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词汇 order
释义 order (verb) order 38 ENTRIES FOUND: order (noun) order (verb) ordered (adjective) order book (noun) order form (noun) order of business (noun) order of magnitude (noun) order of the day (noun) order paper (noun) back order (noun) cease and desist order (noun) court order (noun) executive order (noun) gag order (noun) holy orders (noun) last orders (noun) made-to-order (adjective) mail order (noun) marching orders (noun) money order (noun) pecking order (noun) point of order (noun) postal order (noun) purchase order (noun) restraining order (noun) short-order (adjective) standing order (noun) tall order (noun) well-ordered (adjective) apple pie (noun) ascend (verb) call (verb) descend (verb) doctor (noun) for (preposition) house (noun) law (noun) short (adjective) 1 order /ˈoɚdɚ/ noun plural orders 1 order /ˈoɚdɚ/ noun plural orders Learner's definition of ORDER 1  : a statement made by a person with authority that tells someone to do something : an instruction or direction that must be obeyed命令;指令 [count] The captain was barking out orders [=commands] to the crew.船长正厉声向船员下达指令。 That's an order, not a request!那是命令,不是请求! Failing to comply with an order will result in the loss of your job.不服从命令你就会丢饭碗。 She received an order to appear in court.她接到了法院的传票。 They can't close down the school without an order from the governor's office.没有州长办公室的命令,他们无权关闭学校。 The mayor gave/issued an order to evacuate the city.市长下令全城撤离。 It's not his fault. He was only following/obeying orders.不是他的错,他只是服从命令而已。 I'm not taking orders from you! You're not my boss.我不会听你的!你又不是我老板。 She left the hospital against her doctor's orders. [=her doctor told her not to leave, but she left anyway]她没有听从医嘱,自己出院了。 The soldiers were under (strict) orders to shoot anything that moved.士兵得到命令,射击任何移动目标。 [noncount] The city was evacuated by order of the mayor.按照市长的命令,全城撤离了。 — see also cease and desist order, court order, executive order, gag order, marching orders, money order, restraining order, standing order, tall order 2  a  : a specific request asking a company to supply goods or products to a customer订单;订货 [count] The store received an order for 200 roses this morning.商店今早接到要200支玫瑰的订单。 They had trouble filling large customer orders.他们很难供应大宗订货。 I placed a book order [=an order for a book] yesterday.昨天我下订单买了本书。 I'd like to cancel my order.我想取消订单。 We offer free shipping on orders over 50 dollars.满50美元的订单,我们免费送货。 [noncount] We don't have that CD in the store right now, but we do have it on order. [=we have ordered it but it has not yet been delivered]店里现在没有那张CD,不过我们已经订货了。 The book is on (special) order from the publisher.那本书已经从出版商那儿订购了。 Dresses in larger sizes are available by special order.更大尺码的连衣裙可专门订购。 — see also back order, mail order, purchase order b  [count] : a product or a group of products that someone has requested from a company订购的产品 We shipped your order last Thursday.上周四我们发送了你订购的货物。 3  [count] a  : a request for food or drinks made at a restaurant点(酒、菜等) The waiter still hasn't come to take our order.服务员还没有过来让我们点菜。 May I take your order?请问您要点什么? Please wait in this line to place your order.请排队点单。 b  : the food and drinks that someone has requested at a restaurant点买的饮食 Your order will be ready any minute now.您点的食物这就好了。 Is this order for here or to go? [=do you want to eat in this restaurant or take the food somewhere else?]您点的东西在这儿吃还是带走? c  : an amount of food that is served at a restaurant(饮食)分量 I'd like a large order of French fries, please.请给我来一份大份的炸薯条。 I'd like a hamburger with a side order of fries. [=I'd like an order of fries with my hamburger]我想要个汉堡包,配点薯条。 4  : the particular way that things or events are organized in a list or series顺序 [singular] Roll the dice to determine the order of play. [=to decide who will play first, second, third, etc.]掷骰子决定谁先玩。 The names were listed in no particular order.名单是随意排列的。 He remembers things happening in a different order.他能记住发生顺序不同的事情。 The actors' names are listed in the order of their appearance. = They are listed in the order in which they appear.演员的名单是根据出场顺序排列的。 Do these steps in the correct/proper/right order.按正确顺序完成这几个步骤。 [noncount] a series of jobs listed in order of difficulty/importance/size一系列按难度/重要性/工作量排序的工作 The top three contestants were named in random order.顶尖的三名选手的顺序是随意说出来的。 Her CDs are arranged in alphabetical order according to the artists' names.她的CD都是根据艺术家们姓名的字母顺序排列的。 a series of events given in chronological/historical order一系列按年代/历史顺序排列的事件 They rank the wines in ascending/descending order according to their quality.他们把酒按品质从低到高/从高到低排列。 The movie tells the story of her life in reverse order. [=from the end to the beginning]影片以倒叙的手法讲述了她的一生。 The books on those shelves are out of order. They need to be put in order.书架上的书杂乱无章,需要整理了。 — see also pecking order 5  [noncount] a  : an organized and proper state or condition整齐;有秩序 Two weeks after the disaster, he has managed to bring order out of (the) chaos.灾难发生两周后,他成功地从混乱中恢复了秩序。 Hundreds of families are struggling to get/put their lives back in order after the earthquake.地震过后,成百上千的家庭正努力恢复生活秩序。 Get your passport in order before you leave for your trip.旅行出发前把护照准备好。 All her documents were in order.她所有的文件整齐地摆放着。 She makes sure the organization's finances are in good order.她证实了单位的财务状况良好。 Drivers must keep their trucks clean and in (good) working order. [=working properly]司机必须保持卡车清洁,运行正常。 — opposite disorder b  : the state in which people behave properly, follow rules or laws, and respect authority治安;秩序 Our leaders must restore order to the city.我们的领导人必须恢复城市的秩序。 the loss of public order公共秩序缺失 Some teachers have trouble maintaining order in the classroom.有些教师维持不好课堂秩序。 a lack of order and discipline法纪缺失 “Order, order in the court!” the judge shouted at the unruly men.法官冲着乱哄哄的人群喊道:“秩序,注意法庭秩序!” 6  [singular] : a social or political system : the way that a society is organized or controlled社会法则;政治格局 These young activists dared to challenge the established social order.这些年轻的激进分子敢于挑战既有的社会法则。 calling for the end of the old order要求终止旧秩序 a new world order新的世界秩序 They seem to have accepted poverty as part of the natural order of things.他们似乎已经接受了贫穷是自然规则的一部分。 7  [singular] : a level of quality or excellence等级;水准 a teacher of the first/highest order [=an excellent teacher]一流/高水平的教师 Their customer service is of a higher order than that of their competitors.他们的客户服务水平比竞争对手高了一筹。 8  [count] chiefly British : a social class社会阶级 — usually plural通常用复数 servants and other members of the lower orders仆人以及其他底层社会的人员 9  [count] biology : a group of related plants or animals that is larger than a family(动植物)目 humans, apes, and other members of the order Primates人、猿猴以及其他灵长目动物 10  [count] : a large organization of people who have similar jobs or interests and who give help to other members兄弟会;会社 the Masonic Order共济会 the Fraternal Order of Police警察兄弟会 11  [count] : a religious organization whose members usually live together and promise to follow special rules and traditions宗教团体;修会 joining a religious/monastic order加入宗教团体/隐修会 an order of Catholic missionaries天主教传教士组织 — see also holy orders 12  [count] : a group of people who have been given an honor or reward by a country's ruler勋爵士团 The Queen made him a Member of the Order of the British Empire.女王授予他大英帝国爵士勋位。 call (something) to order : to say that (something, such as a meeting or court session) should begin宣布(会议、庭审等)开始 She called the meeting to order at 8:15.她于8:15宣布会议开始。 His lawyer arrived 10 minutes before court was called to order.他的律师在开庭前10分钟到达。 house in order — see 1house in apple-pie order — see apple pie in order : appropriate or desirable适宜的;需要的;可取的 After finishing that three-year project, I decided that a vacation was in order.完成历时三年的项目后,我觉得该休个假了。 An apology is in order, I believe.我认为应该道歉。 — see also 1order 4 (above), 1order 5a (above) in order for : to make it possible for someone or something to be or to do something为了 In order for companies to be successful, they have to sell their products at competitive prices.为了让公司取得成功,他们只好以有竞争力的价格出售产品。 We all have to work together in order for us to win. = We can win, but in order for that to happen, we all have to work together.为了能赢,我们所有人必须齐心协力。 They were told that in order for them to keep their jobs, they would have to accept a cut in pay.他们被告知若要保住工作,就必须接受减薪。 in order that formal — used to say the reason for something目的在于;为了 These soldiers gave their lives in order that [=so that] we may live in a safer and more peaceful world.为了让我们更安全、更和平地生活,士兵们献出了生命。 in order to : to make it possible for something to happen为了 In order to succeed, companies have to sell their products at competitive prices.为了取得成功,公司只好以有竞争力的价格出售产品。 People come here in order to give their children a better life.人们来到这里是为了让自己的孩子们生活得更好。 She has to work two jobs in order to [=so that she can] support her family.为了养家,她不得不打两份工。 I checked my bags twice in order to make sure that I had everything.我检查了两次旅行袋以确保东西都带齐了。 in short order — see 1short law and order — see law on the order of (chiefly US) or British in/of the order of : around or about (a specified number)大约 The government has spent on the order of [=approximately] ten million dollars on the project.政府在这个项目上大约花费了一千万美元。 He receives something on the order of 100 e-mails a day.他每天大约收到100封电子邮件。 out of order 1  : not working properly : not able to be used发生故障;不能使用 The elevator's out of order [=broken] again. We'll have to take the stairs.电梯又出故障了,我们只能走楼梯。 The sign on the coffee machine says “out of order.”咖啡机上的标示写着“已出故障”。 2  : not following the formal rules of a meeting, court session, etc.违反程序;不合规程 At the last town council meeting, her proposal was ruled out of order by the mayor.在镇议会终审会上,她的建议被镇长裁定为违反程序。 The mayor ruled her out of order.市长裁定她有悖程序。 3  British, informal : beyond what is reasonable or allowable : not right or appropriate不恰当的;不合理的 Your behavior was completely out of order. [=out of line]你的行为太不恰当了。 His comments were out of order.他的评论不合理。 — see also 1order 4 (above) to order : in response to a specific order or request定做;定制 Everything in this restaurant is cooked to order.这家餐馆所有的菜肴都能定制。 — see also made-to-order — orderless /ˈoɚdɚləs/ adjective a lawless and orderless society法律缺失、秩序混乱的社会 2 order /ˈoɚdɚ/ verb orders; ordered; ordering 2 order /ˈoɚdɚ/ verb orders; ordered; ordering Learner's definition of ORDER 1  [+ object] a  : to use your authority to tell someone to do something : to give an order to someone命令 They ordered everyone out of the house.他们命令房子里的所有人出去。 The soldiers were ordered back to the base.士兵们奉命返回基地。 “Stop! Drop your weapon!” ordered the officer.警官命令道:“站住!放下武器!” — usually followed by to + verb通常接动词不定式 The police officer ordered him to stop and drop his weapon.警官命令他站住并放下武器。 The soldiers were ordered to return to the base.士兵们奉命返回基地。 Everyone on the ship was ordered to put on their life jackets.船上所有的人都被命令穿上救生衣。 I order you to leave this instant!我命令你即刻离开! b  : to say that (something) must be done指令;裁决 The court threw out the conviction and ordered a new trial.法庭否决有罪判决并裁定重新审理。 The judge ordered that the charges be dismissed.法官判决撤销这些指控。 He was accused of ordering the murder of his wife.他被控谋杀妻子。 2  : to place an order for (something): such as a  : to request (something) from a company订购 [+ object] I ordered the books from the company's Web site.我从那家公司的网站订购了这些书。 The shirt you ordered should arrive in the mail in a couple of days.您订购的衬衣应该在几天内邮递到货。 [no object] To order, call the number at the bottom of your screen.要订购,请拨打屏幕下方的电话号码。 Order now and receive a free gift!现在订购,有礼相赠! b  : to request (food or drinks) from a restaurant点菜 [+ object] I'd like to order a large cheese pizza.我想点一个大号的奶酪比萨饼。 She sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.她在吧台坐下并点了杯饮料。 Would you like me to order you a drink? = Would you like me to order a drink for you?要我给你点杯饮料吗? I had the fish and he ordered the steak.我点了鱼,他点的是牛排。 Do you know what you're going to order?你知道自己要点什么吗? [no object] “Are you ready to order?” the waiter asked.服务员问:“您准备点菜了吗?” We've already ordered.我们点过菜了。 3  [+ object] : to organize (things) in a particular list or series : to put things in a particular order or position排序;整理 The books are ordered [=arranged] alphabetically by author.这些图书按作者姓名的字母顺序整理好了。 — see also reorder just what the doctor ordered — see 1doctor order around [phrasal verb] or chiefly British order about order (someone) around/about : to give orders to (someone) : to tell (someone) what to do命令(某人) He was tired of being ordered [=bossed] around by his parents and teachers.他厌烦了听命于父母和老师。 You can't just come in here and start ordering people around.你不能才来这儿就开始指使别人。 — orderable /ˈoɚdɚrəbəl/ adjective an orderable book可订购的图书 — orderer /ˈoɚdɚrɚ/ noun, plural orderers [count]




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