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词汇 babble
释义 babble (noun) babble 2 ENTRIES FOUND: babble (verb) babble (noun) 1 babble /ˈbæbəl/ verb babbles; babbled; babbling 1 babble /ˈbæbəl/ verb babbles; babbled; babbling Learner's definition of BABBLE [no object] 1  a  : to talk foolishly or too much说蠢话;唠叨;喋喋不休地说 Pay no attention to her. She's just babbling.别理睬她。她不过是在唠叨罢了。 He'll babble on about sports all night if you let him.如果你让他说,他会整夜不停地谈论体育赛事。 a babbling idiot一个胡言乱语的白痴 b  : to make speech sounds that do not make sense to the hearer含混不清地说;叽里咕噜地说 Her cousins were babbling in an unfamiliar dialect.她的表姐妹们叽里咕噜地用陌生的方言交谈着。 The baby babbled happily.那个小宝宝高兴地牙牙学语。 2  : to make the quiet sound of water flowing over rocks潺潺作响 a babbling brook潺潺的小溪 — babbler /ˈbæbəlɚ/ noun, plural babblers [count] 2 babble /ˈbæbəl/ noun 2 babble /ˈbæbəl/ noun Learner's definition of BABBLE [noncount] 1  a  : the confusing sound of many people speaking at the same time嘈杂的人声 a babble of voices人声嘈杂 b  : talk that is silly or pointless废话;蠢话 listening to their constant babble听着他们没完没了地瞎扯 2  : a quiet sound made by flowing water(流水的)潺潺声 the babble of a brook小溪的潺潺声




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