

单词 other than
释义 other than 1  : not including (something or someone)除了…以外 We're open every day other than [=except, except for] Sunday.除了星期天以外,我们每天都开门。 I saw a movie, but other than that, I didn't do much last weekend.上周末我看了一部电影,除此以外没做什么别的事。 2  a  : different from (something)不同于的 Could we have something other than cereal [=something that is not cereal] for breakfast?早餐我们能不能不吃麦片,改吃点别的? We never saw him drink anything other than beer. [=we only saw him drink beer]除了啤酒,我们从未看到过他喝别的什么饮料。 Do you have this sweater in any color other than red?这款毛衣除了红色,还有别的颜色吗? She said nothing about the case other than that her client would not be found guilty.关于这起案件,她只是说她的当事人不会被判有罪。 b  : in a different way from a specified way用不同的方式 She's never spoken other than kindly of him. [=she has only spoken about him in a kind way]说起他的时候,她总是一副友好的样子。 3  : except — used to introduce a statement that indicates the only person or thing that is not included in or referred to by a previous statement除了 Take no orders other than from me.只许听从我的命令。 No one may enter other than by special permission.除非有特殊的许可,否则任何人都不得入内。 You can't get there other than by boat.要到那里只能坐船。 other




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