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词汇 neutral
释义 neutral (noun) neutral 3 ENTRIES FOUND: neutral (adjective) neutral (noun) neutral zone (noun) 1 neutral /ˈnuːtrəl/ Brit /ˈnjuːtrəl/ adjective 1 neutral /ˈnuːtrəl/ Brit /ˈnjuːtrəl/ adjective Learner's definition of NEUTRAL 1  [more neutral; most neutral] a  : not supporting either side of an argument, fight, war, etc.中立的 neutral countries中立国 He remained/stayed neutral while his brothers argued.当兄弟们争辩时,他保持中立。 b  : not supporting one political view over another无政治倾向性的 She tries to be a fair and neutral journalist.她努力成为一名公正的、政治中立的新闻工作者。 a neutral magazine政治立场中立的杂志 2  : not connected with either side involved in a war, contest, etc.中立国的;中立区的 The battle took place in neutral waters.战斗发生在中立国海域。 The duel will be held on neutral ground.决斗将在中立区举行。 neutral territory中立国领土 3  [more neutral; most neutral] : not expressing strong opinions or feelings中性的;不含褒贬义的 The report was written in neutral language.报告写得不带任何感情色彩。 “Why did you do that?” he asked in a neutral tone of voice.“你为什么那么做?”他不动声色地问道。 4  : not bright or strong in color : able to go easily with other colors淡色的;素色的 They decorated the room in neutral tones/colors.他们以素色调装扮房间。 a neutral gray浅灰 neutral fabrics素色面料 5  technical : neither an acid nor a base非酸非碱的;中性的 a neutral compound中性化合物 a chemical with a neutral pHpH值呈中性的化学品 6  technical : not having an electrical charge不带电的 a neutral molecule中性分子 — neutrally adverb The judge must try to view the dispute neutrally.法官必须尽量中立地评判争端。 neutrally charged atoms不带电的原子 2 neutral /ˈnuːtrəl/ Brit /ˈnjuːtrəl/ noun plural neutrals 2 neutral /ˈnuːtrəl/ Brit /ˈnjuːtrəl/ noun plural neutrals Learner's definition of NEUTRAL 1  [count] : a color that is not bright or strong : a neutral color素色 — usually plural通常用复数 She painted the room in neutrals.她用素色调粉刷了房间。 2  [noncount] : the position of the gears in a car, truck, etc., when they do not touch each other and power from the engine does not move the wheels(排挡的)空挡 He put/left the car in neutral.他将车的排挡置于空挡。 3  [count] : a person, country, etc., that does not support either side of an argument, fight, war, etc.中立者 Their sister remained a neutral in the dispute.他们的姐姐在这场争吵中保持中立。 The two countries were neutrals while their neighbors were at war.这两个国家在它们的邻国交战时保持中立。




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