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词汇 mother
释义 mother (verb) mother 23 ENTRIES FOUND: mother (noun) mother (verb) mother-in-law (noun) mother-in-law apartment (noun) mother-of-pearl (noun) Mother's Day (noun) mother country (noun) Mother Earth (noun) mother figure (noun) mother hen (noun) mother lode (noun) Mother Nature (noun) mother ship (noun) Mother Superior (noun) mother tongue (noun) birth mother (noun) den mother (noun) earth mother (noun) Queen Mother (noun) Reverend Mother (noun) surrogate mother (noun) knee (noun) necessity (noun) 1 mother /ˈmʌðɚ/ noun plural mothers 1 mother /ˈmʌðɚ/ noun plural mothers Learner's definition of MOTHER 1  [count] : a female parent母亲;妈妈 She became a mother when she was in her 20s.她20多岁就当母亲了。 She's the mother of three small children.她是三个小孩的母亲。 She has been like a mother to me.她对我一直就像母亲一样。 Our dog is the mother of all those puppies.那些小狗全是我们这只母狗生的。 She has always been close to her mother.她和她母亲一直很亲近。 an expectant mother [=a woman who is pregnant]孕妇 She is a single mother. [=a mother who does not have a husband or partner]她是单身母亲。 — see also birth mother, grandmother, queen mother, stepmother, surrogate mother 2  [count] : a woman who is thought of as being like a mother像妈妈一样的女子 She was a mother to me after my own mother died.我母亲死后,她对我就像妈妈一样。 — see also den mother 3  a  [count] : a woman who invents or begins something(女性)创始人,发起者— usually singular通常用单数 She is regarded as the mother of an entire industry.她被视作整个行业的创始人。 the mother of an important social movement重大社会运动的女发起人 b  [singular] : a cause or origin of something根由;根源 Some say that scandal is the mother of reform.有人说那则丑闻是改革的导火索。 4  [count] : mother superior — used especially as a title or as a form of address(尤用作头衔或称呼)女修道院院长 Mother Teresa特蕾莎院长 Thank you, Mother.谢谢您,院长! 5  [singular] informal — used to say that something is larger, better, worse, etc., than all other things of the same kind用于指某事物比同类者更大、更好、更坏等 It has been described as the mother of all construction projects. [=an extremely large construction project]它被称为迄今为止规模最大的建设工程。 6  [count] US, offensive : motherfucker That guy is one mean mother.那家伙是个卑鄙的混账东西。 learn (something) at your mother's knee — see 1knee necessity is the mother of invention — used to say that new ways to do things are found or created when there is a strong and special need for them需要是发明之母 — motherhood /ˈmʌðɚˌhʊd/ noun [noncount] She is looking forward to marriage and motherhood.她期望结婚生子。 — motherless /ˈmʌðɚləs/ adjective Her death left three motherless children.她死后留下三个失去母亲的孩子。 a motherless calf失去妈妈的小牛 2 mother /ˈmʌðɚ/ verb mothers; mothered; mothering 2 mother /ˈmʌðɚ/ verb mothers; mothered; mothering Learner's definition of MOTHER [+ object] 1  : to give birth to (a child)生下 She mothered two sons but no daughters.她生了两个儿子,但没有女儿。 2  : to be or act as mother to (someone) : to care for or protect (someone) like a mother像母亲般呵护 He says he's old enough to care for himself and he doesn't want to be mothered. [=he doesn't want to be cared for as if he were a child]他说他已经长大能照顾自己了,不想再被当作孩子一样呵护了。 — mothering /ˈmʌðərɪŋ/ noun [noncount] a sensitive child who needs careful mothering需要母亲般细心照料的敏感孩子 — mothering adjective her mothering [=maternal] abilities/instincts她慈母般的呵护能力/天性




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