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词汇 attract
释义 attract 2 ENTRIES FOUND: attract (verb) opposite (noun) attract /əˈtrækt/ verb attracts; attracted; attracting attract /əˈtrækt/ verb attracts; attracted; attracting Learner's definition of ATTRACT [+ object] 1  a  : to cause (someone) to choose to do or be involved in something吸引;引来 The company has a difficult time attracting good employees because of its poor pay and benefits.这家公司的工资低、福利差,招不到优秀员工。 The chance to travel around the world attracted me to a career as a flight attendant.有机会周游世界使我选择成为一名空乘人员。 b  : to cause (someone) to like or be interested in something使喜欢;使产生兴趣 — usually used as (be) attracted通常用作(be) attracted He is attracted to hockey because of the constant action of the game.他喜欢打冰球,因为这项运动要不停地动。 I was attracted by the town's vibrant art community.我被这个镇充满活力的艺术社团所吸引。 2  : to cause (someone or something) to go to or move to or toward a place吸引…来到某地 The museum attracts visitors from all over the world.那个博物馆吸引了世界各地的游客。 The smell of freshly baked cookies attracted the children (to the kitchen).新鲜出炉的饼干的香味把孩子们吸引(到厨房)来了。 The scent will attract certain insects.这种香味会招来某些昆虫。 Certain insects are attracted by the scent.有些昆虫会被这种气味吸引。 3  : to cause sexual or romantic feeling in (someone or something)(在性或感情上)吸引,诱惑 Short men attract her.矮个子男人对她有吸引力。 Her bright blue eyes attracted me.她那双明亮的蓝眼睛吸引了我。 The bird's colorful feathers are used to attract a mate.鸟的鲜艳羽毛是用来吸引配偶的。 — often used as (be) attracted常用作(be) attracted She is attracted to short men.她对矮个子男人有好感。 I was attracted by her bright blue eyes.我被她那双明亮的蓝眼睛所吸引。 I felt very attracted to her.我为她着迷。 — see also opposites attract at 3opposite 4  : to cause (a particular reaction) : to get or create (attention, notice, interest, etc.)引起注意;引起回应 The trial is attracting a lot of attention.那个审判引起许多关注。 Her comment attracted criticism.她的评论招致批评。 The bird uses its call to attract the attention of a mate.那种鸟用叫声吸引配偶的注意。 5  physics : to pull (something) to or toward something else(物理)吸引 A magnet attracts iron.磁石吸铁。




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