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词汇 place
释义 place (verb) place 20 ENTRIES FOUND: place (noun) place (verb) place mat (noun) place name (noun) place setting (noun) hiding place (noun) polling place (noun) resting place (noun) well-placed (adjective) fall (verb) first (adjective) friend (noun) give (verb) hair (noun) hard (adjective) lightning (noun) pride (noun) rock (noun) strike (verb) sun (noun) 1 place /ˈpleɪs/ noun plural places 1 place /ˈpleɪs/ noun plural places Learner's definition of PLACE 1  [count] : a specific area or region of the world : a particular city, country, etc.(某)地方 Please state your place of birth and your current place of residence. [=where you were born and where you live now]请说明你的出生地和目前的住处。 New York City is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.纽约是个游览的好地方,但我不想在那儿生活。 I've heard it's a good place to raise children.我听说那是个抚养孩子的好地方。 places like Africa and South America像非洲和南美洲这样的地方 traveling to distant/exotic/faraway/remote places到遥远/充满异国风情/很远/偏远的地方旅游 the hottest place on earth地球上最热的地方 2  [count] : a building or area that is used for a particular purpose(具有特定用途的)建筑,场地 churches and other places of worship教堂和其他礼拜场所 a place of learning/business学习/商业场所 You should plan to meet him in a public place.你跟他见面应该安排在一个公共场所。 a local gathering/meeting place当地集会/聚会场所 Muslim holy places穆斯林圣地 ancient burial places古代的坟场 We had dinner at a great little Italian place [=restaurant] downtown.我们在闹市区一家很棒的意大利小餐馆就餐。 He tried several places [=stores], but no one sold the ingredients he needed.他问了几家商店,但没有一家卖他需要的配料。 You've come to the right place. I have just what you need.你来对地方了,我正有你需要的东西。 This bar is the place to be [=it is where many people go and where exciting things happen] on Saturday nights.这家酒吧是人们周六晚上的好去处。 3  [count] a  : a building, part of a building, or area that is used for shelter住处;安顿处 They gave him a place to stay for the night.他们给他提供过夜的地方。 b  : a house, apartment, etc., where a person lives : home住宅;家 We're going to need a bigger place once the baby is born.一旦孩子出生,我们需要个大些的房子。 He's looking to buy a place in the country.他正留心在乡下购买一所住宅。 Shall we go to my place or yours?到我家去,还是到你家? our summer place我们夏天的住所 4  [count] : a particular space or area处所;地点 This looks like a good place [=location, spot] to stop and rest.这儿看起来像个停下休息的好地方。 It's nice to have the whole family together in one place.全家聚在一起真好。 Keep your jewelry and other valuables in a safe place.把你的珠宝和其他贵重物品存放在一个安全的地方。 The map is torn in (some) places. [=some parts of the map are torn]这张地图有(些)地方被撕破了。 The bone in her leg broke in two places.她的一根腿骨有两处断裂。 Try looking for the phrase in another place in the dictionary.试着在词典的其他地方查找这个短语。 A person can only be in one place at one time.一个人同一时间只能在一个地方。 The guards/chairs were not in their proper places.警卫/椅子没在应该在的位置。 Wires carry the information from place to place. = They carry it from one place to another.电缆将信息从一处传送到另一处。 Success is sometimes just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.成功有时就是取决于天时地利。 You were just unlucky; you happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.真不走运,你在错误的地点赶上了错误的时间。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 She keeps a special place in her heart for mistreated animals.她特别关心受虐待的动物。 When I left the army, I was in a very strange place mentally. [=I was in a very strange mental state]离开部队时,我心里总觉得不是滋味。 — see also hiding place, resting place 5  [count] : a particular point that you reach in a discussion, book, etc.(读到的或讨论到的)某一点 — usually singular通常用单数 This seems like a good place to end our discussion for today.我们今天的讨论最好就此打住。 He used the receipt to keep/mark his place in the book he was reading.读书时,他用收据作书签夹在读到的地方。 She dropped the magazine on the floor and lost her place.她把杂志掉在地板上,不知道读到哪里了。 6  [count] : an available seat, space, or amount of room座位;空位;位置 There's no place to sit down.没有空位可坐。 I found a place to put my things.我找到个放东西的地方。 They didn't have a good place for the painting in their apartment.他们在公寓里找不到合适的位置放这幅画。 If you get to the theater before me, could you save me a place?如果你先到剧院,能帮我留个座位吗? “Excuse me, is this place taken?” “Yes, I'm saving it for my friend.”“请问,这个座位有人坐吗?”“是的,我为朋友留的。” She said she couldn't see the stage and asked if he would change/trade/swap/switch places with her.她说她看不到舞台,问他是否愿意和她换座位。 During the ceremony, he was given a place of honor [=a seat for someone who is being honored] next to the president's wife.典礼期间,他被安排到校长夫人旁边的荣誉席就座。 We'll have to make a place [=make a space available; make room] for our guests.我们得给客人们安排个地方。 We made a place for you at the dinner table.我们在餐桌上给你安排了座位。 7  [count] : a particular position in a line especially of people or vehicles(排队的)位置 I had to use the bathroom, but I didn't want to lose my place in line.我得去下卫生间,可我不想一会儿回来重新排队。 Would you save/hold our places (in line), please?请你帮我们留住(排队的)位置好吗? 8  [count] : a particular position during or at the end of a race or competition(竞速或竞赛的)名次,排位 — usually singular通常用单数 The runner from the U.S. is currently in third place.来自美国的这名赛跑选手目前跑在第三位。 Their horse finished in last place.他们的马得了最后一名。 The two teams are tied for second place.这两个队并列第二名。 “Who took first place?” “First place went to the red team.”“谁得了第一名?”“红队得了第一。” 9  [count] a  : a position in a group, course, organization, school, etc.职位;资格;名额 They offered her a place [=job] on their staff.他们提供给她一个职位。 He started getting bad grades and lost his place on the basketball team. [=he was no longer allowed to be on the team]他的战绩越来越差,失去了篮球队的队员资格。 She was guaranteed a place in the college.学院为她保留了职位。 There are two places still open in the course/class.这门课程/这个班还有两个名额。 He has friends in high places. [=friends who have power and influence]他有位高权重的朋友。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 Her courage during the war earned her a place in history. [=she is remembered as an important person in history because of her courage during the war]她在战争中的英勇使她被载入史册。 She has an important place in the community. [=she is an important part of the community]她在社区的地位举足轻重。 He occupies a prominent place among the great musicians of our time.他在我们这个时代的伟大音乐家中地位卓越。 b  : the proper position of someone in a group or society(恰当的)地位,身份 The queen's servants must know their place and act accordingly. [=they must act like servants]女王的侍从必须知道自己的身份,做与身份相符的事情。 It's not my place [=it is not appropriate for me] to punish other people's children.轮不到我去惩罚别人的孩子。 It was not his place to make the final decision.轮不到他做最后的决定。 10  a  [singular] : an appropriate situation or setting适当场合 There's a time and a place for everything.凡事都有天时地利的因素。 This is neither the time nor the place to talk about money.现在不是谈论钱这个问题的适当时间和场合。 b  [count] : a particular situation or set of conditions境况 Call me if you ever find yourself in a tight place.如果遇上困境,你就打电话给我。 Anyone in her place [=position] would have done the same thing.任何人处在她的境地都会这样做。 I love my life and wouldn't change/trade/swap/switch places with anyone in the world!我热爱自己的生活,不愿意与任何人交换境况。 11  [count] mathematics : the position of a digit in a number(数学的)位 In the number 316, the digit 1 is in the tens place.数字316中的1在十位上。 Move the decimal point two places to the right.将小数点向右移两位。 a number with three decimal places [=a number with three digits that follow the decimal point; a number like 2.345 or .678]精确到小数点后三位数的数字 In the number 2.468, the 4 is in the first decimal place.在数字2.468中,4是小数点后的第一位数。 12  — used in the names of streets用于街道名称 He lives at 313 Jackson Place.他住在杰克逊街313号。 all over the place informal 1  : in many different areas or locations : everywhere到处 New houses are springing up all over the place in that part of the country.在这个国家的那一地区,新房屋如雨后春笋般涌现。 The kids left their toys all over the place.孩子们把玩具扔得到处都是。 Bullets were flying all over the place.子弹到处乱飞。 2  : not organized in a logical way凌乱;杂乱无章 Your essay lacks organization; your ideas are all over the place.你的论文条理不清,想法杂乱无章。 between a rock and a hard place — see 2rock fall into place — see 1fall give place to (something) formal : to be replaced by (something)让位于;被…替代 Confidence gave place to [=(more commonly) gave way to] fear.信心被恐惧所取代。 Further down the street, tall office buildings give place to rows of tidy houses.沿街下去,高大的办公楼被一排排整齐的房子所取代。 go places : to become successful取得成功 She has enough ambition to really go places.她有足够的抱负来真正取得成功。 The band is clearly going places.这个乐队明显在走向成功。 keep (someone) in his/her place : to prevent (someone) from achieving a higher social status阻止(某人)取得更高的社会地位 Such social rules were used to keep women in their place.这些社会规则曾用来束缚妇女的社会地位。 in place 1  : in the proper position在合适的位置;到位 He makes sure that every hair on his head is in place before leaving the house.离家前,他确保每根头发都梳理到位。 Tape held/kept the photo in place.这张相片被用胶带贴在合适的位置。 The house's walls are in place, but nothing else has been done.这所房子的墙面都就绪了,但其他的都没做。 With all the performers in place, we were ready to rehearse.演员都到位了,我们准备排练。 2  : in the state of being used or active启用;在工作 The new computer system should be in place by next Monday.新的计算机系统下周一应该可以启用了。 These changes were already in place when the new president took office.新总统就职时,这些变化已经发生。 Plans are in place for the upcoming hurricane season.对付即将来临的飓风季的方案已经制定好了。 3  US : in the same location without moving forward or backward.原地运动 To warm up before swimming practice, we run in place [=(Brit) on the spot] for five minutes.为了泳前热身,我们原地跑了五分钟。 in place of (someone or something) or in someone's or something's place : as a substitute or replacement for someone or something代替;顶替 Use milk in place of [=instead of] water for creamier hot chocolate.用牛奶代替水制作出的热巧克力更柔滑。 In place of butter, olive oil was served with the bread.橄榄油被用来代替黄油抹面包。 The prince ruled the kingdom in place of his father. = The prince ruled the kingdom in his father's place.王子代替他父亲治理王国。 She couldn't attend the meeting, so she sent her secretary in her place.因不能参加会议,她让秘书代她出席。 in the first place — used at the end of a sentence to indicate what was true or what should have been done at the beginning of a situation起初,原先(用于句尾表示开始时本应该做的事或开始时的实际情况) We should never have gone there in the first place. [=to begin with]我们当初不应该去那儿。 I didn't care much for the job in the first place.起初我并不太喜欢这份工作。 in the first/second place — used when listing the most important parts of something or the most important reasons for something第一;第二 I'm not going to tell you because, in the first place, it's none of your business, and in the second place, you would tell everyone else.我不打算告诉你,因为:第一,这不关你的事;第二,你会告诉每个人。 into place 1  : into the proper position就位 She lowered her glasses then pushed them back into place.她朝下挪了挪眼镜,然后又推回原位。 2  : into the state of being used or active开始启用;在工作 The curfew was put into place [=was established] by the town's mayor.镇长开始采取宵禁。 The plan will be put into place over the course of several months.这项计划将在几个月内启动。 no place for — used to say that someone or something does not belong in a particular place, situation, etc.不是…适合的场所(情况等);不容;不应有 This party is no place for children. [=children should not be allowed at this party]这种聚会不是孩子们该去的。 There is no place for racism in our society.我们的社会不允许种族主义的存在。 of all places — used to say that it is unusual or surprising that something happened in or is true about a particular place竟然 She met her future husband in a grocery store, of all places.她竟然是在一家杂货店里与她的未婚夫相识的。 out of place 1  : not in the correct location or position位置不当 Nothing in the room was out of place.房中的一切东西都摆放得当。 2  : not in a typical or appropriate situation or setting不适当;不适时;格格不入 Their modern style home seems oddly out of place among the town's old farmhouses.他们的现代风格的家似乎和镇上古老的农舍格格不入。 She wouldn't look out of place on the cover of a fashion magazine.她的形象在时装杂志的封面上不会看起来格格不入。 I feel a bit out of place [=I feel like I don't belong] with my wife's family.我感到和妻子的家人有点格格不入。 The law seems particularly out of place in today's society.这部法律在当今社会似乎特别不合时宜。 place in the sun — see 1sun pride of place — see 1pride put someone in his/her place ◊ Someone who puts you in your place shows you that you are not better than other people and should not be acting in such a confident and proud way.挫某人的锐气;杀某人的气焰 He told her to stop talking, but she quickly put him in his place.他叫她停止说话,但她很快就杀住了他的气焰。 take place : to happen发生;举行;进行 The wedding is set to take place this July.婚礼定于今年七月举行。 Negotiations are now taking place between the two governments.两国政府正在谈判。 He didn't understand what had just taken place.他不明白刚刚发生了什么事。 Where does the story take place? [=where is the story set?]这故事是在哪里发生的? take someone's or something's place or take the place of (someone or something) : to replace someone or something代替;取代 Who will take the king's place when he dies?国王死后将由谁来继位? We solved the original problem, but now a new one has taken its place.我们解决了原先的问题,但是现在新的问题又来了。 I was too busy to attend the meeting, so I had my secretary take my place.我太忙不能参加会议,所以让我的秘书代我出席。 Who will take the place of the current pope?谁会取代现任教皇? Televisions began to take the place of radios in most families' homes.在大多数家庭里,电视开始取代收音机。 take your place 1  : to go to the location where you are supposed to sit, stand, etc.就座;就位 The goalie took her place on the field.女守门员在球场就位。 The actors take their places on the stage and the curtain rises.演员们在舞台上就位后大幕开启。 (chiefly Brit) Ladies and gentlemen, please take your places. [=(US) take your seats] The play is about to begin.女士们、先生们,请就座,演出马上开始。 2  : to be thought of or considered as sharing a particular rank or status with others属于…之列;享有…地位 He has taken his place among/alongside/beside/with history's most brutal dictators.他是历史上最凶残的独裁者之一。 The film will surely take its place among the greatest films of all time. [=will be recognized as one of the greatest films of all time]这部电影一定会成为有史以来最杰出的电影之一。 The hurricane will take its place in history as one of this country's worst natural disasters.此次飓风将成为这个国家历史上最严重的自然灾害之一。 2 place /ˈpleɪs/ verb places; placed; placing 2 place /ˈpleɪs/ verb places; placed; placing Learner's definition of PLACE 1  [+ object] : to put (something or someone) in a particular place or position放置;安放 Please place [=set, lay] the book on my desk.请把这本书放在我的书桌上。 She placed [=rested] her hand on his shoulder.她把手放在他的肩膀上。 The box was placed at the center of the room.这个箱子放在房间的中央。 You can really see the similarities when you place the two pictures side by side.如果你把这两幅画放在一起,就确实能看出它们的相似之处。 Her name was placed on the list.名单上有她的名字。 The husbands and wives were placed in separate groups.夫妻双方被分在不同的小组。 New flowers had been placed [=positioned] around the edges of the garden.新花摆在花园的四周。 They were placed next to each other in line.他们一前一后地排在队里。 2  [+ object] : to put (someone or something) in a particular state, condition, or situation使…处于(某位置、某情况或某境地);安置 Working with sick people places him at risk for infection.和病人在一起工作使他有被传染的风险。 By not accepting the prosecutor's deal, he places his future in the hands of the jury.他不接受公诉人的处理方法,把自己的命运交由陪审团决定。 We're placing you under arrest.我们要逮捕你。 He was released from jail and placed on probation.他被从监狱释放出来,获得缓刑。 3  [+ object] a  — used to say that something is thought of as important, valuable, etc.重视 — + on or upon They place great importance on both work and family. [=they believe that both work and family are important]他们把工作和家庭看得都很重要。 She talked about the high value that her parents place on education.她谈到自己的父母很重视教育。 Some parents place a lot of emphasis on winning, but we just want our children to have fun playing sports.有些父母非常强调比赛获胜,而我们只是想让孩子们从运动中获得快乐。 b  — used to say who or what you believe should be trusted, blamed, etc.寄于;归咎于 We have no choice but to place our faith in the legal system. [=to trust the legal system]我们别无选择,只能相信法律制度。 Too many children in this country are overweight, and I place most of the blame on a lack of exercise. [=I blame the problem on a lack of exercise]这个国家太多的孩子超重,我将这个问题归咎于缺乏锻炼。 Their plan places heavy reliance [=their plan relies heavily] upon cooperation from others.他们的计划严重依赖他人的合作。 4  [+ object] : to cause or require someone or something to deal with (a demand, burden, etc.)要求;使…负担 — + on or upon The growing population is placing increasing demands on our schools. [=it is causing our schools to deal with increasing demands]人口的增长要求学校应对不断增加的入学需求。 The financial burden of the program is ultimately placed upon the taxpayers. [=the taxpayers have to pay for the program]这项计划的财政负担最终落在纳税人身上。 He managed to get a lot done, considering the time constraints that were placed on him.考虑到对他施加的种种时间限制,他已经完成很多了。 restrictions placed upon a person's freedom对人身自由的限制 5  [+ object] a  : to perform the actions that are required for (something)履行(被要求做的行为) He placed a collect (phone) call to his wife.他打对方付费电话给他妻子。 Place your bets.下注吧。 b  : to give (an order) to someone下(订单) The company placed an order (with the manufacturer) for an additional 100 units.这家公司又(向生产厂家)下了100套的订单。 “Are you ready to place your order?” asked the waiter.服务生问:“你们准备好点菜了吗?” c  : to cause (something, such as an advertisement) to appear somewhere登(广告等) We tried selling our house by placing an ad in the newspaper.我们尝试在报纸上登广告卖我们的房子。 6  [+ object] : to find an appropriate place for (someone) to live, work, or learn安顿 The agency helps place unemployed workers.这家服务机构帮助安置失业工人。 The child was removed from the home and placed in the care of relatives.这个孩子从家里被带走安置在亲戚那儿。 The children were placed with a foster family.孩子们被送到寄养家庭。 In high school, she was placed in advanced math and science classes.上高中时,她被安排学习高等数学和自然科学课程。 7  [+ object] : to show or prove the location of (someone or something) at a particular time证明…在场 The evidence places you at the scene of the crime.有证据证明你在犯罪现场。 Investigators were able to place him at several of these meetings.调查人员得以证明他参加了几次这种会议。 The company's records place three of their trucks in the area that day.公司的记录证明,那天这个地方有三辆公司的卡车。 8  [+ object] : to remember where you saw (someone or someone's face) in the past认出;想起 The man looked familiar but she couldn't quite place him.那位男士看起来很眼熟,但她想不起来究竟在哪儿见过。 It wasn't until later that I placed her face: she was my ninth grade English teacher, Ms. Lee.后来我才认出她来:她是我九年级的英语老师,李女士。 9  a  [no object] US : to end a race or competition in a particular position(在比赛中)获得名次,排名 He placed fifth in last year's race.去年竞速比赛他得了第五名。 The team placed second overall.这支队综合排名第二。 The first three participants to place in each event will receive medals.每个项目的前三名选手将获得奖牌。 b  British ◊ Someone who is placed first, second, etc., in a race or competition has finished in that position.(在比赛中)排名…,获…名次 He was placed fifth in last year's race.去年竞速比赛他得了第五名。 The team was placed second overall.这支队综合排名第二。 10  [+ object] : to give (someone or something) a particular rank in a series or category归类 Tolstoy's War and Peace is often placed [=ranked, rated] among the greatest masterpieces of world literature.托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》常被归为最伟大的世界文学作品之列。 Among the most serious problems facing the world, global warming is often placed first.在全世界所面临的最严重的问题之中,全球变暖常位居第一。 The administration places [=puts, sets] improving the country's health-care system high on their list of priorities.政府将改善国家的医疗保健体系置于需要优先解决事宜的前列。




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