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词汇 put down
释义 put down [phrasal verb] 1  put (someone or something) down also put down (someone or something) a  : to place (someone or something that you have been holding or carrying) on a table, on the floor, etc.放下 She carefully put the vase down on the table.她小心翼翼地把花瓶放在桌子上。 The police ordered him to put down the gun.警察命令他把枪放下。 I don't need you to carry me. Put me down!我不需要你来背我。把我放下来! b  : to add (someone or something) to a list加入清单 Don't forget to put down milk and bread on the shopping list.别忘了在购物单里加上牛奶和面包。 c  informal : to say critical or insulting things about (someone or something)批评;数落 He frequently puts down her work.他经常批评她干得不好。 Her parents are always putting her down.她的父母总是数落她。 He puts himself down a lot, but he's really quite an attractive man.别看他总是说自己的不是,其实他是个很有魅力的人。 — see also put-down 2  put (something) down or put down (something) a  : to write (something) : to record (something) in writing写下;记下 She says that the reporter put her quote down incorrectly.她说那个记者错误地引用了她的话。 Every night, he puts his thoughts down in a journal.每天晚上,他都把自己的想法写进日记里。 I need to put down my thoughts on paper before I forget them.我要把我的想法记在纸上,以免遗忘。 What answer did you put down on the test?考试的时候你写的什么答案? b  : to give (an amount of money) as a first payment when you are buying something that costs a lot of money付(订金) We put 10 percent down on the house. = We put down a 10 percent deposit on the house.我们买这所房子预付了10%的订金。 Put no money down and pay no interest on the car until next year.这辆车要到明年才需要支付订金和利息。 c  : to put (something) in place on the floor or ground把…安装在地上 Putting down [=installing] a new hardwood floor would greatly increase the value of your home.安装新的硬木地板会让你的房子大大增值。 We put down a layer of mulch in the rose garden.我们在玫瑰园里铺了一层护根物。 d  : to stop (a violent or dangerous activity) by using force镇压;平定 Federal troops were brought in to help put down the riot.联邦部队被调来协助镇压这起暴乱。 put down a rebellion/revolt/uprising镇压叛乱/反叛/起义 e  : to kill (an animal) in a way that causes it little pain usually because it is injured or sick对(受伤或生病的动物)实施安乐死;人道毁灭 They had to have their dog put down [=put to sleep] by the vet.他们不得不请兽医为他们的狗实施安乐死。 f  British : to end a telephone connection挂断(电话) She said goodbye and put down the phone. [=hung up the phone]她说了声再见,然后就挂断了电话。 She put the phone down on him. [=she hung up the phone while he was still talking to her]她挂断了他的电话。 g  British : to formally suggest (something) as an idea to be discussed and voted on by a group of people : to propose or introduce (something)把…提交审议 putting down an amendment in Parliament在议会上提出一项修正案 3  put down or put (something) down or put down (something) chiefly British : to land or to cause (an airplane) to land(使)降落 Our plane put down [=landed] in New York around 2 p.m.下午2点左右,我们的飞机在纽约降落。 The pilot was forced to put [=set] the plane down in a field.飞行员把飞机迫降在一块田地里。 4  put (someone) down or put down (someone) : to place (a baby or child) in a bed to sleep安置(小孩)上床睡觉 He put the baby down (in her crib) for a nap.他哄孩子(在她的小床上)小睡了一会儿。 5  put (someone) down as (something) : to think of (someone) as (a specified kind of person or thing)把(某人)看作… Most people put him down as [=believe that he is] a fanatic.大多数人认为他是个疯子。 6  put (someone) down for (something) : to write the name of (someone) on a list of people who will do or give (something)登记;把…列入名单 Can I put you down for a donation? [=can I write that you will give a donation?]捐款要不要算你一个? Sure, put me down for $20.当然,我捐20美元。 7  put (something) down to (something) : to say or think that (something) happened because of (something)把…归因于 Let's put the mistake down to your inexperience and forget about it.这次犯错就算你没经验,别再想了。 The mistake was put down to [=attributed to] his inexperience.这次犯错是由于他缺乏经验。 put




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