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词汇 put
释义 put (noun) put (adjective) put 106 ENTRIES FOUND: put (verb) put (noun) put (adjective) put-down (noun) put-on (adjective) put-on (noun) putting putting putting green (noun) put-up job (noun) put-upon (adjective) hard put (adjective) off-putting (adjective) shot put (noun) air (noun) appearance (noun) back (noun) basket (noun) boot (noun) bum (noun) card (noun) cart (noun) clinic (noun) clock (noun) complexion (noun) cork (noun) crimp (noun) dampener (noun) damper (noun) death (noun) dent (noun) different (adjective) dog (noun) down (adverb) egg (noun) face (noun) feedbag (noun) fine (adjective) finger (noun) flight (noun) foot (noun) forth (adverb) forward (adverb) god (noun) grass (noun) gun (noun) head (noun) horse (noun) human (adjective) hurt (noun) idea (noun) kibosh (noun) lid (noun) map (noun) metal (noun) mind (noun) money (noun) mouth (noun) move (noun) name (noun) oar (noun) pace (noun) paid (adjective) paper (noun) parapet (noun) past (preposition) pasture (noun) pay (verb) pedal (noun) pen (noun) picture (noun) pipe (noun) place (noun) point (noun) price (noun) putt (verb) record (noun) rest (noun) right (noun) root (noun) screw (noun) sea (noun) seat (noun) shade (noun) shame (noun) shirt (noun) skate (noun) skid (noun) sleep (noun) smoke (verb) sock (noun) spanner (noun) stay (verb) stroke (noun) sword (noun) table (noun) test (noun) toe (noun) two (noun) use (noun) welcome mat (noun) wind (noun) word (noun) work (noun) wrong (adjective) year (noun) 1 put /ˈpʊt/ verb puts; put; putting 1 put /ˈpʊt/ verb puts; put; putting Learner's definition of PUT [+ object] 1  always followed by an adverb or preposition a  : to cause (someone or something) to be in a particular place or position放;放置 She put [=placed, set] the plant near the window.她把那株植物放在了靠窗的地方。 Put the car in the garage.把车停进车库。 I put the keys on the table.我把钥匙放在了桌子上。 He put his arms around her and held her tight.他伸出双臂,紧紧地搂住了她。 b  : to cause (something) to go into or through something in a forceful way用力插入;砸穿 He fell and accidentally put his hand through a window.他摔倒了,手不小心砸穿了一扇窗户。 c  : to cause (someone) to be in a particular place or send (someone) to a particular place使(某人)待在…;把(某人)送进… The illness put her in the hospital for three days.她因病住院三天。 They put her in prison for forgery.他们以伪造罪把她送进了监狱。 Her parents decided to put her in a special school for deaf children.父母决定把她送进一所专门为耳聋儿童开设的学校。 If she drove 55 mph for 20 minutes, that would put her about halfway there by now.如果她以每小时55英里的速度行驶了20分钟,那么现在她应该差不多走了一半的路程了。 d  : to show that (someone or something) is in a particular place显示…在特定位置 The evidence/report puts the defendant at the scene of the crime. [=it shows that the defendant was at the scene of the crime]证据/报告显示,被告当时就在案发现场。 2  : to write (something) with a pen or pencil in or on something写下 Don't forget to put your signature on the check.别忘了在支票上签名。 He put his phone number on a napkin.他把他的电话号码写在了一张餐巾纸上。 Put a circle around the correct answer.把正确答案圈起来。 I wrote that the answer was option B. What did you put?我的答案是B选项。你选的哪一个? She had always dreamed of writing a novel, but she never actually put pen to paper. [=started writing]她一直梦想着写一部小说,却从来没有动过笔。 3  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (someone or something) to be in a particular state or condition使处于(某状态或情况) Not exercising puts you at greater risk of developing heart disease.不运动会加大你患心脏病的风险。 Put the TV on channel 5, please.请把电视调到5频道。 Who put you in charge/command/control?是谁让你负责的? I told her some jokes to put her in/into a good mood.我给她讲了几个笑话,让她的心情好起来。 His careless spending put him in/into debt.他花钱大手大脚,使自己负债累累。 Their actions have put them in serious danger.他们的行为使自己处于非常危险的境地。 Her reassuring words put us at ease. [=made us feel calm and relaxed]她的安慰使我们放宽了心。 Put that idea out of your mind. [=stop thinking about that idea]不要再想那个主意了。 They said they shot the injured horse to put it out of its misery. [=so that it would not continue to suffer]他们说开枪打死那匹受伤的马是为了了结它的痛苦。 They have put their competitors out of business.他们淘汰了竞争对手。 The new technology could put him out of a job. = It could put him out of work. [=it could make him lose his job]这项新技术可能会令他失业。 He's putting the children to bed. [=helping them get into their beds]他正在哄孩子们上床睡觉。 4  always followed by an adverb or preposition a  : to cause (someone or something) to do work or perform a task使…做(某项工作或任务) — often + to She put the kids to work cleaning the basement.她让孩子们去打扫地下室。 b  : to use (something)使用(某物) They are ready to put the plan in action/motion.他们准备好实施那项计划了。 putting an idea into action/effect/practice把想法付诸实践 The new weapon was immediately put to use by the military.军方立即启用了这种新式武器。 I don't need this camera, but maybe you can put it to good use.我不需要这个照相机,不过或许你用得上它。 5  always followed by an adverb or preposition : to cause (something) to have an effect on someone or something使对…产生影响 — usually + on He puts [=places] great emphasis on the need for new leadership. [=he strongly emphasizes the need for new leadership]他着重强调组建新领导班子的必要性。 She has been putting pressure on us to finish the project early.她一直催着我们早点完成那个项目。 Another child would put a heavy strain on their finances. [=would strain their finances very much]多养一个孩子会给他们带来沉重的经济负担。 A special tax/duty/surcharge was put on luxury items.购买奢侈品要缴纳特别税款/关税/附加税。 They want to put a limit on government spending.他们想对政府的开销加以限制。 6  : to say or express (something)说;表述 As she put it, “You can't please everyone.”正如她所说,“你不可能让每个人都高兴”。 How should I put this? I don't think you're cut out for this job.我该怎么说呢?我觉得你不适合这份工作。 Well put!说得好! Let me put it another way.让我来换种说法。 I think you're incompetent, to put it bluntly.坦白地说,我认为你并不称职。 It was a difficult experience, to put it mildly. [=it was a very difficult experience]说得温和点儿,这是一次艰辛的经历。 She finds it hard to put her feelings into words. [=to say what her feelings are]她发现很难用言语表达自己的感受。 7  always followed by an adverb or preposition a  : to ask (a question) or make (a suggestion) to someone提出(问题或建议) Let me put this question to you [=let me ask you this question]: what do we do now?我来问问你:现在我们怎么办? I put my plan/proposal before the board of directors for consideration.我把我的方案/建议提交给董事会考虑。 b  : to ask a group of people to formally vote on (something)表决 They plan on putting the motion/resolution to a/the vote this afternoon.他们计划今天下午就这一动议/决议进行投票表决。 8  : to add music to (words)谱曲 She writes the lyrics and he puts [=sets] them to music.她写词,他谱曲。 9  sports : to throw (a shot put)推(铅球) I wouldn't put it past (someone) — see 2past put about [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) about or put about (something) British : to tell many people about (something)散布 They put about the news that he was resigning. = They put it about that he was resigning.他们散布消息说他要辞职了。 2  a  of a boat or ship : to change direction(船)改变方向 The ship put about and sailed back out to sea.船改变了方向,掉头朝大海驶去。 b  put (something) about : to cause (a boat or ship) to change direction使(船)改变方向 a boat that can be put about quickly可以迅速改变方向的船只 put across [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) across or put across (something) : to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to get (something) across使…被理解 She has had trouble putting her message across to voters.她无法让选民们理解她的意思。 2  put (yourself) across as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)把(自己)装成 He tries to put himself across as [=to make other people believe that he is] a nice guy.他尽量装成个好人。 put a foot wrong — see 1foot put aside [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) aside or put aside (something) : to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later time储存;保留 She's been putting aside some money for a vacation.她一直在为度假攒钱。 Can you put a few minutes aside for a short meeting?你能抽出几分钟时间来参加一个短会吗? 2  : to stop worrying or thinking about (something)不予考虑 We need to put these problems aside for now and get the work done.我们现在应该把这些问题放一放,先完成任务再说。 It's time to put aside our differences and start working together.我们是时候抛开分歧、共同合作了。 put at [phrasal verb] put (something) at (something) : to guess or estimate (something) to be (something)猜测;估计 The coroner put his time of death at 7:00. [=the coroner estimated that the time of his death was 7:00]验尸官推测他是7点钟死的。 Recent estimates put the number of unreported cases at 2,000 each year.根据最近的估计,每年未上报案件大约有2000起。 put away [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) away or put away (something) a  : to return (something) to the place where it belongs将…收起;把…放回原处 He washed, dried, and put away the dishes after dinner.饭后,他把碗碟洗干净、烘干,然后放好。 She put the pictures away for safekeeping.她把照片收起来妥善保管。 Put your notes away. It's time for the test.把笔记收起来。该考试了。 b  : to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later time储存 Her parents started putting away money for her education the year she was born.从她出生的那年起,父母就开始为她积攒教育基金。 c  informal : to eat (a large amount of food)猛吃 I used to put away huge meals before I went on a diet.以前我节食之前,总会大吃几顿。 That guy can really put it away!那家伙真能吃! 2  put (someone) away or put away (someone) informal : to cause (someone) to be kept in a prison or mental hospital把…关进监狱;把…关进精神病院 He's a vicious criminal. I hope they put him away for the rest of his life.他是个十恶不赦的罪犯。我希望他在监狱里度过余生。 put back [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) back or put back (something) : to return (something) to the place where it belongs把…放回原处 Remember to put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet after you've used it.真空吸尘器用完后记得放回到壁橱里。 The books had been put back neatly on the shelf.书已经整整齐齐地放回到架子上。 2  British : to change (a planned event) to start at a later date or time推迟 They put back [=pushed back, postponed] the game until next week.他们把比赛推迟到了下周。 The meeting has been put back from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.会议从下午1点推迟到了3点。 put before [phrasal verb] put (something) before (someone or something) : to ask (a person or group) to make a decision about (something)让…考虑;让…做决定 The problem of downtown parking was put before the mayor/council.市中心停车的问题摆在了市长/议会的面前。 We should put this question before the voters.我们应该把这个问题交给选民们来决定。 put behind [phrasal verb] put (something) behind you : to stop worrying about or being upset by (something that happened in the past)忘却;不再为…而烦扰 It was a disappointing loss, but we need to put it behind us and focus on winning the next game.这次失败的确令人失望,但是我们应该忘记它,把精力集中在赢得下一场比赛上。 Put the past behind you.忘了过去吧。 put by [phrasal verb] put (something) by or put by (something) chiefly British : to save (money) for a later time存(钱) She has put some money by [=put aside] for emergencies.她存了些钱以备不时之需。 put down [phrasal verb] 1  put (someone or something) down also put down (someone or something) a  : to place (someone or something that you have been holding or carrying) on a table, on the floor, etc.放下 She carefully put the vase down on the table.她小心翼翼地把花瓶放在桌子上。 The police ordered him to put down the gun.警察命令他把枪放下。 I don't need you to carry me. Put me down!我不需要你来背我。把我放下来! b  : to add (someone or something) to a list加入清单 Don't forget to put down milk and bread on the shopping list.别忘了在购物单里加上牛奶和面包。 c  informal : to say critical or insulting things about (someone or something)批评;数落 He frequently puts down her work.他经常批评她干得不好。 Her parents are always putting her down.她的父母总是数落她。 He puts himself down a lot, but he's really quite an attractive man.别看他总是说自己的不是,其实他是个很有魅力的人。 — see also put-down 2  put (something) down or put down (something) a  : to write (something) : to record (something) in writing写下;记下 She says that the reporter put her quote down incorrectly.她说那个记者错误地引用了她的话。 Every night, he puts his thoughts down in a journal.每天晚上,他都把自己的想法写进日记里。 I need to put down my thoughts on paper before I forget them.我要把我的想法记在纸上,以免遗忘。 What answer did you put down on the test?考试的时候你写的什么答案? b  : to give (an amount of money) as a first payment when you are buying something that costs a lot of money付(订金) We put 10 percent down on the house. = We put down a 10 percent deposit on the house.我们买这所房子预付了10%的订金。 Put no money down and pay no interest on the car until next year.这辆车要到明年才需要支付订金和利息。 c  : to put (something) in place on the floor or ground把…安装在地上 Putting down [=installing] a new hardwood floor would greatly increase the value of your home.安装新的硬木地板会让你的房子大大增值。 We put down a layer of mulch in the rose garden.我们在玫瑰园里铺了一层护根物。 d  : to stop (a violent or dangerous activity) by using force镇压;平定 Federal troops were brought in to help put down the riot.联邦部队被调来协助镇压这起暴乱。 put down a rebellion/revolt/uprising镇压叛乱/反叛/起义 e  : to kill (an animal) in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sick对(受伤或生病的动物)实施安乐死;人道毁灭 They had to have their dog put down [=put to sleep] by the vet.他们不得不请兽医为他们的狗实施安乐死。 f  British : to end a telephone connection挂断(电话) She said goodbye and put down the phone. [=hung up the phone]她说了声再见,然后就挂断了电话。 She put the phone down on him. [=she hung up the phone while he was still talking to her]她挂断了他的电话。 g  British : to formally suggest (something) as an idea to be discussed and voted on by a group of people : to propose or introduce (something)把…提交审议 putting down an amendment in Parliament在议会上提出一项修正案 3  put down or put (something) down or put down (something) chiefly British : to land or to cause (an airplane) to land(使)降落 Our plane put down [=landed] in New York around 2 p.m.下午2点左右,我们的飞机在纽约降落。 The pilot was forced to put [=set] the plane down in a field.飞行员把飞机迫降在一块田地里。 4  put (someone) down or put down (someone) : to place (a baby or child) in a bed to sleep安置(小孩)上床睡觉 He put the baby down (in her crib) for a nap.他哄孩子(在她的小床上)小睡了一会儿。 5  put (someone) down as (something) : to think of (someone) as (a specified kind of person or thing)把(某人)看作… Most people put him down as [=believe that he is] a fanatic.大多数人认为他是个疯子。 6  put (someone) down for (something) : to write the name of (someone) on a list of people who will do or give (something)登记;把…列入名单 Can I put you down for a donation? [=can I write that you will give a donation?]捐款要不要算你一个? Sure, put me down for $20.当然,我捐20美元。 7  put (something) down to (something) : to say or think that (something) happened because of (something)把…归因于 Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.这次犯错就算你没经验,别再想了。 The mistake was put down to [=attributed to] his inexperience.这次犯错是由于他缺乏经验。 put forth [phrasal verb] 1  put forth (something) or put (something) forth somewhat formal : to suggest (an idea, plan, etc.) for people to think about or consider提出(想法、计划等) The same argument has been put forth by many people in the opposition.对方很多人都提出了同样的反对论据。 I would like to put forth some alternatives.我想提出一些其他的选择。 putting forth a plan/proposal/theory提出计划/建议/理论 2  : to use (something, such as energy) for a particular purpose使出(力气等) She put forth all her energy to win the race.她全力以赴去赢得这场比赛。 They put forth a good effort.他们费了不少力气。 3  of a plant : to produce or send out (something) by growing(植物)长出 The trees are starting to put forth new leaves.树木开始长出新叶子。 put forward [phrasal verb] put (something) forward or put forward (something) somewhat formal : to suggest (something) for consideration : propose提出;提议 He put forward [=put forth] a theory about how the accident may have occurred.针对那起事故可能的起因,他提出了一套说法。 put in [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) in or put in (something) a  : to make (something) ready to be used in a certain place : install安装 We put in new cabinets just last year.去年我们刚刚装了新橱柜。 In order to fix the car they have to put in a new engine.为了把车修好,他们不得不装一个新发动机。 b  : to add (a comment) to a conversation or argument插(话);补充说 She put a quick comment in about her busy schedule.她插了句话,评价她繁忙的日程。 I'd like to put in a few words on his behalf. [=to say something that supports him]我想代表他说几句。 Would you mind putting in a good word for me? [=would you say something good about me?]你愿意为我说些好话吗? You will each have a chance to put in your two cents. [=to express your opinion]你们每个人都有机会表达自己的观点。 c  : to make an official statement, offer, or request正式提出;提交 She put in a plea of not guilty. [=she pleaded not guilty]她提出了无罪申诉。 I need to put in [=make, submit] a report about this.我要就此提交一份报告。 You have two weeks to put in [=submit] a claim with the insurance company.你有两星期的时间向保险公司提交索赔申请。 They are putting in [=making] a $300,000 offer for the house.他们出价30万美元购买那幢房子。 I'd like to put in [=place] an order for a dozen roses.我想订购一打玫瑰。 Contractors have begun putting in bids for the job.承包商们已经开始对那项工作进行投标了。 d  : to perform (a particular action)实施;表演 They put in an amazing performance last night.昨晚他们的演出精彩绝伦。 The prime minister put in a call to [=called] the White House.总理给白宫打了个电话。 I won't be able to stay at the party long, but I'll at least try to put in an appearance. [=to go to the party for a short time]我不能在聚会上待太久,不过至少可以露个面。 e  : to work or do something for (an amount of time)耗费,投入(时间) She put in 10 hours at the office yesterday.她昨天在办公室待了10个小时。 She put in a long day at work.她在工作中度过了漫长的一天。 He has put in his time (in jail), and now he is a free man.他曾在监狱里待过一阵,但现在他自由了。 2  put in (something) or put (something) in (something) : to use (a certain amount of energy or effort) when doing something付出(精力或努力) If we put in a little more effort, we could finish by this afternoon.如果我们加把劲,今天下午之前还是有可能完成的。 He puts a lot of energy in his performances.他为自己的演出付出了很多精力。 3  put (something) in (something) a  : to invest (money) into (something)投资 She put her money in stocks and bonds.她投资了股票和债券。 b  — used to say what causes you to have faith, confidence, etc.把(信仰、信心等)投入到…当中 He puts his faith in reason/science.他相信理性/科学。 putting her trust in God她信仰上帝 4  put in for (something) : to ask for (something) in an official way : to formally request (something)正式提出;申请 He put in for a leave of absence.他提出休假申请。 putting in for a promotion要求升职 5  of a boat or ship : to enter a harbor or port(轮船)进入港口 The ship put in at Sydney.那艘船在悉尼靠了岸。 put into [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) into (something) : to use (a certain amount of energy or effort) when doing (something)付出(精力或努力) He puts a lot of energy into his performances.他为自己的演出付出了很多精力。 She put her heart into (writing) the letter. [=she expressed her feelings in a very open and honest way]她敞开心扉写了这封信。 2  : to invest (time, money, etc.) in (something)把(时间、金钱等)投入到… They put their entire life savings into the company.他们把毕生的积蓄都投入到那家公司。 We put a lot of money into (fixing up) that house.我们花了很多钱在那所房子(的修缮)上。 put it there informal + old-fashioned or put her there — used to invite someone to shake hands with you跟我握个手吧 Put her there, pal!握个手吧,伙计! put off [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) off or put off (something) : to decide that (something) will happen at a later time : postpone推迟 The meeting has been put off until next week. = We put off (holding) the meeting until next week.会议推迟到下个星期。 I've been meaning to call him, but I keep putting it off.我一直想给他打电话,可是迟迟没有行动。 I've been putting off calling him.我一直拖着,没有给他打电话。 2  put (someone) off or put off (someone) a  : to cause (someone) to wait打发,拖延(某人) I need to come up with an excuse to put off the bill collector.我得找个理由把收账的人打发走。 She finally called him after putting him off all week.拖了一个星期之后,她终于给他打了电话。 b  : to cause (someone) to dislike someone or something使反感 Don't let the restaurant's dingy appearance put you off—their food is great.不要因为那家饭店肮脏的外表就对它产生反感——那儿的食物很不错。 I was put off by his rudeness.我讨厌他的粗鲁。 (chiefly Brit) His rudeness put me off him [=made me dislike him] at once.他的粗鲁令我对他顿生厌恶。 — see also off-putting c  British : to allow (someone) to get off a bus or other vehicle让…下车(船等) Could you put [=let] me off (the bus) at the next stop, please?能不能让我在下一站下车? put on [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) on or put on (something) a  : to dress yourself in (clothing)穿上;戴上 She put on her new dress.她穿上了她的新连衣裙。 Put on a hat and gloves.戴上帽子和手套。 I'll put some clothes on and be right there.我穿件衣服,马上就到。 b  : to apply (something) to your face or body涂抹 putting on lipstick/mascara/lotion抹口红;涂睫毛膏;擦润肤液 She puts on far too much makeup.她涂了太多的化妆品。 We tried to put on a happy/brave face [=we tried to appear happy/brave] despite our concern.尽管有些担忧,我们仍然强装笑脸/强作勇敢。 c  : to add to or increase the amount of (something)增加;添加 The fire was getting low and we needed to put on more wood.火快灭了,我们得再加些柴。 She put on [=gained] 40 pounds during her pregnancy.怀孕期间,她增重40磅。 He's put on some weight recently.最近他的体重有所增加。 d  : to cause (a machine, a light, etc.) to begin to work打开(灯等);启动(机器等) Would you mind if I put [=turned] the TV on?你介意我打开电视吗? Somebody put on the lights.有人把灯打开了。 e  : to cause (something) to begin to be heard, seen, produced, etc.播放;使运转 put on a record/CD/album播放唱片/光盘/专辑 putting on some music放点音乐 We put on the air-conditioning/heat in the car.我们打开了车里的空调/暖气。 f  : to start cooking or making (something)烹饪;烹制 Let me know when to put on the rice.告诉我什么时候煮饭。 He put on a pot of coffee for his guests.他为客人们煮了一壶咖啡。 g  : to produce (something that entertains people, such as a play, a party, etc.)举行(演出、聚会等) They're putting on a concert.他们正在举行一场音乐会。 He always puts on a great show/performance.他的演出总是很精彩。 The town puts on a fireworks display every Independence Day.每年独立日的时候,镇上都要举行焰火表演。 We are putting on a barbecue for everyone in the neighborhood.我们将举行烧烤宴会,邀请社区的每个人来参加。 2  put (something) on (someone or something) a  : to say that (someone or something) is responsible for or guilty of (something)归咎于… Responsibility for the accident was put on the other driver.事故的责任被归到另一个司机身上。 He puts much of the blame for his problems on the government.他把自己的大部分问题归咎于政府。 b  : to bet (an amount of money) on (someone or something)把钱押在…;下赌注 We put $2 on the favorite to win.我们押2美元赌最热门的队赢。 putting money on horse races赌马 3  put (someone or something) on (something) : to add (someone or something) to (a list or group of related things)把…加入 She asked to have her name put on the list of candidates.她要求把自己的名字加到候选人名单中。 They put her on the list.他们把她列入了名单。 We put several new dishes on the menu.我们在菜单上加了些新菜。 “Bartender, I'll have another beer.” “Okay, I'll put it on your bill.”“酒保,再给我来瓶啤酒。”“好的,记在你的账上了。” 4  put (someone) on or put on (someone) chiefly US, informal : to say things that are not true to (someone) in a joking way : to trick or fool (someone) for amusement跟…开玩笑 He said he knew the President, but I think he was just putting me on. [=(Brit) having me on]他说他认识总统,不过我想他只不过是在跟我开玩笑。 — see also 2put-on 5  — used to say that you would like to speak to someone on the phone让…接电话 Hi Dad. Could you put Mom on? [=could you give Mom the phone so that I can speak to her?]嗨,爸爸。能不能让妈妈接下电话? Put Dave on the phone, please.请让戴夫接电话。 6  put (someone) on (something) : to tell (someone) to use or do (something)让(某人)用(或做)… Her doctor put her on medication. [=her doctor prescribed medication for her]医生让她吃药。 He decided to put himself on a diet. [=to go on a diet]他决心节食。 7  put (someone) on to (something) : to give (someone) information about (something) : to tell (someone) about (something that he or she did not know about before)向(某人)提供信息;向(某人)介绍 A friend of mine put me on to this book in high school.高中时我的一位朋友向我介绍了这本书。 put out [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) out or put out (something) a  : to cause (something) to stop burning : extinguish扑灭;熄灭 She put the fire out by pouring water on it.她用水把火浇灭了。 She put out her cigarette in an ashtray.她在烟灰缸里灭掉了香烟。 b  : to stop (something) from working关掉 Who put out [=turned off] the lights?谁把灯关了? c  : to take (something) outside and leave it there拿出去 I put the dog out in the backyard before leaving the house.出门之前,我把狗留在了后院。 putting horses out to graze放马出去吃草 (US) Don't forget to put out the trash/garbage. = (Brit) Don't forget to put out the rubbish.别忘了把垃圾扔出去。 d  : to extend (something) outward伸出 I put out my hand and he shook it eagerly.我伸出手,他迫不及待地和我握起手来。 She put out her arm for them to stop.她伸出胳膊,示意他们停下来。 e  : to place (something) where people may use it把…摆好;准备好(物品) He always put out a bowl of candy for the grandchildren.他总是预备好一碗糖果给孙辈们吃。 We should put out a few extra chairs in case more people arrive.我们应该多放几把椅子,以备更多人的到来。 f  : to produce (something)产生;付出;长出 This small radiator puts out a surprising amount of heat.这台小小的散热器释放出惊人的热量。 They will have to put out considerable effort to meet the deadline.他们不得不格外努力才能赶上最后期限。 It was early spring, and the trees were just starting to put out their leaves.那时正值早春,树上开始冒出新叶。 g  : to make (something) available to be bought, used, etc.生产;发布 She plans to put out a new album in March.她计划三月份推出一张新专辑。 They need to be putting out cars that get better gas mileage.他们需要生产出油耗更低的汽车。 The information was given in a pamphlet put out by the university's health department.这条信息是大学卫生部门制作的手册里提供的。 Researchers recently put out a report/study on the issue.最近,研究者们针对这个问题做了报告/研究。 The police have put out [=issued] a warrant for his arrest.警方已经发出了对他的逮捕令。 Someone put the word out [=started telling people] that the police were looking for her.有人说警方正在找她。 2  put (someone) out or put out (someone) a  : to annoy or bother (someone)烦扰;惹怒 All the attention didn't seem to put her out at all.所有这些关注似乎一点儿也没有打扰到她。 I'm a little put out that no one called to tell me they would be late.没有人打电话告诉我他们会迟到,对此我有些恼火。 b  : to cause (someone) to do extra work : to cause trouble for (someone)给(某人)增加额外工作;给(某人)添麻烦 I hope my visit didn't put you out. [=didn't inconvenience you]希望我的拜访没有给您添麻烦。 Please don't put yourself out just for us.请不要为我们忙了。 c  : to make (someone) unconscious使失去知觉 The anesthesia put him out for a little over three hours.他被麻醉了三个多小时。 d  sports : to cause (someone) to be out in baseball or cricket使…出局 The runner was put out at second base.跑垒员在二垒的位置被杀出了局。 — see also putout 3  chiefly US, informal + impolite : to have sex with someone与…性交 Did she put out last night?昨晚她献身了? 4  of a boat or ship : to leave a harbor or port(船)离港,起航 The ship put out to sea.那艘船离开港口驶向了大海。 put over [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) over or put over (something) : to cause (something) to be clearly understood : to put (something) across使…被理解 He puts over very complicated concepts in a way that his students can understand.他用一种学生们都能理解的方式来解释特别复杂的概念。 2  put (yourself) over as (something) : to cause (yourself) to appear to be (a particular type of person)装作 She puts herself over as [=makes other people believe that she is] a modern, independent woman.她装作是一个独立的现代女性。 3  put (something) over on (someone) : to lie about (something) to (someone) : to trick or deceive someone欺骗 Don't try to put anything over on her. She'll see right through you.休想欺骗她。她能看穿你。 put paid to — see 2paid put (someone) in mind of — see 1mind put through [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) through or put through (something) : to cause (something) to be accepted or done successfully完成;使达成 They put through a number of reforms.他们进行了一系列的改革。 tax cuts that were put through by former administrations前几任政府推行的减税政策 I asked Human Resources to help me put through [=to help me get] a transfer to a different department.我请人力资源部把我调到别的部门。 2  put (someone) through (something) : to pay for (someone) to attend (school)供…读书 She has a full-time job and is putting herself through college.她有一份全职工作,可以供自己上完大学。 3  put (someone or something) through (something) : to cause (someone or something) to experience (something)使经历 His doctor put him through a series of tests.医生让他做了一连串的检查。 She put her parents through a lot when she was a teenager.她十几岁的时候给父母惹了很多麻烦。 You've been put through quite an ordeal.你受苦了。 I've been put through hell!我犹如从地狱走了一遭! We put that truck through a lot when we owned it.我们有那辆卡车的时候,开着它经历了很多。 The new software still needs to be put through its paces [=it still needs to be tested] before it can be made available to the public.在投入市场之前,这款新软件还需要进行测试。 4  put (someone or something) through or put through (someone or something) a  : to cause a phone call from (someone) to be sent to another person's phone为(某人)接通 Please hold while I put you through (to the manager).请不要挂机,我为您接通(经理的)电话。 b  : to cause (a phone call) to be sent to another person's phone接通(电话) Please hold while I put your call through (to the manager).请不要挂机,我为您接通(经理的)电话。 put to death — see death put together [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) together or put together (something) a  : to create (something) by joining or gathering parts together把…放在一起;组装;组合 You'll need a screwdriver to put the toy together.你需要一把螺丝刀把玩具组装起来。 They put their first band together when they were in high school.上高中的时候,他们就组建了自己的第一支乐队。 Help me put together a list of what we need at the store.帮我列个单子,列出我们在商店需要买的东西。 She put a proposal together to give to the committee for consideration.她整理出了一份提案供委员会考虑。 Her outfit was very well put together. [=the parts looked good together]她这套衣服搭配得很不错。 b  — used to say that someone or something is greater than the total of all the other people or things mentioned加在一起也不及… You're smarter than all of those other guys put together.其他所有人加在一起也没你聪明。 2  put (something) together with (something) : to add or combine (something) with (something)把…与…放在一起 I never would have thought of putting this wine together with fish.我从没想过把这种酒和鱼搭配。 The lack of rain put together with [=along with, combined with] the heat ruined many of the region's crops.缺雨加上高温天气使得这一地区许多庄稼都枯死了。 put up [phrasal verb] 1  put (something) up or put up (something) a  : to place (something) in a higher position举起;抬起;升起 They put up the flag in the morning and take it down at night.他们早上把旗子升上去,晚上降下来。 Sit down. Put your feet up and relax.坐下来。抬起脚,休息休息。 If you have a question, please put up [=raise] your hand.有问题的话,请举手。 Stop! Put your hands up (over your head)!站住!举起手来! When she goes to work, she usually puts her hair up (in a ponytail).上班的时候,她通常把头发高高束起(扎成马尾辫)。 b  : to cause (something) to be on a wall, to hang from a ceiling, etc.张贴;挂起 She went around town putting up posters for the concert.她在城里到处张贴音乐会的海报。 I just put up new curtains.我刚刚挂上了新窗帘。 c  : to set or place (something) so that it stands up搭起;竖起 putting up a tent搭帐篷 They put up a display of new products.他们搭展位展示新产品。 They put up a “for sale” sign in front of their house.他们在屋前竖起了一块写有“出售”字样的牌子。 d  : to build (something)建造 They're putting up a new office building on Main Street.他们正在主街上建一幢新的办公大楼。 putting up a fence架围栏 e  : to make (something) available for people to buy or have把…拿出(售卖等) The lamps were put up at auction.这些灯具被拿去拍卖。 — often + for They put all of their possessions up for sale.他们把所有的财产都拿来出售。 They put the puppies up for adoption.他们把那些小狗拿出来供人领养。 f  : to provide (money, property, etc.) in order to pay for something用(钱财等)换取… They decided not to put up the money for her bail.他们决定不出钱保释她。 They put up the company's assets as collateral on the loan.他们用公司的资产作为贷款抵押。 g  : to offer (something) as a prize提供…作为奖励 The police have put up a $1,000 reward for information leading to his capture.警方悬赏1000美元来获取抓捕他的线索。 h  chiefly British : to increase (something) : raise增加 They are likely to put up interest rates again this year.今年他们有可能会再次上调利率。 i  US : to return (something) to the place where it belongs把…放回原处 It's time to put up [=put away] your toys and get ready for bed.是时候把你的玩具收起来、准备上床睡觉了。 He washed, dried, and put up the dishes after dinner.晚饭后,他把碗碟洗好、烘干




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