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词汇 move
释义 move (noun) move 7 ENTRIES FOUND: move (verb) move (noun) earth (noun) goalpost (noun) heaven (noun) spirit (noun) world (noun) 1 move /ˈmuːv/ verb moves; moved; moving 1 move /ˈmuːv/ verb moves; moved; moving Learner's definition of MOVE 1  a  [+ object] : to cause (something or someone) to go from one place or position to another使移动;使改变位置 He moved the chair closer to the table.他把椅子挪得更靠近桌子。 It may be necessary to move the patient to intensive care.也许有必要把这个病人移送到特护病房。 The breeze moved the branches of the trees.微风摇曳着树枝。 The knife had sunk deeply into the wood and couldn't be moved. [=budged]刀深深地插到木头中,无法拔出。 b  [no object] : to go from one place or position to another移动;改变位置 The boat moved [=rocked] slowly from side to side as the wind rose.起风了,小船徐徐摇晃。 The branches moved gently in the breeze.树枝在微风中轻轻摆动。 2  a  : to cause (your body or a part of your body) to go from one position to another使(身体或身体某部分)改变位置 [+ object] She was unable to move her legs.她的腿不能动弹。 Nobody moved a muscle. [=nobody moved at all; everyone was very still]人人都纹丝不动。 [no object] The dancers moved gracefully.舞蹈演员们翩翩起舞。 Nobody moved.大家都静止不动。 She was so frightened that she could hardly move.她吓得呆若木鸡。 I moved over so that she could sit next to me.我挪过去了一点以便她能坐在我旁边。 b  [no object] : to go or walk from one place to another移动;走动;动身 We moved into the shade.我们走到阴凉处。 The police were moving through the crowd telling people to move toward the exit.警察在人群中走动,叫人们走向出口。 People were moving (about/around) freely.人们往来自由。 We could hear someone moving around upstairs.我们能听到有人在楼上走动。 move along向前移动 They moved closer to each other and spoke in whispers.他们相互靠拢说悄悄话。 3  [+ object] a  : to cause (something) to go to a specified place or to proceed in a specified way转移;使进展 The records show that she moved large amounts of money to a foreign bank account.记录表明她已把大量资金转入国外银行账户。 He lacks enough support to move his proposals through the legislature.他缺乏足够的支持使自己的提案在立法机关获得通过。 b  : to cause (something) to happen at a different time使时间变动 The meeting has been moved [=changed] to this afternoon.会议改到了今天下午举行。 4  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to go to a different and usually higher position调动;升迁;上升到 [no object] The team has moved into second place.球队排名升至第二位。 She has been steadily moving up the corporate ladder.她在公司晋升制度中稳步上升。 Congratulations on your promotion. It's nice to see how you're moving up in the world.祝贺你的晋升。很高兴看到你事业上如此阔步迈进。 [+ object] A win will move the team into second place.一场胜利将会让球队的排名上升到第二位。 5  a  : to go to a different place to live搬家 [no object] We've had to move twice in the past year.我们去年被迫搬了两次家。 He didn't like small towns and decided to move to the city.他不喜欢小城镇,决定搬到大城市去。 We're planning to move into a new apartment.我们正计划搬进新公寓。 He moved (away) with his family to California.他和家人搬到了加利福尼亚。 [+ object] He moved his family to California.他把家搬到了加利福尼亚。 (Brit) We've had to move house twice in the past year.我们去年被迫搬家两次。 b  : to go to a different place to work or do business搬迁;调动 [no object] The company is moving from New York to Chicago.公司从纽约搬到芝加哥。 [+ object] The company is moving its offices from New York to Chicago.公司从纽约迁址到芝加哥。 — see also moving 3 6  [+ object] a  : to affect the feelings of (someone) : to cause (someone) to feel an emotion and especially sadness or sympathy打动;感动 The sad story of his childhood moved us deeply.他童年的悲惨境遇深深地打动了我们。 I was greatly moved by his story/kindness.他的故事/善良让我十分感动。 He's not easily moved to anger. [=he does not become angry easily]他不容易生气。 His story moved us to tears. [=it affected us so strongly that we cried]他的故事让我们潸然泪下。 — see also moving 2 b  : to cause (someone) to act or think in a specified way促使;驱使 — followed by to + verb接动词不定式 The report moved [=persuaded] me to change my mind.报道让我改变了想法。 His arguments moved them to reconsider the plan.他的论据促使他们重新审议计划。 I felt moved [=compelled] to speak.我不由得想说话。 c  : to cause (someone) to feel or think in a different way劝导;说服 We were unable to move him from his convictions.我们未能改变他的信念。 He would not be moved.他不会被说服的。 7  [no object] : to take action : act采取行动 We need to move quickly to close this deal.我们需要迅速采取行动达成这场交易。 He was waiting for the right time to move against his enemies.他在等待恰当的时机来对付敌人。 She hasn't yet moved on their recommendations.她尚未根据他们的建议采取行动。 We must move [=proceed] very carefully to avoid offending them.我们必须非常小心地开展行动避免伤害到他们。 8  a  : to formally make a suggestion or proposal at a meeting(正式)提出,提议 [no object] — + for She moved for an adjournment.她提议休会。 [+ object] She moved to adjourn the meeting. = She moved that the meeting be adjourned.她提议休会。 b  [no object] law : to make a formal request to a court of law or judge for something to be done or happen(向法庭或法官)提请 — + for His lawyer moved for a mistrial.他的律师提请无效审判。 The plaintiff moved for a retrial.原告提请复审。 9  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to make progress取得进步 The plot of the novel moves [=develops] slowly.小说的情节进展缓慢。 They're moving closer to making a decision.他们正在向做出决定靠近。 10  informal : sell [+ object] a store that moves a lot of merchandise售卖很多货物的商店 [no object] The products have been moving slowly.这些商品卖得慢。 11  [no object] informal : to go fast快速走 When the police car passed us it was really moving.警车从我们旁边呼啸而过。 12  [no object] : to spend time with a particular group of people or at a particular level of society交往;进入…社交圈子 She moves in high circles. [=she is friendly with wealthy and powerful people]她与上流社会的人交往。 She and her sister move in very different circles. [=they are friendly with very different groups of people]她和她妹妹交往的圈子很不相同。 13  [no object] informal : to leave a place离开 It was getting late and I thought it was time to be moving. [=going]时候不早了,我该走了。 14  : to cause a piece in a game (such as chess or checkers) to go from one place to another走棋;移动棋子 [+ object] He moved a pawn.他走了个卒。 [no object] It's your turn to move.该你走棋了。 as/when the spirit moves you — see 1spirit get moving informal : to start moving or going quickly迅速行动;马上离开 We need to get moving [=hurry] or we'll miss the show.我们得快点,否则会错过演出。 move ahead/along 1  : to make progress前进;进步 The project is finally starting to move ahead.工程终于开始有了进展。 2  : to go on to something else继续做… Let's move along [=move on] to the next item.让我们继续下一项。 move heaven and earth : to work very hard to do something竭尽全力 He vowed that he would move heaven and earth to finish the project on schedule.他发誓要竭尽全力按时完工。 move in [phrasal verb] 1  : to start living in a house, apartment, etc.搬进(房屋、公寓等) I remember when our neighbors first moved in.我记得邻居最初搬来时的情形。 He's planning to move in with his girlfriend.他正计划和女朋友搬到一起住。 2  move in on (someone or something) : to move closer or nearer to (someone or something that you are trying to reach, get, etc.)进逼;逼近 The police moved in on [=closed in on] the wanted criminal.警方向通缉犯逼近。 The police moved in on the criminal's hideout.警方向罪犯藏匿处逼近。 The lion was moving in on its prey.狮子正向猎物逼近。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Our competitors are trying to move in on our territory. [=trying to get control of our territory]我们的对手正在试图威胁我们的领域。 He was trying to move in on my girlfriend. [=trying to take my girlfriend from me]他正企图抢走我的女友。 move it US, informal : to start moving or going quickly迅速行动;马上离开 We'd better move it if we don't want to be late.如果我们不想迟到的话,最好快点动身。 move on [phrasal verb] : to go on to a different place, subject, activity, etc.接着去其他地方;继续进行 Let's put that issue aside and move on.让我们把那件事放到一边继续做其他的。 We should move on [=move ahead] to the next item on the list.我们应该接着做单子上的下一项。 After 10 years working for one company, she felt it was time to move on to a new job.在一家公司工作了10年后,她觉得该换个新工作。 move out [phrasal verb] : to leave your house, apartment, etc., and go to live somewhere else迁出;搬走 He was 20 when he moved out of his parents' house.他20岁时从父母家中搬出。 Her lease ends next month, so she'll have to move out (of her apartment) soon.租约下月到期,所以她必须很快搬走。 2 move /ˈmuːv/ noun plural moves 2 move /ˈmuːv/ noun plural moves Learner's definition of MOVE [count] 1  : an act of moving your body or a part of your body : movement(身体或身体某部分的)运动,活动 fancy dance moves华丽的舞步 He made a sudden move that scared away the squirrel.他突然移动了一下,把松鼠吓跑了。 an athlete who has some good moves完成了几个漂亮动作的运动员 No one made a move toward the exits. [=no one moved toward the exits]没有人朝出口走去。 The policeman warned him not to make any false moves.警察警告他不要耍花招。 He was afraid to make a move.他不敢采取行动。 2  : an action行动 The police are watching his every move. = The police are watching every move he makes. [=the police are watching everything he does]警方在监视他的一举一动。 No one is sure what his next move will be.没人确定他下一步将干什么。 He was waiting for her to make the first move. [=to act first]他在等待她首先采取行动。 3  : the act of moving to a different place移居;迁移;调动 He's preparing for his move to California.他在准备搬去加利福尼亚。 4  : something done to achieve a desired result or goal行动;举动 Starting her own business was a risky/bold move.开创她自己的事业是个冒险/大胆的举动。 In a move to attract new customers, the company has decided to devote more money to advertising.为了吸引新顾客,公司决定在广告上投入更多的资金。 a smart/wise move聪明/明智之举 a good career move [=something done to help a person's career]好的职业举措 5  : an act of moving a piece in a game (such as chess or checkers)一步棋 the opening moves in a game of chess国际象棋中的开棋 It's your move. [=turn]该你走棋了。 get a move on informal : to start moving or going quickly迅速行动;马上离开 We'd better get a move on if we don't want to be late.如果我们不想迟到的话,最好快点动身。 make a move British, informal : to leave a place离去 It's been a lovely evening, but it's time we were making a move.这是个愉快的夜晚,但是我们该走了。 on the move 1  : moving or going from place to place四处奔波 As a young man, he was always on the move.作为一个年轻人,他总是到处奔波。 2  : making progress取得进展 After a slow start, the project is finally on the move.缓慢启动之后,这项工程终于取得了进展。 a civilization on the move发展中的文明 put the moves on US, informal : to do or say things in an effort to start a sexual relationship with someone追求某人 He accused me of trying to put the moves on his girlfriend.他指责我企图对他女朋友动歪脑筋。




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