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词汇 look
释义 look (noun) look 35 ENTRIES FOUND: look (verb) look (noun) look-alike (noun) look-in (noun) looking glass (noun) look-see (noun) backward-looking (adjective) forward-looking (adjective) good-looking (adjective) likely-looking (adjective) nice-looking (adjective) best (noun) buck (noun) cat (noun) dagger (noun) dart (verb) dollar (noun) drag (verb) fix (verb) forward (adverb) gift (noun) horse (noun) kindly (adverb) laurel (noun) leap (verb) like (preposition) lively (adjective) million (noun) mouth (noun) nose (noun) other (adjective) sharp (adverb) shoulder (noun) snappy (adjective) trouble (noun) 1 look /ˈlʊk/ verb looks; looked; looking 1 look /ˈlʊk/ verb looks; looked; looking Learner's definition of LOOK 1  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to direct your eyes in a particular direction看;瞧 He looked straight ahead and kept walking.他直视前方,脚步不停。 When you take a walk, look around you.散步时,要环顾一下四周。 She smiled at me and then looked away.她朝我笑了笑,便看向别处。 He looked back the way he had come.他回过头看了看来时的路。 Look both ways before you cross the street.过马路之前要先看看两边的情况。 When I finally reached the top I was afraid to look down.当我终于到达顶部时,都不敢往下看。 She looked from one person to the next.她一个人一个人地挨个看。 Look in the mirror/box.看镜子/箱子里。 They looked off into the distance.他们转头望向远方。 He was looking over his shoulder.他扭头张望。 — often + at She looked longingly at the photograph.她看着这张相片,充满了渴望。 “What are you looking at?” “I'm looking at this flower.”“你在看什么呢?”“我在看这朵花。” looking at the stars through a telescope = looking through a telescope at the stars用望远镜观察星球 — see also look around (below), look at (below), look over your shoulder at 1shoulder 2  a  [linking verb] : to seem to be something especially because of appearance显得;看起来;似乎 He looks angry.他面带怒容。 Her new haircut makes her look young/younger.她的新发型让她看起来年轻/更年轻了。 That cake looks delicious.那块蛋糕看上去很可口。 “How does the situation look (to you) now?” “It looks pretty bad/good.”“(你觉得)现在情况如何?”“看起来很糟糕/很不错。” It looks dangerous/unlikely.看起来危险/不大可能。 a kind-looking woman = a woman who looks kind面目慈善的女人 The child looked to be about seven years old.这个孩子看上去七岁左右。 The once-famous star looks to be heading into obscurity.这位红极一时的明星看来将陨落了。 The year ahead looks to be a profitable one. [=it appears likely to be profitable; I/we expect it to be profitable]看来来年会有好收获。 — often used in the phrases look as if, look as though, and look like常用于短语look as if、look as though和look like It looks like it will be hard work.看来这个工作会很困难。 It looks like it will rain/snow. = It looks like rain/snow.看来要下雨/雪。 It looks to me like they're all the same. = It looks like they're all the same to me. = They look like they're all the same to me.在我看来他们都一样。 It looked as though he was feeling ill. = He looked as though he was feeling ill.他看起来好像不大舒服。 It looks like she's going to win the tournament again this year. = She looks like she's going to win the tournament again this year. = (Brit) She looks like winning the tournament again this year. [=she seems likely to win the tournament again this year]看来她又将在今年的锦标赛中获胜。 He looks like a nice man. = (Brit) He looks a nice man. [=he seems/appears to be a nice man]他看起来人不错。 — see also look like (below) b  [+ object] : to have an appearance that is suitable for (something)外表与…相符合;看上去和…相称 She looks her age. [=her appearance shows her age]她的长相与实际年龄相符。 an actor who really looks the part [=whose appearance matches the appearance the character is supposed to have]与所扮演角色外表相似的演员 3  [no object] : to try to find something or someone寻找;查找 “I don't know where my keys are.” “Try looking in the drawer.”“我不知道钥匙放在哪里了。”“在抽屉里找找。” I've looked high and low. = I've looked everywhere. = I've looked all over.我哪儿都找过了。 “I still haven't found my keys.” “Well, keep looking.”“我还是没找到钥匙。”“哦,继续找吧。“ “I'm still trying to find my keys.” “Well, look no further —here they are.”“我还在找钥匙。”“好了,别再找了。在这儿呢。” — see also look for (below) 4  [no object] : to pay attention by directing your eyes at something观察;观看 You can see many wonderful things in nature if you take the time to stop and look.如果你肯花时间停下来认真观察,就能在大自然中看到很多奇妙的事物。 The store clerk asked if I needed any help, but I told him I was just looking. [=I was looking at the things being sold in the store but did not plan to buy anything specific]店员问我是否需要帮助,我告诉他我只是随便看看。 5  [no object] a  — used to direct someone's attention to something or someone瞧,看(用于引导对某物或某人的注意) Look! Over there! Is that a hawk?瞧!那边!那是只鹰吗? Look! There he is!看!他在那儿! — often + at Look at those mountains. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?看看那些山。你见过这么美的景色吗? Just look at the time! I had no idea it was that late!这都几点了!没想到已经这么晚了! — often used in phrases like look where, look what, etc.常用于look where、look what等短语 Look what I found.瞧瞧我找到了什么。 Look who's here.瞧瞧谁在这儿呢。 Look how easy it is to do this.瞧瞧干这个多容易。 b  — used in phrases like look where, look what, etc., to warn someone or to express anger or disappointment用于look where、look what等短语,表达对某人的愤怒、失望或警告 Look where you're going. You almost walked into that pole.瞧瞧你往哪儿走。你都快撞到那根电线杆了。 Look what you did! You broke it.看看你干的事!你把它弄坏了。 Now look what you've done. It's broken.瞧瞧你干的事。它坏了。 c  — used to introduce a statement when you want someone to notice what you are saying喂,注意(说话前用于引起对方注意) Look, this just isn't going to work.看,这根本行不通。 Look here, you need to start behaving more responsibly.注意啦,你们以后做事责任心要强一点儿。 6  [+ object] a  : to want or try to do something企图;试图 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 a company looking to become a leader in the industry希望能够成为行业领先者的公司 We're looking to create something new.我们力求创造些新的东西。 b  : to expect something预料;期待 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 We look to have a good year. = We are looking to have a good year.我们期望有一个好年景。 7  [no object] : to have a specified direction : to point or face in a specified direction朝向;面对 The house looks east.这座房子朝东。 The hotel looks toward the sea.这家旅馆面向大海。 don't look now — used in speech before a statement to tell someone to be aware of something without looking别看(用于口语,提醒某人留意某事但别去看) Don't look now, but they're coming our way.别看,他们正朝我们走来。 Don't look now, but I think we're being followed.先别看,我觉得我们被跟踪了。 look after [phrasal verb] look after (someone or something) : to take care of (someone or something)照顾;照料;照管 They hired a babysitter to look after the children.他们雇了一个保姆照看孩子们。 I can look after myself.我能照顾自己。 He looks after his aging parents.他照料年迈的父母。 They asked a friend to look after their house while they were away.他们请朋友在他们外出期间帮忙照看房子。 look a gift horse in the mouth — see 1horse look ahead [phrasal verb] : to think about what will happen in the future向前看;展望未来 The past year has been successful and, looking ahead, we expect to do even better in the coming months.过去的一年红红火火,展望未来,我们期待在今后几个月里能做得更好。 — often + to Looking ahead to next year, we expect to be even more successful.展望明年,我们期望获得更大的成功。 look around [phrasal verb] or British look round 1  look around/round or look around/round (a place) : to go through a place in order to see what is there : to explore a place环顾;往四下看 We arrived early at the theater and spent a few minutes looking around.我们很早就到达剧场,花了几分钟四下参观了一番。 The kids looked around the shops while we unpacked.我们打开行李取东西时,孩子们在逛商店。 2  look around/round for (something) : to search for (something)四下寻找 I looked around for my keys but I couldn't find them anywhere.我到处找钥匙,可是哪儿都找不到。 He is looking around for a new car.他正在到处逛,想找辆新车。 — see also 1look 1 (above) look at [phrasal verb] 1  look at (someone or something) a  : to think about or consider (something or someone)考虑;认为 Just look at how successful she's been.看看她有多成功吧。 The company is looking at the possibility of moving to a larger office.公司正在考虑是否可以搬到大一点的办公室去。 I just haven't looked at him as (being) a potential roommate.我只是从没想过可能和他成为室友。 The way I look at [=see] it, you're wrong.按照我的理解,你错了。 Some people are looking at her as a possible candidate for mayor.有些人认为她可能成为市长候选人。 You can make changes in your life. Just look at Tim. [=consider that Tim has made changes to realize that you can also make changes]你可以在生活中做些改变。只要想想蒂姆你就明白了。 b  : to examine or study (someone or something)检查;察看 You should have a doctor look at that bruise.你应当请医生检查一下那片瘀伤。 I had the veterinarian look at my cat.我让兽医为我的猫做了检查。 2  look at (something) a  : to have (something bad or unpleasant) as a problem or possibility面临,面对(棘手问题或不好的情况) If you're found guilty, you could be looking at [=facing] five years in prison.如果被判有罪,你将面临五年监禁。 b  : to read (something or part of something)过目;浏览 I haven't looked at [=read] the newspaper today.今天我还没有看报。 Did you look at that fax yet?那份传真你看了吗? — see also 1look 1, 5a (above) look back [phrasal verb] : to think about something in the past回顾;回忆 Looking back to/at last season, I can see why they didn't win the pennant.回顾上个赛季,我就明白他们为什么没有赢得锦旗了。 I look back at/on that time with a lot of pride. [=I feel proud when I think about that time]我想起那个时候就感到非常骄傲。 ◊ If you make an important change in your life and never look back, you never return to the way you had been before, and your life is very different from that time onward.义无反顾;永不回头 After college, she moved to New York, got a job on Wall Street, and never looked back.大学毕业后,她搬到了纽约,在华尔街找到一份工作,从此勇往直前。 look before you leap : to think or learn about the possible bad results of an action before doing it三思而后行 If you're planning to invest in your friend's company, I advise you to look before you leap.如果你打算投资朋友的公司,我劝你要三思而行。 look daggers at — see dagger look down on [phrasal verb] look down on (someone or something) : to think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect轻视;看不起 The family was looked down on for being different.这家人与众不同,因此被人看不起。 The other children looked down on me because my parents were poor.别的孩子因为我父母很穷而看不起我。 look down your nose at : to think of or treat (someone or something) as unimportant or not worthy of respect轻视;看不起 She looked down her nose at her neighbors.她看不起邻居们。 writers who look down their noses at popular culture对大众文化不屑一顾的作家 look for [phrasal verb] 1  look for (something or someone) : to try to find (someone or something) : to search for (someone or something)寻找;寻求 We had to wait while he looked for his keys.他找钥匙时,我们只能等着。 I've looked everywhere for my keys but I still can't find them.我到处都找遍了,还是没有找到我的钥匙。 She's looking for a new job.她在找新工作。 look for a word in the dictionary在词典中查一个词 The police continue to look for the escaped prisoners.警方继续搜寻那些逃犯。 His taste is—what's the word I'm looking for?—I know, “eclectic.”他的兴趣爱好——我找个什么词来形容呢?——想起来了,“五花八门”。 — see also 1look 3 (above) 2  : to expect (something or someone)期待;盼望 We're looking for better days in the future.我们盼望着将来的日子会更好。 Don't bother looking for me anytime too soon.别以为我很快就会到。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 You can look for me to arrive around noon.我大约中午到达。 Economists are looking for the economy to improve in the next few months.经济学家期待今后几个月内经济形势会有所好转。 3  look for trouble informal : to act in a way that could cause violence or problems招惹麻烦;自寻烦恼 I could tell that he was looking for trouble as soon as he came in.他一进门我就知道他是来找麻烦的。 look forward to [phrasal verb] look forward to (something) : to expect (something) with pleasure期待;期盼 They're looking forward to their vacation.他们盼望着假期的到来。 He felt he had nothing to look forward to in his life.他觉得生活没有指望。 She's looking forward to meeting new friends.她盼望着结识新朋友。 look in on [phrasal verb] look in on (someone) : to make a brief social visit to (someone)短暂拜访 I plan to look in on [=drop in on, call on] some old friends when I'm in town.我打算去镇上时顺便看望几个老朋友。 look into [phrasal verb] look into (something) : to try to get information about (something)调查;检查 Is there a problem? I could look into it.有问题吗?我可以检查一下。 Investigators are looking into the cause of the accident.调查人员正在调查事故原因。 look like : to have an appearance that is very similar to (someone or something) : to resemble (someone or something)看起来像;与…相似 You look just like your mother! [=you resemble your mother very closely]你长得真像你妈妈! That powdered sugar looks like snow.那种糖粉看起来像雪一样。 — see also 1look 2a (above) look like a million dollars/bucks — see million look lively — see lively look on/upon [phrasal verb] 1  look on : to watch something as it happens without becoming involved旁观;观看 A crowd of people looked on [=stood by] helplessly as the house burned to the ground.一群人束手无策地站在旁边眼看着房子被烧毁。 2  look on/upon (someone or something) : to think of or consider (someone or something) in a specified way看作;视为 — + as or with I've always looked on her as a friend. [=considered her to be a friend]我一直把她当朋友。 They looked on reading as an escape from the troubles of life.他们把阅读当作一种摆脱生活烦恼的方法。 He looked upon his son's accomplishments with pride.他为儿子的成就感到自豪。 look out [phrasal verb] 1  — used to tell someone to be aware of something dangerous留神;当心 Look out [=watch out]—one of the steps is missing!小心,这里少了一级踏板! 2  look (something) out or look out (something) British : to succeed in finding (something)找出;挑选出 It may take me a while to look out [=hunt down] his phone number for you.我可能得花点时间才能为你找到他的电话号码。 look out for [phrasal verb] 1  look out for (something) : to be aware of and try to avoid (something dangerous or unwanted)当心;提防 In the winter, drivers need to look out for icy patches on the roads.冬天,司机应该当心路面上结冰的地方。 In buying a home, there are many potential problems (that) you should look out for.购买住宅时,应当注意很多潜在问题。 Look out for [=watch out for] that pothole!留神那个坑! 2  look out for (someone or something) : to take care of or protect (someone or something)照料;照看;保护 I can look out for myself.我可以照顾自己。 She is supposed to be looking out for our interests.她应该维护我们的利益。 ◊ If you look out for number one, you only think about yourself and do what helps you most.只顾自己 We don't want a senator who's (only/always) looking out for number one.我们不要(仅仅/总是)只顾自己不管他人的参议员。 look over [phrasal verb] look (something) over or look over (something) : to read or examine (something) usually in a quick or hurried way浏览;过目 She looked over the plans on her way out of the office.她在走出办公室时,粗略地看了一下计划。 He looked over his shopping list as he entered the store.他走进商店时看了一眼购物单。 look a proposal over看了一遍提案 look sharp — see 2sharp look (someone) in the eye also look (someone) in the face : to look directly at (someone who is also looking at you)直视(某人) I wasn't afraid to look him (right) in the eye and tell him just what I thought of him!我不怕与他四目相对并说出我对他的真实看法! look the other way : to ignore something that should be noticed or dealt with : to turn your attention away from something不理睬;假装没看见 We can't just look the other way while these violations of basic human rights continue to occur.这些违反基本人权的事件接连发生,我们决不能视而不见。 Residents of the neighborhood accuse police of looking the other way as drug dealers become more active there.那一街区的居民指责警方对那里毒贩日益猖獗的情况视而不见。 look through [phrasal verb] 1  look through (something) a  : to read or briefly examine some of the pages of (a book, magazine, etc.)浏览;翻阅 She was looking [=leafing] through a magazine as she waited in the doctor's office.在诊室等待时,她翻阅着一本杂志。 look through the pages of a magazine浏览杂志 b  : to look at the different parts of (a collection or group of things)浏览(整体中的各部分内容) I looked through [=went through] all his letters.我把他所有的信通通翻阅了一遍。 2  look through (someone) : to pretend not to see or recognize (someone) in a rude or unfriendly way故意不理睬;假装没看见 We used to be best friends but when she passed me on the street yesterday she looked (right/straight) through me without even saying hello!我们过去一直是最好的朋友,但昨天在街上她从我身旁走过时竟装作没看见,连个招呼都没打! look to [phrasal verb] 1  look to (something) : to think about or examine (something) : to direct your attention to (something)注意;考虑 They look to the future with ever-increasing hope.他们对未来越来越充满希望。 — usually + for We can look to the past for help in figuring out how to deal with this problem.我们可以借鉴以往处理这个问题的方法。 look to nature for inspiration从大自然中寻找灵感 2  look to (someone) : to need (someone) to do something for or give something to you : to depend or rely on (someone)依靠,指望(某人) They look to me to fix the problem.他们指望我来解决这个问题。 Many parents look to their children to help them navigate the Internet.很多父母靠孩子帮助他们浏览互联网。 — often + for Many parents look to their children for help in navigating the Internet.很多父母靠孩子帮助他们浏览互联网。 She looked to her friends for help.她指望朋友们的帮助。 They look to you for advice.他们指望得到你的建议。 look up [phrasal verb] 1  : to get better : improve改善;好转 The economy is looking up.经济情况正在好转。 Things started to look up for me when I got the promotion.升职后,我的情况开始好转。 2  look (something) up or look up (something) : to search for (something) in a reference book, on the Internet, etc.(在书中或网上等)搜索,查找 If you don't know what a word means, you should look it up (in the dictionary).如果你不知道某个单词的意思,就该查一下(词典)。 look up a telephone number查找电话号码 look up an article in the encyclopedia在百科全书中查阅一个条目 3  look (someone) up or look up (someone) : to call or go to see (someone) when you are in the area where that person lives看望;拜访 I told them to look me up if they came to town.我告诉他们如果来镇上就到我这里来坐坐。 look up to [phrasal verb] look up to (someone) : to respect and admire (someone)敬佩,钦佩(某人) I've always looked up to my older brother.我对哥哥一向敬佩。 The kids really look up to their coach.孩子们对教练十分钦佩。 Look what the cat dragged in! — see cat look your best — see 3best not much to look at informal : not physically attractive外表不怎么样;其貌不扬的 The restaurant isn't much to look at, but the food is good.这个饭馆看着一般,但饭菜做得好。 The dog isn't much to look at, but he's a great hunting dog.这条狗看起来不怎么样,却是条了不起的猎犬。 2 look /ˈlʊk/ noun plural looks 2 look /ˈlʊk/ noun plural looks Learner's definition of LOOK 1  [count] : the act of looking at something看;瞧 — usually singular通常用单数 A quick look inside someone's refrigerator can tell you a lot about that person.往一个人的冰箱里看一眼,就可以知道很多关于这个人的情况。 Come on inside. Take a look around.到里边来。四处看看。 She went inside the building to have a look around.她走进大楼内部四下看了一番。 I wanted to get a look inside the car's engine.我想看一眼汽车发动机的内部。 — often + at Just take/have a look at this!瞧瞧这个吧! It's our first chance to get a look at the new library.这是我们第一次有机会参观新图书馆。 The witness wasn't able to describe the killer because she didn't get a good look at him. [=she didn't see him clearly]证人说不出凶手的模样,因为她没看清楚。 We took one look at the weather and decided to stay home. [=when we saw how bad the weather was we immediately decided to stay home]我们看了看天气,决定待在家里。 2  [count] : the act of examining or considering something审查;察看;考虑 — usually singular通常用单数 movies that are worth a look [=movies that you should consider seeing because they are good, entertaining, etc.]值得一看的影片 — usually + at The report takes a close/revealing/hard look at the public school system.这份报告对公立学校的体制进行了认真细致/发人深省/认真彻底的审查。 We need to take a closer look at these issues.我们有必要对这些问题进行更为细致的考虑。 3  [singular] : the act of trying to find something or someone寻找;搜索 I don't think you left it here, but I'll take a look around for it.我认为你没把它落在这里,不过我还是会在周围找一找。 I took a quick look, but he wasn't there.我瞄了一眼,他不在那里。 4  [count] : the emotions and feelings that can be seen in a person's face or eyes眼神;神情;神色 You should have seen the look [=expression] on her face!你应该看看她脸上的表情! I'll never forget the look in her eyes.我永远不会忘记她的眼神。 a look of jealousy/pride/remorse妒忌/自豪/懊悔的神情 He gave me an angry/dirty look.他生气/恶狠狠地瞪了我一眼。 They exchanged looks of love. [=they looked at each other lovingly]他们含情脉脉地看着对方。 I've never seen her so angry. If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.我从没见过她生这么大的气。如果目光能够杀人的话,那我现在早就死了。 5  a  [count] : a quality or characteristic that you can see when you look at something : the way that something looks外观;样子;外表 The painting has an old-fashioned look to it.这幅画古色古香。 The building had the look [=appearance] of a fortress.这个建筑看起来像座堡垒。 a fabric that has the look of leather [=a fabric that has the same appearance as leather]看起来像皮革的一种布料 Judging by/from the look of those clouds, we're going to get some rain.从这些云层的形态上看,将要降雨。 I don't like the look of those clouds. [=I don't like the way those clouds look; those clouds make me think that there will be a storm, it will rain or snow, etc.]我不喜欢乌云密布的样子。 The restaurant doesn't look very appealing, but looks can be deceiving/deceptive. [=something can be very different from how it seems or appears to be]这家饭馆看起来不怎么样,但外表有时是靠不住的。 From the look of things, that car won't last much longer. [=that car seems unlikely to last much longer]从外表看,那辆汽车开不了多久。 b  looks [plural] : physical appearance相貌;长相 Everyone says he's handsome, but I wasn't impressed by his looks.人人都说他英俊,但我觉得他的长相不怎么样。 especially : attractive physical appearance(尤指)美貌 She's very pretty, but she's not going to get by just on her looks.她很漂亮,但她不打算只靠美貌过日子。 He had boyish good looks.他长得年轻英俊。 She's worried about losing her looks [=becoming less attractive] as she grows older.她担心年华逝去将容颜不再。 c  [count] : a style or fashion时尚;款式 — usually singular通常用单数 a new look in women's fashion一种新款式女装 They wanted the right look for the company's new logo.那家公司需要一个合适的新标志。




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