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词汇 prime
释义 prime (noun) prime (verb) prime 11 ENTRIES FOUND: prime (adjective) prime (noun) prime (verb) prime interest rate (noun) prime meridian (noun) prime minister (noun) prime mover (noun) prime number (noun) prime rate (noun) prime time (noun) pump (noun) 1 prime /ˈpraɪm/ adjective 1 prime /ˈpraɪm/ adjective Learner's definition of PRIME always used before a noun 1  : most important : primary最重要的;最主要的 our prime responsibility我们最主要的职责 The wine industry is of prime importance to the California economy.葡萄酒行业对加州经济具有最重要的作用。 The police have not yet named the prime suspect in the murder investigation.警方在这起谋杀案的调查中尚未确定主要嫌疑犯。 2  : of the highest quality or value : excellent优质的;最好的;上乘的 prime beef上等牛肉 The house is expensive because it's in a prime location.因为地处黄金地段,这座房子很贵。 prime farmland上好的农田 3  — used to say that someone or something is a very good example of a particular kind of person or thing典型的 The melting of ice caps is a prime example of the effects of global warming.冰盖融化是全球变暖影响的一个典型例证。 Orson Welles is a prime example of the movie director as artist.奥逊·威尔斯是典型的电影导演艺术大师。 a prime specimen of a racehorse赛马的典型样本 4  : most likely or very likely to be chosen for something, to experience something, etc.最可能的;很可能的;首选的 The mayor has become a prime target for criticism.市长已成为最可能的抨击目标。 Her father was unhealthy and looked like a prime candidate for a heart attack. [=he looked like someone who was likely to have a heart attack]她父亲健康状况不佳,看起来很有可能会心脏病发作。 2 prime /ˈpraɪm/ noun 2 prime /ˈpraɪm/ noun Learner's definition of PRIME 1  [singular] : the period in life when a person is best in health, strength, etc. : the most active or successful time of a person's life盛年;全盛时期;黄金时期 young college graduates in the prime of life年富力强的大学毕业生 She just retired, but she's still in her prime. [=still active and in good health]她刚刚退休了,但依然精力旺盛。 He was a great pitcher once, but he's past his prime. [=is no longer as good as he was when he was younger]他曾是个优秀的投手,但他的巅峰时期已经过去了。 2  [noncount] technical : prime rate The interest rate is two percent plus/over prime.这个利率比最低贷款利率高出两个百分点。 3 prime /ˈpraɪm/ verb primes; primed; priming 3 prime /ˈpraɪm/ verb primes; primed; priming Learner's definition of PRIME [+ object] 1  : to make (someone) ready to do something : prepare使(某人)做好准备 She was obviously primed for the questions at the press conference.她显然对记者招待会上的提问有所准备。 Both teams are primed for battle and ready to play.两队都为比赛做好了准备。 2  : to make (something) ready for use把(某事物)准备好;使备用 prime a bomb/gun为炸弹装雷管;为枪装好弹药 prime a pump注水启动水泵 prime an engine给发动机加燃料 3  : to cover (a surface) with special paint in order to prepare it for the final layer of paint给(表面)涂上底色 We sanded and primed the woodwork before painting.在给木制品上漆之前,我们先用砂纸打磨并涂上底色。 prime the pump : to do something that will help a thing to grow or develop促进;刺激;支持 The government has to prime the pump to get the economy going.政府必须采取措施,以刺激经济发展。 That sort of language will only prime the pump for an ugly argument later.那种语言将只会在以后挑起一场令人不快的争辩。




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