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词汇 press
释义 press (verb) press 26 ENTRIES FOUND: press (noun) press (verb) pressed (adjective) pressing (adjective) press-up (noun) press agency (noun) press agent (noun) press box (noun) press clipping (noun) press conference (noun) press corps (noun) press gallery (noun) press gang (noun) press kit (noun) press office (noun) press officer (noun) press release (noun) press secretary (noun) press stud (noun) bench press (noun) full-court press (noun) hard-pressed (adjective) printing press (noun) flesh (noun) luck (noun) panic button (noun) 1 press /ˈprɛs/ noun plural presses 1 press /ˈprɛs/ noun plural presses Learner's definition of PRESS 1  a  [noncount] : newspapers, magazines, and radio and television news reports(报刊、广播、电视的)新闻报道 American/foreign/local press美国/外国/当地新闻报道 Reports in the press suggested there had been many casualties.新闻报道显示伤亡惨重。 freedom of the press [=the right of newspapers, magazines, etc., to report news without being controlled by the government]新闻自由 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 The murder trial has drawn a lot of press coverage.这起谋杀案的审判引来了大量新闻报道。 press reports/clippings新闻报道/剪辑 b  the press : the people (such as reporters and photographers) who work for newspapers, magazines, etc.新闻工作者;新闻界 She refused to talk to the press.她拒绝与新闻界人士谈话。 members of the press新闻界成员 (US) The press was waiting outside the courtroom. = (Brit) The press was/were waiting outside the courtroom.记者们正在法庭外等候。 — see also press conference c  — used to talk about how often or how well or badly someone or something is described in newspapers, magazines, etc.新闻评论;新闻评价 [noncount] The trial has been getting a lot of press. [=there have been a lot of press reports about the trial]关于这场审判一直以来都有很多新闻评论。 The new edition of the dictionary is getting good press.新版词典得到了新闻媒体的好评。 He has gotten a lot of bad press lately.他最近受到新闻媒体的很多批评。 [singular] (Brit) The new edition of the dictionary is getting a good press.新版词典得到了新闻媒体的好评。 2  a  [count] : printing press The pages rolled off the presses.一页页纸从印刷机中快速印出。 Stop the presses!关掉印刷机! — see also hot off the press at 1hot b  [noncount] : the act or the process of being printed印刷 The book is on press now and due out soon.书正在印刷,很快就出版。 The story is going to press. [=the story is about to be printed]小说即将付印。 He did not return our call by/before press time. [=the time when the story was printed]小说印刷前他没回我们的电话。 c  [count] : a printing or publishing business印刷公司;出版社 a university press大学出版社 The book is published by Federal Street Press.这本书由联邦街出版公司出版。 3  [count] : a machine that uses pressure to shape, flatten, or squeeze something压平机;压榨机 a cookie/cider/garlic press饼干压制机;榨苹果汁机;压蒜器 a trouser press烫裤机 4  [count] : the act of pushing or flattening something with your finger or hand or with a device (such as an iron)推;压;按 — usually singular通常用单数 The machine turns on with the press [=push] of a button.按下按钮机器就运转。 (chiefly Brit) Your shirt needs a press. [=your shirt needs pressing; your shirt needs to be ironed]你的衬衫要熨一下。 5  [singular] : a large group of people gathered together in one place : crowd一大群人 — often + of We were caught in the press of people outside the theater.我们在剧院外被蜂拥而至的人群困住了。 — see also full-court press 2 press /ˈprɛs/ verb presses; pressed; pressing 2 press /ˈprɛs/ verb presses; pressed; pressing Learner's definition of PRESS 1  a  : to push (something) with strong or steady force推;压 [+ object] She pressed the pieces of clay together.她把泥块压在了一起。 The machine presses the metal/plastic into sheets.机器把金属/塑料压成板。 People were pressed against each other in the crowd.人群中人挤人。 The little girl pressed her face against the window.小姑娘脸贴着窗户。 Dad took me aside and pressed some money into my hand.爸爸把我拉到一边,往我手里塞了些钱。 [no object] He lightly pressed (down) on her stomach to feel the baby move.他轻轻地按压她的肚皮,感受胎动。 b  : to push (something, such as a button or lever on a machine) with your finger or hand按(按钮、操纵杆等) [+ object] Don't press that button.别按那个按钮。 Press “Play” to start the movie.按下“播放”键放电影。 [no object] Press here to release the buckle.按这里松开搭扣。 2  [+ object] : to force or try to persuade (someone) to do something especially by repeatedly asking for it to be done逼迫;催促 She pressed him to go with her to the ballet.她力劝他和她一起去看芭蕾舞。 I pressed her for more details.我强烈要求她说出更多细节。 He is pressing [=pressuring] us for a decision. = He is pressing us to make a decision.他正催我们做决定。 After the scandal, the CEO was pressed into resigning.丑闻传出后,首席执行官被迫辞职。 When pressed, he tends to give in.一受到逼迫他就倾向于妥协。 3  [+ object] : to repeat (something) often in a way that is annoying to show that it is very important反复强调 I don't want to press [=push] the issue, but it is important and needs to be addressed immediately.我不想一再强调这个问题,但这很重要,需要立即解决。 He kept pressing the point that something needs to be done immediately.他不断重申要马上做点事。 They're trying to press home their message. [=trying to make their message clear and forceful]他们正努力把他们的观点讲得头头是道。 Laborers are pressing their case for higher wages.劳工们正在要求涨工资。 4  [+ object] : to flatten or smooth out (something) with your hand, an iron, etc.压平;熨平 She pressed the ball of dough flat.她把面团压扁。 He pressed [=ironed] his shirt and pants.他把衬衫和裤子熨平。 5  [+ object] : to push down on a fruit or vegetable to make juice come out of it压榨(果蔬汁);把…榨汁 He pressed the apples to make cider.他压榨苹果做苹果汁。 The machine presses the juice out of the grapes.这台机器可以榨葡萄汁。 freshly pressed [=(more commonly) squeezed] orange juice新榨的橙汁 6  a  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to continue moving forward in a forceful or steady way坚持前进;推进 The explorers pressed deeper into the jungle.探险者坚持走向丛林深处。 The troops pressed [=pushed] on/forward in spite of the snow.尽管下了雪,军队仍然向前行进。 b  : to continue to do something especially in a determined way坚持 [no object] — usually + on or ahead Now that we have answered that question, let's press on.既然我们已经回答了这个问题,就坚持下去吧。 The city pressed ahead with plans to build a casino.市政府坚持执行建赌场的计划。 [+ object] She saw an opening and pressed (home) her attack/advantage.她看到了机会,便趁机发起了进攻/占据了优势。 7  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to crowd closely around or against someone or something : to move in a large group toward or near someone or something蜂拥着靠近 Reporters pressed around/about the players as they left the field.运动员离场时记者把他们团团围住。 press charges : to take legal action against someone : to officially accuse someone of a crime起诉;控告 He was caught shoplifting, but the store owner didn't press charges.他在商店行窃被当场抓住,但店主没有起诉他。 press for [phrasal verb] press for (something) : to make a demand for (something)要求 Laborers are pressing for higher wages.劳工们正在要求涨工资。 press on [phrasal verb] also press upon press (something) on/upon (someone) : to force (someone) to take or accept (something)强迫,迫使(某人接受某事物) I tried to press money on him for my half of the bill, but he refused to take it.我试图把账单上该我付的那一半钱强塞给他,但他不要。 She's always pressing her opinions on us.她总是把自己的观点强加于我们。 — see also 2press 6b (above) press (someone or something) into service : to use (someone or something) for a particular job or purpose when a special need occurs(急需时)动用,征用 Retired doctors and nurses were pressed into service to help care for the wounded.退休医生和护士也被召集起来帮助照顾伤员。 The backup computer was pressed into service when the main computer failed.主电脑坏掉了就启用了备用电脑。 press the flesh informal : to greet and shake hands with people especially while campaigning for a political office(尤指竞选政治职位时和群众)握手致意




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