

单词 pace
释义 pace (verb) pace 6 ENTRIES FOUND: pace (noun) pace (verb) change of pace (noun) keep (verb) set (verb) snail (noun) 1 pace /ˈpeɪs/ noun plural paces 1 pace /ˈpeɪs/ noun plural paces Learner's definition of PACE 1  [singular] a  : the speed at which someone or something moves速度;速率 He can run at a decent pace. [=he can run fairly fast]他跑得相当快。 We walked at a leisurely pace along the shore.我们沿着岸边悠闲地散步。 I told the kids to pick/step up the pace. [=go faster]我叮嘱孩子们加快速度。 He rode his bike up the hill at a snail's pace. [=very slowly]他慢得跟蜗牛似的骑车上小山坡。 We encourage you to hike the trail at your own pace. [=at a speed that suits you and lets you be comfortable]我们鼓励大家以适宜自己的速度徒步走这条小径。 b  : the speed at which something happens节奏 The pace of the story was slow.这个故事的节奏缓慢。 His new album is selling at a blistering/breakneck/dizzying pace.他的新专辑卖得很火。 Despite quickly advancing medical technology, the pace [=(more commonly) rate] of change in her field remained slow and steady.尽管医疗技术发展迅速,她所在领域的变革速度却依然缓慢而稳健。 She liked the fast pace of life in the city. [=she liked the fast way things happened in the city]她喜欢城市快节奏的生活。 — see also change of pace 2  [count] : a single step or the length of a single step一步;一步的长度 — usually plural通常用复数 The tree is about 30 paces from the front door.树离前门30步远。 The dog walked a few paces behind us.那只狗在我们身后几步远的地方跟着。 go through your paces : to do something in order to show others how well you do it显示自己的能力 The athletes went through their paces as the coaches looked on.田径运动员们展示了自己的能力,教练们在一旁观看。 a show horse going through its paces for the judges向评委展示能力的参展马 keep pace with : to go or make progress at the same speed as (someone or something else)与…齐步前进;跟上…的步伐 Our production can't keep pace with [=keep up with] the orders coming in.我们的生产跟不上订单涌入的速度。 The law has not kept pace with technology. [=the law has not changed fast enough to reflect changes in technology]法律没能与技术同步发展。 She struggles to keep pace with her classmates.她努力跟上同学的步伐。 off the pace US : behind in a race, competition, etc.(在比赛、竞争等中)落后 The winner finished in 4 minutes, 30 seconds, and the next runner was three seconds off the pace. [=finished three seconds later]优胜者以4分30秒的速度跑完全程,紧随其后的选手慢了3秒钟。 The other runners were way off the pace.其他的跑步选手远远落在后面。 put someone or something through his/her/its paces : to test what someone or something can do考查…的才能;检验…能力 We brought home three different computers and put them through their paces.我们买了三台不同的电脑回家,验证它们的性能。 set the pace : to be the one that is at the front in a race and that controls how fast the other racers have to go在比赛中领跑并定步速 As our fastest runner, he usually sets the pace for the rest of the team.他是我们队里跑得最快的选手,通常都领跑。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The company's advanced equipment sets the pace for the recording industry.公司先进的设备为录音行业立了标杆。 — see also pacesetter 2 pace /ˈpeɪs/ verb paces; paced; pacing 2 pace /ˈpeɪs/ verb paces; paced; pacing Learner's definition of PACE 1  : to walk back and forth across the same space again and again especially because you are nervous(尤指因紧张而)来回踱步,走来走去 [+ object] He paced the floor/room.他在地板上/屋子里来回走着。 [no object] When she gets nervous she paces back and forth.她紧张时会来来回回地踱步。 He was pacing and muttering to himself.他来回踱步,喃喃自语。 2  [+ object] : to control or set the speed of (someone or something)控制速度;确定速度;控制节奏 She paced the other runners for the first half of the race.比赛的前半程她控制了场上的节奏。 Advertisements are paced so that they are shown more often during peak sales seasons.广告的节奏做了调整以便在销售旺季更多地投放。 — see also outpace pace off [phrasal verb] pace (something) off or pace off (something) : to measure (something) by walking and counting the number of steps you take以步测量 The new garden is 25 feet long. I paced it off.新花园长25英尺,我用步子量过。 Pace off 20 feet.用步子量出20英尺。 pace yourself : to do something at a speed that is steady and that allows you to continue without becoming too tired调整节奏(使自己不会太累) If you don't pace yourself, you'll wear yourself out.如果你不调整节奏,会累垮的。 He quickly learned he would need to pace himself so he could get all of his work done.他很快认识到需要调整节奏以便完成全部工作。 — paced adjective a moderately paced stroll不快不慢的散步 a frenetically paced comedy节奏疯狂的喜剧 a well-paced meal节奏恰当的一顿饭 fast-paced music快节奏音乐 — pacing noun [noncount] Her continuous pacing was making me anxious.她不停地来回踱步,令我焦虑。 The pacing of the movie was all wrong. [=the events in the movie happened too quickly or slowly]整部电影的节奏全都不对。




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