

单词 mellow
释义 mellow (verb) mellow 2 ENTRIES FOUND: mellow (adjective) mellow (verb) 1 mellow /ˈmɛloʊ/ adjective mellower; mellowest 1 mellow /ˈmɛloʊ/ adjective mellower; mellowest Learner's definition of MELLOW [also more mellow; most mellow] 1  : pleasantly rich, full, or soft : not harsh, bright, or irritating饱满的;圆润的;柔和的 The painting captures the mellow light of a summer evening.这幅画捕捉到夏日夜晚柔和的光。 mellow music柔和的音乐 a mellow golden color饱满的金黄色 2  : having a pleasing rich flavor that develops over time芳醇的 This wine is very mellow.这种葡萄酒特别芳香醇正。 a mellow cheese芳醇的奶酪 3  a  : very calm and relaxed悠闲的;随和的;怡然自得的 He was in a mellow mood.他情绪放松。 She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she became mellower in her old age.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但年老时就变得随和了。 He's a very mellow guy.他是个非常悠闲自得的小伙子。 a mellow crowd悠闲自在的人群 b  informal : relaxed from drinking alcohol or using drugs(喝酒或吸毒后)轻松自在的,飘飘然的 After a couple of drinks we all started feeling pretty mellow.几杯酒下肚后,我们都感到飘飘然了。 2 mellow /ˈmɛloʊ/ verb mellows; mellowed; mellowing 2 mellow /ˈmɛloʊ/ verb mellows; mellowed; mellowing Learner's definition of MELLOW : to become or to cause (someone or something) to become less harsh, irritating, nervous, etc.(使)变柔和,变醇香 [no object] She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she has mellowed in her old age.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但年老时就变得随和了。 The wine needs time to mellow.葡萄酒需要时间才能变得芳醇。 [+ object] She was a tough and demanding teacher, but old age has mellowed her.她曾是一位严厉而苛刻的老师,但老年时就变得随和了。 Time mellowed [=softened] their hard feelings.岁月使他们的怨恨一扫而空。 mellow out [phrasal verb] US, informal : to become relaxed and calm变得悠闲;变得随和;变得怡然自得 She mellowed out as she grew older.随着年龄的增长,她变得很随和。 : to calm down镇定;平静 You're getting all upset over nothing. You need to mellow out.你无缘无故都会变得烦躁。你需要安静放松一下。 — mellowness noun [noncount]




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