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词汇 pay
释义 pay (noun) pay 29 ENTRIES FOUND: pay (verb) pay (noun) pay-as-you-go (adjective) pay-cable (noun) paying-in slip (noun) pay-per-view (noun) pay-TV (noun) pay dirt (noun) pay envelope (noun) pay packet (noun) pay phone (noun) pay stub (noun) base pay (noun) co-pay (noun) danger pay (noun) hazard pay (noun) sick pay (noun) take-home pay (noun) court (noun) due (noun) hell (noun) high (adjective) nose (noun) paycheck (noun) penalty (noun) piper (noun) rob (verb) steep (adjective) strike (verb) 1 pay /ˈpeɪ/ verb pays; paid /ˈpeɪd/ ; paying 1 pay /ˈpeɪ/ verb pays; paid /ˈpeɪd/ ; paying Learner's definition of PAY 1  a  [no object] : to give money for goods or services付(钱);支付 I already paid last week.我上周已经付过钱。 Where do we pay to get in?我们在哪儿买票进场? Do we have to pay to park here?在这儿停车要付费吗? They left the restaurant without paying.他们没有付钱就离开了饭店。 Should I pay in dollars or pesos?我应该用美元还是比索付费? We're trying to attract more paying customers [=customers that buy things from our company] through our Web site.我们正努力通过网站吸引更多的顾客。 paying passengers支付车费的乘客 After their children left for college, they began opening their home to paying guests. [=people who give you money to live in your house with you for a short time]孩子上大学以后,他们开始把房子出租给房客。 — often + for He offered to pay for our dinner.他主动为我们的晚餐付账。 How will you be paying for your purchase: (in) cash, (by) check, or (with a) credit card?你怎么付费,现金、支票还是信用卡? “That cheap camera I bought is broken already.” “Well, you get what you pay for.” [=a thing that can be bought for a very low price probably isn't very good]“我买的那个廉价的照相机已经坏了。”“噢,一分钱一分货。” b  [+ object] : to give money to (someone) for goods or services支付给(某人) I'll pay the taxi driver.我来付钱给出租车司机。 Has anyone paid her yet?有人付过她钱吗? We get paid on Fridays.我们星期五发工资。 The workers get paid well. = The workers are well-paid.这些工人工资高。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 They're going to pay a crew to paint the house.他们打算雇人粉刷房子。 You couldn't pay me to jump out of an airplane! [=I would never jump out of an airplane, even if you gave me a lot of money]你出大价钱我也不会从飞机上跳下去。 — sometimes + in “Did he give you a check?” “No, he paid me in cash.”“他给你支票了吗?”“没有,他付的是现金。” When he mowed her lawn, she paid him in cookies. [=she gave him cookies for mowing her lawn]他帮她修剪草坪,她给了他曲奇饼当报酬。 c  [+ object] : to give (something, such as an amount of money) for goods or services支付… I paid $200 to him yesterday. = I paid him $200 yesterday.我昨天付给他200美元。 These workers are paid extremely low wages by their employers.这些工人从雇主那儿拿到的工资少得可怜。 She pays 15 percent (of her earnings) to her agent.她把收入的15%付给代理人。 I paid a lot of money for this car.这辆车花了我很多钱。 How much are you willing to pay?你愿意付多少钱? They paid over $300,000 for their house.他们花了30多万美元买房子。 They paid a high price [=a lot of money] for that painting.他们买那幅画花了很多钱。 I couldn't afford to pay cash, so I put it on my credit card.我现金不够,所以用信用卡支付。 We paid good money [=we gave a large amount of money] to see this show, and we want our money's worth!我们为了看这场演出付了很多钱,因此我们想要物有所值。 d  — used to say how much someone earns for doing a job挣工资 [no object] My job doesn't pay very well. [=I don't earn much money from my job]我的工作工资不高。 It's difficult work that pays relatively poorly.这个工作难度大,工资相对低。 high-paying jobs高收入的工作 [+ object] The job pays $150,000 a year.这份工作年薪15万美元。 2  [+ object] : to give the money that you owe for (something)付钱;偿还 I can't afford to pay my rent.我付不起房租。 paying taxes/fines/penalties缴税/罚金/罚款 Use the company's financing plan and pay no interest for a full year.采用公司的财务计划,整整一年不用付利息。 Has this bill been paid?付过账了吗? The receipt shows that their bill has been paid in full. [=all of the money they owed has been paid]收据显示他们已经将钱全部付清。 3  : to have a good or helpful result : to be worth the expense or effort to do something有所值 [no object] Hard work always pays [=pays off] in the long run.辛苦的工作最终总是值得的。 Crime doesn't pay. [=you get more trouble than benefit from committing a crime]作奸犯科是没有好下场的。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 It pays [=it is worth the effort] to study your notes after every class.每次课后都学习笔记对你会有好处的。 When the roads are icy, it pays to drive slowly.路面结冰时,慢一点开车有好处。 It pays to advertise.做广告是值得的。 [+ object] It pays stores to be open on the weekends. [=stores benefit from being open on the weekends]商店周末营业是有回报的。 Spending a lot of money on advertising has paid dividends for our company. [=has given our company extra advantages or benefits]花大价钱做广告已经给公司带来了丰厚的利益。 Our efforts are finally paying dividends. [=we are finally getting the results we want from our efforts]我们的努力最终正在带来丰厚的回报。 4  [+ object] : to give (a percentage of money) as the profit from an investment or business(投资、商业等)有收益 The investment paid eight percent last year.去年的投资收益为百分之八。 a savings account paying four percent interest支付百分之四利息的储蓄账户 5  a  [no object] : to deal with the bad result of something that you did : to be punished for doing something自食恶果;付出代价 If you offend him, he will make you pay.如果你冒犯他,他会让你付出代价的。 — often + for I'll make you pay for what you've done to me!我会让你为你对我所做的付出代价! You'll pay for this!你会自食恶果的! She paid dearly for her mistakes. [=she suffered a lot as a result of her mistakes]她为她所犯的错误付出了昂贵的代价。 He thinks that the people who committed these terrible crimes should pay with their lives. [=should be killed]他认为这些罪大恶极的人应该被处死。 b  [+ object] : to give, lose, or suffer (something) as a punishment for or result of something else付出(代价) We all felt that 25 years in prison was a high/small price to pay for his crimes.我们都觉得25年监禁对于他的罪行来说是极高/很小的代价。 ◊ If you pay a/the price or pay a heavy/high/steep (etc.) price or (Brit) pay the penalty for something, you experience the bad effects or results of that thing.为某事付出(沉重的)代价;受到惩罚 I knew the consequences of what I was about to do, but I was willing to pay the price.我知道我要做的事情的后果,但是我愿意为此付出代价。 Famous people always pay a price for their fame.名人总是要为名声付出代价。 She paid a heavy price for telling the truth.她为讲真话付出了沉重的代价。 Someone has to pay the penalty for these mistakes.有人要为这些错误付出代价。 6  [+ object] — used in various phrases that describe giving your attention to what is being done or said注意 Are you paying attention? [=are you listening and trying to understand?]你在听吗? Remember to pay close attention to the instructions.记住认真注意指令。 He's just teasing you. Don't pay any attention to him. = Pay no attention to him. [=don't be upset by what he is saying]他不过跟你开个玩笑,不必理会。 He kept talking but she paid him no mind. [=she didn't listen to what he said]他一直在说话,但她不予理会。 Pay heed to what he says. [=listen to what he says]注意他所说的。 7  [+ object] — used to describe saying or doing something that expresses respect, admiration, etc., for someone致以(敬意、仰慕等) She paid me a compliment. [=she said something nice about me]她夸奖了我。 We gather here today to pay tribute/homage to [=to honor and praise] a great woman.我们今天相聚这里是为了向一位伟大的女性表示敬意/崇敬。 hell to pay or the devil to pay — used to say that if a specific thing happens, something else that is very bad will be the result or someone will get very upset出大麻烦;有严重后果 We knew that if anyone caught us cheating there would be hell to pay. [=we would be severely punished]我们知道如果有人抓住我们作弊,就要出大麻烦了。 There'll be the devil to pay if we don't finish on time.如果我们不能按时完成,就会有严重后果。 pay a call/visit : to go somewhere to visit someone拜访 She paid me a visit [=she came to visit me] while I was in the hospital. = She paid a call on me while I was in the hospital.我住院时她来看过我。 pay back [phrasal verb] 1  pay back (something) or pay (something) back : to return (an amount of money) that someone allowed you to borrow还(借款) She has to pay back the $100 she borrowed.她得还所借的100美元。 He said that he'll pay the money back tomorrow.他说他明天还钱。 paying back a loan还贷 2  pay (someone) back or pay back (someone)还(某人的)… a  : to give (someone) the amount of money that you borrowed还钱 I'll pay you back when I get the money.我拿到钱后就还你。 I lent him money and he never paid me back.我借给他钱,可他从来不还给我。 I have to pay back my sister for that loan.我得还从我妹妹那儿借的钱。 b  : to punish or hurt (someone who did something bad to you)报复(某人) I wanted to pay him back [=get back at him; make him suffer] for all the pain he caused me.鉴于他给我带来的所有痛苦,我要报复他。 He's finally getting paid back for all the trouble he caused.他最终为他惹出的所有麻烦埋单。 — see also payback c  : to do something good for (someone who did something good for you)报答(某人) How can I pay you back for all your help?我如何才能报答你对我的所有帮助? pay court to — see 1court pay for itself ◊ If you buy something that pays for itself, the amount of money you save by using the product for a period of time is more than the amount of money you spent when you bought the product.收回成本 You save so much on heating costs with our high-quality windows that the windows will pay for themselves within five years!使用我们的优质窗户,你可以节省大量供暖费用,五年内就可以收回成本。 pay in [phrasal verb] pay in (something) or pay (something) in British : to put (money) in an account : deposit把(钱)存入账户 I went to the bank to pay in a cheque.我去银行存入一张支票。 paying a cheque in an account把支票存入账户 pay into [phrasal verb] pay into (something) chiefly US : to put money into (a fund or account)存入 Each month she pays into an account that can be used for medical expenses.她每个月存钱到用于支付医疗费用的账户。 pay off [phrasal verb] 1  : to produce a result that you want得到回报 It's great to see that all of our hard work has finally paid off.很高兴看到我们付出的所有努力终于得到回报。 2  pay off (something) or pay (something) off : to give all of the money that you owe for (something that you pay for over a period of time)清偿;还清 It will take us 30 years to pay off our mortgage, but then the house will be ours.我们要30年才能还清房贷,不过到那时房子就是我们的了。 If I won the money, I'd use it to pay off all my credit cards.如果赢了钱,我将用来还清所有的信用卡花费。 paying off your debts还清债务 She finally got her car paid off. [=she finally paid all the money she had borrowed to buy her car]她最终还清了买车所借的钱。 3  pay off (someone) or pay (someone) off a  : to give money to (someone) in order to make that person do something illegal or dishonest for you or to convince that person not to talk about something收买;买通;给封口费 He tried to pay off [=bribe] a police officer.他试图买通一位警官。 The company was accused of paying off its employees to keep them from talking about its illegal activities.公司被指控买通员工,使他们不谈论公司的非法行为。 b  British : to stop employing (someone) after paying all of the money that was owed to that person付清工资后解雇(某人) They paid off all their workers and then closed the factory.他们付清所有工人的工资后关闭了工厂。 — see also payoff pay out [phrasal verb] 1  pay out (something) or pay (something) out : to give (an amount of money) to someone usually over a period of time(在一段时间内)花费,支出 The government has paid out [=disbursed] millions of dollars in foreign aid.政府已支出几百万美元用于对外援助。 The prize money will be paid out (to the winner) over the course of five years.奖金将在五年内支付(给获胜者)。 — see also payout 2  : to allow (a rope or chain) to become loose and move through your hands松开(绳索) We lowered the anchor and continued to pay out several more feet of rope.我们下锚后又继续放松几英尺缆绳。 pay the piper — see piper pay through the nose — see 1nose pay up [phrasal verb] somewhat informal 1  : to pay what you owe : to pay what is due付清(债务) We paid up and left.我们付了欠款后就走了。 He decided to pay up after they threatened to take him to court for the money.他们威胁说如果他不还钱就把他告到法院,于是他决定把钱还给他们。 2  ◊ If you are paid up, you have given all of the money that you owe until a specific date.付清全部欠款 You're (all) paid up through June. [=you do not have to pay any more money until after June]你直到六月底的(整个)费用都已付清了。 pay your dues — see 2due pay your (own) way : to use your own money to pay for the things you need or do自食其力;自己付钱做… She got a part-time job in order to pay her way through college.为了自食其力读完大学,她找了份兼职工作。 Students must pay their own way if they choose to participate in the trip.学生要想参加这次旅行,必须自掏费用。 I wanted to buy him dinner, but he insisted on paying his own way.我想替他支付晚餐费用,但是他坚持自己付钱。 pay your respects formal : to visit or speak with someone in a polite way as a sign of respect(探望或问候某人以示敬意)拜访,拜见 I went up to her after the meeting and paid my respects.会后我走到她面前拜见了她。 We paid our last respects at his funeral. [=we went to his funeral as a sign of respect]我们在他的葬礼上向他表达最后的敬意。 put paid to British, informal : to cause (something) to end : to stop (something)使结束;使停止 The storm put paid to his attempt to sail around the world.暴风雨使他打消了环球航行的念头。 They hope to put paid to the argument once and for all.他们希望彻底停止争论。 — see also 2paid 2 pay /ˈpeɪ/ noun 2 pay /ˈpeɪ/ noun Learner's definition of PAY [noncount] : money received in exchange for work : money paid to someone for doing work工资;薪金 receiving higher/better/lower pay得到更高/更好/更低的工资 The work is hard, but the pay is good. [=you earn a lot of money by doing the work]那份工作辛苦,但工资高。 She spent a week's pay [=the amount of money she earns in one week] in just one night.她一个晚上就花费了一周的收入。 He has been suspended without pay pending the results of the investigation.他被暂时停职停发工资,等待调查结果。 “Women,” she said, “should receive equal pay for equal work.” [=they should be paid the same amount of money as men who perform the same job]“女性,”她说,“应与男性同工同酬。” When he works on the weekends, he collects overtime pay. [=an increased rate of money earned for working more than the usual number of hours in one week]他周末加班,可以领到加班费。 The company owes her $500 in back pay. [=money that is owed to a worker from an earlier time]公司拖欠了她500美元的工资。 severance pay [=money given to workers when a company ends their jobs]解雇金 The workers are demanding an increase in their rate of pay. = The workers are demanding an increase in their pay rate. [=the amount of money they are paid per hour, week, etc.]工人要求提高工资标准。 Each pay period begins on the first of the month.工资周期从每月的第一天开始。 (US) He asked for a pay raise = (Brit) He asked for a pay rise.他要求加薪。 Workers received a $4,000 pay increase.工人得到了4000美元的加薪。 I took a significant pay cut when I took this job, but I think it was worth it.我拿到这份工作时,工资骤降,但我认为值得。 — see also base pay, co-pay, sick pay, take-home pay in the pay of someone : working usually in a secret way for a person or organization被(某人或组织)收买;为(某人或组织)秘密工作 He was accused of being in the pay of gangsters.他被指控被歹徒收买。




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