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词汇 bad
释义 bad (adverb) bad (noun) bad 20 ENTRIES FOUND: bad (adjective) bad (adverb) bad (noun) bade bad-mouth (verb) bad-tempered (adjective) bad blood (noun) bad boy (noun) bad faith (noun) bad language (noun) bad news (noun) bid (verb) book (noun) egg (noun) end (noun) grace (noun) half (adverb) luck (noun) number (noun) worse (adjective) 1 bad /ˈbæd/ adjective worse /ˈwɚs/ ; worst /ˈwɚst/ 1 bad /ˈbæd/ adjective worse /ˈwɚs/ ; worst /ˈwɚst/ Learner's definition of BAD 1  a  : low or poor in quality质量差的;拙劣的 a bad repair job粗糙的修理活 bad work差劲的工作 The house is in bad condition/shape.这房子很破旧。 b  : not correct or proper错误的;不合适的 bad manners无礼行为 bad [=incorrect, faulty] grammar错误的语法 a letter written in bad French用蹩脚法语写的一封信 bad spelling错误的拼写 a bad check [=a check that cannot be cashed]空头支票 — see also bad language 2  a  : not pleasant, pleasing, or enjoyable令人不快的;令人沮丧的 He had a bad day at the office.这天上班他碰上许多倒霉事。 I was having a bad dream.我当时正在做噩梦。 She made a very bad impression on her future colleagues.她给未来的同事们留下了很不好的印象。 The food tastes bad.这食物不好吃。 The flower smells bad.这花很难闻。 He has bad breath. [=breath that smells bad]他有口臭。 We've been having bad weather lately.最近天气一直不好。 The medicine left a bad taste in his mouth.这种药服用后在他嘴里留下了难闻的味道。 It feels bad [=uncomfortable, painful] to stretch out my arm.我伸直胳膊感觉很不舒服。 I look bad in this hat. = This hat looks bad on me.我戴这顶帽子不好看。 That hat doesn't look bad on you. [=that hat looks good on you]那顶帽子你戴上还不错。 b  : having, marked by, or relating to problems, troubles, etc.不好的;不妙的;有麻烦的 good and bad news好消息和坏消息 They have remained together in good times and bad (times).他们一直同甘共苦,不离不弃。 It's a bad time for business right now.现在不适合经商。 a bad omen不祥之兆 bad luck/fortune坏运气 Things are looking pretty bad for us at this point.看起来现在情况对我们不利。 I have a bad feeling about this.我对此有种不祥之感 — see also bad blood, bad news c  : not adequate or suitable不充分的;不合适的 I couldn't take a picture because the lighting was bad.由于灯光不够亮,我无法拍照。 It's a bad day for a picnic.这天气不适合野餐。 She made a bad marriage.她的婚姻很不幸。 Is this a bad moment/time to have a word with you?现在和你讲话是不是不方便? d  : not producing or likely to produce a good result结果不好的;糟糕的 a bad deal亏本买卖 a bad risk风险很大的保险对象 a bad idea/plan馊主意;烂计划 The plan has its good points and its bad points.这个计划有优点,也有缺点。 a bad debt [=a debt that will not be paid]坏账 a bad loan [=a loan that will not be repaid]不良贷款 e  : expressing criticism or disapproval批评的;不赞成的 The movie got bad reviews.这部电影遭到恶评。 3  a  : not healthy : marked or affected by injury or disease不健康的;伤病的 His health is pretty bad. = He's in pretty bad health.他的健康状况很差。 The patient was pretty bad [=ill, sick] last week and even worse yesterday but is doing better now.病人上周病得很厉害,昨天病情甚至更重了,不过现在好些了。 He came home early because he was feeling pretty bad. [=he wasn't feeling well]他感觉身体很不舒服,所以早早就回家了。 My father has a bad back/leg. [=a back/leg that is always or often painful]我父亲总是背/腿疼。 She has bad eyesight/hearing.她的视力/听力不好。 bad teeth坏牙 b  : causing harm or trouble有害的 a bad diet不健康饮食 a bad influence不良影响 bad cholesterol [=a type of cholesterol that can cause serious health problems when there is too much of it in your blood]有害胆固醇 — often + for Eating too much can be bad for you. = It can be bad for you to eat too much.饮食过量可能伤身体。 Eating all that candy is bad for your teeth.把那些糖果全吃掉有损你的牙齿。 Watching too much TV is bad for children.看电视时间过长有损孩子健康 4  a  : not morally good or right : morally evil or wrong不道德的;邪恶的 a bad person坏蛋 bad conduct/behavior恶劣行为 a man of bad character品行不良的人 bad intentions/deeds不良居心;劣迹 It's hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys in this movie.这部电影里很难分辨出好人和坏人。 — see also bad faith b  : not behaving properly不听话的;不礼貌的 a bad dog不听话的狗 I'm afraid your son has been a very bad [=naughty] boy.恐怕你儿子是个捣蛋鬼吧。 — see also bad boy 5  a  : not skillful : not doing or able to do something well不擅长的;拙劣的 a bad musician差劲的音乐家 a bad doctor庸医 She was pretty bad in that movie. [=she did not act well]她在那部电影里演得很差劲。 — often + at a doctor who's bad at treating nervous patients不擅长给紧张的患者看病的医生 He's very/really bad at expressing his true feelings.他很不善于表达自己的真实情感 b  : having a tendency not to do something总做不到的 — + about He's bad about getting to work on time. [=he often fails to get to work on time]他总不能准点上班。 I'm very bad about remembering people's birthdays. [=I often forget people's birthdays]我总是记不住别人的生日。 6  a  : not happy or pleased : feeling regret or guilt about something难过的;遗憾的,内疚的 I feel bad about what happened. [=I regret what happened]我对所发生的事感到难过。 She felt bad that she forgot to call. = She felt bad about forgetting to call.她因忘了打电话而感到歉疚。 b  : not cheerful or calm不开心的;不平静的 She's in a bad mood. [=an angry mood]她心情不好。 He has a bad temper. [=he's bad-tempered; he becomes angry easily]他脾气不好。 7  : serious or severe严重的;剧烈的 She's in bad trouble.她遇上大麻烦了。 He has a bad cough/cold.他咳嗽/感冒很严重。 That bruise looks bad: you'd better see a doctor about it.那块瘀伤看上去挺严重,你最好去看看医生。 How bad is the pain?疼得厉害吗? 8  : no longer good to eat or drink : not fresh不新鲜的;变质的 the smell of bad fish臭鱼味 Is the milk still good or has it gone bad? [=spoiled]这牛奶是好的还是坏的? 9  chiefly US, informal badder; baddest a  : very good非常好的;顶呱呱的 He's the baddest guitar player you'll ever hear!他将会是你听过的最棒的吉他手! b  : very tough or dangerous粗野的;危险的 Don't mess around with him. He's a bad dude.别跟他瞎混,他是个粗野的家伙。 a bad job — see job a bad lot — see lot bad apple — see apple come to a bad end — see 1end from bad to worse : from a bad state or condition to an even worse state or condition愈来愈坏;每况愈下 The company has been struggling for years, and things have recently gone from bad to worse.公司多年来一直在惨淡经营,最近则是每况愈下。 in a bad way : in a bad condition陷入麻烦;处于困境 Without enough funding, public services are in a pretty bad way right now.由于缺乏足够的资金,公共设施的状况现在很是糟糕。 The patient was in a bad way last week but is doing better now.上周病人的病情很严重,但现在好些了。 in someone's bad books — see 1book not bad : fairly good or quite good不错;很好 All things considered, she's not a bad singer. [=she's a pretty good singer]综合考虑,她是一名很不错的歌手。 “How are you?” “Not (too/so) bad, thanks. And you?”“你好吗?”“还不错,谢谢。你怎么样? too bad 1  — used to show that you are sorry or feel bad about something可惜,不幸(表遗憾或难过) It's too bad [=unfortunate] that John and Mary are getting divorced. = It's too bad about John and Mary getting divorced. [=I'm sorry to hear that John and Mary are getting divorced]约翰和玛丽要离婚了,真是太遗憾了。 “I won't be able to come to the party.” “(That's) Too bad. I was hoping you'd be there.”“我不能去参加聚会了。”“那太遗憾了,我刚才还盼着你会去呢。” 2  — used in an ironic way to show that you are not sorry or do not feel bad about something可惜,不幸(用作讽刺之意) “But I need your help!” “(That's just) Too bad.”“但我需要你的帮助!”“(那可)太不幸了 with bad grace — see 1grace — badness noun [noncount] the badness of his behavior他的行为的恶劣性 the badness [=severity] of his injuries他的伤势的严重性 There's more goodness than badness in him.在他身上,善多于恶。 2 bad /ˈbæd/ adverb worse; worst 2 bad /ˈbæd/ adverb worse; worst Learner's definition of BAD US, informal : badly She was struggling when she first started the job, but she's not doing so bad now. [=she's doing fairly well now]她刚开始做这份工作时很吃力,但现在干得相当不错了。 He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.他还没有成功,因为他对成功的渴望还不够强烈。 He cut himself real bad. [=very badly]他把自己割成了重伤。 I need a vacation and I need it bad. [=I need it very much]我需要休假,非常迫切地需要。 “Is he in love with her?” “Oh yeah, he's got it bad.” [=he's extremely in love with her]“他与她相爱了吗?”“哦,是的,不能自己。” bad off US 1  : having little money贫穷的 They're pretty bad off [=they don't have enough money] now that he's lost his job.由于他失业了,他们现在手头十分拮据。 We're not rich, but we're not too bad off (for money). [=we're not poor]我们不富有,但我们也不是很穷。 2  : in a bad or difficult situation or condition形势不利的;境况不好的 When I heard how bad off they were, I asked if I could do anything to help.听说他们处境很糟,我便问了问是否能帮上什么忙。 This state isn't too bad off compared to other parts of the country.与该国其他地方相比,这个州的状况还不算很差 3 bad /ˈbæd/ noun 3 bad /ˈbæd/ noun Learner's definition of BAD 1  [noncount] : morally bad forces or influences : evil邪恶势力;不良影响 There's more good than bad in him.在他身上,善多于恶 We need to teach our children the difference between good and bad.我们要教会孩子区分善恶 2  the bad a  [singular] : the unpleasant things that happen to people厄运;不幸 You have to take the good with the bad. [=you have to accept the bad things that happen to you as well as the good things]你必须接受人生的苦与乐。 b  [singular] : things that are morally wrong不道德的事;坏事 teaching children the difference between the good and the bad教育孩子们分辨是非 c  [plural] : morally bad people品德败坏之人 He believes that the good go to heaven when they die and the bad go to hell.他相信好人死后上天堂,坏人死后下地狱。




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