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词汇 back
释义 back (adverb) back (adjective) back (verb) back 110 ENTRIES FOUND: back (noun) back (adverb) back (adjective) back (verb) back-and-forth (noun) backing (noun) back-of-the-envelope (adjective) back-to-back (adjective) back-to-back (noun) back and forth (adverb) back burner (noun) back door (noun) back matter (noun) back of beyond (noun) back order (noun) back passage (noun) back talk (noun) -backed (combining form) laid-back (adjective) money-back (adjective) running back (noun) answer (verb) basic (noun) beat (verb) bite (verb) blink (verb) bounce (verb) break (verb) bring (verb) burden (noun) camel (noun) cast (verb) check (verb) choke (verb) claw (verb) clock (noun) come (verb) cut (verb) die (verb) double (verb) drop (verb) duck (noun) east (adverb) eye (noun) fall (verb) feed (verb) fight (verb) fire (verb) front (noun) get (verb) give (verb) go (verb) hand (noun) hand (verb) hang (verb) hark (verb) have (verb) head (noun) hell (noun) hit (verb) hold (verb) keep (verb) kick (verb) knock (verb) know (verb) lie (verb) life (noun) look (verb) mind (noun) monkey (noun) nature (noun) out (adverb) own (pronoun) pat (verb) pat (noun) pay (verb) play (verb) pull (verb) push (verb) put (verb) report (verb) roll (verb) scale (verb) scratch (verb) see (verb) set (verb) shirt (noun) sit (verb) slap (noun) slick (verb) small (noun) stab (noun) stab (verb) stand (verb) step (verb) straw (noun) strike (verb) tail (verb) take (verb) talk (verb) tear (noun) think (verb) throttle (verb) toss (verb) turn (verb) wall (noun) watch (verb) water (noun) way (adverb) write (verb) 1 back /ˈbæk/ noun plural backs 1 back /ˈbæk/ noun plural backs Learner's definition of BACK [count] 1  a  : the rear part of the body : the part of the body that is opposite to the stomach and chest and that goes from the neck to the top of the legs(人的)背,背部 She was carrying her little daughter on her back.她背着她的小女儿。 He injured his back. = He suffered a back injury.他的背部受伤了。 She has a pain in the small of her back.她的腰背部疼痛。 an aching back疼痛的背 I slapped/patted him on his/the back to congratulate him.我拍了拍他的背以示祝贺。 He broke his back [=spine] in a fall.他摔了一跤,摔断了脊椎。 She stabbed/shot him in the back.她刺中/射中了他的背部。 He was handcuffed with his hands behind his back.他双手被铐在背后。 — see picture at human b  : the part of an animal that is like a person's back(动物的)背部 a bird with a spotted back背部有斑点的鸟 riding on the back of a horse/donkey/camel骑在马/驴/骆驼的背上 — see also horseback 2  a  : the side or surface of something that is opposite the front or face : the rear side or surface of something反面;背面;背部 — usually singular通常用单数 the back of the head后脑勺 the back of a mirror/spoon镜子/汤匙的背面 the back of the hand/leg/foot手背;腿的后部;脚背 The book has fallen down the back of the couch.那本书掉到长沙发后面了。 b  : the side or surface of something (such as a piece of paper) that is not usually used or seen first(物体的)背面,反面 — usually singular通常用单数 She wrote something on the back of an envelope.她在信封背面写了点东西。 He signed his name on the back of the check.他在支票背面签了名。 c  : a place, position, or area that is at or near the rear of something后面;后部 — usually singular通常用单数 He put the letter in the back of the drawer.他把信放到抽屉的后部。 The kitchen is at/in the back of the house and the living room is at/in the front.厨房位于房屋的后部,客厅位于房屋的前部。 Since our plane was leaving soon we were moved to the front of the line while others remained at the back.由于我们的飞机很快就要起飞了,我们被叫到了队伍前面,其他人则仍留在后面。 Please move to the back of the elevator to make room for others.请往电梯后面走,为其他人留出空间。 3  : the part of a chair or seat that supports a person's back椅背;靠背 a comfortable chair with a padded back带衬垫靠背的舒适椅子 4  a  : the section of a book, magazine, etc., that includes the last pages(书籍、刊物等的)末尾,最后几页 — usually singular通常用单数 There is an index in the back of the book.这本书的后面有索引。 b  : the part of a book's cover that can be seen when the book is on a shelf书脊 The title of the book is shown on its back. [=spine]书脊上印有书名。 5  sports : a player in some games (such as soccer and American football) who is positioned behind the front line of players(足球、美式橄榄球等的)卫,后卫 a defensive back防守后卫 — see also fullback, halfback, quarterback, running back a pat on the back — see 1pat a stab in the back — see 1stab at/in the back of your mind : in the part of your mind where thoughts and memories are kept在心灵深处;在脑海里— used to describe ideas, memories, etc., that someone has but that are not usually thought about or not perfectly remembered用于形容某人心里隐约存在的念头、记忆等 The thought of retiring and moving out into the country has been in the back of her mind for many years, and now she's finally doing it.多年来,退休并移居乡下的想法一直藏在她的心里,如今她终于付诸实施了。 Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I'd met him before.我隐约记得,我以前在什么地方见过他。 back is to/against the wall ◊ When your back is to/against the wall or you have your back to/against the wall you are in a bad position in which you are forced to do something in order to avoid failure.处于背水一战的境地;没有退路 With our backs to the wall we made a last desperate effort to finish the project on time.由于已经没有了退路,我们背水一战,竭尽全力争取按时完成这个项目。 We knew that with so little time and money left to finish the project we had our backs to the wall.我们明白靠剩下的这么一点时间和资金来完成这个项目,我们是在拼死一搏。 back to back 1  : with backs opposite or against each other背靠背 The soldiers stood back to back.士兵们背靠背站着。 2  : happening one after the other一个接一个地;接连地 She won the annual competition two times back to back. [=in a row]她接连两次赢得年度竞赛。 He's had two victories back to back.他已经接连两次获胜。 I've scheduled two appointments back to back.我已经安排好连续两次约会。 — see also back-to-back back to front of a piece of clothing : with the back where the front should be(衣服)前后穿反 He accidentally put the sweater on back to front. [=front to back, backwards]他不小心把针织套衫前后穿反了。 behind someone's back : without someone's knowledge : in secret背地里;悄悄地;秘密地 You shouldn't gossip about people behind their back(s).你不应该背地里议论他人。 If you have something to say, why not say it to my face instead of whispering it behind my back?!如果你有话要说,干吗要背地里议论而不当着我的面说? She went behind his back and spoke directly to his supervisor.她背着他直接向他的上司报告。 break the back of : to get control of (something you are trying to stop or defeat) : to greatly weaken or subdue (something)控制住;极大削弱 He says the government's new policies will break the back of inflation.他说政府的新政策将会控制住通货膨胀。 eyes in the back of your head — see 1eye get your back up : to become angry or annoyed and want to fight or argue生气,恼怒(因而想要反击或反驳) He gets his back up and becomes defensive whenever someone questions his work.只要有人质疑他的工作,他就会很恼火,还会起戒心。 — compare put someone's back up (below) have someone's back — see watch someone's back (below) in back : in an area at the back of something在后部;在后面 There was only room for one passenger in front. The rest of us sat in back. [=in the back]前面只能容纳一个乘客,我们其余的人都坐在后面。 in back of chiefly US : directly behind (something or someone)紧挨在…后面 There's a small yard in back of the house.有个小院子紧挨在那栋房子的后面。 on the back of 1  : because of (something)由于;因为 Profits have increased on the back of [=on the strength of] improved international sales.由于国际市场销量提升,所以利润增长了。 2  disapproving : by using the efforts of (other people)利用,依赖于(他人) The company has achieved record profits on the back of cheap labor.由于使用了低价劳动力,公司获得了创纪录的利润。 on/off your back ◊ Someone who is always or frequently criticizing you or telling you what to do is on your back and won't get off your back.缠磨,烦扰(某人)不再缠磨,不再烦扰(某人) He says his wife is always on his back about doing chores around the house.他说他太太总是就做家务事对他指手画脚。 Get off my back! I'm working as hard as I can!别烦我!我正在尽全力工作。 My boss is always criticizing me. I wish I knew some way to get him off my back.我的老板总是批评我。要是有办法让他不再烦扰我就好了。 on your back ◊ If you are (flat) on your back you are lying with your back against the ground, on a bed, etc.平躺;仰卧 The accident left him (lying) flat on his back (in bed) for two weeks.那次事故使他卧床两周。 ◊ This phrase is sometimes used figuratively.这个短语有时用作比喻。 The stock market has been flat on its back [=has been doing very poorly] in recent weeks.最近几周股市很不景气。 out back (US) or chiefly British out the back or round the back : in the area behind something (such as a building)在(建筑物等的)后面 In my youth we didn't have a toilet in the house but there was one out back.我年轻时屋里没有卫生间,不过屋子后面有一个。 put someone's back up : to offend or annoy someone : to make someone angry or ready to argue冒犯;激怒 I don't want to question his decision because that will just put his back up.我不想质疑他的决定,因为那样会激怒他。 — compare get your back up (above) put your back into : to work very hard at (something) : to put a lot of effort into (something)全力以赴;专注于 If you want to get that floor clean you'll have to put your back into it.如果你想把那块地板擦干净,你就必须使劲擦。 You'll really have to put your back into this project if you want it to succeed.如果你希望这个项目取得成功,你就必须全力以赴。 scratch someone's back — see 1scratch see the back of ◊ In British English, to be glad/happy (etc.) to see the back of someone is to be glad to see someone finally going away.摆脱(某人);巴不得(某人)离开 He's done nothing but make trouble and I'll be glad to see the back of him! [=I'll be glad when he has gone]他什么都没干,只会添乱,所以我巴不得他快点离开。 stab (someone) in the back — see 2stab the shirt off your back — see shirt turn your back : to turn so that you are facing away from someone转身背对(某人) He turned his back and walked away from me.他转身从我身边走开了。 — often + on He turned his back on me and walked away.他转身从我身边走开了。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 His former supporters have turned their backs on him. [=have abandoned him]他原来的支持者都背弃了他。 watch someone's back or have someone's back : to protect someone who is doing something that is dangerous or risky保护某人;支持某人 The police officer's partner always watches his back.那名警官的同伴总在保护他。 Don't worry, I've got your back.别担心,我在后面保护你。 watch your back ◊ If people tell you to watch your back, they are telling you to be careful.小心点 I hear the boss is in a bad mood this morning, so you'd better watch your back.我听说老板今早心情不好,所以你最好小心点。 — backless /ˈbækləs/ adjective a backless evening gown露背晚礼服 2 back /ˈbæk/ adverb 2 back /ˈbæk/ adverb Learner's definition of BACK 1  a  : in, toward, or at the back or rear在后部;朝后;在后 The soldiers moved back from the front lines.士兵们从前线向后撤退。 The police asked the crowd to move/step back from the scene of the accident.警方要求人群从事故现场向后退。 He left his friends two miles back.他把几个朋友甩在两英里以后了。 She turned around and looked back toward him.她转过身朝他望去。 a chapter beginning several pages back在之后几页开始的一章 b  : to, toward, or in the place where someone or something was previously回到从前的地方;回原处 He left his home and never went back.他离开了家,再也没有回去。 I had to go back (to the office) for some papers I had left behind.我得回(办公室)去取落下的几份文件。 It's time to go back home.是该回家的时候了。 She took the book off the shelf and forgot to put it back.她从书架拿了这本书但忘了把它放回去。 She left earlier but she should be back [=return] soon.她稍早的时候走了,但应该很快就回来了。 2  : in or into the past : backward in time回到从前;以前 In the opening chapter the author looks back on his youth.在开篇的第一章作者回顾了他的青年时代。 an event back in the last century上个世纪发生的事件; also : ago It happened several years back.这事是几年前发生的。 I met him in the city two days back.我两天前在城里遇见过他。 3  a  : to or toward a former state or condition回到原状 He has decided to go back to private life. [=to return to private life]他已经决定重新回到个人的生活中去。 Good farming practices were needed to bring the fields back (to good condition). [=to restore the fields]需要有好的耕作方法来恢复田地。 b  : in return or reply归还;回报;回复 I gave the book to him and he gave it back (to me).我把这本书给了他,他又把书还给了我。 He refused to give back the borrowed money.他拒绝归还借款。 He hit his brother and his brother hit him right back.他打了他的弟弟,他弟弟立刻还击了。 talk back反驳 She refused to take back her accusations.她拒绝撤销指控。 c  — used to describe someone or something that is being held or kept from moving forward or happening控制住;止住 He would have jumped if his friends had not held him back.要不是朋友们把他拉住,他就已经跳下去了。 He vowed that he wouldn't allow poverty to hold/keep him back. [=to keep him from succeeding]他发誓不会让贫穷拖他的后腿。 She struggled to hold back a laugh. [=to keep from laughing]她强忍着没笑出声来。 Landslides set the construction job back many days. [=caused the construction job to be delayed many days]滑坡使建筑工作延迟了许多天。 d  — used to describe something that is being kept instead of being given or revealed扣住;瞒住 They held back part of the money.他们扣下了部分资金。 keep back the truth隐瞒真相 4  : to or at an angle朝向;处于某个角度 The banks slant evenly back from the highway.这些边坡与公路的倾斜角是相同的。 The doctor told her to lie back on the couch. [=to lie down on the couch]医生让她躺在长沙发上。 When I get home from work I like to just sit/lean back on the couch and relax.下班回家后我就喜欢坐/靠在长沙发上休息。 back of US, informal : on the rear side of (something) : behind在…后面 There's an old tractor out back of [=in back of] the barn.在谷仓后面有一辆旧拖拉机。 get your own back — see get back at get 3 back /ˈbæk/ adjective 3 back /ˈbæk/ adjective Learner's definition of BACK always used before a noun 1  : of or relating to the back : located at the back后面的;位于后部的 the front door, not the back door [=the door at the back of a building]前门,不是后门 He keeps his wallet in his back pocket.他把钱包放在他的后兜里。 She likes to sit in the front/first row, not the back [=last] row.她喜欢坐在前排/第一排,而不是最后一排。 We came in through the back entrance.我们是从后面的入口进来的。 the back pages [=the last pages] of the newspaper报纸的最后几页 back teeth臼齿 a back room后屋 2  : far from a central or main area偏远的;偏僻的 We drove on the back roads instead of the main roads.我们在小道上而不是在主路上行驶。 a back alley偏僻的小巷 3  : not yet paid : owed from an earlier time未付款的;拖欠的 The company owes him several months in back pay.公司欠他数月工资。 back rent拖欠的租金 4  : published at an earlier time : no longer current早期出版的;过期的 a back issue/number of a magazine一本过期杂志 5  golf — used to refer to the final 9 holes of an 18-hole golf course(18穴高尔夫球场的)后9穴的 He was two over par on the front nine and three over par on the back nine.他打前九穴时比标准杆数多出两杆,打后九穴时比标准杆数多出三杆。 4 back /ˈbæk/ verb backs; backed; backing 4 back /ˈbæk/ verb backs; backed; backing Learner's definition of BACK 1  [+ object] a  : to give help to (someone) : support支持 I'm backing him (against the Establishment) in his struggle for reform.我支持他为改革而进行的(反对权势集团的)斗争。 I'm backing him for President.我支持他当总统。 b  : to bet on (someone or something)对…下赌注 She backed the winner of the race and won a lot of money.她押对了比赛的赌注,赢了很多钱。 The pundits are all backing him to become the next President. [=the pundits all think that he will become the next President]专家们都认为他将成为下一届总统。 c  : to provide evidence that supports (something)提供有利证据 She backed her argument with written evidence.她为自己的论点提供了书面证据。 d  : to provide the money that is needed for (something)资助(某物) back a new company资助一家新公司 back a Broadway play资助一出百老汇戏剧 e  : to sing or play music that supports (a main singer or musical instrument)(为…)伴唱,伴奏 She backed the singer on the guitar.她弹吉他为歌手伴奏。 — often + up A guitarist backed up the singer.吉他手为歌手伴奏。 — see also back up (below) 2  : to move backward后退;后移 [no object] She backed into a parking space.她倒车进入了停车位。 She backed out of the garage.她把车倒着开出了车库。 The dog kept growling but backed off/away cautiously.那只狗不停地吼叫着,却小心翼翼地往后退。 [+ object] Could you back [=(more commonly) back up] your car a little to give me some room?你能把车往后倒一点给我腾出点地方吗? — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The reporter backed her into a corner [=put her into a difficult position that was hard to get out of] with his probing questions.记者盘根问底,将她逼人困境。 3  [+ object] : to provide (something) with a back为…提供背衬 back a skirt with stiff material用挺括的材料为裙子做背衬 4  [no object] : to have the back toward something背对;背朝 The house fronts onto Main Street and backs onto/on the golf course. [=the back of the house faces the golf course]这房子面朝主街,背对高尔夫球场。 back away [phrasal verb] : to move away from something or someone by walking backward退避;倒退着离开 The robber pointed a gun at the policeman and told him to back away slowly.劫匪用枪对着警察,叫他慢慢向后退。 — often + from The policeman slowly backed away from the robber.警察慢慢后退,远离劫匪。 She backed away from the growling dog.她后退着躲开了那只咆哮的狗。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The government seems to be backing away from its earlier proposal.政府似乎正在背弃其先前的计划。 She has backed away from her controversial position on the death penalty.她已经不再坚持她在死刑问题上所持的有争议的立场。 back down [phrasal verb] : to stop arguing or fighting for something让步;打退堂鼓 When threatened with a revolt of its own supporters, the government backed down.当支持者威胁要造反时,政府放弃了原来的主张。 The strike is expected to continue because neither side is willing to back down.罢工可能还会继续,因为双方都不愿让步。 — often + from The government backed down from its position.政府放弃了它的立场。 He'll never back down from a fight.他绝不会放弃斗争。 back into [phrasal verb] back into (something) : to become involved in (something) without planning to become involved无意中卷入 He backed into the antiques business almost by accident when he sold some old furniture he'd inherited.他在售卖家传旧家具时,几乎是纯属偶然地涉足了古玩业。 back off [phrasal verb] 1  : to stop arguing or fighting for something : to back down让步;打退堂鼓 He has refused to back off.他已拒绝退让。 2  : to decide not to do something that you had agreed to do : to back out食言;反悔 The deal fell through when investors backed off.由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。 3  : to stop bothering someone停止骚扰 She was getting irritated, so I backed off.她正在气头上,所以我不打扰她了。 back out [phrasal verb] : to decide not to do something that you had agreed to do食言;反悔 The deal fell through when investors backed out.由于投资者反悔,这笔交易告吹了。 — often + of The investors backed out of the deal.投资者退出了这笔交易。 back up [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to move backward后退;倒退 The car backed up slowly.汽车缓缓后退。 Could you back up a little to give me some room?你能往后退点给我腾出一些地方吗? — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 Wait, let's back up for a second. [=let's go back to what we were discussing earlier]等等,咱们还是暂且回到刚才的话题。 b  back (a vehicle) up or back up (a vehicle) : to move (a vehicle) backward倒(车) Could you back your car up a little to give me some room?你能把车往后倒点给我腾出点地方吗? 2  a  : to become blocked so that movement or flow is slowed or stopped堵塞;淤积 Traffic backed up for miles because of the accident.这个事故使交通堵塞了数英里。 The drain backed up [=clogged] and had to be unclogged by a plumber.下水道堵塞了,必须请管道工来疏通才行。 b  back (something) up or back up (something) : to cause (something) to become blocked使淤积;使堵塞 The accident backed up traffic for miles. = Traffic was backed up [=(Brit) tailed back] for miles because of the accident.这个事故使交通堵塞了数英里。 The drain was backed up.下水道堵塞了。 3  back (someone or something) up or back up (someone or something) : to give help or support to (someone or something)支持;帮助 I'll back you up if I think you're right.如果我认为你是对的,我就支持你。 She backed her argument up with written evidence. = Written evidence backed her argument up.她用书面证据来支持自己的论点。 It's time to back up your words with deeds!是用行动来证明你的话的时候了! — see also 4back 1e (above) 4  back (something) up or back up (something) computers : to make a copy of (a computer file or data) to protect it from being lost备份;存储 Remember to back up your work before you log off.记得在退出前备份你的文件。 — see also backup




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