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词汇 play
释义 play (noun) play 56 ENTRIES FOUND: play (verb) play (noun) play-action pass (noun) play-by-play (noun) played-out (adjective) playing card (noun) playing field (noun) play-off (noun) play school (noun) play structure (noun) play yard (noun) child's play (noun) double play (noun) fair play (noun) foul play (noun) level playing field (noun) long-playing record (noun) mystery play (noun) passion play (noun) plug and play (noun) power play (noun) role-play (noun) triple play (noun) ball (noun) card (noun) catch-up (noun) coy (adjective) cupid (noun) ear (noun) fast (adjective) fiddle (noun) field (noun) fire (noun) fool (noun) footsie (noun) full (adjective) gallery (noun) game (noun) god (noun) hand (noun) hard (adjective) heart (noun) hell (noun) hooky (noun) host (noun) house (noun) laugh (noun) level (verb) loose (adjective) politics (noun) possum (noun) right (adverb) time (noun) truant (noun) turnabout (noun) word (noun) 1 play /ˈpleɪ/ verb plays; played; playing 1 play /ˈpleɪ/ verb plays; played; playing Learner's definition of PLAY 1  : to do activities for fun or enjoyment玩耍 [no object] The children were playing in the yard.孩子们在院子里玩耍。 Can Sara come out and play?萨拉可以出来玩吗? He played by himself in his room.他独自在自己的房间里玩。 — often + with She's outside playing with her friends.她正在外面和朋友们一起玩耍。 You already have lots of toys to play with.你已经有很多玩具可以玩了。 a baby playing with his toes玩弄自己脚趾头的婴儿 [+ object] ◊ If children play teacher/school (etc.), they play by pretending to be adults.假扮成人玩耍 She likes to play teacher/doctor with her sisters.她喜欢和她的姐妹们假扮老师/医生玩。 — see also play house at 1house 2  a  : to participate in (a game or sport)参加(比赛或运动) [+ object] Did you play any sports in high school?你在高中参加过什么体育活动吗? She plays soccer.她踢足球。 Do you want to play (a game of) cards/poker?你想玩扑克牌吗? No one dares to play chess with/against him.没有人敢和他下国际象棋。 It's not whether you win or lose (that's important), it's how you play the game.比赛输赢并不重要,重要的是你如何比赛。 The children were playing hide-and-seek.孩子们在玩捉迷藏。 [no object] I have a chess set. Do you want to play?我有一副国际象棋。你想玩吗? It's your turn to play.轮到你上场比赛了。 She hurt her wrist but decided to continue playing.她伤了手腕,但决定继续比赛。 He played in every major tournament this year.他参加了今年每一场重要比赛。 He's always dreamed of playing on a professional hockey team.他一直梦想着在职业冰球队打球。 — often + for We never play for money.我们从不为金钱而赛。 I'm on a basketball team at school, but I also play for fun with my friends.我在校篮球队打球,但我也和朋友们玩玩篮球。 ◊ If you play for a particular team, you are a member of that team.为某队效力 Babe Ruth played for the Yankees.贝比·鲁斯为扬基队效力。 He used to play for Boston but got traded to New York.他曾效力于波士顿队,但后来转会去了纽约队。 b  : to compete against (someone) in a game和…竞赛 [+ object] The Yankees are playing the Red Sox tonight at Yankee Stadium.扬基队今晚将在扬基体育场迎战红袜队。 No one dares to play him at chess.没人敢和他在国际象棋上一争高下。 When Tom and I are finished with this game, you can play the winner.汤姆和我比赛结束后,你可以和我们之中的胜者较量。 [no object] The Yankees and the Red Sox are playing at Yankee Stadium.扬基队和红袜队正在扬基体育场比赛。 She has played against some of the best tennis players in the world.她和几位世界最优秀的网球选手较量过。 ◊ If you play (someone) for (something), you play a game in which the winner will be able to take or keep something.为得到某物与某人较量 “Is that the last can of soda?” “Yeah, I'll play you for it.”“那是最后一罐汽水吗?”“是的,我要和你一争高下得到它。” c  [+ object] : to have (a particular position on a sports team)(在球队中)打(某位置) He dreamed about playing quarterback in the National Football League.他梦想着在全国橄榄球联盟中打四分卫。 She played center field in their last game.她在她们最后一场比赛中打中外野位置。 He plays third base.他打三垒。 What position does he play?他打哪个位置? d  [+ object] : to allow (someone) to play during a game especially in a particular position派(某人)上场 Her coach didn't play her in yesterday's game.她的教练在昨天的比赛中没有派她上场。 They decided to play him at first base.他们决定派他上场守一垒。 e  [+ object] : to place (a playing card) on the table during your turn in a card game出(牌) I played the ace of hearts.我出了张红心A。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 lawyers who play the race card to defend their clients [=who say that their clients were treated unfairly because of their race]打种族牌为客户辩护的律师 — see also play your cards close to the chest/vest at 1card, play your cards right at 1card f  [+ object] : to move (a piece) during your turn in a chess game(国际象棋中的)走(子) He played his rook/bishop/queen for the win.他走了车/象/后赢棋。 g  [+ object] : to hit, kick, throw, or catch (a ball, puck, etc.)击,踢,掷,接(球) You have to play the ball where it lies.你必须在停球处击球。 He played a wedge shot to the green.他用劈起杆将球击向球穴区。 He played a great shot to his opponent's forehand.他朝对手的正手位击出一计好球。 The shortstop played the ball perfectly.游击手漂亮地接住了球。 3  [+ object] a  : to bet money on (something)下赌注 I used to gamble a lot. Mostly, I played the races/horses/slots.我过去常赌博。多数时候,我是赌赛马/玩老虎机。 She only plays the lottery when there's a large jackpot.她只在有大笔累积奖金的时候才玩乐透奖。 b  : to invest money in (the stock market) in order to try to earn money炒股 You can lose a lot of money playing the (stock) market.炒股可能会使你损失很多钱。 4  a  : to perform music on (an instrument)演奏(乐器) [+ object] She's been playing the violin since she was 10 years old.她从10岁就开始拉小提琴了。 Where did you learn to play the piano?你在哪儿学的钢琴? He can play guitar and drums.他会弹吉他,也会打鼓。 [no object] He played while she sang.她唱歌,他伴奏。 Would you play for us?你能否为我们演奏一曲? He plays in a band.他在一个乐队里演奏。 b  [no object] of an instrument : to produce music(乐器)演奏 I could hear a guitar playing in the distance.我可以听到远处的吉他弹奏声。 c  [+ object] : to perform (a song, a piece of music, etc.) on an instrument演奏;弹奏 Would you play something for us?你能否为我们演奏一曲? The band played their new hit song.乐队演奏了他们的新金曲。 The conductor had us play the piece again from the beginning.乐队指挥让我们把曲子从头又演奏了一遍。 The band played a waltz.乐队演奏了一曲华尔兹舞曲。 She started her career playing country music.她的职业生涯是从演奏乡村音乐开始的。 d  [+ object] : to perform music written by (a particular composer)演奏(某作曲家的作品) The orchestra will be playing Mozart tonight.管弦乐队今晚将演奏莫扎特的作品。 e  : to perform music in (a particular place)(在某个地方)演奏 [+ object] It was her dream to play Carnegie Hall.在卡内基音乐厅演奏是她的梦想。 She prefers playing small concert halls rather than big stadiums.相比大型体育场,她更喜欢在小型音乐厅演奏。 The band has been playing bars and nightclubs.这支乐队一直在酒吧和夜总会演奏。 [no object] We mostly play in bars and nightclubs.我们大多数时候是在酒吧和夜总会演奏。 5  : to cause (a song, a piece of music, a movie, etc.) to be heard or seen播放 [+ object] You kids are playing your music too loud.你们这些孩子把音乐声开得太大了。 The radio station plays mostly hip-hop and R&B.广播电台播放的大部分是说唱乐和节奏布鲁斯。 Who decides which songs get played on the radio?谁来决定广播电台播放哪些歌曲? We're waiting for you to play the movie.我们在等着你放电影。 I asked him to play the album/CD/DVD for me.我请他为我播放专辑/CD/DVD。 [no object] Our favorite song was playing on the radio.电台正在播放我们最喜欢的歌曲。 Classical music played softly in the background.背景音乐播放的是柔和的古典音乐。 The movie/DVD is already playing.电影/DVD已经在播放。 6  [no object] : to be shown or performed usually more than one time上演,上映(通常不止一次) The film is now playing [=is now being shown] in theaters across the country.这部影片正在全国各影院上映。 What's playing at the theater/movies?剧院/影院正在演出/上映什么? The show has been playing to full/packed houses.这个演出一直场场爆满。 7  a  [+ object] : to act the part of (a particular character) in a film, play, etc.扮演(某角色) He played the lead role in Hamlet.他在《哈姆雷特》一剧中扮演主角。 Her character is being played by a relatively unknown actress.她的角色由一个不太知名的女演员扮演。 She's not a doctor, but she plays one on TV.她不是医生,但她在电视上扮演医生。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 My wife never disciplines the children. She gets to play the good guy while I have to play the bad guy. [=I have to discipline the children]我的妻子从来不管教孩子。当我不得不管教孩子时,她就当好人。 I survived a terrible tragedy, but I don't want to play the victim. [=I don't want to act like a victim]我从一个可怕的灾难中死里逃生,但我不想让人看着像个受害者。 — often used with part or role常与part或role连用 Luck played an important part in their success. [=a lot of their success was because of luck]他们的成功大部分是由于运气。 The essay discusses the role that television plays in modern society. [=the effect that television has on modern society]这篇论文探讨了电视在现代社会中的作用。 He's been playing the part/role of the jealous husband. [=he has been acting like a jealous husband]他一直是个爱吃醋的丈夫。 We all have a part/role to play in the future of this company. [=we all will be involved in an important way in the future of this company]我们大家对公司的未来都将起到重要的作用。 — see also role-play b  [no object] : to pretend that you have a particular quality or are in a particular condition假装;装作…的模样 Don't play [=act] all innocent with me!别跟我装天真! She tried to teach her dog to play dead. [=to lie on its back and pretend to be dead]她努力教她的狗装死。 If anyone asks you about it, play dumb. [=act like you do not know anything about it]如果有人问起你那件事,你就装作什么也不知道。 8  : to act or behave in a particular way(以某方式)行事,做事 [no object] It's a very competitive business, and not everyone plays fair. = Not everyone plays by the rules.这是个竞争十分激烈的行业,而且并不是每个人都遵守游戏规则。 If you play smart [=if you make good decisions], you should be able to graduate in four years.如果你选课有方,四年后你就应该能毕业。 [+ object] She didn't want to seem too eager, so she decided to play it cool. [=to act calm]她不想显得太迫不及待,所以决定表现出冷静的样子。 If you play it smart, you should be able to graduate in four years.如果你选课有方,四年后你就应该能毕业。 I decided to play it safe [=to be careful and avoid risk or danger] and leave early so that I would be sure to arrive on time.我决定稳妥起见,早点儿出发,这样就能确保准时到达。 — see also play by ear at 1ear 9  [no object] : to do or say things in a joking way开玩笑 Don't take it so seriously. He was just playing. [=kidding, joking]别太当真,他只是开个玩笑。 — often + around I was just playing around. I didn't really mean it.我只是开个玩笑。我不是认真的。 Stop playing around and talk to me seriously for a moment.别开玩笑了,跟我正经地说会儿话。 10  [+ object] : to do (something) to someone in order to amuse yourself or others捉弄 He's known for playing pranks, so I wouldn't trust him if I were you.他以捉弄人出名,所以如果我是你,我不会相信他。 — usually + on Let's play a joke on her.咱们捉弄她一下吧。 The students got in trouble for playing a trick on their teacher.学生们因为捉弄老师而惹上了麻烦。 I can't believe what I'm seeing. My eyes must be playing tricks on me.我不敢相信我所看到的,我的眼睛一定是在和我开玩笑。 11  [+ object] informal : to use or control (someone or something) in a clever and unfair way耍弄;愚弄 I'm never going to let anyone play me again.我再也不会让任何人耍我了。 She played you like a fool.她把你当傻子耍。 — often + for She realized too late that she had been played for a fool.她事后才意识到自己被愚弄了。 They had been playing the guy for a sucker all along.他们一直把那家伙当傻瓜耍。 12  [+ object] : to base a decision or action on (something)寄于 Sometimes you just have to play your luck [=to take a chance] and hope that everything turns out okay.有时你只能靠碰运气,希望一切都顺利。 The coach was playing the odds that his pitcher would get through the inning without giving up a run.教练希望他的投手能走运,不失一分地顺利完成这一局。 Criminal investigators need to play [=to act on] their hunches.刑事侦查员需要运用直觉。 13  [no object] US : to be accepted or received in a particular way被接受;被认可 The script looked good on paper but didn't play well on Broadway.剧本看起来很好,但在百老汇上演的效果却不好。 — often + with His idea did not play well with the committee. [=the committee did not like his idea]他的想法没有得到委员会的认可。 14  [no object] : to move in a lively and irregular way轻快地活动 A knowing smile played on/about her lips.她的双唇露出一丝会心的微笑。 We watched the moonlight playing on the water.我们观赏着月光在水面轻舞。 play along [phrasal verb] : to agree to do or accept what other people want顺从;合作 They wanted me to cooperate with them, but I refused to play along. [=go along]他们要我与他们合作,但我拒绝接受。 If I pretend to be sick, will you play along and tell everyone that I had to go to the doctor?如果我装病,你能否帮忙告诉大家我不得不去看医生? — often + with I refused to play along with them.我拒绝迎合他们。 Will you play along with my plan?你愿意接受我的计划吗? play around [phrasal verb] also British play about 1  : to have sex with someone who is not your husband, wife, or regular partner(与某人)乱搞男女关系,有婚外情 He's not the kind of guy who plays around. [=fools around, messes around]他不是那种乱搞男女关系的人。 — often + on She's been playing around on her husband.她一直背着丈夫跟别人厮混。 — often + with She's been playing around with one of her coworkers.她一直和一个男同事有不正当关系。 2  : to deal with or treat something in a careless way糊弄;轻视 When it comes to protecting his family, he doesn't play around. [=fool around, mess around]在保护家人的问题上,他从不含糊。 — often + with You can't play around with diabetes; it's a very serious disease.你不能轻视糖尿病,那是很严重的疾病。 3  : to use or do something in a way that is not very serious玩弄;玩乐 It's time to stop playing around [=fooling around] and get busy.别再瞎玩了,干点正事吧。 — often + on I spent the evening playing around on the piano/computer/Internet.我整晚都在玩钢琴/玩电脑/网上瞎逛。 — often + with I'm not really a painter; I just like to play around with paints.我不是个正经画家,我只是喜欢随便画画而已。 4  play around with (something) : to move or change (something) or to think about (something) in different ways often in order to find out what would work best摆弄;琢磨 I see you've been playing around with the living room furniture again.我看见你又一直在摆弄客厅家具。 The supervisor played around with our work schedules this week.主管琢磨了一下,修改了我们这周的工作安排。 We played around with the idea for a while but eventually realized that it just wouldn't work.我们揣摩了这个想法好一会儿,但最终意识到它就是行不通。 — see also 1play 9 (above) play at [phrasal verb] 1  play at (something) : to do (something) in a way that is not serious敷衍了事 They were only playing at trying to fix the problem.他们仅仅是在敷衍着尝试解决问题。 2  chiefly British : to play by pretending to be (someone or something)假扮…玩 (Brit) She liked to play at doctors and nurses as a child.她儿时喜欢假扮医生和护士玩。 — often used in the phrase play at being (something)常用于短语play at being (something) boys playing at being soldiers假扮士兵玩的男孩们 3  British — used to say in an annoyed way that you do not know the reason for someone's behavior以生气口吻表达对某人某种行为的困惑 What is he playing at?他在玩什么花样? I have no idea what he was playing at.我不知道他在玩什么花样。 play back [phrasal verb] play back (something) or play (something) back : to cause (recorded sounds or pictures) to be heard or seen播放,回放(录音或录像) The machine allows you to record and play back sounds.这台机器可以录音和回放。 We finished recording our first take and played it back to hear how it sounded.我们完成了第一遍录音,并回放听听效果如何。 He played the tape back to/for us.他回放录音磁带给我们听。 — see also playback play ball — see 1ball play down [phrasal verb] play down (something) or play (something) down : to make (something) seem smaller or less important贬低;降低…的重要性;淡化 She played down [=downplayed] her role in the research.她对自己在这项研究中的作用轻描淡写。 It was a significant mistake though our CEO tried to play it down.尽管我们的首席执行官努力对这个错误轻描淡写,但这个错误是很严重的。 play fast and loose : to behave in a clever and dishonest way欺骗;玩弄 — usually + with He was accused of playing fast and loose with the truth. [=of being dishonest]他被指责耍手段隐瞒真相。 reporters playing fast and loose with the facts歪曲事实的记者 play for laughs or play (something) for laughs : to act in a funny way that makes people laugh逗乐 She's fantastic in serious roles, but she also knows how to play for laughs.她扮演严肃角色棒极了,但她也知道如何搞笑。 Most performers would have taken a serious tone during the scene, but he decided to play it for laughs.大多数表演者在这个场景中都会用严肃的口吻,但他决定搞笑一回。 play for time : to try to make something happen later instead of sooner : to try to delay something故意拖延 They're just playing for time, hoping that the situation will resolve itself.他们只是在拖延时间,希望情况会自行好转。 play games — see 1game play God usually disapproving : to make decisions that have a very powerful and important effect on other people's lives充当上帝(指利用权力做出事关他人生死的决定) lawyers who play God with people's lives掌控他人生死的律师 play hard to get : to pretend that you are not interested in having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone in order to make that person more attracted to you对(自己感兴趣的异性)欲擒故纵 She's been playing hard to get, but I can tell that she likes me.她一直对我若即若离,但我看得出她喜欢我。 play into [phrasal verb] play into (something) : to help support (something, such as an idea)辅以支持 This new evidence plays into their theory quite nicely.新的证据很好地支持了他们的理论。 Her methods play into the stereotype that lawyers are dishonest.她的几种方法印证了律师都不诚实的成见。 play into someone's hands or play into the hands of someone : to do something that you do not realize will hurt you and help someone else给人以可乘之机;做对对手有利的事 You're only playing into their hands by making such ridiculous accusations.你做出这样荒唐的指控只会给他们以可乘之机。 play off [phrasal verb] 1  chiefly British : to participate in a game that decides a winner from people or teams that had the same results in an earlier game : to play in a play-off加赛以决胜负 The two teams played off for third place.两只队加赛争夺第三名。 — see also play-off 2  play off (someone or something) US : to react to (someone or something) in a pleasing way : to combine with (someone or something) in a way that makes each part better很好地配合 In this scene, the two actors play off each other extremely well.这场戏中,两位演员的对手戏配合得非常好。 The sweetness of the wine plays off the sharp flavor of the cheese.葡萄酒的甘甜和奶酪浓郁的芳香简直是天作之合。 3  play (someone or something) off against (someone or something) : to cause two people or groups to fight or compete with each other in a way that helps you挑拨离间(以坐收渔利) They have been playing him off against his old enemies. [=causing him to fight with his old enemies]他们一直在挑拨他和他的宿敌们斗争。 He played one side off against the other.他离间双方。 play on [phrasal verb] also play upon play on/upon (something) : to make people do what you want by using (their emotions, fears, concerns, etc.) in an unfair way利用(他人的感情、恐惧、担忧等) The company plays on [=takes advantage of] the concerns of parents in order to sell their products.公司利用父母们的担忧来销售产品。 Politicians often win votes by playing on [=exploiting] people's emotions.政治家们常常利用人们的感情来赢得选票。 play out [phrasal verb] 1  a  : to happen or occur in usually a gradual way(通常逐渐地)发生,出现 Let's wait and see how things play out. [=take place, develop]事情如何进展,让我们拭目以待。 The consequences of the error will play out for several years to come.错误导致的后果将在未来几年慢慢呈现出来。 Their personal tragedy was being played out in public.他们的个人悲剧正逐渐显现在公众眼前。 b  play out (something) or play (something) out : to make (something) happen使发生 She got to play out [=realize] her fantasy of being on TV.她终于实现了上电视的愿望。 We watch professional athletes play out [=act out, live out] our dreams on the field.我们观看职业运动员在赛场上实现我们的梦想。 This scene plays itself out [=happens] daily in every large city in this country.这种场景每天都在这个国家的每个大城市上演。 2  play out (something) or play (something) out : to finish (something)完成 Her coach let her play out the rest of the season but said she wouldn't be allowed on the team next year.她的教练让她赛完这个赛季,但表示她明年不能留在这支队了。 We'll stop the game after we play out this hand.我们打完这一手牌就不玩了。 playing out dangerous experiments完成危险的试验 That style of music had played itself out [=stopped being current or popular] and the record companies wanted something new.那种曲风已经不再流行了,唱片公司想要新潮的。 — see also played-out play the field : to have romantic or sexual relationships with more than one person at a time : to date more than one person乱搞男女关系;滥交 He wanted to play the field a bit before he got married and settled down.他想放纵一把再结婚安心过日子。 play the fool — see 1fool play to [phrasal verb] 1  play to (someone or something) : to behave or perform in a particular way for (someone or something) in order to get approval or attention取悦;迎合 He didn't mean what he was saying. He was just playing to the crowd.他言不由衷,只是在哗众取宠。 He loves publicity and plays to the cameras every chance he gets.他喜爱抛头露面,只要有机会,就抢镜头。 2  play to (something) : to make use of (something)利用 a film that plays to stereotypes of housewives以家庭主妇为原型的电影 In his latest album, he once again plays to his strengths as a classical musician.在他最新的唱片中,他再次发挥了自己作为古典音乐家的优势。 play to the gallery — see gallery play up [phrasal verb] 1  play up (something) or play (something) up a  : to talk about or treat (something) in a way that gives it special importance : to emphasize or stress (something)强调重要性;强化 During the interview, try to play down your weaknesses and play up your strengths.在面试时,尽量淡化你的弱项,突出你的强项。 b  : to make (something) seem bigger or more important彰显;夸大 It was only a small achievement though our CEO tried to play it up.它只是一个很小的成就,尽管我们的首席执行官努力将其夸大。 2  play up or play (someone) up British : to cause problems or pain制造麻烦;制造痛苦 The children have been playing up [=misbehaving, acting up] again.孩子们又在捣蛋了。 The camera started playing up [=acting up] after I dropped it.我把相机弄掉在地上后,它就开始出毛病了。 Whenever it rains, my arthritis starts playing up. [=acting up]只要一下雨,我的关节炎就开始发作。 My back has been playing me up again.我的背痛又不断折磨我了。 play with [phrasal verb] 1  play with (something) : to move or handle (something) with your hands or fingers often without thinking抚弄;拨弄 She played with her hair while she talked on the phone.她一边打电话一边拨弄自己的头发。 Stop playing with your food and eat.别再摆弄你的食物了,快吃。 2  : to handle, change, or deal with (something) in a careless way随意地处理;摆弄;玩弄 I played [=fiddled, messed] with the radio for a while but couldn't get it to work.我摆弄了一会儿收音机,可还是没法让它播放。 It's important to teach your children not to play with guns/fire/matches.要教育你的孩子不要玩枪/玩火/玩火柴,这很重要。 Don't play with [=play around with] my heart/emotions.不要玩弄我的真心/感情。 You have to take this seriously. You're playing with people's lives!你必须认真对待这件事。你正在拿人们的性命当儿戏! They're playing with other people's money.他们拿别人的钱当儿戏。 3  : to think about (something) briefly and not very seriously漫不经心地考虑 Management has been playing with [=toying with] the idea of moving to a different building.管理层对考虑迁往另一栋楼这事一直不太上心。 I played with the idea of moving to Chicago but ended up staying in New York.我曾有过移居芝加哥的一丝念头,但最终还是留在了纽约。 play with fire : to do something that is risky or dangerous玩火;做危险的事 People who use drugs are playing with fire.吸毒的人是在玩火。 play with words/language : to use words that sound similar or that have several different meanings especially in a clever or funny way玩文字游戏 a writer who enjoys playing with words喜欢玩文字游戏的作家 play with yourself : to touch your own sex organs for sexual pleasure : masturbate手淫 2 play /ˈpleɪ/ noun plural plays 2 play /ˈpleɪ/ noun plural plays Learner's definition of PLAY 1  [count] : a piece of writing that tells a story through the actions and words of characters and that is performed on a stage剧本;戏剧 The play is based on a real-life event.这个剧本是以真实的事件为基础的。 He wrote, directed, and starred in the play.他自编、自导、自演这部戏剧。 plays by Shakespeare莎士比亚的戏剧 His fifth grade class is putting on a play about the first Thanksgiving.他五年级的那个班正准备演关于第一个感恩节的戏剧。 I've gone to all of my daughter's school plays.我女儿所有的校园戏剧演出我都看过。 She's currently adapting a stage play [=a play that is written to be performed on a stage] for the big screen.她目前正把一个舞台剧本改编成电影。 — see also mystery play, passion play, screenplay 2  [noncount] : activities that are done especially by children for fun or enjoyment游戏;玩乐 The book discusses the role of play in a child's development.这本书探讨了游戏在儿童成长中的作用。 imaginative play富有想象力的游戏 As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”俗话说:“只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。” a safe play area安全游戏区 the sounds of children at play [=the sounds of children playing]孩子们嬉戏的声音 — see also child's play 3  a  [noncount] : the action that happens during a game比赛 Please, no talking during play.请不要在比赛期间讲话。 Rain held up play for an hour.因为下雨,比赛暂停了一个小时。 The chess match finally ended after three hours of play.经过三个小时的较量,这场国际象棋比赛终于结束了。 The two golfers were tied at the start of play yesterday.昨天比赛一开始两位高尔夫球选手打成平手。 We were surprised with/by the other team's level/quality of play.对方团队的竞技水平令我们倍感惊讶。 b  : the time when a person playing a game is supposed to do something(比赛中进行某个动作的)时刻 [count] It's your play. [=(more commonly) turn]轮到你了。 [noncount] Roll the dice to determine the order of play. [=to decide who plays first, second, etc.]掷色子来决定比赛顺序。 4  [count] US : a particular action or set of actions that happens during a game(比赛中的)动作,战术: such as a  American football : a planned attempt to move the ball forward or to stop an opponent from moving the ball forward进攻战术;防守战术 The quarterback called out the play to his teammates.四分卫向队友下达战术。 He ran 50 yards on that last play.在最后的进攻中他跑了50码。 running/passing plays跑阵/传球进攻 a defensive/offensive play防守/进攻动作 b  baseball : an action that is done to try to get a player out(将对于杀出局的)动作 He was called safe on a close play at first base.他在一垒差点被杀出局,但还是安全上垒。 — often used with make常与make连用 The shortstop made a great play to end the inning.游击手以一记漂亮的触杀结束了这局比赛。 She had a chance to catch the ball, but she failed to make the play.她本有机会接住球使对方出局,但未能接住。 — see also double play, triple play c  : the act of moving a piece in a game like chess or checkers(国际象棋或跳棋等棋类项目中的)走子 the first/opening play [=move] of the game开局走子 5  [noncount] : the state of being active or having an effect作用;影响 the play of market forces市场调节作用 She promotes the free play of ideas in her classroom.她在课堂上倡导思想的自由发挥。 Several issues are at play [=are involved] in determining the price of gasoline.好几个因素影响着汽油价格。 The students' creativity was brought/called/put into play on this last assignment. [=the students had to use their creativity]在最后这次作业中,学生们的创造力得到了发挥。 Two important factors come into play. [=are involved]两个重要的因素起了作用。 6  [noncount] a  : time when a musical recording is played by a radio station : airplay(某一首歌曲在电台的)播放次数,播放时长 The song has been getting heavy radio play. [=radio stations have been playing the song frequently]这首歌频繁在电台播放。 b  US : attention in newspapers, on television, etc.(报纸或电视的)关注 The story has so far received little play in the press. [=has not gotten much attention in the press]到目前为止,这个故事很少受到新闻界的关注。 7  [count] : a humorous or clever way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested(对文字的)巧用,妙用 — + on The title of the article makes a play on the prime minister's last name.这篇文章的题目巧妙地使用了首相的姓。 a play on the word's original meaning对词的本义的巧妙利用 a clever play on words [=pun]巧用双关语 — see also wordplay 8  [noncount] a  : a function of a machine that causes recorded sounds or pictures to be heard or seen播放(功能) Press “Play” to start the movie.按“播放”开始放映电影。 b  : time when a machine is being used to hear or see recorded sounds or pictures(音频或图像的)播放次数,播放时长 The CD player's batteries only provided three to four hours of play.CD播放器的电池只够播放三四个小时。 9  [singular] : the irregular or lively movement of something闪动;跳动;波动 Look at the dazzling play of colors in this diamond.瞧这钻石缤纷闪耀的色彩。 a play of shadow and light光影变幻 10  [noncount] : loose and free movement of something (such as part of a machine)松动 There's too much play in the car's steering wheel.车的方向盘太松了。 in/into play of a ball : in or into the area where players must stay in sports(球)在界内,非死球 She tried to keep the ball in play, but it bounced out of bounds.她努力控球,可是球还是弹出界了。 He put the ball back into play.他把球放回了界内。 make a play for : to try to get (someone or something)想尽办法获得(某人或某事物) He made a play for her. [=he tried to start a romantic or sexual relationship with her]他挖空心思想要得到她。 She made a play for the job, but she didn't get it.她为得到那份工作挖空了心思,可是失败了。 out of play of a ball : outside the area where players must stay in sports(球)出界,成死球 The ball is out of play [=dead] if it crosses these lines.球越过这些线就算死球。 — see also fair play, foul play, power play




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