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词汇 practicality
释义 practicality 1 ENTRIES FOUND: practicality (noun) practicality /ˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ noun plural practicalities practicality /ˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ noun plural practicalities Learner's definition of PRACTICALITY 1  [noncount] : the quality of being likely to succeed and reasonable to do or use实用性;可行性 Panelists will debate the practicality of wind as a source of renewable energy.专家小组成员将就风能作为一种可再生能源的可行性性进行辩论。 2  [noncount] : the quality of being appropriate or suited for actual use适用性;实用性 The size of the machine makes me doubt its practicality [=suitability] for use in the home.这种机器的体积让我对它在家中的适用性感到怀疑。 I know you like the dressy shoes better than the sneakers, but I think you should choose based on practicality, not style.我知道比起运动鞋你更喜欢式样好看的鞋子,但我认为你做选择时应该考虑实用性,而不是款式。 3  [noncount] : the quality of being sensible in making decisions and dealing with the problems of daily life实际;明智 His optimism and practicality make him a skilled businessman.他的乐观实际使他成为商界能手。 4  practicalities [plural] : the facts about something : the real things that have to be done or dealt with in a particular situation实际情况 — usually + of New teachers often find the practicalities [=realities] of teaching very different from the theories they learned in college.新老师常常发现实际教学情况和他们在大学里学的理论有很大差异。




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