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词汇 pardon
释义 pardon (noun) pardon 4 ENTRIES FOUND: pardon (verb) pardon (noun) beg (verb) French (noun) 1 pardon /ˈpɑɚdn̩/ verb pardons; pardoned; pardoning 1 pardon /ˈpɑɚdn̩/ verb pardons; pardoned; pardoning Learner's definition of PARDON [+ object] 1  : to officially say that someone who is guilty of a crime will be allowed to go free and will not be punished赦免 pardon a criminal赦免罪犯 2  : to say that someone should not be blamed for thinking, doing, or saying something原谅;宽恕 — usually used as (be) pardoned for通常用作(be) pardoned Voters can/should/could be pardoned for thinking this election would be different.选民们认为此次选举将不同以往,这种想法能够/应该/可以原谅。 3  : to officially say that a person, country, etc., does not have to pay (a debt)免除(债务) The group wants the debt of the world's poorest countries to be pardoned. [=forgiven]该组织希望免除世界上最贫穷国家的债务。 4  — used to be polite in asking questions or saying things that could be considered rude请原谅(表示礼貌,用于所问或所说的话有可能被认为无礼时) Pardon my ignorance, but what does “naiveté” mean?请原谅我的无知,naivete是什么意思呢? Pardon my asking, but is that your natural hair color?恕我冒昧问一句,你头发本来就是这个颜色吗? Pardon my saying so, but you look tired today. = You look tired today, if you'll pardon my saying so.恕我直言,你今天看起来很疲惫。 Pardon me for asking, but how old are you?冒昧问一句,你多大了? pardon me 1  — used as a polite way of starting to say something when you are interrupting someone, trying to get someone's attention, or disagreeing with someone对不起(打断某人、引起注意或表达不同见解的礼貌用语) Pardon me, but can I speak to you privately for a moment?对不起,我能单独和你说会儿话吗? Pardon me, (but) you dropped this envelope.对不起,你掉了这个信封。 Pardon me, but I believe you've made a mistake.对不起,我想你犯了个错。 2  also pardon — used as a polite apology for a minor fault or offense (such as laughing, coughing, or bumping into someone)对不起(为小错道歉) Oh, pardon me. I didn't see you standing there.啊,对不起,我没看到你站在那儿。 Pardon—I didn't mean to bump you.对不起,我不是有意撞你的。 3  also pardon — used as a polite way of asking someone to repeat something spoken请再说一遍 Pardon me? I didn't hear you.请再说一遍,我没听到你说了什么。 “Are you ready to go?” “Pardon?” “I asked if you were ready to go.”“准备走了吗?”“什么?”“我问你是否要走了。” pardon my French informal + humorous — used to apologize for using offensive language原谅我口出秽言 Everything he said is bullshit. Pardon my French.他说的一切都是屁话。原谅我爆粗口。 pardon the expression — see expression 2 pardon /ˈpɑɚdn̩/ noun plural pardons 2 pardon /ˈpɑɚdn̩/ noun plural pardons Learner's definition of PARDON [count] 1  : an act of officially saying that someone who was judged to be guilty of a crime will be allowed to go free and will not be punished赦免 The governor granted him a pardon.州长准予赦免他。 She received a presidential/royal pardon. [=a pardon from a president or a king or queen]她受到总统/皇室赦免。 2  formal : forgiveness for something原谅;宽恕 He asked/begged my pardon for taking so much of my time.他为占用我大量时间而表示歉意。 — see also beg your pardon at beg




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