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词汇 pound
释义 pound (noun) pound (noun) pound (verb) pound 16 ENTRIES FOUND: pound (noun) pound (noun) pound (noun) pound (verb) pound-foolish (adjective) pounding (noun) pound cake (noun) pound sign (noun) pound sterling (noun) flesh (noun) gorilla (noun) pack (verb) pavement (noun) penny (noun) penny-wise (adjective) street (noun) 1 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ noun plural pounds also pound 1 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ noun plural pounds also pound Learner's definition of POUND 1  [count] : a unit of weight that is equal to 16 ounces or 0.4536 kilograms磅(重量单位,合16盎司或0.4536千克) The recipe calls for a pound of ground beef.做这道菜需要一磅牛肉糜。 a 50-pound dog = a dog that weighs 50 pounds一条重50磅的狗 Chicken is on sale this week for $3 per/a pound.本周鸡肉降价销售,每磅3美元。 I gained some weight last winter and I'm trying to lose a few pounds.去年冬天我长胖了,现在正努力减掉几磅。 Pound for pound, it's the most valuable crop being grown in the state. [=when comparing a pound of this crop with a pound of other crops, a pound of this crop is more valuable]按磅来算,这是州内种植的最有价值的农作物。 2  a  [count] : a basic unit of money in the United Kingdom and some other countries英镑;镑(其他一些国家的货币单位) The bill came to 30 pounds 10 pence.一共消费了30英镑10便士。 Rent for the flat is 600 pounds per/a month.这间公寓每月租金是600英镑。 a five-pound note一张五英镑的钞票 b  [count] : a bill or coin that is worth one pound一英镑纸币(或硬币);一镑纸币(或硬币) “Do you have any cash on you?” “I've got a few pounds in my wallet.”“你身上有现金吗?”“我钱包里有几英镑。” c  the pound technical : the value of a pound when it is compared to another unit of money英镑与外币的比值 The dollar dropped sharply against the pound.美元兑英镑的汇率骤降。 the strength/weakness of the pound英镑坚挺/疲软 in for a penny, in for a pound — see penny pile on the pounds — see 2pile pound of flesh : an amount that is owed to someone who demands to be paid要求偿还的债务 When the creditors came to collect their pound of flesh, he had nothing to give them.债主来收债时,他身无分文。 — see also pound cake 2 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ noun plural pounds 2 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ noun plural pounds Learner's definition of POUND [count] 1  : a place where dogs and cats that are found on the streets without an owner are kept until their owners come and get them(收留走失猫、狗的)收留所 2  : a place to which cars that have been parked illegally are towed and kept until their owners pay to get them back(违章停放车辆的)扣押场 — compare 1pound, 3pound 3 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ noun plural pounds 3 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ noun plural pounds Learner's definition of POUND [count] US : the symbol #井号(#) To record a message, press pound. = To record a message, press the pound key. [=press the button/key labeled “#”]留言请按井号键。 — called also (US) pound sign, (British) hash, (British) hash sign — compare 1pound, 2pound 4 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ verb pounds; pounded; pounding 4 pound /ˈpaʊnd/ verb pounds; pounded; pounding Learner's definition of POUND 1  : to hit (something or someone) with force again and again反复猛击 [+ object] Heavy waves pounded the shore.巨浪拍打着海岸。 The metal is heated and then pounded into shape.金属加热后,被敲打成形。 She pounded [=drove] the nails into the wood.她将钉子钉到木头上。 He got frustrated and started to pound the piano keys.他很懊恼,开始猛敲钢琴琴键。 He pounded his fist on the table.他狠狠地用拳头捶桌子。 The boxers were really pounding each other.拳击手当时确实在不停地互相猛击。 [no object] Someone is pounding [=banging] at the door.有人在用力捶门。 Waves pounded against the side of the boat.浪花拍击着船舷。 — often + on He began to pound on a drum.他开始不停地击鼓。 2  [+ object] : to crush or break (something) into very small pieces by hitting it again and again捣碎;击碎 The wheat is pounded into flour.小麦被打成面粉。 Pound the herbs and garlic until they form a paste.把草药和大蒜捣碎成糊状。 3  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to walk or run with heavy and loud steps咚咚地走(或跑) He came pounding down the stairs.他咚咚地跑下楼梯。 The horses pounded up the track.马咚咚地在跑道上奔驰。 4  [no object] : to work hard at something for a long time长时间苦干 — usually + away He pounded away all night at his computer, writing the report.他整个晚上都守在电脑前写报告。 I don't feel like I'm making much progress, but I keep pounding away.虽然感觉进展缓慢,但我仍在努力。 5  [no object] : to beat loudly and quickly怦怦地跳 He woke from the dream in a cold sweat with his heart pounding (in his ears).他从梦中醒来,一身冷汗,心怦怦直跳。 I took an aspirin because my head was pounding.我的头在阵阵抽痛,就吃了片阿司匹林。 a pounding [=throbbing] headache捶打般的头疼 6  [+ object] : to bomb (an area) many times反复轰炸 Bombers pounded the city all night.轰炸机整个晚上都在轰炸这座城市。 7  [+ object] US, informal : to drink (something) quickly快速地喝 They pounded (back) a few beers at the bar.他们在酒吧豪饮了几瓶啤酒。 pound out [phrasal verb] 1  pound out (something) or pound (something) out : to make or produce (something) quickly快速制造 Every week he pounds out [=bangs out] another column for the newspaper.他每周都为这家报纸写一篇专栏文章。 2  : to play (a song, melody, etc.) loudly on a musical instrument (such as a piano)(在乐器上)大声演奏 The band's lead singer was pounding out [=banging out] a tune on the piano.乐队主唱在钢琴上用力弹奏曲子。 pound the streets/pavement : to walk or run on the street especially in search of something(尤指为寻找某物)在街上走(或跑) She's out there every day pounding the pavement, looking for work.为了找工作,她每天都在街上奔走。 Hard-core joggers will pound the streets in all kinds of weather.慢跑铁杆爱好者无论刮风下雨都要出门跑步。




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