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词汇 pack
释义 pack (verb) pack 19 ENTRIES FOUND: pack (noun) pack (verb) packed (adjective) packed lunch (noun) packing (noun) packing (adjective) pack animal (noun) pack ice (noun) pack rat (noun) action-packed (adjective) fanny pack (noun) ice pack (noun) jam-packed (adjective) power pack (noun) six-pack (noun) vacuum-packed (adjective) heat (noun) punch (noun) send (verb) 1 pack /ˈpæk/ noun plural packs 1 pack /ˈpæk/ noun plural packs Learner's definition of PACK [count] 1  : a bag or bundle of objects that is carried on a person's or animal's back包;包裹;背包 He took a map and a bottle of water out of his pack.他从背包里拿出地图和一瓶水。 hikers carrying heavy packs up a mountain背着重包上山的步行者 They loaded the packs onto the horses.他们将包裹放到几匹马的背上。 — see also backpack, fanny pack 2  chiefly US a  : a small paper or cardboard package in which small things are sold小包;纸袋;小盒 a pack [=(Brit) packet] of gum/cigarettes/needles一盒口香糖/香烟/针 The entire pack of crayons spilled on the floor.整盒蜡笔都洒落在地上。 Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.香烟一般20支一包。 b  : the amount contained in one pack一包;一纸袋;一盒 He smokes two packs (of cigarettes) a day.他一天抽两包烟。 — see also six-pack 3  British : packet 2b You'll receive your informational pack upon arrival.你一到就会收到资料邮件。 4  : a complete set of playing cards : deck一副纸牌 Take a card from the top and put it in the middle of the pack.从一副纸牌上面拿出一张牌,插到纸牌中间。 5  : a group of similar people or things一群(类似的人或物) A pack of reporters were following them wherever they went.他们去任何地方都被一群记者跟着。 packs of teenagers/lawyers/thieves成群的少年/律师/窃贼 The information he gave us was just a pack of lies. [=all lies]他提供给我们的信息不过是一堆谎言。 One writer stands out from the pack. [=one writer is different from the others]一位作家与众不同。 She's not content to simply follow the pack. [=to do what everyone else does]她不满足于只是随大流。 6  : a large number of people who are grouped together during a race or competition(比赛或竞争中的)集群,集团 — usually singular通常用单数 In the last few seconds, she broke/drew/pulled away from the pack and won the race.最后几秒钟,她从集团中脱颖而出,赢得了比赛。 The company is trying to stay ahead of the pack. [=ahead of their competitors]公司正努力在同行中保持领先。 7  : a group of usually wild animals that hunt together一群(集体猎食的野兽) a wolf pack狼群 a pack of wild dogs一群野狗 animals that hunt in packs成群猎食的动物 8  a  : an organized group of Cub Scouts一队(幼童军) Cub Scout Pack No. 5398幼童军第5398队 b  chiefly British : an organized group of Brownies一队(幼女童军) a Brownie pack [=(US) troop]一队幼女童军 9  : a thick, wet substance that is put on the skin as a beauty treatment(美容用的)面膜,贴膜 an herbal face pack草本面膜 mud packs泥膜贴 10  : a folded cloth that is pressed against a part of the body to reduce pain or stop bleeding from an injury(止疼或止血用的)裹布,敷布 a cold pack [=compress]冷敷布 — see also ice pack 2 pack /ˈpæk/ verb packs; packed; packing 2 pack /ˈpæk/ verb packs; packed; packing Learner's definition of PACK 1  a  [+ object] : to put (something) into a bag, suitcase, etc., so that you can take it with you把…打包;把…装箱;收拾行李 Don't forget to pack your toothbrush.别忘了装上牙刷。 Be sure to pack your bathing suit and a towel.一定要装上泳衣和毛巾。 I've packed a picnic lunch for us.我已经打点好了咱们的户外午餐。 Pack your things/gear. We're leaving tonight.收拾好东西,咱们今晚就走。 b  : to put things into (a bag, box, etc.)把东西装入(包、箱、盒等) [+ object] We packed our bags the night before our trip.我们旅行前一天晚上装好了背包。 Have you packed your suitcase yet?你收拾好行李箱了吗? My bags are packed, and I'm ready to go.我的包已经装好了,可以出发了。 packing and unpacking boxes装箱拆箱 [no object] I spent the evening packing for my trip.我花了一晚上收拾旅行用品。 She packed [=packed up] and left.她收拾好东西走了。 We had only one week to pack and move out of our apartment.我们只有一个星期的时间收拾东西搬出公寓。 — see also packed 4 2  [+ object] : to put (something) into a box or other container so that it can be moved, stored, or protected将…装入盒内;将…置于箱中 We've packed [=boxed] (up) all our books. [=we've put all our books into boxes]我们把所有的书都装进了箱子。 — often + in or into They pack the meat in dry ice before shipping it.运输前他们将肉装入干冰中。 They packed the statue into a crate.他们把雕像装进了一个板条箱。 3  a  [+ object] : to fill (a place) with as many people as possible挤满;塞满 Over 25,000 people will pack the stadium for tonight's concert.将有25000多人挤满体育场来观看今晚的音乐会。 a famous comedian who packs clubs in every city让每个城市的俱乐部都爆满的著名喜剧演员 : to fill a place completely with (people)使挤满(人) — often + into Concert organizers pack hundreds of people into tiny nightclubs.音乐会的组织者将数百人塞进了狭小的夜总会。 b  always followed by a preposition, [no object] : to gather close together as a group聚集 Her fans pack into theaters to hear her sing.她的粉丝涌入剧场听她演唱。 We all packed into the car.我们都挤进了那辆车。 The entire family packs around a small table for dinner.全家人围坐在小桌边吃晚饭。 4  [+ object] : to put a large amount of something into (something)把…大量放进;装满 directors who pack their movies full of violence让影片充斥着暴力的导演们 — often + with They pack their magazine with lots of helpful decorating ideas.他们在杂志里加入了很多关于装饰的非常实用的点子。 The van had been packed with explosives.箱式货车里装满了炸药。 — see also packed 2 5  [+ object] : to make (dirt, snow, etc.) more firm or solid by pressing down on it压实,踩实(土、雪等) Pack the soil firmly around the roots of the plant.把植物根部的土壤踩实。 Other skiers had already packed the snow down.其他滑雪者已经将雪踩实了。 — see also packed 1 6  [+ object] US : to unfairly control the kinds of people or things that are in (a group, list, etc.) in order to get the result you want在…中安插(利己的人或事物) They packed the meeting with their supporters.他们在会议中安插了自己的支持者。 packing juries with people of a particular race在陪审团中安插某个族裔的成员 7  [+ object] somewhat informal : to have or be able to produce (something powerful)具有,能产生(强大之物或能量) The storm is packing hurricane-force winds.暴雨和着飓风级大风。 an engine that packs a lot of power [=an engine that is very powerful]非常强劲的发动机 8  US, informal : to wear or carry (a weapon)携带(武器) [+ object] They might be packing guns/pistols/weapons.他们可能携带着枪支/手枪/武器。 She's packing heat. [=she's carrying a gun]她携带着枪支。 [no object] We don't know if he's packing or not.我们不知道他是否携带武器。 pack a punch/wallop informal : to be very forceful or effective十分有力的;十分有效的 Careful—these hot peppers really pack a punch. [=they are very hot and spicy]小心啊——这些辣椒真的很辣。 Unlike her last album, her new release packs a wallop. [=it is forceful and energetic]与上一张专辑不同,她的新专辑活力四射,影响巨大。 pack away [phrasal verb] pack (something) away or pack away (something) : to put (something) in a safe place to be used at a later time收拾;收藏 It's time to pack away your winter clothes and get ready for summer.是收起冬装准备过夏的时候了。 Her grandmother's dolls had been packed away in the attic for many years.她奶奶的布娃娃已经在阁楼里收藏多年了。 pack in [phrasal verb] 1  British, informal : to stop or quit停止;辞职 I have no intention of packing in just yet.我还没有辞职的打算。 2  a  pack in (someone or something) or pack (someone or something) in : to cause (someone or something) to fit into a small space塞进;使挤进 My suitcase was full, but I managed to pack in one more sweater.我的衣箱已经满了,但我还是设法又塞进去一件毛衣。 There must have been a hundred people in that room. They packed us in like sardines!那间屋子里肯定已经有一百人了。他们把我们像沙丁鱼一样往里塞了进去! — see also 2pack 2 (above) b  pack in (people) or pack (people) in : to cause (large groups of people) to come to a show or performance吸引大批(观众) His show still packs in (the) crowds/audiences. [=large crowds/audiences still go to his show]他的演出仍然吸引着大量人群/观众。 packing in fans of all ages吸引着各年龄阶段的粉丝 The movie has been packing them in at theaters across the country.这部电影在全国各剧场都一直吸引着大批观众。 3  pack in (something) a  US, informal : to stop using (something) forever永远不再使用 She isn't packing in her skis [=she is not giving up skiing] just yet.她还没有打算放弃滑雪呢。 I decided to pack in my paintbrushes and go to business school.我决定彻底告别画笔,上商学院学习。 b  British, informal : to give up doing (something)放弃做 He packed in [=quit] his job and became a farmer.他辞了工作,当了农民。 They might pack in [=stop, give up] the project altogether.他们可能会放弃整个计划。 4  pack it in informal : to stop doing a job or an activity : quit停止;放弃 Do you think we should pack it in or keep going?你觉得我们应该放弃还是继续? They were ready to pack it in for the day.他们马上要收工了。 pack in/into [phrasal verb] pack (something) in/into (something) : to put (a large amount of something) into (something)将…塞入 She packs a lot of information in her short essays.她把大量信息揉进了自己的短文。 pack off [phrasal verb] pack (someone) off : to send (someone) away to a different place打发走,送走(某人) — usually + to Despite his protests, his mom packed him off to bed. [=sent him to bed]尽管他反对,妈妈还是打发他上床睡觉了。 parents packing their kids off to college送子女上大学的父母们 pack on the pounds chiefly US, informal or pack on five/ten/fifteen (etc.) pounds : to gain weight or a certain amount of weight体重增加;体重增加…磅 Americans are continuing to pack on the pounds.美国人的体重在继续增长。 He hopes to pack on 20 pounds of muscle before the competition.他希望比赛前增加20磅肌肉。 pack out [phrasal verb] pack out (a place) British : to cause (a place) to be filled with people使(某地)挤满人 The band still packs out stadiums throughout the world.乐队的演出依然让世界各地的体育场爆满。 : to fill (a place)挤满(某地) Over 600 people packed out the theatre.600多人将剧场挤得水泄不通。 pack up [phrasal verb] 1  pack up or pack up (something) or pack (something) up a  : to gather things together so that you can take them with you收拾(行李) He packed up and left town.他收拾行装出了城。 You may take a few minutes to pack up your things, but then you must leave.你可以用几分钟收拾行李,但之后必须离开。 You should pack up your tools at the end of the day.一天工作结束后你应当收拾工具。 b  British, informal : to stop or quit : to give up doing (something)停止;放弃 She packs up when things become difficult.一碰到困难,她就不干了。 She packed up her teaching job after five years.五年后,她辞掉了教职。 2  British, informal : to stop working properly出故障 The lift has packed up, so you'll have to take the stairs to her flat.电梯出故障了,所以你得走楼梯去她公寓。 pack your bags : to leave a place离开某地 I told him to shape up or he could pack his bags.我告诉他要有所改进,否则就可能卷铺盖走人。 He said goodbye and packed his bags for Denmark.他道别后就收拾行囊去了丹麦。 send (someone or something) packing — see send — packable /ˈpækəbəl/ adjective [more packable; most packable] packable clothing可装箱的衣物




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