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词汇 bag
释义 bag (verb) bag 30 ENTRIES FOUND: bag (noun) bag (verb) bag lady (noun) bag lunch (noun) bag of bones (noun) air bag (noun) body bag (noun) carrier bag (noun) clutch bag (noun) doggie bag (noun) duffel bag (noun) garment bag (noun) grab bag (noun) Jiffy bag (trademark) mixed bag (noun) nose bag (noun) overnight bag (noun) punch bag (noun) punching bag (noun) shoulder bag (noun) sleeping bag (noun) tea bag (noun) toilet bag (noun) tote bag (noun) baggage (noun) cat (noun) hold (verb) let (verb) nerve (noun) pack (verb) 1 bag /ˈbæg/ noun plural bags 1 bag /ˈbæg/ noun plural bags Learner's definition of BAG 1  [count] a  : a container made of thin material (such as paper, plastic, or cloth) that opens at the top and is used for holding or carrying things纸袋;塑料袋;布袋 She packed her lunch in a paper bag.她把午餐打包装在纸袋里。 (US) a garbage/trash bag = (Brit) a rubbish bag垃圾袋 (US) shopping bags = (Brit) carrier bags [=plastic or paper bags used for holding items bought at a store]购物袋 (US) grocery bags杂货袋 b  : a soft container carried by a woman and used to hold money and other small things (such as keys or makeup)(女士)手提包 She put the pencil in her bag.她把铅笔放进了手提包。 — see also handbag, shoulder bag c  : a container used for carrying personal things (such as clothes) when you are going somewhere手提箱;旅行包 an overnight bag短途旅行包 a gym bag运动包 — usually plural通常用复数 We carried our bags [=suitcases, luggage] to the hotel room.我们把行李带进酒店房间。 She packed her bags and left.她收拾好行李走了。 2  [count] : the amount of something that is inside a bag一袋(的量) We ate two bags [=bagfuls] of potato chips.我们吃了两袋炸土豆条。 a bag of apples/flour/fertilizer一袋苹果/面粉/化肥 3  bags [plural] : an area of swollen and often dark skin under a person's eyes黑眼圈;眼袋 a tired old man with bags under his eyes眼袋下垂的疲惫老人 4  [singular] : a collection of different things (such as ideas)一批;一套 They tried using their usual bag of tricks.他们试图使用那套惯用的伎俩。 — see also grab bag, mixed bag, ragbag 5  [singular] informal + old-fashioned : something that a person likes to do : something that a person does well爱好;特长 Housecleaning isn't her bag. [=she doesn't like housecleaning]她不喜欢打扫房屋。 I've tried living in the city, but it's just not my bag.我尝试过居住在城里,但那不是我喜欢的生活。 6  [count] baseball : a square white bag that marks the position of first base, second base, and third base垒;垒包;垒垫 He slid into the bag and was safe at second base.他滑进垒包,成功上二垒。 7  [count] informal — used as an insulting word for an old woman老太婆;老婆子 Shut up, you old bag!闭嘴,你这个老娘们! 8  bags [plural] British, informal : a large amount of something大量;许多 There's no need to hurry. We've still got bags [=lots] of time.不用着急,我们还有很多时间 a bag of nerves — see nerve bag and baggage chiefly British : with all of your possessions连同全部财物 He got rid of the visitors, bag and baggage. [=altogether, completely]他把那些来访者连人带东西一股脑儿给赶走了 hold the bag — see 1hold in the bag informal : sure to happen十拿九稳;确定无疑 Their success was in the bag. [=guaranteed]他们胜券在握。 : certain to be successful稳操胜券 We had the game in the bag [=sewn up] by the end of first half.上半场结束时,我们已经稳操胜券了 She seemed to have the election in the bag. [=she seemed sure to win the election]她赢得选举似乎已成定局。 let the cat out of the bag — see cat 2 bag /ˈbæg/ verb bags; bagged; bagging 2 bag /ˈbæg/ verb bags; bagged; bagging Learner's definition of BAG [+ object] 1  : to put (something) into a bag把…装进袋子 He got a job bagging groceries.他找了份给杂货装袋的工作。 2  : to kill or catch (an animal) while hunting, fishing, etc.捕杀,捕获(动物) The hunters bagged five deer altogether.猎人们一共捕获了五只鹿。 We bagged 10 fish today.我们今天捞到10条鱼。 3  informal : to get (something desired)获得;占有 She's expected to bag the award for the team's most valuable player.她有望获得全队最佳球员的荣誉。 I bagged the last seat so everyone else had to stand.我占了最后一个座位,其他人只好站着。 4  US, informal : to give up or leave (something)放弃;离开 She decided to bag her job and move to the country.她决定放弃工作,搬到乡下去。 He finally bagged his acting career and went back to school.他最终放弃了演艺事业,重返校园。




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