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词汇 margin
释义 margin 3 ENTRIES FOUND: margin (noun) profit margin (noun) error (noun) margin /ˈmɑɚʤən/ noun plural margins margin /ˈmɑɚʤən/ noun plural margins Learner's definition of MARGIN [count] 1  : the part of a page that is above, below, or to the side of the printed part页边空白 Please write your name in the left/left-hand margin of the page.请把你的名字写在本页左边/左手边的空白处。 a book with wide/narrow margins一本页边空白部分很大/很小的书 2  : the place where something (such as a piece of land) stops : the edge of something边;缘;边沿;边缘 We'll meet at the margin [=(more commonly) edge] of the forest.我们将在森林边上见面。 Mountains lie at the city's northern/southern margins.山脉位于城市的北边/南边。 — often used figuratively in the phrase on the margins or (US) on the margin常用作比喻,用于短语on the margins或on the margin We are trying to improve medical care for poor families living on the margins of society. [=poor families who are often forgotten or ignored by society]我们正努力改善那些生活在社会边缘的贫困家庭的医疗条件。 The business has been operating on the margins of respectability. [=has been operating in a way that is not truly respectable]这家企业一直经营得不太好。 3  : an extra amount of something (such as time or space) that can be used if it is needed余地;备用的时间(或空间) a safety margin安全距离 ◊ If you have little or no margin for/of error, it means that you need to be very careful not to make mistakes. If you have a greater margin for/of error, you can be less careful.出错的余地 We want the design to offer users a generous margin for error.我们希望这个设计能给使用者提供较大的误差余地。 The schedule allows us very little margin for error.这个安排几乎不允许我们出现什么差错。 4  : a measurement of difference差数;幅度 The bullet missed his heart by a narrow/slim margin. [=the bullet narrowly missed his heart]这颗子弹差一点就击中了他的心脏。 We lost the election by a one-vote margin. [=we lost the election by one vote]我们仅以一票之差落选。 She won by a margin of 3,000 votes.她以多出3000张选票当选。 He was the winner by a large/considerable margin.他以极大的优势获胜。 ◊ A margin of error is a number or percentage that shows how accurate a measurement is.误差幅度 The poll indicates that the President is supported by 54 percent of the voters, with a margin of error of 3 percent. [=it is possible that as few as 51 percent or as many as 57 percent of the voters support the President]民意调查显示有54%的选民支持总统,误差幅度为3%。 — see also profit margin




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