

单词 otherwise
释义 otherwise (adjective) otherwise 3 ENTRIES FOUND: otherwise (adverb) otherwise (adjective) know (verb) 1 otherwise /ˈʌðɚˌwaɪz/ adverb 1 otherwise /ˈʌðɚˌwaɪz/ adverb Learner's definition of OTHERWISE 1  : in a different way or manner不同地;另外地 All of the books had been burned or otherwise destroyed.所有的书籍都被烧毁,或者遭到其他形式的破坏。 The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.女人们在客厅里聊天,男人们则忙着别的什么。 Art allows us to express things that we would not be able to express otherwise.艺术可以让我们表达出一些用其他方式无法表达的东西。 All shows begin at 7:00 unless otherwise noted. [=unless there is a note indicating that a show begins at a different time]除非特别通知,否则所有的演出都在7点钟开始。 employees who are sick or otherwise unavailable [=unavailable for some other reason]由于生病或者其他原因不能上班的雇员 France's King Louis XIV, otherwise known as [=also known as] the Sun King, died in 1715 at the age of 77.法国国王路易十四,别名“太阳王”,死于1715年,享年77岁。 2  : if something did not happen, was not true, etc.要不然的话 Thank you for reminding me; I might have missed the meeting otherwise. [=if you did not remind me]谢谢你提醒了我;要不然的话,我可能会错过这次会议。 Something must be wrong; otherwise, he would have called.一定出了什么事;要不然的话,他肯定会打电话来的。 The new computer program allows us to do in seconds what would otherwise [=without the computer program] take us days to accomplish.这个新的计算机程序可以帮助我们在几秒钟内完成以前要花几天时间才能做完的事情。 The test helps identify problems that might otherwise go unnoticed/undetected.这项测试有助于发现那些可能察觉不到的问题。 3  : in all ways except the one mentioned除此以外 One of the boys has a freckle on his cheek. Otherwise, the twins are nearly identical.其中一个男孩脸上有个雀斑。除此之外,这对双胞胎几乎长得一模一样。 I didn't like the ending, but otherwise it was a very good book.我不喜欢那个结局,但除此以外,那本书还是很不错的。 It rained in the morning; otherwise, it was a beautiful day. = It rained in the morning, but it was a beautiful day otherwise.那天上午下了点雨;除此以外,那天天气还是很好的。 4  : if not : or else否则 Finish your dinner. Otherwise [=if you don't finish your dinner], you won't get any dessert.把饭吃完。否则的话,你不能吃点心。 I hope we haven't missed the last train; otherwise [=if we have missed the train], we'll have to get a taxi.希望我们还没有错过最后那趟火车;否则,我们就得改坐出租车了。 5  — used to indicate that something different from the thing mentioned is suggested, shown, done, etc.不一样地 He claims to be innocent, but the evidence suggests otherwise. [=the evidence suggests that he is not innocent]他说自己是无辜的,可是证据显示并非如此。 While some people think it is true, our research proves otherwise. [=our research proves it is false]有些人认为这是事实,然而我们的研究证明这是假的。 Although her political rivals would have us believe otherwise, she would be an excellent President.尽管她的政敌想改变我们的看法,但毫无疑问,她会是一名优秀的总统。 You know what happened, so don't try to pretend otherwise. [=that you don't know what happened]你知道发生了什么,所以别装出一副一无所知的样子。 and/or otherwise — used to refer to something that is different from something already mentioned及/或其他 The company has been having problems, financial and otherwise [=the company has been having financial problems and other kinds of problems], for several years.好些年来,这家公司一直在财务以及其他方面存在问题。 They couldn't afford a house, small or otherwise. [=or any other kind of house]他们买不起房子,不管是大还是小。 Intentionally or otherwise, they never told her about the party.不知是故意的还是出于其他原因,他们一直没有告诉她晚会的事。 2 otherwise /ˈʌðɚˌwaɪz/ adjective 2 otherwise /ˈʌðɚˌwaɪz/ adjective Learner's definition of OTHERWISE : not the same : different不同的 If conditions were otherwise, I wouldn't be so worried.如果情况有所不同的话,我就不会如此担忧了。




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