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词汇 of
释义 of 779 ENTRIES FOUND: of (preposition) OF (abbreviation) afoul of (adverb) age of consent (noun) ahead of (preposition) apropos of (preposition) back of beyond (noun) back-of-the-envelope (adjective) bag of bones (noun) balance of payments (noun) balance of power (noun) balance of trade (noun) ball of fire (noun) ball of wax (noun) beast of burden (noun) bed of roses (noun) bicarbonate of soda (noun) bill of exchange (noun) bill of fare (noun) bill of rights (noun) bill of sale (noun) bird of paradise (noun) bird of passage (noun) bird of prey (noun) block of flats (noun) call of nature (noun) captain of industry (noun) center of gravity (noun) certificate of deposit (noun) chain of command (noun) chamber of commerce (noun) Chancellor of the Exchequer (noun) change of heart (noun) change of life (noun) change of pace (noun) chest of drawers (noun) chief of staff (noun) chief of state (noun) Church of England (noun) coat of arms (noun) C of C (abbreviation) C of E (abbreviation) comedy of manners (noun) coming-of-age (noun) conflict of interest (noun) conspiracy of silence (noun) cost of living (noun) court of appeals (noun) court of law (noun) cream of tartar (noun) fact of life (noun) field of view (noun) field of vision (noun) figure-of-eight (noun) figure of speech (noun) fountain of youth (noun) Fourth of July (noun) frame of mind (noun) frame of reference (noun) freak of nature (noun) Garden of Eden (noun) Hall of Fame (noun) holy of holies (noun) house of cards (noun) House of Commons (noun) House of Lords (noun) House of Representatives (noun) irrespective of (preposition) jack-of-all-trades (noun) Joint Chiefs of Staff (noun) justice of the peace (noun) kiss of death (noun) kiss of life (noun) lady of the house (noun) lay of the land (noun) leave of absence (noun) lie of the land (noun) life of Riley (noun) lily of the valley (noun) line of credit (noun) line of scrimmage (noun) maid of honor (noun) man of God (noun) man of letters (noun) man of straw (noun) man of the cloth (noun) man of the house (noun) man of the people (noun) man of the world (noun) man-of-war (noun) marriage of convenience (noun) master of ceremonies (noun) matron of honor (noun) matter-of-fact (adjective) Medal of Honor (noun) middle-of-the-road (adjective) milk of magnesia (noun) mistress of ceremonies (noun) mother-of-pearl (noun) order of business (noun) order of magnitude (noun) order of the day (noun) out-of-body experience (noun) out-of-bounds (adjective) out-of-date (adjective) out of doors (adverb) out-of-pocket (adjective) out-of-the-way (adjective) out-of-town (adjective) out-of-towner (noun) out-of-work (adjective) part of speech (noun) piece of cake (noun) piece of work (noun) plaster of paris (noun) point of departure (noun) point of honor (noun) point of no return (noun) point of order (noun) point of reference (noun) point of view (noun) port of call (noun) port of entry (noun) Portuguese man-of-war (noun) power of attorney (noun) presence of mind (noun) prisoner of conscience (noun) prisoner of war (noun) rate of exchange (noun) reign of terror (noun) right-of-way (noun) rite of passage (noun) roll of honour (noun) run-of-the-mill (adjective) seat-of-the-pants (adjective) Secretary of State (noun) sign of the cross sleight of hand (noun) slice-of-life (adjective) soldier of fortune (noun) son of a bitch (noun) son of a gun (noun) sport of kings (noun) spur-of-the-moment (adjective) standard of living (noun) Star of David (noun) state-of-the-art (adjective) Stations of the Cross (noun) statute of limitations (noun) stream of consciousness (noun) top-of-the-line (adjective) tug-of-love (noun) tug-of-war (noun) undreamed of (adjective) unheard-of (adjective) vote of confidence (noun) vote of no confidence (noun) well-thought-of (adjective) woman of letters (noun) woman of the world (noun) work of art (noun) Aden, Gulf of (proper noun) Aqaba, Gulf of (proper noun) Azov, Sea of (proper noun) Bengal, Bay of (proper noun) Biscay, Bay of (proper noun) Bothnia, Gulf of (proper noun) California, Gulf of (proper noun) District of Columbia (proper noun) Fundy, Bay of (proper noun) Juan de Fuca, Strait of (proper noun) Mackinac, Straits of (proper noun) Magellan, Strait of (proper noun) Man, Isle of (proper noun) Marmara, Sea of (proper noun) Micronesia, Federated States of (proper noun) Okhotsk, Sea of (proper noun) Tonkin, Gulf of (proper noun) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (proper noun) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (proper noun) United States of America (proper noun) abreast (adverb) accord (noun) account (noun) ace (noun) act (noun) action (noun) address (noun) admit (verb) advantage (noun) age (noun) agency (noun) aid (noun) all (adjective) all (adverb) allegiance (noun) allow (verb) all right (adjective) alongside (adverb) apple (noun) area (noun) arm (noun) as (conjunction) assured (adjective) auspices (noun) avail (verb) back (noun) back (adverb) badly (adverb) bag (noun) bang (noun) barrel (noun) barren (adjective) bat (noun) battle (noun) bean (noun) because (conjunction) beck (noun) become (verb) bed (noun) beeswax (noun) behalf (noun) behest (noun) being (noun) belief (noun) benefit (noun) bent (adjective) bereft (adjective) best (adjective) best (noun) better (adjective) better (noun) bidding (noun) big deal (noun) bill (noun) bird (noun) bit (noun) bite (verb) blink (noun) blow (verb) blue (noun) bone (noun) bottom (noun) bound (noun) breadth (noun) break (verb) breast (noun) breath (noun) breathe (verb) brick (noun) brunt (noun) business (noun) cake (noun) can (noun) card (noun) care (noun) case (noun) cat (noun) chapter (noun) character (noun) choice (noun) chute (noun) clay (noun) clean (adjective) clear (adjective) cloth (noun) cock (noun) cockle (noun) cognizance (noun) coin (noun) cold (adjective) color (noun) come (verb) commission (noun) consist (verb) cop (verb) corridor (noun) couple (noun) course (noun) court (noun) courtesy (noun) crack (noun) crawl (verb) cup (noun) curve (noun) Damocles day (noun) death (noun) debt (noun) default (noun) deference (noun) defiance (noun) deliver (verb) delivery (noun) deprive (verb) depth (noun) devil (noun) devoid (adjective) dice (noun) die (verb) different (adjective) dilemma (noun) dint (noun) discretion (noun) dispose (verb) divest (verb) do (verb) dog (noun) dose (noun) doubt (noun) dozen (noun) draw (noun) dream (verb) drop (noun) drop (verb) drum (verb) early (adjective) earth (noun) eat (verb) edge (noun) empty (adjective) end (noun) err (verb) error (noun) essence (noun) event (noun) every (adjective) example (noun) exception (noun) excess (noun) exclusive (adjective) exhibition (noun) expense (noun) eye (noun) face (noun) fact (noun) faint (adjective) fair (adjective) faith (noun) fall (verb) fat (noun) favor (noun) feather (noun) federal case (noun) fence (noun) few (adjective) fiber (noun) fight (verb) fine (adjective) finger (noun) fire (noun) first (adjective) fish (noun) fist (noun) flesh (noun) flight (noun) flip side (noun) flock (verb) flush (noun) fly (verb) follow (verb) fond (adjective) fool (noun) foot (noun) form (noun) forward (adverb) foul (adjective) frame (noun) free (adverb) fresh (adjective) fresh (adverb) frighten (verb) front (noun) fruit (noun) frying pan (noun) full (adjective) fun (noun) game (noun) genius (noun) get (verb) gift (noun) give (verb) go (noun) god (noun) gourd (noun) grass (noun) grease (verb) hair (noun) half (noun) hall (noun) hand (noun) hang (noun) hard (adjective) hard (adverb) hash (noun) hat (noun) head (noun) health (noun) heap (noun) hear (verb) heart (noun) heavy (adjective) hell (noun) here (adverb) hill (noun) hold (verb) hold (noun) hollow (noun) honest (adjective) honey (noun) honor (noun) hope (noun) horn (noun) horror (noun) horse (noun) hour (noun) hundred (noun) iceberg (noun) imagination (noun) inch (noun) inclusive (adjective) inquire (verb) inside (preposition) iron (adjective) issue (noun) it (pronoun) joint (noun) jungle (noun) justice (noun) keeping (noun) kettle (noun) kilter (noun) kind (noun) knock (verb) knot (noun) know (verb) knowledge (noun) land (noun) lap (noun) late (adverb) laugh (verb) laugh (noun) law (noun) lay (verb) lease (noun) least (adjective) least (adverb) leave (noun) left field (noun) length (noun) less (pronoun) lesser (adjective) let (verb) liberty (noun) lieu (noun) life (noun) light (noun) light (adjective) like (noun) line (noun) lip (noun) living (noun) load (noun) long (adjective) long (noun) lord (noun) lot (noun) love (noun) luck (noun) lump (noun) luxury (noun) made (adjective) make (verb) making (noun) man (noun) manner (noun) mark (noun) market (noun) marking (noun) mass (noun) master (noun) matter (noun) meal (noun) meaning (noun) means (noun) measure (noun) medicine (noun) meeting (noun) memory (noun) mercy (noun) mess (noun) mickey (noun) middle (noun) milk (noun) mincemeat (noun) mind (noun) mist (noun) molehill (noun) moment (noun) money (noun) monkey (noun) month (noun) more (pronoun) most (noun) mother (noun) mountain (noun) mouth (noun) much (pronoun) muck (noun) name (noun) necessity (noun) neck (noun) need (noun) neighborhood (noun) nerve (noun) next (pronoun) nick (noun) night (noun) none (pronoun) nonsense (noun) nose (noun) note (noun) nothing (pronoun) nothing (adverb) nowhere (noun) off (preposition) old (noun) only (adjective) opinion (noun) opposite (adjective) order (noun) ordinary (noun) out (adverb) outside (preposition) owe (verb) pain (noun) palm (noun) pants (noun) parcel (noun) part (noun) parting (noun) party (noun) path (noun) pay (noun) pearl (noun) people (noun) person (noun) personality (noun) pervert (verb) picture (noun) pie (noun) piece (noun) pig (noun) pile (noun) pillar (noun) pinch (noun) piss (noun) pit (noun) place (noun) play (verb) play (noun) pleasure (noun) pledge (noun) pocket (noun) point (noun) poor (adjective) possess (verb) post (noun) pottage (noun) pound (noun) power (noun) price (verb) pride (noun) pudding (noun) pump (verb) pursuance (noun) put (verb) quest (noun) question (noun) rate (noun) ray (noun) reach (noun) record (noun) reference (noun) refusal (noun) regardless (adverb) region (noun) rejoice (verb) relieve (verb) remind (verb) resistance (noun) respect (noun) return (noun) rid (verb) right (noun) rise (noun) risk (noun) road (noun) rod (noun) roll (verb) roll (noun) rope (noun) rose (noun) rule (noun) rule (verb) run (noun) running (noun) sail (noun) sake (noun) salt (noun) same (adjective) sand (noun) savor (verb) say (verb) scheme (noun) seal (noun) season (noun) seat (noun) secret (noun) see (verb) sense (noun) service (noun) shade (noun) shape (noun) share (noun) short (adjective) short (adverb) short (noun) shot (adjective) show (noun) shy (adjective) sicken (verb) side (noun) sight (noun) sign (noun) sing (verb) six (noun) size (noun) skin (noun) slice (noun) slip (noun) smack (verb) small (noun) snap (verb) sort (noun) sow (verb) speak (verb) spectacle (noun) specter (noun) spite (noun) sport (noun) spur (noun) staff (noun) starch (noun) steam (noun) step (noun) step (verb) stern (adjective) stick (noun) still (noun) street (noun) strength (noun) stretch (noun) string (noun) stroke (noun) stuffing (noun) style (noun) substance (noun) sudden (adjective) sum (noun) Sunday (noun) support (noun) sure (adjective) survival (noun) suspicion (noun) sweat (noun) swim (noun) swing (noun) sword (noun) syllable (noun) sync (noun) system (noun) table (noun) tail (noun) take (verb) talk (verb) talk (noun) taste (noun) tea (noun) tell (verb) ten (noun) term (noun) test (noun) tether (noun) thanks (noun) thick (noun) thin (adjective) thing (noun) think (verb) throes (noun) thumb (noun) time (noun) tip (noun) tire (verb) tissue (noun) title (noun) toast (noun) ton (noun) tongue (noun) tool (noun) tooth (noun) top (noun) touch (noun) tower (noun) town (noun) track (noun) trade (noun) tree (noun) trick (noun) trick (verb) truth (noun) tune (noun) tunnel (noun) turn (noun) twinkle (noun) twinkling (noun) two (noun) unsound (adjective) unsure (adjective) upward (adverb) use (noun) valor (noun) value (noun) verge (noun) vicinity (noun) view (noun) virtue (noun) void (adjective) wake (noun) walk (noun) want (verb) want (noun) war (noun) warm (verb) wash (verb) waste (noun) water (noun) wave (noun) way (noun) weary (verb) weasel (verb) weather (noun) wedge (noun) whack (noun) what (pronoun) whip (noun) whole (adjective) wind (noun) wisdom (noun) wise (adjective) wit (noun) woman (noun) wood (noun) woodwork (noun) word (noun) work (noun) world (noun) worm (noun) worm (verb) worst (adjective) worst (noun) worthy (adjective) wriggle (verb) wrong (adjective) year (noun) yesteryear (noun) yet (adverb) yore (noun) South Africa (proper noun) of /ˈʌv/ /əv/ Brit /ˈɒv/ /əv/ /ə/ preposition of /ˈʌv/ /əv/ Brit /ˈɒv/ /əv/ /ə/ preposition Learner's definition of OF 1  : belonging to, relating to, or connected with (someone or something)属于…的;关于…的 He is a coworker of mine.他是我的同事。 I threw out that old shirt of yours.我把你的那件旧衬衣扔了。 She's a friend of my mother's.她是我母亲的朋友。 He had the support of his family to help him.他得到了家人的支持帮助。 the plays of William Shakespeare威廉·莎士比亚的戏剧 What is the name of the band?这个乐队叫什么名字? We admired the courage of the young woman.我们佩服这位年轻女子的勇气。 the President of the United States美国总统 the Queen of England英格兰女王 What is the total cost of the repairs?修理费一共多少钱? The value of the antique is high.这件古玩的价值很高。 the responsibility/duty of parents父母的责任 the work of the artist艺术家的作品 the behavior of the child那个孩子的行为 the actions of the President总统的举动 the results of the experiment实验的结果 The score of the game is tied.比赛打成平局。 The product of 2 times 2 is 4.2乘以2等于4。 I can't stand the sight of it. [=I can't stand seeing it]我看见它就忍无可忍。 the color of the dress连衣裙的颜色 the social issues of the time当今的社会问题 the greatest invention of the 20th century20世纪最伟大的发明 She was voted (Most Outstanding) Woman of the Year.她当选为年度最杰出女性。 the top of the mountain山顶 The leg of the table is loose.桌子腿松动了。 a masterpiece of modern fiction现代小说的杰作 the fourth of July [=the fourth day in the month of July]七月四日 We are having a party on the day of graduation.毕业那天我们将有一次聚会。 Where were you at the time of the murder?凶杀案发生时你在什么地方? She told a story of [=about] her travels in Italy.她讲述了一个她在意大利旅行的故事。 The news/announcement of our victory was greeted with delight.听到我们胜利的消息/公告,大家都很开心。 He dreams of becoming rich and famous.他梦想成为有钱有名的人。 He was neglectful of his duties.他玩忽职守。 2  — used to indicate that someone or something belongs to a group of people or things属于…的;…中的 He is one of my friends.他是我的朋友之一。 This is page one of two (pages).这是两页中的第一页。 Many/Most of the students will be going on the field trip.许多/大多数学生将参加野外考察。 The four of us enjoyed ourselves at the party.我们四人在聚会上玩得很高兴。 members of the team团队成员 Of (all) my friends, you are the only one I really trust.在我的(所有)朋友中,你是我唯一可以信赖的人。 She is the older/younger of my two sisters.她是我两个姐妹中年纪较大/较小的一个。 He has written two novels, of which the first is the best. = He has written two novels, the first of which is the best.他写了两本小说,第一本最好。 3  : living or occurring in (a specified country, city, town, etc.)住在(某地);发生于(某地) the people of Puerto Rico波多黎各人民 a fish of the western Atlantic西大西洋的鱼 a plant of the tropics热带植物 4  : showing (someone or something)显示,描绘(某人或某事物) a painting of a mother holding her child一张母亲抱着孩子的油画 a picture of my house我家房子的照片 5  — used to indicate the thing that is being referred to表示所指的事物 the country of Ireland爱尔兰国 the city of Rome罗马城 the month of August八月 the crime of murder杀人罪 a good piece of advice好的建议 1758 is the year of Noah Webster's birth.1758年是诺亚·韦伯斯特出生之年。 a difference of $55美元的差额 The savings account has an interest rate of 5 percent.储蓄账户的利率为5%。 The arrangement includes several kinds of flowers. = The arrangement includes flowers of several kinds.这个插花组合包含了数种花卉。 6  : involving or dealing with (something)涉及…的;关于…的 a test of basic skills基本技能的测验 the Department of Agriculture农业部 7  — used to indicate what something is made from or includes由…制成的;由…组成的 a throne of gold = a throne made (out) of gold黄金宝座 a bar of chocolate一条巧克力 a flock of sheep一群羊 a herd of cattle一群牛 a small group of people一小伙人 8  — used to indicate what an amount, number, etc., refers to表示某一数量 We got a large amount of rain.我们这里下了很大的雨。 A small number of people were at the concert.音乐会上人不多。 a pound of sliced cheese一磅切片干酪 two acres of land两英亩土地 two lumps of sugar两块方糖 a big piece of cake一大块蛋糕 a pair of scissors一把剪刀 a hot cup of coffee = a cup of hot coffee一杯热咖啡 hundreds of dollars数百美元 eight hours of sleep八小时睡眠 He is 40 years of age. [=he is 40 years old]他40岁。 9  — used to indicate a quality or characteristic that someone or something has表示某人或某物具有某一品质或特征 a man of noble birth贵族出身的男子 He is of Polish descent.他祖籍波兰。 a boy of 12 (years of age)12岁的男孩 a woman of [=with] great wealth非常富有的女人 She is the girl of his dreams. [=she has all the qualities that he is attracted to]她是他的梦中情人。 She recently lost her husband of 30 years. [=her husband who she was married to for 30 years before he died]与她结发30年的丈夫最近去世了。 a matter of no importance不重要的事 The house is of his own design.这所房子是他自己设计的。 The trash smells of fish.这堆垃圾闻着有股鱼腥味。 10  — used to indicate the location of something位于…的 The cabins are north of the lake.小屋位于湖的北面。 The arrow went wide of the target. [=the arrow missed the target]箭脱靶了。 The dart landed to the left/right of the bull's-eye.飞镖落在靶心的左边/右边。 The shark passed within five feet of me.鲨鱼从我身旁不到五英尺处游过。 11  a  — used to indicate the subject of an action(表示动作的主体)…的 the arrival of guests客人的到来 the departure of the ship轮船的启程 the landing of the airplane飞机的降落 b  — used to indicate the object of an action(表示动作的对象)对…的 the evaluation of students对学生的评价 the destruction of property对财产的破坏 The police conducted an investigation of the crime.警方对罪行进行调查。 She asked a favor of [=from] me.她求我帮忙。 Can you think of his name?你能想起他的名字吗? I thought of calling you.我想到要给你打电话。 c  — used to indicate the cause of a specified feeling or opinion表示产生某种感觉或意见的原因 He has a love of [=for] nature.他喜爱大自然。 He has a fear of spiders.他害怕蜘蛛。 I'm so proud of you. = I'm so proud of what you have done.我为你感到非常自豪。 She is fond of chocolate.她喜欢吃巧克力。 d  — used to indicate the reason for something(表示某事的原因)由于…,因… He died of [=from] pneumonia.他死于肺炎。 They left of their own free will.他们自愿离开。 12  — used to indicate what has been taken away, removed, or given away(某物)被拿走,被取消,被放弃 She was robbed of her fortune.她被抢走了钱财。 The con man cheated him (out) of his money.骗子骗走了他的钱。 He was stripped of all his titles.他所有的头衔都被剥夺了。 The cats helped rid the barn of rats.养猫有助于消除粮仓鼠患。 He gave generously of his time. [=he gave his time generously]他慷慨地贡献出他的时间。 13  — used to indicate that someone has behaved in a specified way表示某人的具体行为 It was very kind/nice of you to say that. [=you were very kind/nice to say that]你这样说,我很感激。 14  US — used to indicate that there is a specified amount of time left before the next hour begins(表示时间)在…之前,差… It's a quarter of [=to, before] ten. [=9:45]差一刻十点。 10 (minutes) of 10 [=9:50]差10分10点 15  old-fashioned — used to indicate the time when something happens or happened(表示某事发生的时间)在…时候 You can often see him walking in the park of an afternoon.你可以时常看见他下午在公园散步。 He died of [=on] a Monday.他是在星期一去世的。 as of — see 2as of a US, informal — used to indicate that someone or something is a particular type of person or thing(表示某一特殊类型的人或事物)…类型的 her idiot of a husband [=her idiot/idiotic husband]她的傻丈夫 Some fool of a policeman had arrested the wrong man!有个糊涂警察竟然逮错了人! It is not that much of a problem. [=it is not a big problem]那不是什么大问题。 It wasn't that difficult of a shot. [=it was not a difficult shot]那并不是多难射。 It wasn't that big of a deal.那不是什么天大的事。 How big of a piece do you want?你要多大块的? of all (the) — see 1all of course — see 1course




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