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词汇 pass
释义 pass (noun) pass (noun) pass 24 ENTRIES FOUND: pass (verb) pass (noun) pass (noun) pass-fail (adjective) passing (noun) passing (adjective) passing lane (noun) boarding pass (noun) bounce pass (noun) drop pass (noun) forward pass (noun) inbounds pass (noun) play-action pass (noun) screen pass (noun) shovel pass (noun) Chilkoot Pass (proper noun) Karakoram Pass (proper noun) buck (noun) come (verb) hat (noun) lip (noun) muster (noun) torch (noun) water (noun) 1 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ verb passes; passed; passing 1 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ verb passes; passed; passing Learner's definition of PASS 1  a  : to move past someone or something经过;穿过 [no object] The boat was too tall to pass beneath/under the bridge.船太高,无法从桥下通过。 A flock of geese were passing overhead.一群雁从头顶飞过。 Stand here and don't let anyone pass. [=move past you]站在这儿,不要让任何人通过。 — often + by They pass by the library on their way to school.他们上学的路上经过图书馆。 I was just passing by and thought I'd stop and say hello.我正好路过,所以想过来问个好。 [+ object] They pass the library every morning on their way to school.他们每天早上上学都路过图书馆。 The ships passed each other in the night.船只在夜间互相擦肩而过。 We passed each other in the hallway without looking up.我们在过道里擦肩而过,谁也没理谁。 — often + by She was hoping he would stop and talk to her, but he passed her by.她盼望着他会停下来跟她说话,但他却径直走过。 b  : to move past someone or something that is moving more slowly in the same direction超过;越过 [no object] (US) “Is it safe to pass?” [=(Brit) overtake] “No, there's a car coming in the other lane.”“现在超车安全吗?”“不行,另一条车道上有车过来了。” [+ object] She passed two other runners just before the finish line.快到终点时她超过了另外两名选手。 He passed the slower cars on the highway.他在公路上超了几辆开得较慢的汽车。 2  always followed by an adverb or preposition a  [no object] : to move or go into or through a particular place进入;通过 The drug passes quickly into the bloodstream.药物很快进入血液。 In a solar eclipse, the moon passes between the sun and the Earth.日食发生时,月亮处于太阳和地球之间。 The airplane passed out of sight.飞机飞出了视线。 — often + through Fear and panic passed through the crowd.恐慌在人群中蔓延。 A river passes through the middle of the city.河流从城市的中间穿过。 Millions of tourists pass through the museum every year.每年有数百万游客参观这家博物馆。 The paper passes through the fax machine and comes out the other end.纸张穿过传真机从另一端出来。 The bullet passed through his shoulder.子弹穿过了他的肩膀。 We passed through Texas on our way to Mexico.我们去墨西哥时途经得克萨斯州。 We're just passing through. [=staying here for a very short time]我们只是路过。 b  [+ object] : to cause (something) to move or go in a specified way使通过;使穿越 Pass the end of the string through the loop.把绳子的这一头穿过圆环。 He passed the rope around the pole.他把绳子缠在杆上。 3  [+ object] : to give (something) to someone using your hands递;传递 She passed the baby back to his mother.她把那个宝宝递还给他的妈妈。 Would you please pass the salt?请把盐递过来好吗? Pass [=hand] me the butter, please.请把黄油递给我。 They started passing around pictures of their trip.他们开始把旅行的照片传给大家看。 Take one sheet and pass the rest down/on/along. [=take one sheet and give the rest to the next person]拿一张,把剩下的往下传。 Can you pass that screwdriver over to me?能把螺丝刀递过来吗? 4  sports : to throw, hit, or kick a ball or puck to a teammate(通过投、击或踢)传球(给队友) [+ object] Pass me the ball! = Pass the ball to me!把球传给我! [no object] She passed to her teammate who then scored a goal.她把球传给队友,接着队友进球得分。 5  [+ object] a  : to cause someone to have or be affected by (something that you have had or been affected by)传染;转嫁;转让 The disease was passed from mother to child. = She passed the disease to her child.疾病由母亲传给了孩子。 — often + on She contracted the disease and passed it on to her child.她染上了这种疾病,又传给了自己的孩子。 Gas prices have risen, forcing companies to pass the cost on to the consumer.汽油价格上涨,迫使企业将成本转嫁到消费者身上。 We lowered our costs and are now able to pass on the savings to our customers.我们降低了成本,现在能够把节余的让利于消费者了。 — sometimes + along We're passing the savings along to our customers.我们在把节余让利给消费者。 b  : to give (information) to another person传达(信息) — often + on Doctors need to pass this information on to their patients.医生需要将这个信息传达给病人。 Everyone's invited to the party. Pass it on! [=tell people that everyone is invited]所有人都被邀请参加派对。去告诉大家吧! — often + along They quickly passed the word along that the meeting was postponed.他们很快把会议推迟的消息传达了出去。 He told me about it, and now I'm passing it along to you.他跟我说了这件事,现在我又转告你了。 6  [no object] a  : to go from one person to another person传播;散布 The rumor quickly passed [=spread] from person to person.谣言很快就传开了。 The book passed from hand to hand.大家在传阅这本书。 b  : to be given to someone especially according to a law, rule, etc.(依法)给予某人 The throne passed to the king's son.王位传给了国王的儿子。 Ownership passes to the buyer upon payment in full.全额付款后所有权即归属购买人。 After her death, the house passed into the hands of her granddaughter. [=her granddaughter became the owner of the house]她去世以后,房子归其孙女所有。 7  of time a  [no object] : to go by(时间)推移,消逝 Several months passed before I received a reply.几个月过去后我才收到回复。 He became sleepy as the time passed.随着时间的推移,他变得困倦了。 The days pass quickly when you're on vacation.休假的时候日子过得很快。 Another day passed without any news about the whereabouts of their missing son.又一天过去了,他们失踪的儿子仍然下落全无。 b  [+ object] : to let (time or a period of time) go by especially while you are doing something enjoyable度过;消磨 He passes [=spends] his days reading and taking walks around the neighborhood.他每日读书,在社区附近散步。 They passed the evening playing cards.他们玩牌消磨那天晚上的时光。 We played games to pass the time on the bus.我们在公共汽车上玩游戏打发时间。 I walked over to my neighbor's house to pass the time of day. [=to have a friendly and informal conversation]我走到邻居家去聊聊天。 8  [no object] a  : to happen or take place发生 The meeting passed without incident.会上没有任何事情发生。 He hoped that his mistake would pass unnoticed. [=not be noticed by anyone]他指望自己的错误不会被人注意。 — often + between A meaningful glance passed between them. [=they glanced at each other in a meaningful way]他们意味深长地交换了眼色。 It's hard to believe that they're still friends after everything that's passed between them.难以相信他们之间发生了那么多事情却友情依旧。 b  : to end or go away结束;消失 She couldn't let the moment pass (away) without saying something.她不能什么也不说就让这一时刻流逝。 This crisis will soon pass. [=will soon be over]这场危机很快就会过去。 A storm had just passed.暴风雨刚刚过去。 They waited until it was clear that the danger had passed.他们一直等到危险明确解除之后。 They were happy once, but that time has passed. [=that time is over]他们曾经很幸福,但那样的时光已经过去了。 The era of the traveling salesman has passed into history. [=traveling salesmen no longer exist]旅行推销的时代已经成为历史了。 9  [no object] : to be done, said, etc., without producing a response(让某事)过去(而不做反应) I disagreed with what he said, but I let it pass. [=I did not say anything in response to his remark]我不同意他说的话,但也没说什么。 She let his remark pass without comment.她对他讲的话未加评论。 10  [no object] a  : to not take, accept, or use something that is offered to you放过…不要 Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass.谢谢提供这个机会,但我不想要。 — often + on He passed on the cake. [=he did not eat any cake]他没有吃蛋糕。 I think I'll pass on going with you.我觉得我还是别跟你去了。 b  : to decide not to do something at a particular point in a game (such as a card game) when it is your turn(纸牌等游戏中)不叫,过 “I bid three of hearts.” “I pass.”“我叫三张红桃。”“过。” 11  a  : to complete (a test, class, etc.) successfully通过(考试、课程等);合格 [+ object] He failed his driver's test the first time he took it, but he passed it the second time.他第一次参加驾照考试未过,但第二次通过了。 I almost didn't pass my French class this semester.这学期我法语课差点不及格。 [no object] “How did you do on the test?” “I passed!”“考得怎么样?”“过了!” b  [+ object] : to decide that (someone) has passed an examination or course of study使及格;使通过 The teacher said she couldn't pass me because I failed all of my tests.老师说由于我所有考试都不及格,所以她不能让我通过这门课程。 12  a  [+ object] : to officially approve (a law, bill, etc.)通过,批准(法律、议案等) Congress passed a law banning the sale of automatic rifles.国会通过了一项法律,禁止销售步枪。 The measure was passed by both the House and the Senate.这项举措在参众两院都获得了通过。 We've been trying to get this legislation passed for several months now.这几个月我们一直在努力使这项立法获得通过。 b  chiefly US : to become approved by (a legislature)(立法等)获得通过,被批准 [+ object] The measure passed both the House and the Senate.这项举措已获参众两院批准。 The bill passed the House but was defeated/rejected by the Senate.这个议案在众议院通过,但被参议院否决。 [no object] The proposal passed (into law).提案已获得批准(成为法律)。 The bill failed to pass in the Senate.这个议案在参议院未获通过。 13  [+ object] formal : to say or state (something) especially in an official way宣布;声明 Before passing sentence [=announcing the punishment], the judge commented on the seriousness of the crime.宣判之前,法官先陈述了这起犯罪的严重性。 The court is now ready to pass judgment.现在法庭将进行宣判。 It would be premature to pass judgment on [=to state an opinion on] his place in history.现在就评价他的历史地位恐怕为时过早。 Don't pass judgment on me [=don't criticize me] until you know all the facts.你还不了解全部情况,就不要批评我。 14  [+ object] : to go beyond (a number or amount)超过,越过(某数字或某数量) — usually used with mark通常与mark连用 It's an extremely successful movie that has just passed [=exceeded, surpassed] the $100 million mark. [=it has earned more than $100 million]影片获得巨大成功,票房破1亿美元大关。 I've passed the half-century mark. [=I am over 50 years old]我已年过半百。 15  [no object] : to change from one state or form to another变化;转化 The water passes from a liquid to a gas.水从液体变成气体。 passing through the different stages of human development经过人类发展的不同阶段 16  [no object] : to be good enough : to be adequate过得去;还行 The work isn't perfect, but it will pass. [=will do]这活儿干得不算完美,但还过得去。 17  [+ object] : to illegally use (checks, bills, etc., with no real value) as money非法使用(伪钞、假支票等) They were charged with passing bad checks.他们被控使用空头支票。 He was trying to pass counterfeit money.他正企图使用伪钞。 18  [+ object] : to have (something) come out from your body排泄;排出体外 He had been passing blood in his urine. [=blood had been appearing in his urine]他一直尿中带血。 pass a kidney stone排出肾结石 — see also pass gas at 1gas, pass water at 1water 19  [no object] : to die去世;离开人世 — used as a polite way to avoid saying the word “die”用作单词die的委婉说法 I'm sorry, but your grandfather has passed.我很难过,但您的爷爷已经离世了。 — see also pass away, pass on (below) come to pass — see 1come pass as [phrasal verb] 1  pass as (someone or something) : to cause people to believe that you are (someone or something that you are not)冒充;使人误认为 He thought that growing a mustache would help him pass as an adult.他觉得留一撮小胡子就能冒充大人。 Your mom could pass as your sister!你妈妈简直可以冒充你姐姐! 2  pass as (something) : to be accepted or regarded as (something)被当作,被认为是(某事物) the ancient practices that once passed as [=passed for] science曾经被当成科学的古代习俗 pass away [phrasal verb] : to die去世;过世 — used as a polite way to avoid saying the word “die”用作单词die的委婉说法 Her father passed away.她父亲去世了。 pass by [phrasal verb] pass (someone) by : to happen without being noticed or acted upon by (someone)被忽视;未引起注意 Don't let this opportunity pass (you) by!不要错过这次机会! I realized that I was letting life pass me by.我意识到我正在虚度人生。 — see also 1pass 1a (above) pass down [phrasal verb] pass (something) down or pass down (something) : to give (something) to a younger person especially within the same family把…传给后人 She will pass down her diamond ring to her niece.她将把钻戒传给侄女。 It's a family recipe passed down [=handed down] from my great-grandmother.这道私房菜的做法是我曾祖母传下来的。 The painting is a family heirloom that has been passed down through the generations.这幅画作世代相传,是传家宝。 pass for [phrasal verb] pass for (something) : to be accepted or regarded as (something)被当作,被认为是(某事物) I can't believe the garbage that's passing for [=passing as] art these days.我无法相信现今这等垃圾竟然被当作艺术。 the tasteless soup that was supposed to pass for our dinner本想当作我们晚饭的寡淡汤水 What passes for entertainment around here?在这儿什么算是消遣啊? pass in [phrasal verb] pass (something) in or pass in (something) : to give (something) to a person who will review it交上(考卷等) Students should pass their papers in before they leave.学生们在离开之前应当交上试卷。 He passed in [=handed in] his test.他交了考卷。 pass muster — see 2muster pass off [phrasal verb] 1  pass (someone or something) off as (someone or something) or pass off (someone or something) as (someone or something) : to cause people to wrongly believe that someone or something is someone or something else使人误认为;冒充 amateurs passing themselves off as professionals冒充专业人士的业余爱好者 He managed to pass himself off as the son of the famous actor.他设法冒充成这位知名演员的儿子! She passed the poem off as her own.她把这首诗说成是她写的。 They tried to pass it off as an original painting, but I suspected it was a copy.他们极力把这幅画说成是原作,但我怀疑是复制品。 a cheap piece of glass passed off as a diamond一块冒充钻石的廉价玻璃 2  British : to happen or take place in a particular way发生;进行 The event passed off [=went off] with no major incidents.事情过去了,没发生什么大的变故。 The evening passed off quietly.夜晚安静地过去了。 pass on [phrasal verb] : to die去世;离开人世 — used as a polite way to avoid saying the word “die”用作单词die的委婉说法 Her parents have passed on.她父母都过世了。 pass out [phrasal verb] 1  : to fall asleep or become unconscious睡着;失去知觉 They both passed out in front of the TV.他们俩都在电视机前睡着了。 I felt like I was going to pass out from exhaustion.我觉得要累昏过去了。 He drank until he passed out.他喝得不省人事。 Someone was passed out on the floor. [=someone was lying unconscious on the floor]有人晕倒在地板上。 2  pass out (something) or pass (something) out : to give (something) to several or many people分发;分配 They passed out [=handed out, distributed] copies of the newsletter.他们发着一份份的公司简讯。 The teacher hasn't finished passing out the tests yet.老师还没发完卷子呢。 She passed out flyers at the grocery store.她在杂货店分发传单。 pass over [phrasal verb] 1  pass over (someone) or pass (someone) over : to not choose (someone) for a job, position, etc.不选择某人(做某项工作或担任某职务等) When it came time to select the recipient of the award, the committee once again passed him over. [=the committee did not give him an award]选择获奖者的时候,委员会又没选他。 The quarterback was passed over by other teams.其他球队也没有选择这位四分卫。 — often + for She was passed over for another promotion.另一个升迁机会也没有给她。 2  pass over (something) or pass (something) over : to leave out (something)忽略(某事物) passing over [=skipping] the more boring parts of the book跳过书中比较枯燥的部分 : to not discuss or deal with (something)略过(某事物) Let's pass over the technical details and get straight to the parts that really interest you.咱们跳过技术细节直接到你感兴趣的部分。 pass the buck — see 1buck pass the hat — see hat pass the torch — see 1torch pass up [phrasal verb] pass up (something) or pass (something) up : to not take or accept (something that is offered to you)拒绝;回绝 We couldn't afford to pass up her offer.我们不能拒绝她的报价。 Her offer was too good to pass up.她开的价码很好,不容错过。 pass your lips 1  of words : to come out of your mouth : to be spoken(话语)说出来 The word “quit” has never passed her lips. [=she has never said the word “quit”]“放弃”这个词从未从她的嘴里说出来过。 2  of food or drink : to go into your mouth : to be eaten or drunk(食物或饮料)被吃下,被喝下 He refused to let alcohol pass his lips. [=he never drank alcohol]他向来滴酒不沾。 2 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ noun plural passes 2 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ noun plural passes Learner's definition of PASS [count] 1  sports : an act of throwing, hitting, or kicking a ball or puck to a teammate传球 throwing/making/completing a perfect pass to a teammate给队友一个漂亮的传球 a forward pass向前传球 He caught a 20-yard pass from Johnson.他接住了约翰逊从20码以外给他的传球。 The quarterback threw two touchdown passes in the first half of the game.上半场四分卫两次成功传球给队友达阵得分。 — see also bounce pass, screen pass, shovel pass 2  : a card or ticket which shows that you are allowed to enter or leave a particular place or to ride a vehicle通行证;月票 a one-day/weekend/season pass to the amusement park游乐园的日票/周末券/季票 Each new student will be given a bus pass. [=a ticket that permits you to ride the bus]每名新生都会发给一张公交乘车证。 We won backstage passes [=cards that allow you to go behind the stage] for tonight's concert.我们搞到了今晚音乐会的后台通行证。 (US) You have to get a hall pass [=a card that shows you have permission to be out of class during class time] from the teacher.你得从老师那儿拿到离开课堂许可卡。 — see also boarding pass 3  : a single, complete set of actions that are done together as a stage in a process一次完整的工作循环 The machine is able to print on both sides in a single pass.这台机器能够同时打印纸张的两面。 I did another pass to check for any spelling mistakes in my essay.我又从头至尾检查了一遍我文章中的拼写错误。 The error was discovered in the next pass through the data.错误是在这之后的那次数据巡检过程中发现的。 4  : an act of moving over a place掠过;越过 The planes made several passes over the area.飞机在这一地区的上空盘旋了几圈。 The pilot spotted the missing group on a second pass.飞行员又一次飞过时找到了失踪的小队。 5  chiefly British : a grade which shows that you have passed a test or class及格;合格 I got a pass in my History class.历史课我得了个及格。 The required pass mark was 75 percent.满分的75%为规定的及格线。 make a pass at : to do or say something that clearly shows you want to begin a romantic or sexual relationship with (someone)调情;勾引 He made a pass at his wife's friend.他勾引妻子的朋友。 — compare 3pass 3 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ noun plural passes 3 pass /ˈpæs/ Brit /ˈpɑːs/ noun plural passes Learner's definition of PASS 1  [count] : a low place in a mountain range where a road or path goes through山口;关隘;关口 a mountain pass = a pass through the mountains山口 2  [singular] somewhat formal : a usually bad situation or condition(不好的)境遇,处境 We had come to a very strange pass.我们陷入非常奇怪的处境。 What brought them to such a sorry pass?什么使他们落到这么令人难过的境地? — compare 2pass




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