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词汇 nose
释义 nose (verb) nose 32 ENTRIES FOUND: nose (noun) nose (verb) nosed (adjective) nose-dive (verb) nose bag (noun) nose cone (noun) nose job (noun) nose ring (noun) nose tackle (noun) button nose (noun) hard-nosed (adjective) Roman nose (noun) snub-nosed (adjective) toffee-nosed (adjective) air (noun) clean (adjective) cut (verb) face (noun) follow (verb) grindstone (noun) hold (verb) lead (verb) look (verb) pay (verb) poke (verb) powder (verb) rub (verb) skin (noun) spite (verb) stick (verb) thumb (verb) trough (noun) 1 nose /ˈnoʊz/ noun plural noses 1 nose /ˈnoʊz/ noun plural noses Learner's definition of NOSE 1  [count] : the part of the face or head through which a person or animal smells and breathes鼻;鼻子 The ball hit me right on/in the nose.球不偏不倚地击中了我的鼻子。 You need to wipe/blow your nose.你得擦/擤一下鼻子。 Stop picking your nose.别抠鼻孔了。 I have a runny/stuffy nose.我流鼻涕/鼻塞。 the long nose of the anteater食蚁兽的长鼻子 He got some water up his nose.他的鼻子吸进水了。 She wrinkled her nose in disgust.她厌恶地皱起鼻子。 — see picture at face 2  [singular] : the ability to smell things : the sense of smell嗅觉 That dog has a good nose.那只狗嗅觉灵敏。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 He is a good reporter with a nose for news. [=he's a reporter who is good at finding news]他是名善于捕捉新闻的记者。 a baseball scout with a nose for talent [=a scout who is good at finding new talent]善于发现新秀的棒球星探 3  : the front end or part of something前部 [count] — usually singular通常用单数 the nose of an airplane机头 [noncount] The whale measures 40 feet from nose to tail.这条鲸从头到尾长40英尺。 (Brit) The cars were nose to tail [=(US) bumper-to-bumper] on the highway today.今天,公路上拥堵的汽车首尾相连。 — see picture at airplane 4  [singular] of wine : a particular smell(酒的)特别气味 The wine has a lovely nose. [=bouquet]这种葡萄酒气味芬芳。 as plain as the nose on your face informal : very clear or obvious显而易见 The solution is as plain as the nose on your face.答案是显而易见的。 by a nose ◊ If an animal wins a race by a nose, it wins by a very short distance.以微弱优势(取胜) Secretariat won the race by a nose!一代骄马在赛马比赛中险胜! cut off your nose to spite your face : to do something that is meant to harm someone else but that also harms you损人不利己 You can refuse to talk to her if you like, but you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face.如果你愿意你可以拒绝和她说话,但你这样做损人又害己。 follow your nose — see follow get up someone's nose British, informal : to annoy or irritate (someone)惹人发火;使人恼怒 His jokes are really beginning to get up my nose. [=(US) get on my nerves]他的笑话着实让我恼火。 have your nose in ◊ If you have your nose in a book, magazine, newspaper, etc., you are reading it.专心致志地(阅读) It seems like she always has her nose in a book [=she's always reading a book] whenever I see her.无论我何时看见她,她似乎总在专心致志地读书。 hold your nose : to hold your nostrils together so that you cannot smell something捏住鼻子 The smell was so bad that we had to hold our noses.这气味太难闻了,我们不得不捏住鼻子。 keep your nose clean : to stay out of trouble by behaving well循规蹈矩;安分守己 He is a former criminal who has kept his nose clean since he got out of prison.他曾是名罪犯,出狱后一直安分守己。 keep your nose out of : to avoid becoming involved in (someone else's situation, problem, etc.)避免插手(他人的事) It's not your problem, so keep your nose out of it.这不是你的问题,别去管它。 lead someone (around) by the nose informal : to completely control a person完全控制住某人;牵着某人鼻子走 I'm amazed that he lets them lead him around by the nose like that.让我吃惊的是,他竟让他们那样牵着鼻子走。 look down your nose at — see 1look nose in the air ◊ If you have your nose in the air, you behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other people.傲慢;看不起人 She walks around with her nose in the air like she's some big shot.她傲慢地四处走动,仿佛是位大人物。 nose to the grindstone — see grindstone no skin off my nose — see 1skin on the nose informal : very accurate : done very accurately准确地;精准地 You hit it on the nose. [=you are exactly right]你完全正确。 Her prediction was right on the nose.她的预言非常准确。 pay through the nose informal : to pay a very high price付高价 I found the perfect dress, but I paid through the nose for it.我发现了一条特别好的连衣裙,但为买下它我花了大价钱。 powder your nose — see 2powder rub someone's nose in — see 1rub stick/poke your nose in/into : to get involved in or want information about (something that does not concern you)探问;插手 He's always poking his nose into other people's business.他总爱管别人的事。 thumb your nose at — see 2thumb turn up your nose or turn your nose up : to refuse to take or accept something because it is not good enough看不上;拒绝;蔑视 I offered the cat some food, but it turned up its nose and walked away.我拿了些食物给这只猫,可它看都不看就走掉了。 — usually + at They turned up their nose at our offer. [=they rejected our offer]他们拒绝了我们的提议。 under your nose — used to describe something that you fail to see or notice even though you should就在面前;就在眼皮底下 I don't know why you couldn't find it—it's right here under your nose.我不明白你为何找不到——它就在你眼皮底下 They were embezzling funds right under his nose.他们在他眼皮底下盗用资金。 The answer was right under our noses [=the answer was very obvious] the whole time.答案自始至终都非常明显。 2 nose /ˈnoʊz/ verb noses; nosed; nosing 2 nose /ˈnoʊz/ verb noses; nosed; nosing Learner's definition of NOSE 1  [+ object] : to push or move (something) with the nose(用鼻子)拱,顶 The horse nosed my hand.马用鼻子拱开了我的手。 Some animal must have nosed the lid off the garbage can.肯定有动物用鼻子拱掉了垃圾箱的盖子。 The dog nosed the door open.狗用鼻子顶开了门。 2  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] of an animal : to search for or find something by smelling(动物)闻出,嗅出 The dogs were nosing around in the garbage.一群狗用鼻子在垃圾堆里闻来闻去找东西。 3  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to move forward slowly or carefully缓慢前进;小心翼翼地向前移动 [no object] The boat nosed around the bend.船绕着转弯处小心翼翼地向前航行。 [+ object] I nosed my car into the parking space.我小心翼翼地把车开进停车位。 The car nosed its way into the street.汽车慢慢地驶入街道。 nose around [phrasal verb] also British nose about nose around/about or nose around/about (something) : to search for something (such as private or hidden information) in usually a quiet or secret way打探;搜寻 She caught him nosing around in her papers/office.她当场发现他在她的文件/办公室里找东西。 The police nosed around the property for a while, but they didn't find anything.警方在这处住宅搜查了一会儿,但什么也没找到。 nose out [phrasal verb] 1  nose (someone or something) out or nose out (someone or something) : to defeat (someone or something) by a small amount in a race or other competition略胜一筹 My horse was/got nosed out at the finish line.我的马跑到终点时以微弱差距输掉了比赛。 The home team barely nosed out the visitors.主队险胜客队。 2  : to find (information) by careful searching打探出;查出 The detective nosed out some interesting information on the suspect.侦探查出一些有关这名嫌疑犯的耐人寻味的信息。




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