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词汇 part
释义 part (verb) part (adverb) part (adjective) part 22 ENTRIES FOUND: part (noun) part (verb) part (adverb) part (adjective) parting (noun) parting (adjective) part-time (adjective) part of speech (noun) beauty part (noun) principal parts (noun) private parts (noun) better (adjective) company (noun) discretion (noun) good (adjective) large (adjective) most (adjective) parcel (noun) sum (noun) valor (noun) want (verb) way (noun) 1 part /ˈpɑɚt/ noun plural parts 1 part /ˈpɑɚt/ noun plural parts Learner's definition of PART 1  [count] a  : one of the pieces, sections, qualities, etc., that make or form something部分;一部分 The entire book is good, but the best part is the ending.整本书都很好,结尾部分最出色。 I don't remember him saying that. I must have missed that part.我不记得他那样说过,一定是我错过了那部分。 — often + of This is the best part of the movie.这是这部电影最精彩的部分。 He's from the western part of the state.他来自那个州的西部。 The disease is increasingly common in this part of the world.这种病在这部分地区越来越常见。 the early/latter part of this century本世纪的初期/末期 Music is an important/major/essential part of my life. It's very much a part of me.音乐是我的生活中重要/主要/不可或缺的一部分,在很大程度上,就是我的一部分。 It's the part of the job he enjoys the least.他最不乐意干这部分工作。 a natural part of growing up成长中的必然阶段 A part of me wants to stay, but another part of me wants to go.一个我想留,但另一个我却想走。 That was not a part of our original agreement.我们的原始协议中并没有那一部分。 She left out that part of the story.她把故事的那部分省略了。 Some parts of your speech were excellent. = Your speech was excellent in parts.你演讲中有些部分非常精彩。 Babies spend a good part of [=a large amount of] the day sleeping.婴儿一天内有大量时间都在睡觉。 — see also beauty part, part of speech, principal parts b  : one of the pieces that are put together to form a machine(机器的)部件,零件 The mechanic had to order the part from the manufacturer.机修工不得不从制造商处订购零部件。 an auto parts warehouse汽车配件仓库 The parts of a radio include the speaker, dials, and antenna.收音机的组成部件包括扬声器、调频指示板和天线。 Do you have any spare/replacement parts for this model of car?你有这个型号的车的备用/替换零件吗? the moving parts of the machine机器的活动部件 c  : one of the pieces or areas of the body of a plant or animal(动植物的)器官,部位 parts of the human body人体器官 My favorite part of the chicken is the drumstick.我最喜欢吃鸡的鸡腿下段。 body parts身体部位 a diagram labeling the different parts of the flower标明花各部分的图解 — see also private parts 2  [noncount] : some but not all of something部分;局部 — + of We spent part of the day at the beach.那天我们在海滩上待了一段时间。 The river forms part of the border between the two countries.这条河构成了两国的一段边境线。 The numbers tell only part of the story.这些数字只说明了部分问题。 Instead of being part of the solution, they became part of the problem.他们非但没帮忙解决问题,反而起了反作用。 Sure it's messy, but that's part of the fun/appeal.那确实很乱,但也是乐趣/魅力的一部分。 Homelessness is part of a larger problem facing this country.人们无家可归只是这个国家所面临的巨大问题中的一部分而已。 The program is part of a larger effort to help the world's children.这项活动是为帮助全世界儿童所做努力的一部分。 3  : a person who is a member of a group or who is included in an activity成员;参与人员 — usually + of [noncount] Come join us and be part of a winning team.来加入我们,成为胜利之队的成员吧。 She wanted to be part of the action.她想参与这个活动。 [count] They considered her (to be) a part of the family.他们把她看成家庭中的一员。 He was an important part of the team's win. [=he did a lot to help the team to win]他是助队伍获胜的重要一员。 4  [count] : one of the sections into which a book, play, television show, etc., is divided(书、戏剧、电视剧等的)部,篇,集 Part one of the miniseries airs next Monday.这部电视连续剧的第一集将于下周一播出。 The first and second parts of Goethe's Faust are divided into acts.歌德的《浮士德》的第一部分和第二部分被分为若干幕。 Shakespeare's Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III莎士比亚《亨利六世》的第一、第二和第三部 5  [count] : the character played by an actor in a play, movie, etc.角色 He got/landed the part of Romeo in his high school play.他在高中戏剧演出中获演罗密欧一角。 They said she was wrong for the part because she was too tall. = They said she was too tall to play the part.他们说她不适合这个角色,因为她太高了。 He has a small/bit part in the movie.他在这个电影中演个小角色。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 In his cowboy hat and boots, he certainly looked the part. [=he looked like a cowboy]他戴着牛仔帽,穿着牛仔靴,看上去确实有模有样。 Now that he's rich he certainly acts the part. [=behaves like a rich person]他现在有钱了,行为举止当然像个富人。 If you want people at work to believe that you're a professional, you have to dress the part.如果你想让那些工作的人相信你是个专业人士,你就得穿得像模像样。 I've played the part of (the) devoted wife and mother, and now I want to do something more with my life.我已经尽职尽责地做了妻子和母亲,现在我想尝试更多。 He was playing the part of (the) gracious host.他在尽责做一个热情亲切的主人。 6  [count] : an influence in producing a result or causing something影响;作用 — usually + in My father's part in my upbringing was minimal. [=my father was not very involved in my upbringing]父亲在我成长中的作用微乎其微。 She talked about television's part in modern elections.她谈论了电视对现代选举的影响。 Did alcohol play a part in the car accident? = Did alcohol have a part in causing the accident? [=was alcohol involved in the accident?]这场车祸和酒驾有关吗? Your family's finances play a big/major/significant part in determining how much financial aid you will receive for college.你在上大学时能获得多少经济资助很大程度上/主要/着重取决于你家庭的财务状况。 We all have a part to play in the future of this company.我们都将对这家公司的未来产生影响。 Parents have a big/important/significant part to play in the habits of their children.父母对孩子习惯的养成有很大/重要/重大的影响。 So far, she has had no part in planning the event. [=she has not been involved in planning the event]到目前为止,她没参与过策划这件事。 He stated that politics played no part in his decision.他表示政治因素并没有影响到他的决定。 When her father became ill, she began to take an active part in running her family's farm.父亲生病后,她开始积极参与家庭农场的管理。 They took an active part in the antiwar movement.他们在反战运动中发挥了积极的作用。 — see also take part (below) 7  [count] : the notes that are sung by a particular singer or played on a particular instrument in a piece of music that is written for more than one voice or instrument声部;音部 I'm usually a soprano, but I was told to sing the alto part for this song.我一般唱女高音,但却被告知唱这首歌的女中音部分。 The song's flute part is especially beautiful.这首曲子的长笛声部尤其动听。 singing in four-part harmony唱四部和声 8  parts [plural] somewhat old-fashioned : a general area with no exact limits or boundaries(没有确定边界的)区域,地区 I can tell from your accent that you're not from around these parts. [=not from around here]从你的口音我能听出你不是附近地区的。 Tornadoes are pretty rare in these parts.龙卷风在这片地区很罕见。 She graduated from high school and left for parts unknown. [=a place that isn't known]她高中毕业后就去了一个大家不知道的地方。 9  [count] US : the line where a person's hair is separated and combed to opposite sides of the head(头发的)分缝 a part down the middle of her head从她的头中间平均的分缝 a side part偏分 He combs his hair back without a part.他把头发往后梳,没分缝。 — called also (British) parting — see picture at hair 10  [count] : an amount that is equal to another amount等份 Mix one part sugar with two parts flour.将一份糖和两份面粉混合起来。 The movie is one part action and one part comedy. = The movie is equal parts action and comedy.这部电影里的动作成分和喜剧成分各占一半。 do your part : to do what you are responsible for doing or are able to do尽自己的职责;尽自己所能 I've done my part, and now it's time for him to do his.我已经尽了我的职责,现在该他了。 Please do your part by donating what you can to the organization.请尽你所能向这个组织捐赠。 for someone's part : in someone's opinion在某人看来;至于某人 She doesn't trust him, but for my part [=as for me; in my opinion], I think he's a nice guy.她不信任他,但在我看来,他是个好小伙子。 For his part, the Senator believes that the proposal will benefit American companies.这位参议员认为,这项提案将惠及美国公司。 for the most part — see 1most in good/great/large part : not entirely but mostly大体上;主要地 The success of our company depends, in good part, on the condition of the economy.我们公司的成功主要取决于经济形势。 I believe that their actions were motivated in great part [=largely] by a desire for revenge.我认为他们的行为很大程度上是受报复心所驱使。 in no small part : to a great degree : largely or mostly在很大程度上;大体上;主要地 The team's success is due in no small part to the hard work of its players.这支队伍的成功主要得益于队员的努力。 in part : to some extent : partially or partly在某种程度上;部分地 Thanks in part to her performance in that movie role, she became one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood.她在那部影片中的表演在某种程度上使她成为好莱坞最受欢迎的女演员之一。 The project failed in part because of a lack of funds.这个工程失败的部分原因是资金缺乏。 The city's problems are due, at least in part, to its geographical location.至少在一定程度上,这个城市的问题是其地理位置所致。 of parts : having many talents or skills多才多艺的;多面手的 a man/woman of (many) parts多才多艺的男人/女人 on someone's part or on the part of someone : by or from someone由某人所为;来自某人 It took a lot of hard work on everyone's part [=done by everyone] to finish the project on time.所有的人都辛勤劳动,才使工程如期完成。 It was a good effort on the part of all the students. [=all the students made a good effort]所有的学生都很努力。 There is a lot of sympathy for the accused woman on the part of the public. [=the public feels a lot of sympathy for her]公众对这个被控告的女人深表同情。 part and parcel of : a basic and necessary part of (something)基本部分,必需的部分。 Stress was part and parcel of the job.在这份工作中不可避免地会遇到压力。 sum of its parts — see 1sum take part : to be involved in something : to participate in something参与;参加 The event was a great success, and I would like to thank everyone who took part.这次活动取得了圆满成功,我要感谢所有的参与者。 The entire family takes part in cleaning the house.全家都参与房屋清扫。 They refused to take part in the discussion.他们拒绝参与讨论。 He swore that he took no part [=was not involved] in the group's illegal activities.他发誓没参与过这个集团的非法活动。 — see also 1part 6 (above) take someone's part chiefly British : to show support for someone in an argument, disagreement, etc.支持某人;站在某人一边 The public has taken the accused woman's part [=taken her side, sided with her] because of her young age.公众都站在这个被控告的女人这边,因为她还年轻。 take something in good part British, old-fashioned : to not become too angry or upset about something : to not object too much to something坦然接受;不十分反对 I was nervous when I had to tell him that he was wrong, but fortunately he took it in good part and we stayed friends.当我不得不告诉他是他错了时,我感到紧张,但幸运的是,他坦然接受了,于是,我们依然是朋友。 the best/better/greater part of something : more than half of something : most of something多半;大部分 It took us the better part of a week to finish the job.我们花了大半周时间才完成这项工作。 We've been waiting for the better part of an hour.我们已经等了大半个小时。 They live here for the greater part of the year.他们一年中大部分时间都住在这儿。 want no part of/in something : to refuse to be involved in something拒绝参与;拒绝参加 She said that she didn't agree with what they were doing and wanted no part of it.她说她不赞同他们正在做的,不想参与其中。 I want no part of this scheme.我不想参加这个计划。 He wanted no part in discussing the issue.他拒绝参与讨论这个问题。 2 part /ˈpɑɚt/ verb parts; parted; parting 2 part /ˈpɑɚt/ verb parts; parted; parting Learner's definition of PART 1  : to separate into two or more parts that move away from each other(使)分成几部分,分开 [no object] The crowd parted to let the president through.人群分开了,让总统从中通过。 The rain stopped and the clouds parted.雨停了,云散了。 The big red curtains parted to reveal a new car!红色的大幕拉开,一辆新车出现了! [+ object] The Bible tells the story of how God parted the Red Sea.《圣经》讲述了上帝如何将红海分开的故事。 She closed her eyes and parted her lips.她闭上眼睛,张开了嘴。 Her lips were parted.她张开了嘴。 2  [+ object] : to separate (the hair on a person's head) into two parts on each side of a line by using a comb(把头发)分缝 She parts her hair on the side.她把头发分在一边。 His dark hair was parted down/in the middle.他的黑头发是由中间分开的。 3  formal a  [no object] : to leave each other分离;分别;分开 The two lovers parted at dawn.两个恋人在黎明时分别。 Tomorrow we shall part and, I fear, never see each other again.明天,我们就将分离,我担心从此我们将再也见不到彼此。 : to go or move away from someone离开(某人) She couldn't bear the thought of parting from her family.一想到要离开家人,她就无法忍受。 b  [+ object] : to cause (someone) to be separated from someone使离开;使分开;使分离 — usually used as (be) parted通常用作(be) parted She couldn't bear to be parted from her family.她无法忍受和家人分离。 4  [no object] somewhat formal : to end a relationship分手;散伙 The band parted after 10 successful years of performing together.这个乐队在历经10年的成功表演后解散。 We parted on friendly terms.我们友好地分手了。 The couple parted [=separated] in the summer of 2005.这对夫妇于2005年的夏天分手。 — often + from By that time, he had already parted from his first wife.他那时已经和第一任妻子分开了。 part company formal 1  : to end a relationship分手;散伙 There are rumors that the football team and its coach have parted company.有谣言说这支橄榄球队和它的教练解约了。 — often + with I parted company with my business partners after a dispute about finances.在一次关于财务的争论后,我和我的商业伙伴散伙了。 2  : to leave each other分离;分别;分开 Much has happened since we parted company.我们分别以后发生了很多事。 The two friends parted company in the parking lot and drove home separately.两个朋友在停车场分别后,各自开车回家了。 3  : to disagree with someone about something(与某人)意见不一 The president and I part company on some important issues.总裁和我在一些重要问题上意见不一。 — often + with I don't believe in the death penalty, so I'm afraid I must part company with you there. [=I do not agree with you about that]我不支持死刑,所以恐怕在这个问题上我和你的意见有分歧。 part ways chiefly US 1  : to end a relationship分手;散伙 The band parted ways after releasing their third album.这个乐队在发布了第三张唱片后解散了。 — often + with She has since parted ways with the organization.她从此就和这个组织脱离了关系。 2  : to leave each other分离;分别;分开 We said our goodbyes and parted ways.我们互道再见,彼此分别。 3  : to disagree with someone about something(与某人)意见不一 We part ways on that issue.我们在那个问题上意见不一。 part with [phrasal verb] part with (something) : to give up possession or control of (something)放弃 He hated to part with that old car.他非常不愿意丢弃那辆旧车。 parting with a large amount of money放弃一大笔钱 3 part /ˈpɑɚt/ adverb 3 part /ˈpɑɚt/ adverb Learner's definition of PART : somewhat but not completely : to some extent or in some degree在某种程度上;部分地 The story is part science and part fiction.这个故事既有科学的成分,也有虚构的成分。 She's part French and part Italian. [=some of her relatives or ancestors are from France and some are from Italy]她有一半法国血统,一半意大利血统。 His statement is only part [=partially, partly] right. [=only part of his statement is right]他的陈述仅有部分正确。 The Chimera is a monster in Greek mythology that is part lion, part goat, and part serpent.喀迈拉是希腊神话中的一个怪物,身体部分是狮子,部分是山羊,部分是蛇。 4 part /ˈpɑɚt/ adjective 4 part /ˈpɑɚt/ adjective Learner's definition of PART always used before a noun : not complete or total部分的;不完全的 The claim is a part truth—there is more to the story than they are telling you.这一声明只是部分事实——真相远不只他们告诉你的那些。 She's the executive chef and part owner of the restaurant. [=she and other people own the restaurant as partners]她是厨师总管,也是这家餐馆的合伙人。 (Brit) You can trade in your old car as part payment for a new one.你可以把旧车折价,用作购买新车的部分支付款。




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