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词汇 battle
释义 battle (verb) battle 11 ENTRIES FOUND: battle (noun) battle (verb) battle-ax (noun) battle cruiser (noun) battle cry (noun) battle fatigue (noun) battle line (noun) pitched battle (noun) do (verb) half (pronoun) join (verb) 1 battle /ˈbætl̟/ noun plural battles 1 battle /ˈbætl̟/ noun plural battles Learner's definition of BATTLE 1  a  : a military fight between groups of soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc.战斗;战役 [count] That two-day conflict has become one of the most famous battles in history.那场持续了两天的战斗已成为史上最著名的战役之一。 The battle continued late into the night.战斗一直持续到深夜。 the battle of Gettysburg葛底斯堡战役 [noncount] The men never spoke of the difficulties of battle. [=war]士兵们绝口不谈战争的艰苦。 Hundreds of dead soldiers lay on the field of battle. [=the battlefield]数百名将士陈尸疆场。 the brave warriors who died/fell in battle [=while fighting in a war]在战斗中英勇献身的战士 Thousands of soldiers were willing to go into battle to fight the enemy.成千上万的士兵决心投入战斗打击敌人。 b  [count] : a violent fight in which people use weapons械斗 A police officer was injured in a gun battle that took place last night.一名警员在昨夜发生的枪战中受了伤。 2  [count] a  : a fight between people or groups in which each side tries to win a contest (such as a game or an election) or to gain control of something (such as a company)竞赛;较量;争夺 The divorced couple is now in a fierce custody battle over their son. [=a legal fight about who their son will live with]这对离婚夫妇现在正在激烈争夺对儿子的监护权。 The company was involved in a legal battle with/against one of its employees.这家公司与它的一名雇员在打官司。 He has been engaged in a running battle [=a fight or disagreement that continues for a long time] with the government over the amount of money he owes in taxes.他在所欠税款多少的问题上一直无法与政府达成一致。 — often + for They are engaged in a battle for the presidency. [=a fight to win an election and become the president]他们加入到总统的选战当中。 a battle for control of the land土地控制权的争夺 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 a battle to control the land土地控制权的争夺 ◊ A battle of wits is a contest in which each side tries to win by being smarter or cleverer than the other side.智力竞赛;智斗 In this movie, it's a battle of wits as the bank robbers try to outsmart the city's detectives.在这部影片中,银行劫匪想要智胜城市侦探,双方展开了一场智斗。 ◊ A battle of wills is a contest in which each side tries to win by refusing to stop trying.意志的较量 The workers' strike became a difficult battle of wills between the company and the labor union.工人罢工演变成公司与工会之间一场艰难的意志较量。 b  : a fight between two different or opposite forces斗争 the never-ending battle between/of good and evil正义与邪恶之间永无休止的斗争 The comedy is a classic treatment of the battle of the sexes. [=the struggle for power between women and men]这部喜剧是描述男女之间权力争夺的经典之作。 3  [count] : a long struggle to succeed or survive during a difficult situation抗争;拼搏;奋斗 Last year, he lost his 10-year battle with/against AIDS. [=he died of AIDS after being sick with the disease for 10 years]去年,在与艾滋病抗争了10年之后,他与世长辞了。 Starting her own business has proven to be an uphill battle. [=a very difficult struggle]开创自己的事业对她来说是一场异常艰苦的奋斗。 ◊ If you are involved in a losing battle you are trying to do something with little or no chance of success.毫无希望;徒劳无功 I tried to get him to change his mind, but it was a losing battle. [=he refused to change his mind]我想方设法让他改变主意,但却是白费口舌。 She tried to stay awake but it was a losing battle.她努力保持清醒,但却没能做到。 a gardener fighting a losing battle against weeds白费力气对付杂草的园丁 do battle : to fight or struggle斗争;战斗 political opponents who have been doing battle [=battling] for years多年一直争斗的政敌 — usually + with political opponents who have been doing battle with each other for years多年一直相互争斗的政敌 soldiers doing battle with the enemy与敌人战斗的士兵 half the battle : an important and necessary part of doing or achieving something成功的关键 When you're opening a new restaurant, good advertising is half the battle.经营一家新餐馆,好的宣传是成功的关键。 — often used with words like only and just to stress that something is not enough by itself to achieve a desired goal常与only、just等词连用,强调仅靠某物不足以实现预定目标 If you want a career in show business, having talent is only half the battle—you also need to be lucky.如果你想投身演艺界,天赋仅仅是成功的一半——你还需要有运气。 in the heat of (the) battle : while fighting in a battle激战中 The soldier became confused in the heat of battle.这个士兵在激战中乱了阵脚。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 He apologized to his wife for the angry things he had said to her in the heat of battle. [=while they were arguing]他为自己在争执中所说的气话向妻子道歉。 join battle — see join 2 battle /ˈbætl̟/ verb battles; battled; battling 2 battle /ˈbætl̟/ verb battles; battled; battling Learner's definition of BATTLE 1  [no object] : to fight with weapons作战;战斗 The army battled for control of the bridge.军队为取得那座桥的控制权而战。 The battling armies agreed to a truce.交战双方同意休战。 2  [no object] a  : to try or struggle very hard to do something拼搏;奋斗 The team battled [=fought] bravely to win their last game.这支队伍为赢得最后一场比赛奋力拼搏。 They battled [=struggled] to keep their son out of jail.他们为让儿子免于牢狱之苦而拼尽了全力。 : to struggle or fight for something为…斗争;争夺 The two families have battled for control of the land for many years.两个家庭多年来一直在争夺这块土地的控制权。 b  : to fight or argue with someone over something争吵;争论 The couple battled fiercely over how to spend their money.这对夫妇就如何花钱的问题激烈争吵。 3  [+ object] a  : to fight, compete, or argue with (someone or something)和…作战;和…斗争 The two teams are set to battle each other for the championship.两支队伍准备好为冠军而战。 Members of both parties continue to battle the governor over her policies.两个政党的成员继续就州长的政策与其争论。 b  : to try to stop or defeat (something)阻止;打败 Hundreds of firefighters came to help battle the forest fire.数百名消防队员赶来帮助扑灭林火。 People often need help battling their drug and alcohol problems.戒除毒瘾和酒瘾时,人们通常需要帮助。 She's been battling cancer for 10 years.她与癌症已经抗争10年了。 battling the forces of evil遏制邪恶势力 battle it out : to argue or fight打出胜负;决一雌雄;战斗到底 People were battling it out [=fighting it out] over parking spaces.人们为了停车位而争执不下。 The two sides are now battling it out in the courtroom.双方在法庭上展开激辩。




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