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词汇 power
释义 power (verb) power (adjective) power 38 ENTRIES FOUND: power (noun) power (verb) power (adjective) power-assisted steering (noun) powered (adjective) power base (noun) power broker (noun) power cut (noun) power forward (noun) power of attorney (noun) power pack (noun) power plant (noun) power play (noun) power point (noun) power politics (noun) power steering (noun) power strip (noun) power structure (noun) power trip (noun) power walk (verb) balance of power (noun) black power (noun) buying power (noun) drawing power (noun) flower power (noun) Great Power (noun) higher power (noun) high-powered (adjective) nuclear power (noun) pulling power (noun) purchasing power (noun) sea power (noun) staying power (noun) world power (noun) be (verb) corridor (noun) hall (noun) throne (noun) 1 power /ˈpawɚ/ noun plural powers 1 power /ˈpawɚ/ noun plural powers Learner's definition of POWER 1  [noncount] : the ability or right to control people or things权力;权势;操纵力 She is from a very wealthy family with a lot of social power.她来自一个有钱有势的家庭。 a politician who is hungry for power = a power-hungry politician贪图权力的政客 The company abused its power, forcing workers to work overtime without pay.公司滥用职权,强迫雇员无偿加班。 The company was almost destroyed in a power struggle between its two founders.两位创始人的权力之争差点儿毁了公司。 She had them in her power. [=she controlled them]他们都在她的掌控之下。 I'm sorry, but I don't have it in my power to help you. [=I don't have the power to help you; I can't help you]对不起,我没有能力帮你。 — often + over He has no power over me.他管不着我。 2  [noncount] : political control of a country or area政权 After the emperor died, power passed to his eldest son.皇帝去世后,皇位传给了他的长子。 the peaceful transfer of power to the newly elected president政权向新当选总统的平稳过渡 The president was removed from power in the recent uprising.在最近的动乱中,总统被赶下了台。 The new government has taken power.新政府已经掌握政权。 The latest elections put a new (political) party in power.最近一次选举将一个新(政)党推上了执政地位。 The rebels rose/came to power several years ago.反叛者在几年前掌握了政权。 — see also black power, flower power 3  [count] a  : a person or organization that has a lot of control and influence over other people or organizations有影响力的人(或组织) A small company with only a few products has grown to become a power in the industry.一家产品不多的小公司如今已经成长为业界翘楚。 Our state is now the region's leading economic power.目前,我们州是这一地区经济的领头羊。 b  : a country that has a lot of influence and military strength军事强国;有影响力的大国 a foreign power外国强国 the European powers欧洲列强 — see also great power, superpower, world power 4  [noncount] a  : physical force or strength体力;体能 Getting the floor clean required lots of muscle power.把地板弄干净要费好大的气力。 — often + of I was impressed by the sheer power of her tennis serve.她网球的发球力度给我留下了深刻印象。 the power of hurricane winds飓风的力量 b  : military force军事力量 They are threatening to use air/military power to resolve the conflict.他们威胁要用空军/军事力量解决冲突。 — see also balance of power, firepower, sea power c  : the energy or force that someone or something can produce for movement, work, etc.能量;能力 He could not walk under his own power. [=he could not walk without help]他自己不能行走。 The machines are running at full power. [=are doing as much work as they can possibly do]机器正全负荷运转。 5  a  : an ability to do something能力 [count] It's an old story, but it still has the power to frighten children.这是个老故事了,但依然可以吓到孩子们。 You have the power to change your life.你有能力改变自己的生活。 I'll do everything within/in my power to help. [=I'll do everything that I can to help]我会尽我所能提供帮助。 It's in your power [=you have the ability] to change the way things are done here.你有能力改变这里行事的方式。 — often + of He's studying the healing powers of various plants.他正在研究各种植物的治病功能。 She lost the power of speech. [=she was no longer able to speak]她丧失了语言能力。 Some things are beyond the power of human understanding.有些事是人无法理解的。 He used all of his powers of persuasion, but she still would not agree.尽管他竭力劝说,她依然不同意。 [noncount] Each member of the club has equal voting power.俱乐部每个成员都有平等的投票权。 The new computer is tiny but has more computing power than many desktop computers.新计算机体型虽小,运算能力却超过许多台式机。 His position gives him great bargaining power.他的职位让他有了许多讨价还价的筹码。 — see also buying power, purchasing power, staying power b  [noncount] : the ability to influence or affect people or things影响力 It was a speech of great power.这是一场鼓舞人心的演讲。 A good lawyer is able to argue with power and conviction.出色的律师能提供有力辩护,让人信服。 — often + of the power of art/love/religion/television艺术/爱情/宗教/电视的力量 Great poetry reminds us of the power of language.优美的诗篇使我们意识到语言的力量。 — see also drawing power, pulling power 6  : the right to do something : legal or official authority to do something权力;职权 [count] You have the power to decide whether or not you'll agree to do it.你有权决定你是否同意做这件事。 The President has the power to veto laws passed by Congress.总统有权否决国会通过的法案。 [noncount] The board of directors has given her power to negotiate the contract.董事会授权她就这份合同进行谈判。 — see also power of attorney 7  [noncount] a  : energy that can be collected and used to operate machines能;能量;动力 electrical/nuclear/solar/wind/battery power电能;核能;太阳能;风能;电池能 The car's engine yields more power while using less fuel.这款汽车发动机功率更大,燃料消耗更少。 — see also horsepower, manpower b  : the electricity that people use电力;电 We lost power during the storm.暴风雨时停电了。 Do you know how many watts of power your refrigerator uses per day?你知道你家冰箱每天耗电多少瓦吗? 8  [count] mathematics a  : the number of times that a number is to be multiplied by itself指数 5 (raised) to the third power is 125. [=5 x 5 x 5 = 125]5的三次方是125。 b  : a number that results from multiplying a number by itself幂;乘方 8 is a power of 2 because 2 x 2 x 2 is equal to 8.8是2的三次幂,因为三个2相乘得8。 9  [noncount] technical : the ability of an optical device (such as a telescope) to make objects look bigger放大率 the power [=magnification] of a microscope/telescope显微镜/望远镜的放大率 a telescope of high power高倍望远镜 do (someone) a power of good British, informal + old-fashioned : to help someone physically or mentally : to make someone feel better对身心有益 I think spending a day outside in the sunshine would do you a power of good. [=(US) do you a world of good]我认为在户外阳光下待上一天对你的身心大有裨益。 more power to you (US) informal or British more power to your elbow — used to say that you approve of what someone is doing and hope it will be successful祝某人成功,再加把劲,加油(表支持、赞成) If he wants to write a book, more power to him!如果他想写书,我祝他成功。 the corridors/halls of power : places where people talk about issues and make important decisions especially about political matters权力走廊;权力大厅;议政场所 the corridors of power in Washington, D.C.华盛顿特区的政权中心 the power behind the throne : the person who secretly controls a country, organization, etc., by controlling the actions and decisions of the official leader幕后掌权人 He's the company president, but his assistant is the (real) power behind the throne.他是公司总裁,但他的助手才是(真正的)幕后掌权人。 the powers that be : the people who decide what is allowed or acceptable in a group, organization, etc.当权者;决策人 The students wanted to have a big party, but the powers that be didn't approve.学生们想开个大型派对,但当权者不批准。 I applied for the job, but I guess the powers that be didn't think I was qualified.我申请了这个职位,但我猜拍板的人认为我资历不够。 Synonyms同义词power, authority, jurisdiction, command, and dominion mean the right or ability to govern, rule, or strongly influence people or situations.power、authority、 jurisdiction、command和dominion均指有权或有能力掌管、控制或强烈影响人、情况或局面。 power is a general word that suggests the ability to control or influence what is done, felt, etc.power泛指控制或影响某事的能力。 the power of the throne王权 the power to appoint judges委派法官的权力 The movie has the power to shape public opinion.这部电影有左右舆论的影响力。 authority suggests power that has been given to someone for a specific purpose and that has certain limits.authority指某人被赋予的特定的权力。 She gave her nephew the authority to manage the estate on her behalf.她授权她的外甥管理她的财产。 jurisdiction refers to official, legal power that has certain limits.jurisdiction指有一定限度的官方法律权力。 This matter is outside the court's jurisdiction.此事的处理不在法庭职权范围内。 command refers to the power that someone (such as a military officer) has to make decisions and to force people to behave in a desired way.command指某人(如军官)拥有的决策权及按意愿控制他人行为的权力。 He was given command of the regiment.他受命指挥这个团。 dominion is a formal word that stresses the greatest or highest power or authority.dominion是正式词语,强调最高统治权。 The country no longer has dominion over the island.这个国家不再对此岛享有统治权。 2 power /ˈpawɚ/ verb powers; powered; powering 2 power /ˈpawɚ/ verb powers; powered; powering Learner's definition of POWER 1  [+ object] : to supply (something) with power提供动力 — usually used as (be) powered通常用作(be) powered The entire village is powered by wind.整个村子都使用风能。 — see also powered 2  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to move with great speed or force快速前进;迅猛移动 [no object] The running back powered through the defensive line.跑卫迅速穿过对方防线。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The band powered through a number of new songs before playing some of their classics.演奏经典曲目前,乐队快速演唱了他们的一些新歌。 [+ object] He powered the ball past the goalie.他用力使球越过守门员。 She powered her way to the finish line.她快速冲到终点线。 power up [phrasal verb] power up (something) or power (something) up : to make (a machine) ready for use by supplying it with electricity启动机器;给…供电 I powered up [=started up, turned on] the computer.我启动了电脑。 3 power /ˈpawɚ/ adjective 3 power /ˈpawɚ/ adjective Learner's definition of POWER always used before a noun 1  : of or relating to electrical power电力的;电能的 a power supply/source/failure/outage电力供应/资源/故障/中断 Someone from the power [=electric] company called.电力公司的人打电话过来了。 Power lines [=wires that carry electricity] run along the west side of the street.电线沿着街道西边铺设。 2  : operated by using electricity rather than a person's strength电动的 a power drill/saw电钻;电锯 power tools电动工具 The car comes equipped with power windows.这款轿车装有电动窗。 3  : having great strength or power强大的 a power running back强大的跑卫 a power pitcher力量型投手 4  a  : involving important people who meet to discuss business or political affairs有重要人士参与的 a power breakfast/lunch大人物早餐/午餐会 b  of clothing : having a formal or impressive quality that is meant to make you look powerful and important(服装)礼服的,显示权势的 a power suit显示权势的套装 (US) He was wearing a red power tie.他系了一条象征权力的红色领带。




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