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词汇 raise
释义 raise (noun) raise 9 ENTRIES FOUND: raise (verb) raise (noun) raised (adjective) raised ranch (noun) ante (noun) head (noun) hell (noun) parapet (noun) roof (noun) 1 raise /ˈreɪz/ verb raises; raised; raising 1 raise /ˈreɪz/ verb raises; raised; raising Learner's definition of RAISE [+ object] 1  a  : to lift or move (something or someone) to a higher position提升;举起 Raise your hand if you know the answer.知道答案的请举手。 Raise your arms above your head.把双臂举过头顶。 He raised his head and looked around.他抬起头四下张望。 She raised her eyes from her book and stared at him.她从书本上抬起双眼,盯着他看。 He raised the cup to his lips and drank.他把杯子举到嘴边喝了起来。 I raised the lid and peeked inside.我揭开盖子往里窥探。 Let's raise the windows and get some fresh air in here.咱们把窗户拉开,换点新鲜空气吧。 We raised the flag to the top of the pole.我们把旗子升到了旗杆顶端。 b  : to lift or move (something or someone) to a standing or more upright position(使)直立,站立 They raised [=erected, put up] a flagpole in the quadrangle.他们在那个四方场地上立了根旗杆。 I carefully raised her to a sitting position.我小心地扶她坐了起来。 She raised herself onto her knees.她用膝盖支撑着身体。 — often + up He slowly raised himself up off the floor.他慢慢地从地板上站起来。 The men raised up the barn's walls with pulleys.这些男人利用滑轮把畜棚的围墙立了起来。 — opposite lower 2  a  : to increase the amount or level of (something)增加(数量);提高(水平) Our landlord is raising the rent.房东要给我们涨租金。 The store is raising its prices.这家商店涨价了。 The governor wants to raise the minimum wage.州长想提高最低工资。 He matched the bet and then raised it.他跟着押了赌注,之后又加了筹码。 The college is raising its standards for admission.这所大学的招生标准在提高。 Exercise raises your body temperature.锻炼能使体温升高。 The ad campaign is intended to raise awareness of the importance of a healthy diet.广告宣传旨在增强人们对健康饮食重要性的认识。 Exposure to secondhand smoke raises the risk of lung cancer.吸二手烟会增加患肺癌的风险。 The captain tried to raise the spirits of his crew. [=the captain tried to cheer them up]船长尽力让船员们提起精神。 b  : to increase the quality of (something)提高(质量) She needs to raise her game in the play-offs. [=she needs to play better in the play-offs]她需要在季后赛中表现出更高的竞技水平。 3  : to collect (money) from people for a particular cause募捐;征集 The organization is raising money to help the hurricane victims.这个组织正在募集资金以帮助飓风灾民。 — usually + for The students are raising money for their school.学生们正在为学校募捐。 4  : to form (something, such as an army) by gathering a group of people together组建;召集 The rebels were able to raise an army quickly.反叛者可以迅速组建一支军队。 5  a  : to mention (something) for people to think or talk about提及(某事) The issue of money was never raised.钱的问题从未提及过。 I'm sorry that I have to raise this subject, but we can't ignore it any longer.很抱歉我不得不提起这个话题,但我们不能再对它视而不见了。 b  : to cause people to think about or be aware of (something)引起对(某事物)的思考、注意等 The book raises many questions about our biological origins.这本书提出了许多有关生物起源的问题。 The discovery raises the possibility of a cure for the disease. [=the discovery makes it possible that a cure for the disease will be found]这一发现使治愈这种疾病成为了可能。 6  : to cause (something) to happen or exist : to produce (something)使发生;导致 The news raised hopes for peace.这个消息给和平带来了希望。 The news raised fears of war.这个消息引发了对战争的恐惧。 Her comment raised a few smiles/laughs.她的评论引来一些笑声。 He was so tired he could barely raise a smile. [=he could barely smile]他累得笑都笑不出来了。 The laws were passed without raising much opposition.这些法规没有遭到多少反对就通过了。 A passerby saw the intruders and raised [=sounded] the alarm.有位路人看见了闯入者并拉响了警报。 The audience raised a cheer [=the audience cheered] at the end of the speech.演讲结束时观众发出一片欢呼。 Some people are raising a ruckus/fuss/stink [=are complaining or objecting very angrily] about the proposed tax.有些人对税收提议提出了强烈反对。 7  chiefly US : to take care of and teach (a child) : to bring up or rear (a child)培养;抚养;养育 We have raised two wonderful girls.我们养了两个好女儿。 They have raised their children to be well-mannered.他们把孩子教育得很有礼貌。 She was raised by her grandparents.她是由祖父母养大的。 He was raised (as) a Baptist. = He was raised Baptist.他从小就是浸礼会教徒。 My dad was raised on a farm.我爸爸是在农场长大的。 Some kids are raised on (a diet of) junk food.有些孩子是吃垃圾食品长大的。 I was born and raised here.我在这里出生、长大。 This is a wonderful place to raise a family.这里是安家的理想之地。 8  : to keep and take care of (animals or crops)饲养;种植 He raises [=breeds] chickens on his farm.他在自己的农场养鸡。 They're raising [=growing] corn this year.他们今年种了玉米。 9  : to cause (a dead person) to live again : resurrect使复活 He claimed that he could raise people from the dead. = He claimed that he could raise the dead.他坚称自己能让人起死回生。 That noise is loud enough to raise the dead.那噪声大得能把死人给吵醒。 10  formal : to stop or remove (something that is preventing or blocking an activity) often for only a short period of time(暂时)终止,解除 They raised the siege/embargo/blockade.他们解除了包围/禁运/封锁。 The city has temporarily raised [=lifted] its ban on smoking in bars.市政府暂时解除了酒吧禁烟令。 11  : to build (a monument, statue, etc.) : erect建造(纪念碑、雕塑等) The city raised a monument in his honor.市政府建了一座纪念碑来纪念他。 12  mathematics : to multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times使自乘(若干次) Raise two to the fourth power.把二自乘四次。 Two raised to the fourth power is 16.2的四次方等于16。 13  : to get (someone) to speak with you on a radio : to contact (someone) by radio(通过无线电)与…联系 We tried to raise him on the radio, but we couldn't get through.我们试图通过无线电与他联系,但是无法接通。 14  : to bet more than (a previous player in a card game)(纸牌游戏中在前一玩家的基础上)加注 I'll match that bet and raise you five. [=I'll increase your bet by 5]我跟,在你的基础上再加5注。 raise a glass — see 1glass raise an/your eyebrow, raise eyebrows — see eyebrow raise Cain US, old-fashioned 1  : to behave wildly and make a lot of noise大吵大闹 They were always getting drunk and raising Cain.他们总是喝醉酒后大吵大闹。 2  : to complain in a loud or angry way大发牢骚 The townsfolk raised Cain [=raised hell] about the tax increase.市民们对增税大发牢骚。 raise hell — see hell raise its ugly head — see 1head raise the bar — see 1bar raise the roof — see 1roof raise your voice : to speak loudly especially because you are angry(生气地)提高嗓门 Don't you raise your voice at me!你别扯着嗓子冲我喊! The baby is sleeping, so try not to raise your voice.婴儿在睡觉,所以尽量别大声说话。 Many people raised their voices [=spoke out] in protest. = Many voices were raised in protest.许多人高声呐喊抗议。 2 raise /ˈreɪz/ noun plural raises 2 raise /ˈreɪz/ noun plural raises Learner's definition of RAISE [count] US : an increase in the amount of your pay加薪;工资增加 I asked my boss for a raise. [=(Brit) rise]我向老板提出加薪。 a raise in salary = a pay raise加薪




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