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词汇 poor
释义 poor 6 ENTRIES FOUND: poor (adjective) dirt-poor (adjective) piss-poor (adjective) whip-poor-will (noun) fist (noun) man (noun) poor /ˈpuɚ/ adjective poorer; poorest poor /ˈpuɚ/ adjective poorer; poorest Learner's definition of POOR [also more poor; most poor] 1  : having little money or few possessions : not having enough money for the basic things that people need to live properly贫困的;贫穷的 We were too poor to buy new clothes.我们太穷了,买不起新衣服。 The organization helps poor families/people.这个组织帮助贫困家庭/穷人。 a poor country/neighborhood贫穷的国家/社区 — opposite rich 2  : having a very small amount of something少量的;不足的 a poor crop收成不好 She has a poor vocabulary.她的词汇量很小。 — often + in Junk food is poor in vitamins and nutrients.垃圾食品中各种维生素和营养成分含量很少。 — opposite rich 3  : not good in quality or condition : bad劣质的;条件差的 a poor effort差劲的尝试 It was a poor attempt at a joke.这是一个蹩脚的玩笑。 a poor performance低劣的演出 He is in poor condition/health.他现在身体欠佳。 She couldn't read the sign because her vision was too poor.她的视力太差,看不清标识牌。 The joke was in poor taste. [=the joke was offensive or not polite]这个笑话很粗俗。 He has a poor opinion of her. [=he does not think she is good; he does not like her]他对她的评价不高。 4  : not skilled at something : not able to do something well不娴熟的;技术差的 He was such a poor plumber that he couldn't fix a simple leak.他是个技术很差的管子工,连简单的漏水都搞不定。 a poor golfer不擅长打高尔夫球的人 She is a poor judge of character.她看人不准。 I am poor [=(more commonly) bad] at math.我的数学很差。 5  always used before a noun — used to refer to someone or something in a way that shows sympathy可怜的(用于表达同情) The poor kitten hurt its paw.这只可怜的小猫弄伤了自己的爪子。 Leave the poor guy alone.不要打扰这个可怜的家伙了。 You're all by yourself, you poor thing.你只能靠自己了,可怜的人。 Poor John has been sick for days.可怜的约翰已经病了好几天了。 a poor second/third (etc.) — used to say that someone finished a race or contest a long way behind the winner远远落后于第一名 He came in a poor second in the race. [=he finished second but was far behind the winner]他在比赛中获得第二名,但成绩远远落后于第一名。 She was a poor second in the tournament.这次锦标赛她获第二名,但成绩远远落后于第一名。 make a poor fist of — see fist poor man's 1  — used to refer to someone (such as a performer) who is like another person in some ways but not as talented or successful蹩脚的某人(表示与某人相似但相形见绌) a young actor who is said to be the poor man's James Dean一个据说有点像但比不上詹姆斯·迪恩的年轻演员 2  — used to refer to something that is like something else but not as expensive类似而廉价的 Pewter is the poor man's silver.白镴是白银的廉价相似品。 the poor : poor people穷人 He gave money to the poor.他把钱施舍给穷人。




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