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词汇 out
释义 out (preposition) out (verb) out (noun) out 515 ENTRIES FOUND: out (adverb) out (preposition) out (verb) out (noun) out- (prefix) out-and-out (adjective) out-box (noun) outing (noun) out-of-body experience (noun) out-of-bounds (adjective) out-of-date (adjective) out-of-pocket (adjective) out-of-the-way (adjective) out-of-town (adjective) out-of-towner (noun) out-of-work (adjective) out-there (adjective) out of doors (adverb) out tray (noun) all get-out (noun) all-out (adjective) bombed-out (adjective) burned out (adjective) burnt out clapped-out (adjective) cop-out (noun) down-and-out (adjective) drawn-out (adjective) fade-out (noun) falling-out (noun) far-out (adjective) flat out (adverb) flat-out (adjective) force-out (noun) full-out (adjective) gross-out (noun) ins and outs (noun) knock-down, drag-out (adjective) lights-out (noun) long-drawn-out (adjective) opt-out (noun) played-out (adjective) share-out (noun) shoot-out (noun) shout-out (noun) sold-out (adjective) sort-out (noun) spaced out (adjective) straight-out (adjective) strung out (adjective) time-out (noun) washed-out (adjective) way-out (adjective) well-thought-out (adjective) whacked-out (adjective) wiped out (adjective) worn-out (adjective) zoned out (adjective) about (adjective) act (verb) action (noun) all (adverb) average (verb) baby (noun) back (noun) back (verb) bag (noun) bail (verb) bail (verb) balance (verb) bale (verb) bang (verb) bang (noun) bash (verb) bat (noun) bathwater (noun) battle (verb) bawl (verb) bear (verb) beat (verb) bed (noun) bent (adjective) best (noun) big deal (noun) black (verb) blank (verb) block (verb) blood (noun) blot (verb) blow (verb) blue (noun) boat (noun) bottle (verb) bottom (noun) bottom (verb) bound (noun) bow (verb) brain (noun) branch (verb) brazen (verb) break (verb) bring (verb) bug (verb) bulk (verb) burn (verb) burst (verb) business (noun) bust (verb) butt (verb) buy (verb) call (verb) camp (verb) cancel (verb) carry (verb) cast (verb) cat (noun) catch (verb) character (noun) check (verb) chew (verb) chicken (verb) choice (noun) choke (verb) chuck (verb) churn (verb) chute (noun) claim (noun) clean (verb) clear (verb) clock (verb) close (verb) cloth (noun) cold (noun) comb (verb) come (verb) commission (noun) conk (verb) contract (verb) cop (verb) copy (verb) count (verb) count (noun) court (noun) crank (verb) crawl (verb) creep (verb) cross (verb) crowd (verb) cry (verb) curse (verb) cuss (verb) cut (verb) day (noun) deck (verb) deference (noun) depth (noun) die (verb) dig (verb) dine (verb) dish (verb) do (verb) dole (verb) dope (verb) drag (verb) draw (verb) drive (verb) drop (verb) drum (verb) dry (verb) duck (verb) duke (verb) ear (noun) eat (verb) edge (verb) edit (verb) eke (verb) even (verb) eye (noun) face (noun) fake (verb) fall (verb) fan (verb) farm (verb) federal case (noun) feel (verb) ferret (verb) fight (verb) figure (verb) fill (verb) find (verb) fire (noun) fish (noun) fish (verb) flame (verb) flesh (verb) flip (verb) flunk (verb) fool (noun) foul (verb) frame (noun) freeze (verb) fresh (adjective) fresh (adverb) frighten (verb) front (noun) frying pan (noun) full (adverb) get (verb) give (verb) go (verb) gouge (verb) gourd (noun) grass (noun) grind (verb) gross (verb) grow (verb) hair (noun) hammer (verb) hand (noun) hand (verb) hang (verb) hash (verb) have (verb) head (noun) hear (verb) heart (noun) hell (noun) help (verb) here (adverb) hire (verb) hit (verb) hold (verb) hollow (verb) hour (noun) hundred (noun) hunt (verb) inside (adverb) iron (verb) it (pronoun) joint (noun) jump (verb) jury (noun) keep (verb) keeping (noun) kick (verb) kilter (noun) kit (verb) knife (noun) knock (verb) know (verb) launch (verb) lay (verb) lead (noun) leaf (verb) leap (verb) leave (verb) left field (noun) leg (verb) let (verb) level (verb) life (noun) light (noun) light (verb) limb (noun) line (noun) listen (verb) live (verb) lock (verb) log (verb) look (verb) lose (verb) loud (adjective) luck (noun) luck (verb) lunch (noun) make (verb) man (noun) map (verb) mark (verb) market (noun) max (verb) meal (noun) measure (verb) mellow (verb) mete (verb) mickey (noun) mincemeat (noun) mind (verb) miss (verb) molehill (noun) monkey (noun) mountain (noun) mouth (noun) move (verb) muck (verb) necessity (noun) neck (noun) nose (noun) nose (verb) nowhere (noun) odd (adjective) one (noun) open (verb) opt (verb) order (noun) ordinary (noun) other (pronoun) pack (verb) packed (adjective) pan (verb) parcel (verb) pass (verb) pasture (noun) pay (verb) peel (verb) peg (verb) peter (verb) phase (verb) pick (verb) pig (noun) pig (verb) pile (verb) piss (noun) place (noun) play (verb) play (noun) pocket (noun) point (verb) poop (verb) pound (verb) pour (verb) price (verb) print (verb) psych (verb) puff (verb) pull (verb) pump (verb) punch (verb) put (verb) puzzle (verb) question (noun) rain (verb) reach (verb) read (verb) reason (verb) red carpet (noun) ride (verb) ring (verb) rise (noun) rock (verb) roll (verb) root (verb) rose (noun) rough (verb) rub (verb) rug (noun) rule (verb) run (verb) running (noun) rush (verb) sack (verb) sail (noun) sally (verb) scope (verb) scratch (verb) screen (verb) scrub (verb) sea (noun) search (verb) season (noun) see (verb) seek (verb) sell (verb) send (verb) separate (verb) serve (verb) set (verb) shake (verb) shape (noun) share (verb) shell (verb) shingle (noun) ship (verb) shoot (verb) shut (verb) sight (noun) sign (verb) sing (verb) single (verb) sit (verb) skin (noun) skip (verb) slip (verb) slog (verb) slug (verb) smell (verb) smoke (verb) smooth (verb) snap (verb) sore (adjective) sort (noun) sort (verb) soul (noun) sound (verb) space (verb) speak (verb) spell (verb) spin (verb) spit (verb) splash (verb) spread (verb) spy (verb) squeeze (verb) stake (verb) stamp (verb) stand (verb) starch (noun) stare (verb) start (verb) stay (verb) step (noun) step (verb) stick (verb) still (adverb) stink (verb) stomp (verb) stop (verb) stop (noun) storm (noun) straight (adverb) straighten (verb) stress (verb) stretch (verb) strike (verb) string (verb) stuffing (noun) style (noun) sweat (verb) sweep (verb) sync (noun) system (noun) take (verb) takeout (noun) talk (verb) tap (verb) tear (verb) ten (noun) there (adverb) thin (adjective) think (verb) thrash (verb) throw (verb) thumb (noun) tog (verb) top (noun) top (verb) toss (verb) touch (noun) tough (verb) town (noun) tree (noun) trick (verb) trot (verb) trundle (verb) try (verb) tucker (verb) tune (noun) tune (verb) turf (verb) turn (verb) turn (noun) virtue (noun) vote (verb) wait (verb) walk (verb) wash (verb) wash (noun) watch (verb) water (noun) way (noun) wazoo (noun) wear (verb) weasel (verb) weed (verb) week (noun) weigh (verb) weird (verb) welcome (noun) welcome mat (noun) west (adverb) whack (noun) whole (adjective) wig (verb) wimp (verb) win (verb) wind (noun) window (noun) winkle (verb) wipe (verb) wit (noun) wood (noun) woodwork (noun) word (noun) work (verb) work (noun) world (noun) worm (verb) worst (noun) wriggle (verb) wrinkle (noun) write (verb) x (verb) zero (verb) zone (verb) zoom (verb) 1 out /ˈaʊt/ adverb 1 out /ˈaʊt/ adverb Learner's definition of OUT 1  : in a direction away from the inside or center of something向外地 He went out to the garden.他出门去了花园。 He looked out at the snow.他看着外面的雪。 She poured the tea out.她把茶倒了出来。 The girl stuck her tongue out.那个女孩伸出了舌头。 His shirttail was hanging out.他的衬衣下摆吊在外面。 He pulled out the cork (from the bottle).他把软木塞(从瓶子里)拔了出来。 I heard a noise in the bushes and out jumped a cat!我听到树丛中有声音,接着跳出来一只猫! 2  : in or to a place outside of something (such as a building, room, etc.)在外面;到外面 He waited out in the hall.他在外面的大厅里等候。 I cleaned my car inside and out.我把车里里外外打扫了一遍。 A car pulled up and two men got out.一辆车停了下来,从里面出来两个男人。 She is out [=outside] playing with her friends.她正在外面和朋友们玩。 She took the dog out [=outdoors] for a walk.她把狗带出去遛遛。 He grabbed his coat and out he went.他抓起外套,出了门。 It is raining/sunny out today.今天外面正下着雨/阳光明媚。 3  a  : away from home or work不在家;不在工作单位;在外 They went out on a date.他们出去约会了。 We dine out once a week.我们一个星期在外面吃一次。 We went out for/to lunch.我们出去吃午饭了。 Are you going to ask her out? [=ask her to go on a date with you]你打算请她出来约会吗? b  : away from a place离开 They flew out yesterday.他们昨天坐飞机离开了。 Did you ship out the packages yet?你有没有把包裹水运寄走? The house is out in the country.这所房子坐落在偏远的乡下。 I was just on my way out [=I was just leaving] when the phone rang.我正准备离开,这时电话响了。 c  : away from the shore离岸 The ship sailed out to sea.轮船驶离岸边,进入了大海。 The tide is going out.潮水正在退离海岸。 They rowed out to the ship.他们离岸划向那艘轮船。 She swam about 100 yards out.她游出了岸边大概100码。 4  — used to indicate that something is not in the usual or proper place离开正常位置 You left out a comma here.你这里漏标了一个逗号。 She threw out her shoulder.她的肩脱臼了。 He knocked a tooth out.他撞掉了一颗牙。 5  : from among a group of things(挑)出;(选)出;(拿)出 She picked out a shirt to wear.她挑出一件衬衣穿。 6  : in or into the control or possession of another person(借)出;(给)出 She is always willing to lend out money to friends.她总是乐于借钱给朋友们。 The library book I want is still out. [=someone else has borrowed the library book]我想从图书馆里借的那本书仍处于外借状态。 Please don't let my secret out. [=don't tell anyone my secret]请不要泄露我的秘密。 They passed out free samples.他们发送了免费的样品。 7  a  : to a state in which something has been used or removed completely完;尽;去掉 Their food supply ran out.他们的食物吃完了。 I couldn't get the stain out. [=I could not remove the stain]我无法弄掉那个污渍。 b  : to a state in which something is completed完成 Please fill out this form.请填好这张表。 She worked out the math problem by herself.她独自一人算出了这道数学题。 8  : in the position of someone who is not involved or participating in something不相干;排除在外 Count me out. [=do not include me in your plans]别把我算在内。 “Do you want to dance?” “Sorry, but I think I'd better sit this one out.”“想跳舞吗?”“抱歉,我想等这支曲子放完再跳。” “Do you want to go shopping?” “No, I'm out.” [=I don't want to go]“想逛街吗?”“不,不想。” 9  : in the position of someone who is no longer in a political office or job在野;下台 They voted him out by an overwhelming margin.他们以压倒性的票数使他落选下了台。 Some people want the President out.一些人希望总统下台。 10  : to the full or a great extent完全地;彻底地 He was all decked out in a new suit.他穿上一套新西服,把自己打扮一新。 She stretched out on the couch.她手脚伸展着躺在沙发上。 The horse was tired out.这匹马已经筋疲力尽了。 11  : in a way that can be clearly heard or understood清晰地 He spoke out against the proposed tax.他大胆地发言反对新提议的税收。 She read out [=aloud] the names on the list.她大声地把名单上的名字念了出来。 He cried out in pain.他痛得直叫。 12  baseball : no longer batting or on a base because of a play made by the other team出局 He threw/tagged the runner out.他迫使跑垒员传杀/触杀出局。 She flied/grounded out.击出的腾空球/滚地球被对手接住,从而导致了她的出局。 It's the bottom of the ninth inning with two men out.在第九局的后半局,有两名队员出局 The runner/batter was (called) out.那名跑垒员/击球手出局。 13  : no longer operating, burning, etc.停止运转;熄灭 The electricity/fire is out.停电了;火灭了。 He landed the plane with one engine out.在一个发动机停止运转的情况下,他使飞机着陆了。 The wind blew the candle out.风把蜡烛吹灭了。 14  : at an end结束 We should be finished before the day is out. [=done]我们应该在天黑之前结束。 15  : no longer in fashion过时 That style of dress is definitely out.那种款式的连衣裙现在绝对过时了。 16  : trying to achieve or do something试图;力图 He was out to [=determined to] get revenge. = He was out for revenge.他力图复仇。 She was out for a good time. [=she wanted to have a good time]她试图开心地玩一玩。 — see also out for blood at blood 17  : available to the public公开 The band's new CD is not out yet.这支乐队的新唱片还没有公开发售。 18  : not possible : not to be considered不可能地;不值得考虑地 That choice was out as far as we were concerned.我们认为,那个选择不可行。 19  : able to be seen看得见 The sun is out.太阳出来了。 There is a full moon out tonight.今晚有一轮满月。 The roses are not out [=blooming] yet.玫瑰花还没开。 20  : in or into a state of being asleep or unconscious睡着的;无意识的 He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.他一沾枕头就睡着了。 She was out cold.她完全失去了知觉。 — see also out for the count at 2count 21  : not correct错误 She was out [=off] in her calculations by $25.她算错了25美元。 22  : having less than an earlier amount受到损失地 He went gambling and was $100 out at the end of the night. = He was out $100 at the end of the night.他赌博一晚上输了100美元。 23  : no longer in jail or prison获释;出狱 He will be out (of prison) in two months.他将于两个月后获释。 24  : known publicly as a homosexual公开同性恋身份 He's been out for a long time now.他公开自己的同性恋身份已经有很长一段时间了。 25  sports : not in the area in which a game is played : out-of-bounds出界 Her last serve was out.她的最后一记发球出界了。 26  — used to indicate that a radio message is complete and no reply is expected(无线电信息)结束 Message received, Mission Control. Over and out.指挥中心,信息已收到。完毕。 odd man/one out — see odd out and about : going to different places四处走动 She is always out and about, doing one thing or another.她总是到处跑,忙这忙那的。 out back — see 1back out front — see 1front out loud — see loud out of 1  — used to show the direction or movement of a person or thing from the inside to the outside of something从…出来;从…出去 She walked out of the room.她走出了房间。 Take your hands out of your pockets.把你的手从口袋里拿出来。 We've decided to move out of the country/state/city.我们已经决定离开这个国家/州/城市。 Don't get out of your chair/seat.坐在椅子/座位上别起来。 It's time to get out of bed.该起床了。 They're flying out of Washington [=they're leaving Washington] this afternoon.今天下午他们将飞离华盛顿。 2  — used to say that a person or thing is not or no longer at a particular place不在;离开 She's out of [=away from] the office at the moment.她现在不在办公室。 He just got out of the hospital.他刚刚离开医院。 He just got out of prison/jail yesterday.他昨天刚刚出狱。 She's fresh out of college. [=she has recently graduated from college]她刚大学毕业。 She's been out of town for two days.她出城已经两天了。 Let's get out of here. [=let's leave]我们走吧。 Move! Get out of the way!让开!别挡着路! His case was settled out of court. [=settled without a trial or a decision by a judge]他的案子在庭外得到了和解。 an out-of-court settlement庭外和解 — see also out of here at 1here 3  — used to say that a person or thing is not or no longer in a particular state or situation脱离;摆脱 They woke him up out of a deep sleep.他们把他从熟睡中叫醒。 Try to stay out of trouble at school, okay?在学校里尽量不要惹事,好吗? Our favorite store's going out of business.我们最喜欢的商店就要停业了。 We're not out of danger yet. [=we're still not safe]我们仍然没有脱离危险。 He came out of retirement to play one more season.他退役后复出,以便再多打一个赛季。 He got kicked out of the game for playing too rough.由于动作过于粗野,他被罚出了赛场。 Disco dancing went out of fashion in the early 1980s.20世纪80年代初期,迪斯科舞不再流行了。 out of style过时的 All of the pictures are out of focus.所有这些照片都因对焦不准而显得模糊不清。 I think your guitar is out of tune.我觉得你的吉他走调了。 She's out of her league. [=she can't compete well in this situation]她无法应付这种状况。 Has anything out of the ordinary [=anything unusual] happened?有没有什么不同寻常的事发生? a book that is out of print = an out-of-print book [=a book that is no longer being printed]绝版的图书 4  — used to say that a person or thing is beyond the range or limits of something超出;在…之外 Try to stay out of the sun.别待在太阳底下。 We went inside to get out of the rain.我们到里面去躲雨了。 Keep all medicines out of (the) reach of children. [=keep medicines in a place where children cannot reach them]把所有的药都放在孩子们拿不到的地方。 The train was soon out of sight. [=it was too far away for people to see it]很快,火车就从视野中消失了。 You know the old saying, “out of sight, out of mind.” If you don't see it, you won't think about it.你也知道那句老话,“眼不见,心不念。”如果你没看到某个东西,就不会去想它。 It's out of our hands now. We can't control what happens anymore.现在已经不可收拾了。我们再也无法控制事态了。 The situation has gotten completely out of hand. = Things are out of control.局面已经完全失控了。 5  — used to say that a person or thing is not in the usual or expected condition不在正常状态;不在应有状态 If you're out of shape [=if you're not in shape], start exercising slowly.如果你身体状况欠佳,可以慢慢地开始锻炼。 I hadn't skated in five years, and I was really out of practice.我有五年没有滑冰了,真的不熟练了。 That big table seems out of place in their tiny kitchen.那张大桌子在他们的小厨房里显得不合适。 6  a  — used to say what something is made from由…制成 She wore a necklace made out of gold and diamonds.她戴着一条镶钻石的金项链。 a boat built out of small trees and rope用小树和绳索做成的船 Let's try to make the best out of a bad situation.让我们在不利的形势下尽力而为吧。 b  — used to say where a person or thing comes from来自 I got the idea out of [=from] the book.我的那个想法来自那本书。 He had to pay for it out of his own pocket.他得自掏腰包付钱。 That meeting was a complete waste of time. I got nothing out of it.那次会议完全是浪费时间。我从中没得到任何收获。 7  — used to say where an activity takes place发生在… He runs his business out of [=from] his home.他在家做生意。 8  — used to say what causes something出于;由于 Most people watched the show out of curiosity. [=because they were curious]大多数人去看那场演出是出于好奇。 Out of concern for her children, she decided to move to a safer neighborhood.出于对孩子们的担忧,她决定搬到一个安全点的街区。 They became soldiers out of a sense of duty and honor.出于使命感和荣誉感,他们参军了。 9  — used to say that a person or thing no longer has something失去;没有 “Are we out of milk?” “Yes, I finished it this morning.”“我们的牛奶喝完了?”“是的,我今天早上喝完的。” The store's out of bread.这家商店的面包卖完了。 The car's almost out of gas.这辆车快没油了。 I'm out of breath.我喘不过气来。 I ran out of time and didn't get to finish the test.我时间不够用,没有做完测试。 She's been out of [=without] a job for two months now.至今她已经失业两个月了。 10  — used to compare a small number to a larger number in order to say how many people or things are selected, do something, etc.从…中(表比例) Only one out of four of our tomato plants survived.我们种的四株西红柿只有一株存活了下来。 Nine out of 10 dentists prefer this toothpaste.10位牙医中有9位喜欢用这种牙膏。 The disease occurs in one out of a thousand people.一千个人中有一个人会患上这种疾病。 Out of a group of 20 students, only 10 passed the test.一组20个学生当中,只有10个人通过了测试。 She scored 49 out of a possible 50 points.在最高分50分的情况下,她得了49分。 out of it informal 1  : in a state in which you are not thinking clearly不清醒的 I had just woken up and was still pretty much out of it.我刚刚睡醒,脑子还很不清楚。 2  : not part of an activity, group, or fashion未被邀请的;局外的;过时的 I felt completely out of it at the club.在俱乐部里,我觉得自己完全就像是个外人。 out of nowhere — see nowhere out on your ear — see 1ear out there — see 1there out to lunch — see 1lunch out with it informal — used to tell someone to say something that they do not want to say or that they are having difficulty saying说出来(用于让某人说出不想说的或难以启齿的事) OK, out with it. Tell us what she said.好吧,说出来吧。告诉我们她说了什么。 2 out /ˈaʊt/ preposition 2 out /ˈaʊt/ preposition Learner's definition of OUT chiefly US 1  — used to indicate that a person or animal is looking at something that is outside of a building, room, etc.(视线)向…外 She looked out [=out of] the window.她看着窗外。 2  — used to indicate that a person or animal is moving from the inside of a building, room, etc., to the outside(动作)从…出来,从…出去 He ran out [=out of] the door.他跑出了门。 3 out /ˈaʊt/ verb outs; outed; outing 3 out /ˈaʊt/ verb outs; outed; outing Learner's definition of OUT 1  [+ object] a  : to tell people that (someone) is a homosexual公开(某人的)同性恋身份 a gay actor who was outed in a magazine article在杂志文章里被披露同性恋身份的男演员 b  : to tell people that (someone) is or does a particular thing公布 He is threatening to out other players who have used steroids.他威胁说,要把服用了类固醇的其他运动员名单公之于众。 2  [no object] : to become publicly known为人所共知 The truth will out.真相终将大白于天下。 Murder will out.谋杀案会水落石出。 4 out /ˈaʊt/ noun plural outs 4 out /ˈaʊt/ noun plural outs Learner's definition of OUT 1  [count] baseball : the act of causing a player to be out or the situation that exists when a player has been put out出局 The play resulted in an out.选手出局,比赛结束。 With two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, he hit a home run to win the game.第九局的后半局,在有两名队员出局的情况下,他以一记本垒打赢得了比赛。 2  [singular] : a way of avoiding an embarrassing or difficult situation借口;出路 I think she was just using her mother's illness as an out. [=excuse]我认为她只不过是用她母亲生病作为借口而已。 He changed the wording of the contract to give/leave himself an out.他修改了合同的措辞,以便给自己留个出路。 on the outs US, informal : in an unfriendly or bad relationship : no longer friendly or together(与某人)关系不好,关系破裂 There's a rumor that she and her husband are on the outs.有传闻说她和丈夫的关系不好。 — often + with She is on the outs with her husband.她和丈夫关系失和。 — see also ins and outs




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