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词汇 prostrate
释义 prostrate (verb) prostrate 2 ENTRIES FOUND: prostrate (adjective) prostrate (verb) 1 prostrate /ˈprɑːˌstreɪt/ adjective 1 prostrate /ˈprɑːˌstreɪt/ adjective Learner's definition of PROSTRATE 1  : lying with the front of your body turned toward the ground俯卧的;趴着的 The police found the body in a prostrate position.警方发现尸体呈俯卧姿势。 a prostrate body俯卧的身体 She was lying prostrate on the bed.她趴在床上。 2  : so tired, upset, etc., that you are unable to do anything悲痛欲绝的;无能为力的 They were prostrate from/with the heat.对这样的高温他们无能为力。 He was prostrate with grief. [=he was completely overcome by grief]他悲痛欲绝。 2 prostrate /ˈprɑːˌstreɪt/ Brit /prəˈstreɪt/ verb prostrates; prostrated; prostrating 2 prostrate /ˈprɑːˌstreɪt/ Brit /prəˈstreɪt/ verb prostrates; prostrated; prostrating Learner's definition of PROSTRATE [+ object] : to make (someone) weak or powerless使虚弱;使无能为力 — usually used as (be) prostrated通常用作(be) prostrated She was prostrated [=overcome] with/by grief.她因悲伤而一蹶不振。 prostrate yourself : to lie down with your face turned toward the ground俯伏;拜倒 The worshippers prostrated themselves on the ground before the shrine.敬神者拜倒在圣坛前。 — prostration /prɑˈstreɪʃən/ noun, plural prostrations [count, noncount] The campers suffered from heat prostration. [=physical exhaustion caused by heat]露营者在高温下筋疲力尽。




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