 1 lock /ˈlɑːk/ noun plural locks Learner's definition of LOCK 1  [count] : a device that keeps something (such as a door, window, or box) from being opened and that is usually opened by using a key锁 We had no key so we had to break the lock to open the door.我们没钥匙,不得不撬锁开门。 The thief used a wire to pick the lock.小偷用一根铁丝撬锁。 — see also combination lock, padlock 2  [count] : an area in a canal or river that has gates at each end which are opened and closed to control the level of the water in different sections of the canal or river as boats move through it闸;船闸;水闸 3  [count] : a method of holding someone so that the person being held cannot move抱,夹(让人不动的方式) a leg lock夹腿 — see also headlock 4  US, informal a  [singular] : complete control of something(对某物的)完全控制 He appears to have a lock on the nomination for governor. [=he appears to be sure of getting the nomination for governor]他似乎对赢得州长提名把握十足。 He has been able to get a lock on the nomination.他已经能够稳获提名。 There seems to be no danger that the company will lose its lock on the industry.该公司似乎并不存在失去行业主导地位的危险。 b  [count] : someone or something that is certain to have or do something必定成功的人(或事) — usually singular通常用单数 He's a lock for the nomination. = He's a lock to get the nomination. [=he is certain to get the nomination]他一定能获得提名。 The team is a lock to win the championship.这个队一定能赢得锦标赛。 c  [count] : something that is certain to happen必定发生的事;十拿九稳的事 — usually singular通常用单数 It looks like his nomination is a lock.他的提名看来是十拿九稳的事。 5  [count, noncount] British : the extent to which the front wheels of a vehicle can be turned前轮转向角度 a car on full lock [=a car with its wheels turned as far as possible]前轮打满的汽车 lock, stock, and barrel : including everything : wholly or completely全部;所有 She gave her friend everything she owned, lock, stock, and barrel, and moved away.她把自己所有的东西给了朋友后便搬走了。 He insisted that he be given control of the business, lock, stock, and barrel.他坚持要对生意全盘掌控。 under lock and key : in a room, box, etc., that is locked锁着;关着 The jewels are kept under lock and key.这些首饰都锁藏起来了。 The prisoner is being kept/held under lock and key.罪犯正被关押着。 — compare 3lock 2 lock /ˈlɑːk/ verb locks; locked; locking 2 lock /ˈlɑːk/ verb locks; locked; locking Learner's definition of LOCK 1  a  [+ object] : to fasten (something) with a lock锁上 They locked the door when they left and unlocked it when they returned.他们走的时候锁了门,回来的时候打开了。 She locked the bicycle to the railing with a chain.她用一根链子把自行车锁到了栏杆上。 The door was locked.门锁上了。 b  [+ object] : to fasten the door, lid, etc., of (something) with a lock锁住,锁上(某物) He forgot to lock the car.他忘了锁车。 They locked the box (shut) with a padlock.他们用扣锁锁上了箱子。 a locked room上了锁的房间 — often + up She locked up the house.她锁上了房门。 c  [no object] : to become fastened with a lock锁住;锁上 The door locked behind him. [=after he went through it]他随手锁上了门。 The car locks automatically when you start the engine.引擎发动后车门自动上锁。 2  a  [no object] : to become fixed in one position固定住 The wheels/brakes locked and the car skidded off the road.车轮/刹车抱死,车滑出了路面。 Their eyes locked. [=they looked directly at each other without looking away]他们直视着对方。 b  [+ object] : to hold (someone or something) in a fixed position使固定;使卡住 He locked her in his arms. = He locked her in a tight/close embrace. [=he embraced her tightly/closely]他紧紧地抱住了她。 They were locked in each other's arms.他们相互紧紧拥抱。 He locked his fingers around her wrist [=he gripped her wrist very tightly] and refused to let go.他紧紧抓住她的手腕,不肯松开。 She locked her hands around the steering wheel.她双手紧握方向盘。 Protesters locked [=linked] arms across the forest road.抗议者手挽手在林间大道上一字排开。 His eyes were locked on her as she walked across the room. [=he was looking at her and at nothing else]她穿过房间时,他两眼紧盯着她不放。 Repeat the exercise, being careful not to lock your knees. [=being careful not to hold your knees in a fully extended position]重复这个练习,注意膝盖别那么僵硬。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 They were locked in a contract dispute.他们陷入一场合同纠纷。 two armies locked in a terrible struggle/fight陷入恶战的两支军队 She was locked [=trapped] in a loveless marriage.她陷入了一场没有爱情的婚姻之中。 3  [+ object] computers : to make (a file, database, etc.) impossible for others to open or change锁住;加锁 lock a database把数据库加锁 The file is locked for editing.文件被锁定了,不能进行编辑。 lock away [phrasal verb] 1  lock (something) away or lock away (something) : to put (something) in a locked container, place, etc.把…锁起来 The jewelry was locked away [=locked up] in a cabinet.珠宝被锁进了橱柜。 2  lock (someone) away or lock away (someone) : to put (someone) in a locked place (such as a prison) for a long period of time把(某人)关进 lock away [=lock up] a criminal把罪犯关起来 The state locked their sister away in a psychiatric hospital.政府把他们的姐姐关进了一家精神病医院。 3  lock (yourself) away : to stay in a room or place by yourself for a long period of time把(自己)关起来 He locked himself away in his room while he studied. = He was locked away in his room while he studied.他学习时把自己关在房间里。 lock horns : to disagree about how something should be done : to fight or argue持不同意见;争吵;争论 They've locked horns (with each other) over this issue a number of times.他们就这个问题(相互)争吵了好几次。 lock in [phrasal verb] 1  lock (someone or something) in : to put or keep (someone or something) in a locked place, room, etc.把…锁在(某地) She locked her brother in the bathroom.她把她兄弟锁在了卫生间里。 They locked the jewels in a safe.他们把珠宝锁在了保险箱里。 They threatened to lock him in jail.他们威胁要把他关进监狱。 They pushed him into the room and locked him in.他们把他推进房间,锁了起来。 2  lock (something) in or lock in (something) : to do something that makes you sure to get (something that could change, such as a good price, an interest rate, etc.)锁定,确定获得(某物) If you sign the contract today, you can lock in this low interest rate before it goes any higher.如果你今天签合同,就能在利率上涨之前锁定这个低利率。 lock on/onto [phrasal verb] lock on/onto (something) : to use electronic methods to find (a target)(用电子方法)锁定(目标) The pilot locked onto the ship and fired a missile.飞行员锁定了攻击船只,并发射了一枚导弹。 The missile locked on the target.导弹锁定了目标。 lock out [phrasal verb] 1  lock (someone) out or lock out (someone) : to prevent (someone) from entering a place, car, etc., by locking it把(某人)锁在外面 I locked myself out accidentally.我不小心把自己锁在了外面。 — often + of She locked her husband out of the house.她把丈夫锁在了房子外面。 2  : to prevent (workers) from going to work in order to force an agreement为强加协议而阻止(工人)工作 The company has threatened to lock out its factory workers unless they agree to a new contract.公司威胁工人,不同意签订新合同就不让他们进厂工作。 — see also lockout lock up [phrasal verb] 1  : to lock all of the doors of a building before leaving it锁好门 The last employee to leave the store at night has to lock up.晚上最后一个离店的员工必须把门锁好。 2  lock (something) up or lock up (something) a  : to put (something) in a locked container, room, etc.把(某物)锁起来 The money is locked up [=locked away] in a safe.钱锁在保险箱里。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Most of his money is locked up in real estate. [=most of his money is not easily available because it is invested in real estate]他的大部分钱都套在房地产上了。 b  chiefly US : to make control or achievement of (something) certain牢牢控制 The team has first place locked up. [=the team is certain of getting first place]这个队已经稳获第一了。 He was unable to lock up enough states to win the election.他不能控制足够多的州以赢得这场选举。 — see also 2lock 1b (above) 3  lock (someone) up or lock up (someone) : to put (someone) in a locked place (such as a prison) for a long period of time把(某人)关起来 The police should lock him up. [=lock him away]警方应该把他关起来。 — see also lockup 3 lock /ˈlɑːk/ noun plural locks 3 lock /ˈlɑːk/ noun plural locks Learner's definition of LOCK 1  [count] : a small bunch of hair一缕头发 She was nervously tugging on a lock of her hair.她当时正紧张地拽着一缕头发。 — see also forelock 2  locks [plural] literary + humorous : a person's hair头发 I love her curly locks. [=her curly hair]我喜欢她的鬈发。 her long, flowing locks她飘逸的长发 golden locks金色的头发 — see also dreadlocks — compare 1lock




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