

单词 native
释义 native (noun) native 5 ENTRIES FOUND: native (adjective) native (noun) Native American (noun) native speaker (noun) non-native (adjective) 1 native /ˈneɪtɪv/ adjective 1 native /ˈneɪtɪv/ adjective Learner's definition of NATIVE 1  always used before a noun a  : born in a particular place本地出生的;本土的 I'm a native New Yorker. [=I was born in New York]我是纽约本地人。 people who are native to France法国本土人 b  — used to refer to the place where a person was born and raised出生地的 He's a hero in his native country.他是祖国的英雄。 After 30 years, I am finally returning to my native land.30年后,我终于回到了我的故乡。 2  a  always used before a noun : belonging to a person since birth or childhood生来就有的;从小就有的 She speaks English, but it's not her native [=first] language/tongue.她说英语,但英语不是她的母语。 — see also native speaker b  : existing naturally as an ability, quality, etc., that someone has天生的;与生俱来的 She has a native ability to learn quickly.她天生有很强的学习能力。 his native wit他与生俱来的才智。 3  a  : produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region原产于某地的;土生土长的;当地产的 native [=indigenous] birds and animals本地的鸟兽 The island is home to several native species of trees.这个岛上有几种本地树种。 — often + to birds that are native to the continent生活在这块大陆上的鸟类 b  — used to refer to the place or type of place where a plant or animal normally or naturally lives天然生长环境的;自然生长(于某地)的 Increasing pollution is endangering the plant's native habitat.日益严重的污染正对这种植物的自然生长环境造成威胁。 4  always used before a noun : of or relating to a group of people who were living in an area (such as North America or Africa) when a new group of usually European people arrived土著的;土著人的 native societies土著社会 native art/traditions土著人的艺术/传统 native inhabitants/peoples土著居民/民族 go native : to start to behave or live like the local people入乡随俗 After a few weeks, she was comfortable enough to go native and wear shorts to work.几周后,她很好地适应了当地习俗,穿上短裤工作。 2 native /ˈneɪtɪv/ noun plural natives 2 native /ˈneɪtɪv/ noun plural natives Learner's definition of NATIVE [count] 1  : a person who was born or raised in a particular place土生土长者;本地人;本国人 She's a native of France who moved to the United States when she was 15.她是法国人,15岁时搬来美国。 I'm a California native.我是加州本地人。 He wishes he could speak Spanish like a native.他希望自己的西班牙语说得和西班牙人一样地道。 2  : a person from a group of people who were living in an area (such as South America or Africa) when Europeans first arrived土著人 ◊ This sense of native was commonly used in the past but is now often considered offensive.此义项的native过去很常用,但现在常被认为有冒犯之意。 3  : a kind of plant or animal that originally grew or lived in a particular place土生植物(或动物) The plant is a native of Central and South America.这种植物原产于中美洲和南美洲。




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