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词汇 moral
释义 moral (noun) moral 2 ENTRIES FOUND: moral (adjective) moral (noun) 1 moral /ˈmorəl/ adjective 1 moral /ˈmorəl/ adjective Learner's definition of MORAL 1  always used before a noun a  : concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior有关道德的 The church takes a strong stand on a number of moral [=ethical] issues.教会在许多道德问题上立场坚决。 The author avoids making moral judgments.作者避而不做道德评价。 moral arguments道德争论 Each story teaches an important moral lesson.每个故事都是一个重要的道德训诫。 b  : based on what you think is right and good出于道义的;有道德的 He felt that he had a moral obligation/responsibility/duty to help the poor.他觉得自己在道义上有义务帮助穷人。 He's a man with strong moral convictions. [=a man who believes strongly that some things are right and others are wrong]他这个人具有很强的道德信念。 We're confident she has the moral fiber/fortitude to make the right decision.我们相信她具有这种道德品质/操守,可以做出正确的决定。 2  a  [more moral; most moral] : considered right and good by most people : agreeing with a standard of right behavior符合道德准则的;以道德为依据的 moral conduct道德行为 Their behavior was not moral.他们的行为是不道德的。 a moral young man [=a young man who tries to behave in a moral way]有道德准则的年轻人 — compare amoral, immoral b  : able to choose between right and wrong behavior有道德观念的 Animals are not moral creatures and are not responsible for their actions.动物没有道德观念,因此不对它们的行为负责。 moral authority ◊ A person, group, or organization that has moral authority is trusted to do what is right.道德权威;道德威信 The scandal has undermined the government's moral authority.这桩丑闻损害了政府的道德威信。 moral support ◊ Someone who gives you moral support helps you by supporting or encouraging you rather than by giving you money or practical help.道义支持;精神支持 She counted on her sisters for moral support.她指望从她的姐妹们那里获得道义上的支持。 moral victory ◊ If you achieve a moral victory you do not win anything but you achieve something that is important and good.精神胜利 Although they lost, the minority claimed the vote as a moral victory since they had won the support of so many former opponents.少数派尽管失败了,但他们宣称此次选举是一场精神胜利,因为他们赢得了许多曾经的反对者的支持。 2 moral /ˈmorəl/ noun plural morals 2 moral /ˈmorəl/ noun plural morals Learner's definition of MORAL 1  [count] : a lesson that is learned from a story or an experience寓意;启示;道德上的教训 The moral of the story is to be satisfied with what you have.这个故事的寓意是要知足常乐。 the movie's moral这部电影的教益 The moral here is: pay attention to the warning lights in your car.此处的教训是:开车时要注意车内的警示灯。 2  morals [plural] : proper ideas and beliefs about how to behave in a way that is considered right and good by most people道德规范;品行 No one questions her morals. [=no one doubts that she is a good person who tries to behave in a moral way]没有人质疑她的品行。 Socrates was accused of corrupting the morals of the youth of Athens.苏格拉底被指控败坏了雅典年轻人的品行。 He has no morals. [=he is not a good or honest person]他毫无道德。 The author points to recent cases of fraud as evidence of the lack of morals in the business world.作者以最近发生的一些诈骗案作为证据指出商界的道德缺失。 a person with/of loose morals [=a person whose behavior and especially whose sexual behavior is considered morally wrong by some people]行为放荡的人




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