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词汇 naturally
释义 naturally 2 ENTRIES FOUND: naturally (adverb) come (verb) naturally /ˈnætʃɚrəli/ adverb naturally /ˈnætʃɚrəli/ adverb Learner's definition of NATURALLY 1  — used to describe something that happens or exists by itself without being controlled or changed by someone自然地;天然地 Her hair curls naturally.她的头发自然卷。 a naturally sweet tea天然甜茶 A number of important vitamins are found naturally in dark green vegetables like spinach.许多重要的维生素天然存在于诸如菠菜这样的深绿色蔬菜中。 Pearls are produced naturally by oysters.珍珠是在牡蛎体内天然形成的。 He is naturally blond.他天生白肤金发碧眼。 Their friendship developed naturally over time.他们的友谊是经年累月自然形成的。 2  — used to say that something is expected or normal当然地;必然地 Naturally, some mistakes were made.当然,也出现了一些失误。 When he heard the comment, he was naturally [=of course] a little offended.他听到这样的评价当然有些不悦。 Naturally you'll want rooms for the night.你们当然需要些房间过夜。 “Did you visit her while you were there?” “Naturally.” [=of course; yes]“你在那儿时拜访过她了吗?”“当然拜访了。” 3  : because of a quality or skill that a person or animal is born with天生地;天性地;天赋地 She's naturally competitive.她天生争强好胜。 He's naturally able to make people feel comfortable.他很自然地能使人感到舒服。 Cats are said to be naturally curious.据说猫天性好奇。 4  : in a way that is relaxed and normal轻松自如地;不局促地;正常地 It's hard to speak/act naturally when you're nervous.人一紧张时很难正常地说话/表现。 5  : in a way that makes sense : in a logical and reasonable way合乎常理地;自然而然地 Her conclusions follow naturally from the theory.她依据那个理论自然地得出这些结论。 Questions about the journalist's sources arise naturally from such a controversial report.这样一篇有争议的报道自然引起人们对这名记者的消息来源的质疑。 When I saw that there were no lights on in the house, I naturally assumed you were asleep.我看到屋里没亮灯,自然以为你已经睡了。 come naturally ◊ If something comes naturally to you, you are able to do or learn it easily.轻而易举 Musical talent comes naturally to that family.那样的家庭很容易出音乐天才。 Memorizing important dates in history came naturally to him [=was easy for him] in school.在校读书时,记住历史上的重要日期对他来说轻而易举。




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