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词汇 lose
释义 lose 19 ENTRIES FOUND: lose (verb) bearing (noun) cool (noun) count (noun) face (noun) grip (noun) ground (noun) head (noun) heart (noun) life (noun) lunch (noun) marble (noun) plot (noun) shirt (noun) sleep (noun) touch (noun) track (noun) way (noun) win (verb) lose /ˈluːz/ verb loses; lost /ˈlɑːst/ ; losing lose /ˈluːz/ verb loses; lost /ˈlɑːst/ ; losing Learner's definition of LOSE 1  [+ object] : to be unable to find (something or someone)丢失;遗失 She's always losing her gloves.她总是丢手套。 Don't lose your keys.别把钥匙丢了。 Hold my hand: I don't want to lose you.抓住我的手,我不想把你弄丢了。 The police lost him in the crowd. [=the police were no longer able to find/see him after he went into the crowd]警察在人群中把他跟丢了。 The airline lost my luggage. [=my luggage did not arrive at the airport I flew into]航空公司把我的行李弄丢了。 He lost the fly ball in the sun. [=he was unable to see the fly ball because he was looking toward the sun]阳光晃得他没看到那个高飞球。 The letter was lost in the mail. [=it was sent but never delivered to the person it was addressed to]信寄丢了。 2  : to fail to win (a game, contest, etc.)输掉(比赛等) [+ object] lose a battle/game输掉战斗/比赛 She lost her bid for reelection. [=she failed to win the election; she was not reelected]她在改选中失利。 We lost the game by a score of 4-2.我们以2:4的比分输掉了比赛。 He lost his title in the rematch.他在复赛中失去了冠军头衔。 She lost the lawsuit.她输了官司。 The team lost three games but won the next four.这个队连输三场,但接着赢了四场。 [no object] The team lost in the finals.这个队在决赛中败北。 an athlete known for losing with grace以输比赛但不输体面而出名的运动员 That horse always loses.那匹马总是输。 He hates to lose when money is involved.涉及钱时,他就很不愿意输。 How could she play that well and still lose?她发挥那么好,怎么还是输了呢? — often + to The Yankees lost to the Red Sox.扬基队输给了红袜队。 3  a  [+ object] : to fail to keep or hold (something wanted or valued)失去;丧失 lose an advantage失去优势 The country lost its independence 50 years ago.这个国家50年前丧失了独立。 The mayor is losing power/influence/support.那位市长的权力/影响力/支持度正在减弱。 He is in danger of losing control of the company.他面临失去公司控制权的危险。 She lost control of the car and skidded off the road.她的车失去控制,滑出了马路。 I was so angry that I lost control (of myself, of my temper) and yelled at them.我生气极了,情绪失控,冲他们吼了起来。 She didn't lose her job but she lost access to all confidential company materials.她虽然保住了工作,但无法再接触公司任何机密材料了。 The senator lost votes when he angered some of his supporters.那位议员因激怒了他的一些支持者而丢了选票。 The religious community was losing its younger members.这个宗教团体的年轻成员正在流失。 He hasn't lost his sense of humor.他还没有失去幽默感。 They had lost all hope of winning the title.他们已经完全失去了夺冠的希望。 I don't want anything to eat. I've lost my appetite. [=I no longer feel hungry]我什么也不想吃。我没胃口。 She began to lose confidence in herself. [=to feel less confident]她开始对自己失去信心。 Try not to lose patience with the children.尽量不要对孩子失去耐心。 The accident victim was rapidly losing blood.事故受害者在大出血。 I'm sorry I'm late. I lost track of the time. [=I failed to stay aware of the time; I did not realize that so much time had passed]抱歉我来晚了。我没留意时间。 She lost her balance [=failed to keep her weight spread equally] and fell.她失去平衡摔倒了。 b  ◊ If you have nothing (else/left) to lose, you cannot make a situation worse by taking a risk. If you have a lot to lose or have too much to lose, you could make your situation much worse by taking a risk or doing something.不会有任何损失;会失去很多 You might as well apply for the job. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.你不妨申请这份工作。你会只赚不亏。 Some of them are married and have young children—they have a lot to lose.他们中有些人已经结婚生子了——他们会失去很多。 I can't quit now. I have too much to lose.我现在不能退出,否则我将损失惨重。 c  : to fail to earn or keep (money)亏损 [+ object] They lost all their money/savings in a poor investment.他们因一次失败的投资而失去了所有的钱/积蓄。 The company has been losing money for the past several years. [=it has been spending more money than it has been earning]公司在过去的几年中一直亏损。 [no object] Investors lost heavily when the company's stock failed to meet expectations.公司的股票没能达到预期,投资者损失惨重。 d  [+ object] : to have (something) taken from you or destroyed被剥夺;被损坏 We lost (electrical) power during the storm.暴风雨期间我们断电了。 He lost an arm in the war. [=one of his arms was destroyed or so badly injured that it had to be removed]他在战争中失去了一条胳膊。 They lost everything in the fire. [=all their possessions were destroyed in the fire]火灾夺走了他们的一切。 He yelled so much during the game that he lost his voice [=he was unable to speak] for two days.他在比赛期间吼得太卖力了,结果嗓子哑了两天。 e  [+ object] : to gradually have less of (something) as time passes逐渐减少 Many people who lose weight by dieting eventually gain the weight back.许多节食减肥的人最后还是胖了回来。 She has been losing strength in her legs.她的腿越来越没力气了。 He was gradually losing his eyesight.他的视力正在逐渐衰退。 He's losing his hair. [=becoming bald]他开始脱发了。 The public seems to have lost interest in the case.公众似乎已经对这个案子失去了兴趣。 4  [+ object] : to cause (someone) to fail to win or keep (something) : to cause the loss of (something) for (someone)使失败;使丧失 One careless statement lost the election for her. = One careless statement lost her the election. [=she lost the election because of one careless statement]不经意的一席话让她输掉了选举。 5  a  : to decrease in (something)减少;降低 [+ object] The TV program has lost popularity [=become less popular] in recent years.近年来这档电视节目的热度已经退去。 The plane was losing altitude.飞机正在下降。 What will you do if the company's stock loses value when you expect it to gain value?当你期待公司股票升值时它却贬值了,你会怎么做? [no object] What will you do if the stock loses when you expect it to gain?如果当你期待股票升值时它却贬值了,你会怎么做? b  [+ object] : to decrease in value by (a specified amount)价值下跌至… His retirement account lost three percent last quarter.他退休金账户的金额上个季度减少了三个百分点。 c  [no object] : to decrease in value when compared to something else(与其他事物比较时)价值降低 The dollar lost against the pound last week.上周美元兑英镑的汇率下降了。 6  [+ object] a  : to experience or suffer the death of (a relative, friend, etc.)失去(亲人或朋友等) She lost her husband in the war. [=her husband was killed in the war]她在战争中失去了丈夫。 He lost his best friend to cancer. [=his best friend died of cancer]癌症夺走了他最好的朋友。 The country lost thousands of young men in/during the war. = Thousands of young men were lost [=killed] in/during the war. = Thousands of young men lost their lives in/during the war.这个国家有成千上方的年轻人在战争中丧生。 She's very sick, and the doctors say they're afraid they're going to lose her. [=they're afraid that she is going to die]她病得很重,医生说她恐怕没救了。 I was sad to hear that she lost the baby. [=that her baby died before being born or soon after being born]听说她的孩子没了,我很难过。 a sailor who was lost at sea [=who died at sea]在海上遇难的水手 b  : to no longer have or be with (someone who leaves)失去(离开的伴侣、伙伴等) We'll be sorry to lose you when you leave for your new job.如果你因新工作而离开我们,我们会很遗憾的。 He begged his wife to forgive him and told her that he didn't want to lose her.他请求妻子原谅,并对她说不想失去她。 7  [+ object] : to fail to keep control of (something)对(某物)失去控制 He lost his temper/cool/composure. [=he became angry]他失控发脾气了。 She wondered if she was losing her mind/sanity. [=becoming insane]她不知道自己是不是失去了理智。 He seems to be losing his nerve. [=becoming afraid]他看起来惊慌失措。 — see also lose your head at 1head 8  [+ object] a  : to fail to use (something, such as time) : waste浪费(时间等) I don't want to lose this chance/opportunity.我不想浪费这次机会。 We lost (a good bit of) time in that traffic jam.堵车浪费了我们(很多)的时间。 She lost no time in getting the project started. [=she got the project started immediately]她立即启动了项目。 We need to get started immediately. There's no time to lose.我们得马上开始。抓紧时间吧。 b  of a watch or clock : to show a time that is earlier than the correct time : to run slow by (an amount of time)(钟表)走慢 [+ object] My old watch loses a minute every day.我的旧表每天都走慢一分钟。 [no object] a clock that loses less than any other clock yet invented迄今发明的走慢误差最小的时钟 9  [+ object] : to explain something in a way that is not clear to (someone) : to confuse (someone)使不明白;使迷惑 I'm sorry. You've lost me. [=I don't understand what you're telling me]很抱歉,你把我弄糊涂了。 I understood the first part of the lecture, but when he started to talk about quantum physics he lost me completely. [=I was completely unable to understand what he was saying]讲座的第一部分我听懂了,但是当他开始讲量子物理学之后我就完全被搞糊涂了。 10  [+ object] : to succeed in getting away from (someone who is following or chasing you)逃脱;甩掉(跟踪者) She tried to lose them by turning down a side street.她拐进小巷力图把他们甩掉。 11  [+ object] informal : to get rid of (something unwanted)摆脱(不想要的东西) I just can't seem to lose this cold.看来我是没法摆脱这场感冒了。 Lose the attitude, okay? [=stop having a bad attitude; stop being annoyed, uncooperative, etc.]把态度改改,行不? You can lose [=remove] that sentence and the paragraph will sound better.你可以删掉那个句子,这样整段话听起来会好些。 lose contact — see 1contact lose count — see 2count lose face — see 1face lose ground — see 1ground lose it informal 1  : to become insane失去理智 He was always a little strange, but now he's completely lost it.他一直都有点奇怪,但现在是彻底疯了。 2  : to start behaving in an uncontrolled way because you are angry or upset(因生气或苦恼)失控 I was so angry that I almost lost it.我非常生气,差点就失控了。 lose out [phrasal verb] : to fail to keep or get something valued or desired丧失,得不到(贵重的或想要的东西) Whoever benefits from the new government programs, the American taxpayer is bound to lose out in the end.无论是谁从政府的新计划中获益,最终吃亏的肯定都是美国的纳税人。 — often + on or to If you don't invest with us, you'll be losing out on a great opportunity! [=you'll be missing/wasting a great opportunity]如果你不给我们投资,你将错失良机。 She lost out to a better-known actress for the lead role. [=she did not get the lead role because a better-known actress got it]她没演成女主角,输给了一个知名度更高的女演员。 lose sleep over — see 2sleep lose the plot — see 1plot lose touch — see 2touch lose your bearings — see bearing lose your grip — see 2grip lose your head — see 1head lose your heart — see heart lose your life — see 1life lose your lunch — see 1lunch lose your marbles — see marble lose yourself : to give all of your attention or thought to something沉浸于;专心致志于 He lost himself in his work.他沉浸在工作中。 a musician who completely loses herself in the music完全沉浸于音乐的女音乐家 lose your shirt — see shirt lose your touch — see 2touch lose your way — see 1way — losable /ˈluːzəbəl/ adjective a losable game可能失败的比赛 — losing adjective the losing candidate in the race [=the candidate who did not win; the candidate who lost]角逐中失败的候选人 The team is on a losing streak.这支球队屡战屡败。 The team had a losing record/season.这支球队有个失败的战绩/赛季。




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