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词汇 pick
释义 pick (noun) pick (noun) pick 19 ENTRIES FOUND: pick (verb) pick (noun) pick (noun) pick-and-mix (adjective) picked (adjective) picking (noun) pick-me-up (noun) cherry-pick (verb) cotton-picking (adjective) ice pick (noun) bone (noun) brain (noun) choose (verb) cudgel (noun) gauntlet (noun) piece (noun) pocket (noun) slack (noun) thread (noun) 1 pick /ˈpɪk/ verb picks; picked; picking 1 pick /ˈpɪk/ verb picks; picked; picking Learner's definition of PICK [+ object] 1  : to choose or select (someone or something) from a group选择;挑选 Pick a card—any card.任意挑选一张卡片。 They picked a name out of a hat.他们随机从帽子里抽出一个名字。 The winners will be picked by lottery.中奖者通过抽签产生。 She was picked to replace the retiring CEO.她被选为即将退休的首席执行官的接替者。 Who do you think he will pick as/for his running mate?你觉得他会选择谁作为他的竞选伙伴? He picked the blue tie to wear to the interview.他选择佩戴那条蓝色领带参加采访。 He picked the right/wrong answer.他选对/错了答案。 They both picked New York to win the World Series. [=they both said that they thought the New York team would win the World Series]他们都认为纽约队可以获得世界系列赛的冠军。 — see also cherry-pick 2  : to remove (a fruit, flower, etc.) from a plant especially by using your hand摘;折;掐 She picked a flower for her mother.她为妈妈摘了一朵花。 I picked some carrots and a few tomatoes.我采摘了一些胡萝卜和几个西红柿。 They sell freshly picked fruits and vegetables.他们销售新鲜采摘的水果和蔬菜。 Our grapes are picked by hand.我们的葡萄都是人工采摘的。 — see also handpick 3  a  : to remove unwanted material from (something) by using your finger, a small tool, etc.掐;剪;挖 It's considered impolite to pick your nose in public.在公众场合抠鼻子是不礼貌的。 He was sitting at the table, picking his teeth with a toothpick.他坐在餐桌边,用牙签剔牙。 b  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to remove (something) from something by using your fingers(用手指)弄掉 Pick the meat from/off the bones.剥掉骨头上的肉。 She picked all the pepperoni off (of) the pizza.她扒掉了比萨饼上所有的意大利辣肠。 4  chiefly US : to play (a guitar, banjo, etc.) by pulling the strings with your fingers or with a pick : pluck弹拨(琴弦) She was strumming and picking her guitar.她在弹吉他。 bone to pick — see 1bone pick a fight/quarrel : to deliberately start a fight with someone寻衅;找茬 Never pick a fight you can't win.千万不要挑起没胜算的争斗。 She sometimes picked fights with other girls at school.有时候,她会寻衅跟学校的其他女生打架。 pick a lock : to open a lock by using something that is not the key撬锁 He used a knife to pick the lock on the front door.他用一把小刀撬开了前门的锁。 pick and choose : to choose only the best or most appropriate things or people精心挑选 As one of Hollywood's most successful actors, he's now in a position to carefully pick and choose his roles.作为好莱坞最成功的演员之一,他现在可以精心挑选自己要演的角色。 The newspaper picks and chooses which stories to report.这家报社精心挑选所要报道的事件。 With so many candidates, we can afford to pick and choose. [=we can afford to take our time and only choose the best candidate]有这么多候选者,我们可以好好挑选一番。 pick apart [phrasal verb] pick (someone or something) apart or pick apart (someone or something) chiefly US : to say all of the things that are bad or wrong about (someone or something) : to criticize (a person or thing) in a very detailed and usually unkind way非难;严厉批评 You can expect political analysts to pick apart the governor's speech.你看吧,政治分析家们会猛烈抨击这位州长的演说的。 The film's critics picked his performance apart.评论家们对他在这部影片中的表现颇有微词。 pick at [phrasal verb] 1  pick at (something) a  : to eat small amounts of (food) very slowly usually because you do not want to eat(通常因为不想吃而)磨磨蹭蹭地吃 She picked at a salad while I ate my steak.她磨磨蹭蹭地吃着沙拉,而我吃着牛排。 b  : to pull on (something) with your fingertips or your fingernails often because you are nervous(因为紧张而用手指)拉扯,揪弄 She picked at the buttons on her jacket while waiting for her interview.等待面试的时候,她揪弄着夹克衫上的纽扣。 He was picking at his shoelaces.他拉扯着自己的鞋带。 2  pick at (someone or something) : to criticize (someone or something) especially for small mistakes吹毛求疵 They're constantly arguing and picking at each other.他们经常吵架,互相挑刺。 pick off [phrasal verb] 1  pick off (someone or something) or pick (someone or something) off : to aim at and shoot (someone or something)瞄准射击 The hunters hid by the stream and waited to pick off deer as they passed.猎人们躲在河边,等着射猎从这儿经过的鹿。 A sniper was picking off soldiers from the top of the building.一位狙击手从楼顶瞄准射杀士兵。 2  pick off (someone) or pick (someone) off baseball : to cause (a player who is standing close to a base) to be tagged out by making a quick throw突然传杀 The runner on second base was picked off by the catcher.第二垒跑垒者被接球手迅速传杀出局。 The pitcher almost picked her off with a quick throw to first base.这名投手抛向第一垒的一记传球差点让她被杀出局。 — see also pickoff pick on [phrasal verb] 1  pick on (someone) : to laugh at or make fun of (someone) in an unkind way嘲笑;捉弄;戏弄 Kids used to pick on me for wearing old worn-out clothes.以前,小孩子们看我穿着破旧衣服就会嘲笑我。 He used to get picked on by the other kids at the bus stop.以前,他经常在公共汽车站台被其他孩子捉弄。 Why is she always picking on me?她怎么总是戏弄我? Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?嘿,你怎么不去捉弄个头和你差不多的人? 2  : to unfairly criticize (one person or group) when others also deserve to be criticized对…进行不公指责 It's unfair to pick on teachers for the problems in our schools when politicians are equally to blame.学校出了问题,只责怪老师是不公平的,政治家们也应受到批评。 pick out [phrasal verb] 1  pick (something) out or pick out (something) a  : to choose or select (the best or most appropriate person or thing) from a group挑拣;精选 It took him an hour to pick out [=pick] what to wear.他花了一个小时才挑选出要穿的衣服。 They let their two-year-old daughter pick out her own clothes.他们让两岁的女儿挑选自己的衣服。 I've picked out the perfect spot for our picnic.我已经选好了绝佳的野炊地点。 picking out a gift for a friend为一位朋友精心挑选礼物 b  : to play (a song, melody, etc.) by playing each note separately(一个音符一个音符地)慢慢弹奏 She sat picking out a tune on the piano.她坐在钢琴旁缓缓弹奏着一支乐曲。 2  pick (someone or something) out or pick out (someone or something) : to see and identify (someone or something)辨认出 His red hair makes it easy to pick him out of/in a crowd.他那一头红发在人群中很容易辨认。 The police had a witness pick the suspect out of a lineup.警方让一位目击证人从一排人中指认出嫌疑犯。 I could pick out the pattern against the background.我能辨认出背景中的图案。 No one was able to pick out the originals from the copies.没人能把原件与复印件区别开来。 pick over [phrasal verb] pick over (something) or pick (something) over : to look at (a group of objects or an amount of material) in order to choose the best ones or to remove pieces you do not want挑拣;精心挑选 They picked over the strawberries and threw away the green ones.他们仔细挑选着草莓,把绿色的都扔掉了。 Pick over the fish to remove any bones.仔细检查这条鱼,把鱼骨全都去除。 The applications were thoroughly picked over and only the best applicants were given interviews.所有申请书都经过了详尽审核,唯有最优者获得了面试机会。 pick pockets or pick someone's pocket : to steal money or objects from someone's pockets or purse偷人财物;扒窃 One of the boys distracted her while the other picked her pocket.其中一个男孩转移她的注意力,另一个偷她的东西。 She survived on the streets by shoplifting and picking pockets.她以在街上混日子为生,到商店行窃,扒窃路人。 — see also pickpocket pick (someone or something) to pieces/shreds : to study and criticize all of the parts of (someone or something)把…批得体无完肤;对…大加挑剔 The media picked his personal life to pieces.媒体对他的私生活多方挑剔。 Her ideas were picked to shreds by her coworkers.她的想法被同事批得一无是处。 pick someone's brain/brains — see 1brain pick (something) clean : to remove all the material that covers something把…剔除干净 The birds picked the bones clean. = The bones were picked clean by the birds.鸟儿把骨头啄得干干净净。 pick up [phrasal verb] 1  pick (someone or something) up or pick up (someone or something) a  : to lift (someone or something) from the ground or a low surface捡起;拿起 Would you pick that pencil up for me, please?请帮我把那支铅笔捡起来好吗? She picked the book up off/from the ground by its cover.她拎着封皮把书从地上捡了起来。 He bent to pick up his hat.他弯下腰去捡他的帽子。 Pick up the ball!捡球! They picked up their guitars and started to play.他们拿起吉他开始弹奏。 She always picks up her baby when he cries.孩子一哭她就会把他抱起来。 b  : to go somewhere in order to get and bring back (someone or something)接回;取回 I have to pick up my kids at school. = I have to pick them up from school.我要去学校接孩子。 Have you picked up the car from the repair shop yet?你从修理厂把车取回来了吗? He picked up his dry cleaning.他取回了干洗的衣服。 They'll hold our tickets but we have to pick them up an hour before the show.他们会保留我们的票,但我们得在演出前一个小时取回。 c  : to let or put (people or things) into or onto a car, bus, ship, etc.装载;搭乘 She had a taxi pick her up at the airport and take her to the hotel.她叫了一辆出租车把她从机场送到了酒店。 Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker?你载过搭便车的旅行者吗? The ship will be picking up more cargo at the next port.这艘船将在下一港口装载更多货物。 2  a  pick up or pick (something) up or pick up (something) chiefly US : to make an area clean and organized by removing trash and putting things in the proper places整理;收拾 We have just enough time to pick up [=clean up] and wash our hands before dinner.晚饭前我们刚好有足够的时间收拾和洗手。 The children worked together to pick up the toys.孩子们一起整理好玩具。 Pick up that mess!收拾好那堆乱摊子! You may go outside after you pick your room up.你整理好自己的房间就可以出去了。 Everyone needs to help pick up the kitchen after dinner.晚饭后,每个人都应该帮忙收拾厨房。 We spent the morning picking up the yard after the storm.暴风雨过后我们花了一上午时间清理院子。 b  pick up after (someone) : to clean the mess created by (someone)为…收拾残局 You have to pick up after yourself if you make a mess.你搞砸了就得自己收拾残局。 His mother still picks up after him.他的母亲还在为他收拾乱摊子。 3  : to answer a telephone接电话 I called your house, but no one picked up.我给你家打电话,但没人接听。 She got to the phone just before the answering machine picked up.她刚好赶在答录机录音之前拿起了电话。 4  : to become busy usually after a period of little activity : to improve or increase in activity有起色;改善;提高 Sales slowed down after the winter holidays, but we're expecting things to pick up again this summer.寒假过后,销售放缓,但我们希望今年夏季能再次回升。 Business really picked up last month.上个月的生意的确有所提升。 The economy/market seems to be picking up.经济/市场似乎在好转。 5  a  : to increase in speed or strength加快;增强 The wind will pick up later this afternoon.下午晚些时候,风力将增强。 The movie starts out slowly, but the pace picks up when the two main characters meet for the first time.这部电影开场比较拖沓,但两位主角初次相逢后,剧情节奏便加快了。 b  pick up speed/momentum (etc.) : to begin to have more speed/momentum (etc.)开始加速;开始加强(势头或冲力) The cyclists quickly picked up speed [=gained speed; began to go faster] as they headed down the mountain.自行车手们从山上冲下来的时候迅速加快了速度。 His campaign has begun to pick up momentum.他的竞选势头日趋强劲。 The idea began to pick up steam [=become more popular] around the turn of the century.这种观点在世纪之交开始流行起来。 c  pick up the pace : to go faster加速 If we want to finish on time, we're going to have to pick up the pace.要想按时完成任务,我们得加快速度了。 6  a  : to begin again after a temporary stop暂停后重新开始 The discussion picked up this morning at the point where we had stopped yesterday.今天上午,我们接着昨天的内容开始了讨论。 After being separated for three years, they picked up (right) where they left off.分手三年后,他们又重续前缘。 b  pick (something) up or pick up (something) : to start (something) again after a temporary stop暂停后重新开始做 We'll pick up this discussion tomorrow.明天我们继续讨论。 7  pick (something) up or pick up (something) a  : to buy or get (something)购买;得到 Have you picked up a copy of her new CD yet?你买她的新唱片了吗? On Tuesdays, he picks up dinner at our favorite restaurant and brings it home.每周二,他在我们最喜欢的餐厅买好晚饭带回家。 She stopped to pick up a few groceries at the supermarket.她停下来去超市买了些食品杂物。 b  : to earn or gain (something)获取;赢得 She'll likely pick up an award for her performance in the film.她很可能因为在这部电影中的表现而获奖。 The team picked up [=gained] a few yards on the last play.球队在最后一局中前进了好几码。 They've finally picked up their first victory of the season.他们终于获得了本赛季的第一场胜利。 c  : to become aware of (something, such as a story) and begin to write about it, work on it, etc.留意并开始描写(或报道) Few people had heard about this problem until the press picked up [=took up] the story.媒体报道之前,这件事鲜有耳闻。 d  : to learn (something) usually in an informal way(偶然地、不经意地)学会 I picked up a few French phrases on my trip to Paris.我在去巴黎的旅途中学会了几句法语。 He seems to pick foreign languages up very easily.他似乎很容易学会了几门外语。 She uses a style of singing she picked up from listening to jazz music.她用从爵士乐中学来的方式演唱歌曲。 He's been picking up some bad habits from his friends.他不经意地染上了朋友身上的一些坏习惯。 e  : to become sick with (an illness) from someone or something传染;感染 I think I picked up [=caught] a cold from someone at work.我感冒了,估计是在上班时被同事传染的。 f  : to be able to see, hear, or smell (something)能看到;能听到;能闻到 This radio lets me pick up stations from other countries.有了这台收音机,我可以收听到其他国家的广播节目。 The planes were picked up [=detected] by radar.这些飞机被雷达探测到了。 telescopes picking up the faint glow of distant stars能看到闪烁着微光的遥远星体的望远镜 The dogs picked up the scent and started to bark.这些狗嗅到了气味,开始吠叫起来。 : to become aware of (something)意识到;察觉 He learned that he could pick up cues from his partner if he paid close attention.他知道如果自己密切关注就可以从他搭档那儿发现线索。 They studied the evidence and managed to pick up some clues.他们仔细研究证据,从中找到了一些线索。 8  pick (someone) up or pick up (someone) a  : to meet and begin a usually brief sexual relationship with (someone)与…勾搭 She used to go to bars to pick up men.她以前常去酒吧勾搭男人。 He picked her up at a club.他和她在一个俱乐部勾搭上了。 b  of the police : to use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a criminal)逮捕 The cops picked up the suspect at a local bar.警察在当地的一家酒吧逮捕了那名嫌疑犯。 The police picked him up [=arrested him] for trespassing/robbery/murder.警方以侵犯罪/抢劫罪/谋杀罪将他逮捕。 The police picked him up for questioning. [=they brought him to the police station in order to ask him questions]警方将他带到警察局询问。 c  : to make (someone) feel more energetic and lively使…更有活力 I drank some coffee hoping that it would pick me up a little.我喝了点咖啡,希望借此提提神。 — see also pick-me-up d  sports : to get (a player) from another team or from some other source挖球员;得到球员 The team picked up three new players in the draft.球队从本次选拔中选中了三位新球员。 They picked him up from a rival team.他们从对手队里把他挖了过来。 e  sports : to begin to guard (a player from the opposite team) during a game防卫(对方球员) Your job is to pick up an opposing player and block him.你的任务就是防卫拦截对方的一位球员。 9  pick yourself up a  : to stand up again after falling(摔倒后)重新站起来 I fell to the ground but picked myself up and continued running.我摔倒了,但又重新站了起来继续奔跑。 b  : to recover from a difficult situation(从困境中)振作起来 After his divorce, he picked himself up and started looking for love again.离婚后,他振作起来,重新开始寻找真爱。 10  pick up and leave/go : to leave suddenly with your possessions拿着东西突然离开 I couldn't just pick up and leave/go without saying goodbye.我不能突然不辞而别。 11  pick up the tab/bill/check : to pay the money that is owed for something支付账单 When she stays at expensive hotels during business trips, her company picks up the tab.她出差住高档酒店,由公司买单。 They always offer to pick up the check when we go out to dinner with them.我们跟他们一起出去吃饭时,总是他们主动掏钱买单。 12  pick up the pieces : to try to make a situation better after something bad has happened恢复;重整旗鼓 After her business went bankrupt, she picked up the pieces and started again.公司倒闭后,她重整旗鼓,又重新开始。 They created the problem, and now they expect us to pick up the pieces.他们惹了麻烦,现在指望我们来收拾残局。 — see also pick up the cudgels for at 1cudgel, pick up the gauntlet at 2gauntlet, pick up the slack at 2slack, pick up the threads at 1thread pick up on [phrasal verb] 1  pick up on (something) a  : to notice or become aware of (something)注意到;意识到 He didn't pick up on the hint.他没有注意到这个暗示。 I seemed to be the only one who picked up on the mistake.好像只有我注意到了这个错误。 The reader soon picks up on the fact that the story's main character is crazy.读者很快发现这个故事的主人公很疯狂。 She was nervous, but no one picked up on it.她很紧张,但没人察觉出来。 b  : to take (something, such as an idea) from another person or group and use it or continue to develop it yourself为己所用 The media has recently begun to pick up on this issue.近期,这家媒体开始在这个话题上大做文章。 The fashion world picked up on this trend after she wore that dress to the award show.她穿着那条连衣裙参加颁奖典礼后,时装界开始跟风。 The other students quickly picked up on [=adopted] the expression.其他学生很快学会了这种表达方式。 c  : to continue talking about (a statement, subject, etc.)继续讨论,重提(观点、主题等) I'd like to pick up on your last comment.我想继续讨论一下你的最后一个评论。 She began the class by picking up on a point she made earlier.她以之前提出的一个观点开始这堂课。 2  pick up (someone) on (something) or pick (someone) up on (something) British : to question (someone) about (something said or done)质疑;询问 I'd like to pick up the last speaker on one of the points she made.我想针对上一位发言者的一个论点提问。 When he said that whales were fish, I felt I had to pick him up on it. [=to challenge him on it]他说鲸是鱼,我觉得这个时候我必须提出质疑。 pick your way always followed by an adverb or preposition : to walk very slowly while carefully choosing where to put your feet慢慢摸索着行进 The horses slowly pick their way across the rocky ground.这群马慢慢摸索着穿过那片多石地带。 We picked our way down the muddy path.我们小心翼翼地摸索着走过了那条泥泞小路。 2 pick /ˈpɪk/ noun plural picks 2 pick /ˈpɪk/ noun plural picks Learner's definition of PICK 1  [singular] : the ability to choose the person or thing that you want选择;挑选 If you get there early enough, you'll have your pick of seats.如果早点赶到那儿,你就能挑到好位置。 All of these restaurants are good. Take your pick. [=choose any of them]这些餐厅都不错,你挑一个吧。 The girls got to choose their partners, and she got (the) first pick. [=she was able to choose her partner first]女孩们要选择搭档了,她第一个开始挑选。 2  [count] : someone or something that is chosen被选中的人(或事物) My picks [=choices] are the roasted duck and the chocolate cake.我选烤鸭和巧克力蛋糕。 — usually singular通常用单数 Who is your pick to win? [=who do you think will win?]你认为谁会赢? The team made him the second pick [=the second person who was chosen] in the 1998 draft.在1998年的选拔中,他是第二个被球队选中的选手。 She was their number one pick. = She was their first pick. [=she was the person they wanted most]她是他们的首选。 Here is our top pick for this year's wine list.这是我们今年首推的红酒。 3  [singular] : the best part of something or the best thing or things in a group精华;精粹 — used in the phrase the pick of用于短语the pick of It was surely the pick of this year's films. [=it was the best film this year]这一定是今年的最佳影片。 I read many books this summer, and that was the pick of the bunch. [=the best of the bunch/group]今年暑假我读了很多书,那是其中最好的一本。 There are many good cars on the market now, but this one is clearly the pick of the litter. [=the best one]现在市场上有很多好车,但这款显然是最好的。 — compare 3pick 3 pick /ˈpɪk/ noun plural picks 3 pick /ˈpɪk/ noun plural picks Learner's definition of PICK [count] 1  : a large tool that has a long handle and a heavy metal bar that is pointed at one or both ends and that is used for breaking rocks or digging in hard ground镐 — see also ice pick, toothpick 2  : a small, thin piece of plastic or metal that is used to play a guitar or similar instrument(弹奏吉他等乐器用的)拨子 — called also plectrum — compare 2pick




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