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词汇 lot
释义 lot 11 ENTRIES FOUND: lot (noun) job lot (noun) parking lot (noun) awful (adjective) bad (adjective) cast (verb) desire (verb) lump (noun) say (verb) take (verb) thanks (noun) lot /ˈlɑːt/ noun plural lots lot /ˈlɑːt/ noun plural lots Learner's definition of LOT 1  [count] a  chiefly US : a small piece of land that is or could be used for building something or for some other purpose一块地 He bought the vacant/empty lot across the street.他买下了街对面的空地。 They own the house on the corner lot.拐角处的那座房子是他们的。 a building lot建筑用地 — see also parking lot b  : the buildings and land that are owned by a company that makes movies and television programs影视城;摄影场 We took a tour of the Universal lot.我们参观了环球影视城。 2  [count] : a small object used to choose the person who will do or receive something签;阄 ◊ When someone is chosen by lot or when people draw lots or (less commonly) cast lots to choose someone, each person in a group takes a small object or a piece of paper from a container. One of the objects or pieces of paper is different from the others, and the person who takes the different one is chosen.抽签;抓阄 The winner was chosen by lot.抽签决定胜出者。 We drew lots to determine the winner.我们抽签决定胜出者。 3  [singular] : a person's situation in life especially as decided by chance命运;处境 The organization has done much to improve the lot of underprivileged youth.这一组织已为改善贫困青年的生活状况做了很多工作。 Unhappy with her lot in life, she moved to the city to start over.由于对处境不满,她搬到城里重新开始。 Synonyms see: destiny 4  informal a  [count] chiefly British : all the members of a group of people全体成员— usually singular通常用单数 Do you know the lot [=bunch, crowd] that hang around the arcade?你认识在拱廊闲逛的那群人吗? That lot will never amount to anything! They're a thoroughly bad lot.那群家伙绝对成不了器!他们就是一群大混蛋。 Pipe down, the (whole) lot of you. = Pipe down, you lot.你们全都给我安静下来。 ◊ In British English, a person who is not liked is sometimes described as a bad lot.(英国英语)不讨人喜欢的人 He may be a bit wild, but he's not a bad lot once you get to know him.他可能有点野,但了解之后就会觉得他并不招人烦。 b  the lot : all the things of a group全部事物 They sell tuxedos, business suits, casual wear…the lot.他们出售男士晚礼服、商业套装、休闲装等所有款式。 This one's the best of the lot.这是所有东西中最好的一个。 5  [count] : one or more things being sold as one item at an auction拍卖品 Lot 45 is a dining room set.45号拍卖品是一套餐厅桌椅。 — see also job lot a lot 1  also (informal) lots : a large amount大量 She has done a lot to help other people.她为帮助别人做了很多事情。 I'd give a lot to be able to write like that!要是能写成那样,我愿意付出很多! I'm not asking for a lot. [=much]我并没有要求很多。 They must have paid a lot for that car.他们肯定为那辆车花了不少钱。 We did quite a lot this morning.今天上午我们干了很多活儿。 We still have a lot to do. = We still have lots (and lots) to do.我们还有很多事情要做。 2  : very often经常 Do they hike a lot?他们经常远足吗? I've been seeing her a lot recently.我最近经常见到她。 3  — used to say that you feel a particular emotion very strongly(形容某种强烈感觉)很,非常 “Did you like the movie?” “Yes, I liked it a lot.” [=very much]“你喜欢这部电影吗?”“是的,非常喜欢。” I miss her a lot since she went away.她走之后我一直很想她。 4  also (informal) lots : to a large degree or extent : much(程度上)很,非常 This is a lot nicer. [=this is much nicer]这个漂亮多了。 There's a lot more to it than I realized at first. [=it's more complicated than it looks]它比我起初想的要复杂得多。 I'm feeling lots better.我感觉好多了。 Thanks a lot. [=very much]非常感谢。 a lot of also (informal) lots of : a large number or amount of (things, people, etc.)大量;许多 A lot of people feel that way.许多人都有那样的感觉。 There was a lot of space. = There was lots of space.空间很大。 We had lots of fun.我们玩得很高兴。 You can enjoy yourself without spending a lot of money.你不用花很多钱也能玩得很开心。 I don't need a lot of help; I just need a little.我不需要很多帮助;只需要一点点。 We don't have an awful lot of money/time. [=we don't have much money/time]我们没有多少钱/时间。 (informal) I think their ideas are a lot of garbage/nonsense. [=I think their ideas are very foolish]我认为他们的想法都是垃圾/废话。 (informal) It doesn't make a whole lot of [=very much] difference.这并没有太大的不同。 Not a lot of people [=not many people] know that.没几个人知道那件事。 “I've brought an umbrella.” “A (fat) lot of good that will do [=that will not do any good] now that it's stopped raining!”“我带了一把伞。”“一点用也没有,现在雨停了!” leave a lot to be desired — see 1desire throw in your lot with or cast your lot with : to join or become associated with a person, group, or thing that you hope will win or succeed与…同舟共济 During the American Civil War, my great-grandfather threw in his lot with the Confederacy/Union.美国南北战争期间,我的曾祖父全力支持南部邦联/合众国。




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