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词汇 nonsense
释义 nonsense 2 ENTRIES FOUND: nonsense (noun) no-nonsense (adjective) nonsense /ˈnɑːnˌsɛns/ noun nonsense /ˈnɑːnˌsɛns/ noun Learner's definition of NONSENSE [noncount] 1  : words or ideas that are foolish or untrue胡说;谬论 I don't know why you believe that nonsense about certain numbers being unlucky.我不明白你为何会相信某些数字意味着霉运的荒唐说法。 The stories she told about him are sheer/utter/complete/absolute nonsense. [=the stories are completely false]她讲的关于他的故事简直/完全/纯粹/绝对是一派胡言。 He says he was attacked by a frog? Nonsense. [=I do not believe that he was attacked by a frog]他说他受到一只青蛙攻击?胡扯。 She thinks that astrology is nonsense.她认为占星术很荒唐。 The rumors are a lot of nonsense. [=they are not true]那些谣言荒唐至极。 Don't listen to him. He's talking nonsense.别听他的。他在胡说八道。 2  : behavior that is silly, annoying, or unkind愚蠢的行为;令人讨厌的行为;不友善的举动 He was not in the mood to put up with any nonsense from his little brother.他当时没心情容忍他小弟的任何愚蠢行为。 If they start pushing each other or some such nonsense, send them to their rooms.如果他们出现互相推挤等此类令人讨厌的行为,就让他们回到房间。 She doesn't take any nonsense from anyone.她不许任何人对她胡来。 — see also no-nonsense 3  : language that has no meaning毫无意义的话 Many of the words in the poem are nonsense.这首诗里的许多词都毫无意义。 I understood so few of the words they were using that the conversation sounded like nonsense to me.他们用的词我几乎都不懂,所以谈话在我听来没任何意义。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 When he didn't know the words, he sang along using nonsense syllables.他不知道歌词时就用些没意义的音节跟着哼唱。 Her stories are full of nonsense words that kids have fun trying to say.她的故事里满是些孩子们乐于去说但没什么意义的词语。 nonsense verse/poems/rhyme [=silly poetry that often uses words that are not real words]无意义的诗句/诗歌/韵文 make (a) nonsense of British : to cause (something) to no longer be effective : to take away the value or usefulness of (something)使…失效;使(某事物的)价值打折扣 The lack of guards makes a nonsense of the security checkpoint.警卫缺失使得安检站的作用大打折扣。




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