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词汇 make
释义 make (noun) make 125 ENTRIES FOUND: make (verb) make (noun) make-believe (noun) make-believe (adjective) make-or-break (adjective) amends (noun) appearance (noun) bed (noun) beeline (noun) believe (verb) best (noun) big (adverb) big deal (noun) blood (noun) boil (verb) bone (noun) breast (noun) cause (noun) certain (adjective) clean (adjective) cold (adjective) comparison (noun) connection (noun) crawl (verb) creep (verb) curdle (verb) curl (verb) day (noun) dent (noun) difference (noun) do (verb) early (adjective) end (noun) example (noun) exhibition (noun) eye (noun) face (noun) federal case (noun) fist (noun) fool (noun) friend (noun) fun (noun) go (noun) good (adjective) grade (noun) ground (noun) hair (noun) hash (noun) haste (noun) hay (noun) head (noun) headway (noun) hear (verb) heart (noun) heavy (adjective) history (noun) honest (adjective) issue (noun) kiss (verb) know (verb) laugh (verb) leeway (noun) lie (verb) light (adjective) love (noun) mark (noun) meal (noun) meet (verb) merry (adjective) mess (noun) might (noun) mincemeat (noun) mind (noun) mistake (noun) molehill (noun) monkey (noun) most (noun) mountain (noun) move (noun) much (pronoun) muck (noun) name (noun) necessity (noun) nice (adjective) noise (noun) nonsense (noun) odds (noun) pass (noun) peace (noun) pig (noun) play (noun) point (noun) poor (adjective) presence (noun) right (noun) round (noun) scarce (adjective) secret (noun) sense (noun) shine (verb) short (adjective) snappy (adjective) song and dance (noun) spectacle (noun) splash (noun) sport (noun) stand (verb) sun (noun) sure (adjective) tail (noun) thing (noun) tick (verb) time (noun) toe (noun) track (noun) understand (verb) use (noun) virtue (noun) waste (noun) wave (noun) way (noun) weather (noun) whoopee (noun) work (noun) wrong (noun) 1 make /ˈmeɪk/ verb makes; made /ˈmeɪd/ ; making 1 make /ˈmeɪk/ verb makes; made /ˈmeɪd/ ; making Learner's definition of MAKE 1  [+ object] a  : to build, create, or produce (something) by work or effort做;制作;生产;创造 make a box/chair/suit制作箱子/椅子/套装 make someone a dress = make a dress for someone给某人做连衣裙 He works in a factory that makes jet engines.他在一家喷气发动机厂上班。 She made the curtains herself.她自己缝制了窗帘。 He collected wood to make a fire.他捡来了木头生火。 She used cheese and a mixture of other ingredients to make a delicious sauce.她用奶酪和其他原料混合做了一道美味的酱。 — often followed by with to describe the things that are used to produce something常接with,用于描述制作某物的材料 She made the sauce with cheese and other ingredients.她用奶酪和其他原料做了那道酱。 — often followed by of to describe the material that forms something常接of,用于描述构成某物的材料 The box is made of wood. [=it is a wood/wooden box; the material used to produce the box was wood]这箱子是木头做的。 The topping is made entirely of cheese. [=the topping consists entirely of cheese]最上面一层全部是奶酪做的。 — often followed by from to describe the source of a product常接from,用于描述某产品的原料 Cheese is made from milk.奶酪是用牛奶做的。 b  : to use (something) to create a product(用…)制成,做成 — + into She made the material into a dress.她用这块布料做了一件衣服。 She made a mixture of ingredients into a delicious sauce.她用多种原料混合做了一道美味的酱。 2  [+ object] : to cause (something) to exist, happen, or appear(使)存在,发生,出现 Someone was making a disturbance.有人正在闹事。 The car's engine has been making a strange noise lately.汽车的发动机近来总是发出一种奇怪的声音。 The rock made a dent in the car's fender.石头把车的挡泥板砸出一个凹痕。 I'm not trying to make trouble.我并不是想找麻烦。 The typist made a mistake.打字员出了个错。 I called the doctor's office to make an appointment.我给医生办公室打电话预约。 They moved over and made room for her.他们挪了挪,给她腾出了地方。 I want to make a good home for my children.我想给我的孩子们创造一个幸福的家。 3  [+ object] : to create or write (something) in an official or legal way制定;拟定 The government should make laws to protect poor people.政府应该制定法律保护穷人。 I don't make the rules; I just follow them.我不制定规则,我只是遵守规则。 You should make a will.你应该立个遗嘱。 4  [+ object] : to produce, direct, or act in (something, such as a movie)制作,导演,参演(电影等) a director who has made some classic films执导过几部经典电影的导演 That actor has made many films.那位演员演过许多电影。 5  [+ object] : to cause (something or someone) to be changed in a specified way使…改变 They adapted a Russian play and made the setting Dublin rather than Moscow.他们改编了一部俄罗斯戏剧,把背景由莫斯科改成了都柏林。 We originally planned on a one-week vacation, but we decided to make it two weeks instead.我们原本计划了为期一周的假期,但是后来决定改为两周。 The experience made him a cynic. = The experience made a cynic (out) of him. = The experience made [=changed, turned] him into a cynic.这段经历使他变成了一个愤世嫉俗的人。 I'd like a hamburger. No, wait—make that a cheeseburger.我要一个牛肉汉堡包。不,等一下,改成奶酪汉堡包吧。 6  [+ object] : to cause (something or someone) to have a specified quality, feeling, etc.使具有(某种特质、感觉等);使变得 A good teacher makes learning enjoyable.好老师寓教于乐。 She made what she wanted clear to us. = She made (it) clear to us what she wanted. [=she said or showed clearly what she wanted]她清楚地向我们表达了她的需求。 He made it understood/known that he expected us to help.他让我们明白/知道他希望得到我们的帮助。 The experience made him cynical.这段经历让他变得愤世嫉俗。 Working in the garden makes me very tired.在花园里干活把我累得够呛。 It makes me sad to think that the summer is ending.想到夏天即将结束,我不由得伤感起来。 The photograph makes me seem/look fat.这张照片上我有点显胖。 ◊ To make yourself useful means to do something useful.做点有用的事 Why don't you make yourself useful by washing the dishes?你为什么不干点有用的事,把碗洗了呢? ◊ To make yourself heard/understood (etc.) means to do what is necessary to be sure that people hear you, understand you, etc.让别人听见/听懂自己 The music was so loud that she could hardly make herself heard.音乐声太响了,她几乎没法让别人听清她说话。 She doesn't speak French well, but she can make herself understood.她法语说得不太好,但是能让别人听明白。 7  [+ object] : to cause (something) to be or become something(使)成为,变为 A good teacher makes learning a pleasure. = A good teacher makes it a pleasure to learn.好老师寓教于乐。 Yes, you can leave work early today, but don't make it a habit.行,你今天可以提前下班,但是不要养成习惯。 The bright paint really makes the room come alive!色彩明快的涂料真的使房间充满了生机! 8  [+ object] a  : to cause (someone) to do something使(某人)做 He yelled at her and made her cry.他冲她大吼,把她弄哭了。 How can I make you understand that I love you?!我怎么才能让你明白我爱你呢?! b  : to force (someone) to do something迫使(某人)做 We have to find a way to make them work faster.我们得想个办法让他们加快工作速度。 They made me wait for an hour.他们让我等了一个小时。 If he doesn't want to do it, we can't make him (do it).如果他不想干,我们也不能强迫他做。 They used threats to make her do it. = She was made to do it by the use of threats.他们用威胁手段,逼迫她那样做。 9  [+ object] : to give a particular job, title, status, etc., to (someone)给…(工作、头衔、地位等) They made him (the) Emperor.他们拥立他为皇帝。 They made her a member of their club. = She was made a member of their club.他们吸收她为俱乐部的成员。 10  [+ object] : to perform (a particular action)做(某种动作) He made a bow. [=he bowed]他鞠了一躬。 We made [=took] a detour to avoid traffic.为避免交通拥堵,我们绕道而行。 They made [=got] an early start. [=they started early]他们早早就出发了。 I have to make a (telephone) call to my boss. [=I have to call/telephone my boss]我得给老板打个电话。 May I make a suggestion? [=may I suggest something?]我可以提个建议吗? “Make love, not war!” shouted the demonstrators.“做爱,不作战!”示威者喊道。 I'm not used to making [=giving] speeches.我不习惯演讲。 They made a bet [=they bet] that she would win.他们打赌她会赢。 Don't make any sudden movements.不要贸然行动。 They made a contribution. [=they contributed]他们捐了款。 We should make a distinction between them.我们应该把两者区分开来。 She made a promise to him. = She made him a promise.她对他许下承诺。 He made note of her address.他记下了她的地址。 Time is running out. You'll have to make a decision soon.时间不多了,你得尽快做出决定。 11  [+ object] : to form (a plan) in your mind构想 Have you made any plans for your vacation?你计划好假期怎么过了吗? 12  [+ object] : to arrange the blankets and sheets on (a bed) so that the mattress is covered铺(床) She always makes the bed after she gets up in the morning.早晨起床后,她总是把床铺好。 13  [+ object] : to prepare (food or drink)准备(食物或饮料) Let me make dinner for you. = Let me make you dinner.我来给你做晚饭吧。 Can I make you a drink?我给你弄点喝的吧? I'll make the pasta if you make the salad.你要是做沙拉,我就来做意大利面食。 She made a cake for her daughter's birthday.她为女儿的生日做了一个蛋糕。 14  a  [linking verb] — used to indicate a total总计;合计 That makes the third time you've said the same thing!这可是你第三次说同样的话了! I've lost again! That makes $3 I owe you.我又输了!这样我就总共欠你3美元了。 “I'm hungry.” “That makes two of us.” [=I'm hungry too]“我饿了。”“我也饿了。” b  [+ object] : to be equal to (an amount)等于(某个量) Three plus two make/makes [=equals, totals] five.三加二等于五。 c  [+ object] : to calculate (an amount, total, etc.)计算 “What do you make the time?” [=what do you think the time is?] “(I make it) About half past three.”“你估计几点了?”“(我想)大约三点半。” I make the distance back to camp about four miles. = I make it about four miles back to camp.我估计回营地的路大约四英里。 15  a  [+ object] : to be used to produce (something)用作(原料) Rags make the best paper.破布能生产出最好的纸张。 b  [linking verb] : to be suited for use as (something)适合作(某物) This new building would make [=be] a fine school.这栋新建筑适合办成一所不错的学校。 c  [linking verb] : to be or become (something)是,成为(某物) She and her boyfriend make [=are] a lovely couple.她和男友是甜蜜的一对儿。 She will make a fine judge one day.她将来会成为一名优秀的法官。 She made [=was] a loving wife to him. = She made him a loving wife.她是对他充满爱意的妻子。 16  [+ object] : to arrive at (a place)到达 The ship made port today.轮船今天到港了。 17  [+ object] : to earn or gain (money, a profit, etc.)赚取,获得(钱、利润等) He makes $50,000 a year.他一年挣5万美元。 She makes a good salary.她薪水很高。 Their products are so inexpensive I don't know how they make a profit.他们的产品这么便宜,我不知道他们如何获得利润。 She made $100 on the deal. = The deal made $100 for her. = The deal made her $100.这笔生意她挣了100美元。 He makes a/his living by doing small jobs.他靠打零工维持生计。 He made a/his fortune in the stock market.他炒股发了财。 18  [+ object] a  : to be accepted as a member of (a group, team, etc.)加入(团体、球队等) She's finally made the team.她终于加入了那个队。 b  : to appear on or in (a newspaper, a headline, etc.)登上(报纸、头版头条等) The story of his accident made the front page of the paper.有关他事故的报道上了报纸的头版。 The story made headlines all across the country.这则报道成了全国的头版头条新闻。 c  chiefly US : to be promoted to (a level or rank)晋升;升职为 My uncle is in the army. He made major last year.我叔叔在军队里,去年晋升为少校。 19  [+ object] sports a  : to succeed in doing (something that you attempt)成功做(某事);打进 I missed the first foul shot but made the second one.我丢了第一个罚球,但第二个进了。 He has to make this putt to win the tournament.他必须推杆进球才能赢得这场比赛。 — opposite miss b  : to produce (a particular score)得(分) She made a 6 on the second hole.她第二洞打出了6杆。 He made a birdie/bogey.他打出个小鸟球/柏忌球。 20  [+ object] a  : to not be too late for (something)来得及;赶上 They (just/barely) made the deadline.他们(刚好/勉强)赶上了最后期限。 We got to the station just in time to make the train.我们到达车站,刚好赶上了火车。 — opposite miss b  : to reach or go to (a place)到达,去(某地) We made [=reached] Atlanta in just under two hours.我们正好在两小时内到达了亚特兰大。 c  : to succeed in reaching or going to (something)成功到达 The team made [=qualified for] the play-offs last year.去年这支球队成功闯人了季后赛。 I don't know if I'll be able to make that meeting.我不知道能否赶上那个会。 — opposite miss 21  [+ object] : to act in a way that causes someone to be your friend, enemy, etc.结交(朋友);树(敌);结(怨) She makes friends easily.她很容易结交朋友。 He made a few enemies when he worked here.他在这里工作的时候,和几个人结了怨。 22  [+ object] : to cause the success of (someone or something)使成功 This film could make or break her career. [=the success or failure of her career could depend on the success or failure of this film]这部电影有可能成就也有可能毁掉她的事业。 — see also make-or-break 23  [+ object] : to cause (something) to be enjoyable, attractive, etc.使有趣(或有吸引力等) The bright paint really makes the room!色彩明快的涂料真的使房间亮堂起来! Meeting the star of the show really made our day!见到这场演出的明星真的让我们这一天好开心! 24  [no object] old-fashioned + literary : to seem to begin an action似乎要开始行动 She made to go. = She made as if to go. [=she moved in a way that suggested she was going]她好像要走了。 make a face — see 1face make away with [phrasal verb] make away with (something) literary : to steal and take away (something)偷走 Someone had made away with [=made off with] all the money.有人已经把所有的钱都偷走了。 make believe — see believe make do : to proceed or do what you can with the things that you have even though you do not have what you want凑合;将就 They didn't have much money but they somehow managed to make do.他们钱不多,但总能想办法凑合着过。 — often + with If we can't get what we want, we'll just have to make do with what we've got.如果得不到想要的,我们只好就拿现有的凑合了。 — often + without If we don't have carrots for the soup, we'll just have to make do without them.如果没有胡萝卜做汤,我们就只好将就一下了。 make eyes at — see 1eye make for [phrasal verb] 1  make for (something) : to go toward (a place) quickly快步走向 Everyone made for [=headed for] the exit as soon as the show was over.演出一结束,所有人都涌向了出口。 After he left the office he made straight for home.离开办公室后,他就直接奔回家了。 2  : to cause (something) to happen or to be more likely导致;促成;有助于 Courtesy makes for safer driving.文明礼让使驾车更安全。 make friends — see friend make it 1  : to reach a particular place, goal, etc.到达;达到;实现 The ship made it to port.轮船进港了。 You'll never make it that far.你永远也到不了那么远。 The climbers finally made it to the top of the mountain.登山者终于到达了山顶。 Welcome to the party. I'm glad you could make it! = Welcome! I'm glad you could make it to the party!欢迎!我很高兴你能来参加聚会! The story made it to the front page. [=the story appeared on the front page]这则报道登上了头版头条。 She's finally made it onto the team. [=she finally was accepted on the team]她终于加入了这个队。 If we hurry, we can still make it home before dark.如果我们加快速度,还能在天黑之前赶到家。 2  : to not fail, die, etc. : survive存活;幸存 Many new businesses don't make it through their first year.许多新企业第一年就关门了。 He's very sick. The doctor doesn't think he's going to make it.他病得很重,医生认为他挺不过去。 3  : to become successful成功 It's tough to succeed in this business, but if you work hard I know you'll make it eventually.干这一行很难成功,但是如果你努力,我相信你最终会成功的。 He made it big [=became very successful] in real estate.他干房地产很成功。 4  chiefly US, informal : to have sex性交 His girlfriend caught him making it with another girl.他的女友当场抓住他和另外一个女孩发生性关系。 make like US, informal 1  : to pretend to be (someone or something)装扮成;扮演 He made like a rooster and strutted across the stage.他装扮成一只公鸡,在舞台上大摇大摆地走过。 2  : to act in a way that does not show your true feelings假装;装作 He made like [=acted like] he didn't care.他假装不在乎。 make love — see 1love make merry — see merry make much of : to treat (something) as very important重视;认为…很重要 In talking about his past, the book makes much of the influence of his brother. [=the book says that his brother's influence was very important]关于他的过去,书中认为哥哥对他的影响很大。 She tends to make far too much of her problems.她常常夸大自己的困难。 You shouldn't make too much of what he said—he was only joking.你不必该把他的话太当真——他只是在开玩笑。 make nice — see nice make of [phrasal verb] 1  make (something) of (something or someone) : to have or form an opinion about (something or someone)理解;看待 What do you make of this? [=what is your opinion about this?]你对此有何看法? I can't make anything of it at all.这事儿我根本弄不明白。 I don't know what to make of her behavior. [=I don't understand her behavior]我不理解她的行为。 He's a strange guy. I don't know quite what to make of him.他是个怪人,我真不太理解他。 2  make (a day, night, etc.) of it : to continue with an enjoyable activity during all of (a day, night, etc.)(整天、整夜)痛快地享受 Since we're going out to dinner anyway, let's make an evening of it and go to a movie afterward.反正我们要出去吃晚饭,干脆我们就开心一晚上,吃完后再去看场电影吧。 3  make something of (yourself or your life) : to become successful获得成功 She has worked very hard to make something of herself.她非常努力地工作以取得事业的成功。 He wants to make something of his life. [=to have a successful and productive life]他想让自己的人生有所建树。 4  make something of it informal : to treat something as a reason for arguing or being angry以…为由吵架;因…而生气 — used in speech as an angry way of telling someone that you are prepared to fight or argue about something用于口语,表示愤怒地告诉某人你准备就某事而争吵 Yes, I got home late last night. Do you want to make something of it? [=do you want to argue/fight about it?]没错,我昨晚回家晚了。你想为这事儿吵架吗? — see also make much of (above) make off [phrasal verb] 1  chiefly British : to leave quickly especially in order to escape(匆忙)逃走,逃离 After taking the money, the thieves made off toward the main highway.这些窃贼偷了钱之后匆忙朝主干路逃去。 2  make off with (something) : to take or steal (something) and go away拿走;偷走 Someone broke into the office and made off with some valuable equipment.有人破门闯入办公室,偷走了一些贵重的设备。 make out [phrasal verb] 1  make (something) out or make out (something) : to write down the required information on (something, such as a check)开具,填写(支票等) He made out a check for $100 to cover the cost of the repairs.他开了一张100美元的支票支付维修费。 make out [=fill out] a form填表 The doctor will make out a prescription for you. = The doctor will make you out a prescription.医生会给你开处方的。 She made out a shopping list before going to the grocery store.去杂货店之前,她列了一张购物单。 2  make (something) out or make out (something) a  : to see and identify (something)看出;辨认出 We could just make out a ship approaching through the fog.雾色中,我们勉强能看到一艘轮船正在靠近。 b  : to hear and understand (something)听出;听懂 I couldn't quite make out what she said.我听不太明白她说的话。 c  : to learn or understand (something) by studying, searching, etc.学会;理解 I can't quite make out [=tell] whether he's drunk or sober.我不太清楚他是喝醉了,还是清醒的。 We're still trying to make out [=find out, figure out] what really happened.我们还在努力查明到底发生了什么。 3  make (someone) out informal : to understand the behavior of (someone)理解,弄懂(某人) — used in negative statements用于否定句 I just can't make him out [=figure him out]—he's so contradictory.我真搞不懂他——他太矛盾了。 4  make (someone or something) out : to describe (someone or something) in a specified and usually false way(通常以错误的方式)把…说成,描述 The book makes them out to be criminals.这本书把他们描写成罪犯。 Don't make them out as worse than they are.不要丑化他们。 He's not as bad as he's made out (to be). = He's not as bad as people make him out (to be).他并不像人们说的那么坏。 5  informal — used to ask about or describe the success or progress of someone or something(用于询问或描述)进展 “How are you making out [=doing, getting along] in your new job?” “Just fine, thank you!”“你的新工作干得怎么样?”“不错,谢谢!” “How did the team make out yesterday?” “They won.”“球队昨天表现如何?”“他们赢了。” (US) He made out like a bandit [=he made a lot of money] when he sold the company.他卖掉公司,挣了一大笔钱。 6  chiefly US, informal : to kiss and touch for a long time in a sexual way(长时间)亲吻抚摸 She was making out [=(old-fashioned) necking] with her boyfriend.她与男友久久拥吻。 make over [phrasal verb] 1  make (something or someone) over or make over (something or someone) : to change the appearance of (something or someone)改变外观;改变外貌 We made the whole house over so it looked more modern.我们翻修了整个房子,所以它看上去更时尚了。 — see also makeover 2  make (something) over or make over (something) : to give (property) to another person in an official or legal way转让(财产) He made the ranch/shares over to his eldest son.他把农场/股份转让给了他的长子。 make up [phrasal verb] 1  make (something) up or make up (something) : to create or invent (a story, a lie, etc.)编造;捏造;虚构 He entertained the children by making up a funny story about a cat that lived on a sailboat.他编了个关于一只生活在帆船上的小猫的故事来逗孩子们开心。 He made up some excuse about having problems with his car, but no one believed him.他编了个借口,说是汽车坏了,但是没人相信他。 It never happened: you made it all up!根本没有这回事。全是你编的! He didn't have a prepared speech. He just made it up as he went along.他没有准备演讲稿,只是现编现说。 — see also made-up 2  make (something) up or make up (something) a  : to combine to produce (something)组成;构成 Ten chapters make up this volume. = This volume is made up [=composed] of 10 chapters.这卷书由10章组成。 b  : to produce or create (something) by putting together different parts组合成;拼成 They're going to make up a list of requirements for us. = They're going to make us up a list of requirements.他们会给我们列一张需求清单。 c  : to prepare (something) so that it is ready to be used准备;安排 I'll make up a bed for you. = I'll make you up a bed. [=I'll prepare a bed for you to sleep in]我会为你铺张床。 d  British : to supply (something) according to directions配制 make up [=(US) fill] a prescription配药方 3  make (something) up or make up (something) : to provide an amount of time, money, etc., that is needed补足(时间);补齐(费用) The total cost of the repairs is $200. If you can pay half of that, I'll make up the rest.全部维修费是200美元。如果你能付一半钱,那么剩下的由我来付。 I'll make up the difference.差额我来弥补。 I have to leave work early today, but I'll make up the time by working late tomorrow.我今天得早点下班,但是我明天会加班补上。 4  make up (someone or something) or make (someone or something) up a  : to put makeup on (someone or someone's face)化妆 She made herself up for the party.她为参加聚会化了妆。 Her face was heavily made up. [=there was a lot of makeup on her face]她脸上化了浓妆。 — see also made-up b  : to change the appearance of (someone or something) by using costumes, decorations, etc.化装;装扮;装饰 The actor was made up to look like George Washington.这位演员化装成了乔治·华盛顿。 The room was made up to look like a disco.房间被装饰得像个迪斯科舞厅。 5  informal : to become friendly again after being angry和好;和解 They quarreled but later made up (with each other).他们吵架了,但后来又和好了。 He made up with his girlfriend.他跟女朋友和好了。 (chiefly Brit) She's trying to make it up with him.她正想办法与他和好。 6  make up for (something) : to do or have something as a way of correcting or improving (something else)弥补,补偿(某事) He wanted to make up for [=atone for] neglecting his children by spending more time with them.他花更多的时间陪孩子,想弥补对他们的忽略。 She tried to make up for lost time by working extra hard.她加倍努力地工作,想弥补失去的时间。 What the movie lacks in plot it makes up for in special effects.这部电影的特技弥补了情节上的不足。 7  make up to (someone) British, informal + disapproving : to treat (someone) in a very friendly or helpful way in order to get something for yourself巴结;讨好 an employee who's always making up to [=(US, informal) sucking up to] the boss总是讨好老板的员工 8  make it up to (someone) : to do something helpful or good for (someone you have hurt or treated wrongly)弥补,补偿(某人) He'd neglected his children and wanted to make it up to them by spending more time with them.他忽略了孩子,想花更多的时间陪他们以进行补偿。 make up your mind — see 1mind make your way, make way — see 1way — see also made 2 make /ˈmeɪk/ noun plural makes 2 make /ˈmeɪk/ noun plural makes Learner's definition of MAKE [count] : a group of products that are all made by a particular company and given a particular name(产品的)品牌 The store sells computers in many different makes [=brands] and models.这家商店出售多种品牌和型号的电脑。 “What make of car is that?” “I think it's a Ford.”“那辆车是什么牌子的?”“我想是辆福特。” on the make informal + often disapproving 1  : trying to get more money or power追逐名利;唯利是图 He doesn't trust anyone in the movie business. He thinks that everyone in Hollywood is always on the make.他不相信电影业的任何人,他认为好莱坞的每个人都唯利是图。 2  : trying to get sex追求性关系;求欢 a beautiful woman who's often approached by guys on the make常常被求欢心切的男人们接近的漂亮女子




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