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词汇 rank
释义 rank (verb) rank (adjective) rank 11 ENTRIES FOUND: rank (noun) rank (verb) rank (adjective) ranking (adjective) ranking (noun) rank and file (noun) high-ranking (adjective) low-ranking (adjective) top-ranking (adjective) break (verb) close (verb) 1 rank /ˈræŋk/ noun plural ranks 1 rank /ˈræŋk/ noun plural ranks Learner's definition of RANK 1  a  : a position in a society, organization, group, etc.(社会、团体中的)地位,等级 [noncount] people of high rank and profession拥有很高的社会地位和职业声望的人 She's not concerned about rank or wealth.她不计较地位或财富。 Unlike in chess, all the game pieces in checkers are of equal rank. [=value]与国际象棋不同,跳棋的所有棋子子力都是同等级的。 [count] officers with the rank of captain有上尉军衔的军官 He rose to the rank of partner in the law firm.他在律师事务所中升为合伙人。 He longed to join the upper social ranks.他渴望能进入上层社会的行列。 military ranks such as private, corporal, and sergeant诸如二等兵、下士和中士军衔 He moved up/rose through the ranks to become vice president of the company.他一步步晋升为公司副总裁。 a photographer in the front rank [=an excellent photographer]一流的摄影师 a writer of the first rank [=an excellent writer]一流的作家 b  [noncount] : a high position in a society, organization, group, etc.(社会、团体中的)高地位 — usually used after of通常用在of后 Expensive cars are sometimes seen as a badge of rank.名贵的汽车有时可以看作是身份高的标志。 The guest lecturer is a novelist of rank [=of high regard; of esteem] who has won many prestigious awards.这个特邀讲演者是位受人尊敬的小说家,曾获得很多享有盛誉的奖项。 2  ranks [plural] a  : the people or things that belong to a particular organization or group(某组织的)成员,雇员 A company spokesperson announced that the company will be decreasing its ranks by 200. [=laying off 200 employees]公司发言人宣布公司将裁员200人。 The organization's ranks have doubled in the past two years.这个组织的成员在过去两年里增加了一倍。 The restaurant has made it to the city's front ranks. [=the restaurant is one of the best in the city]这家餐馆已跻身为全市最好的餐馆之一。 — often + of More older adults are choosing to join the ranks of college students.越来越多的老年人选择加入大学生行列。 the growing/swelling ranks of vegetarians越来越多的素食主义者 b  : the people in the army, navy, air force, etc., who are not officers普通士兵 The flu swept through the ranks, infecting almost every soldier.流感在普通士兵中迅速蔓延,几乎传染了每个士兵。 Several men were selected from the ranks.有几个普通士兵被选中。 3  [count] : a row of people or things一排;一列 The troops stood in ranks.士兵们一排排站好。 Twelve soldiers stood in the front rank.十二名士兵站在前排。 — compare 5file 4  [count] British : taxi stand break ranks also break rank 1  : to step out of a line打乱队形 The soldier was disciplined for breaking ranks.这名士兵由于破坏了队形而受到惩罚。 2  : to no longer agree with or support a person or group拆伙;分道扬镳;散伙 — often + with The senator decided to break ranks with others in his party and support the proposal.这位参议员决定与党内其他成员分道扬镳,支持这一提议。 One scientist has broken ranks with her colleagues and questioned the research.一位科学家与同事们意见相左,她对这项研究工作提出了质疑。 close ranks : to join together to support or protect someone or something that is in trouble加强团结;紧密合作 The police officers closed ranks when their captain was being investigated for misconduct.警官们在他们的副巡官因行为不当接受调查时团结一致。 The family closed ranks to protect one of their own.这家人齐心合力保护一名家庭成员。 pull rank : to use your high position in a society, organization, group, etc., to order someone to do something or to get special treatment or privileges利用职权强迫;仗势欺压或以权谋私 He's their boss, but he doesn't like to pull rank (on them) if he can avoid it.他是他们的老板,但他尽可能不对他们摆老板架子。 2 rank /ˈræŋk/ verb ranks; ranked; ranking 2 rank /ˈræŋk/ verb ranks; ranked; ranking Learner's definition of RANK not used in progressive tenses 1  a  [+ object] : to place (someone or something) in a particular position among a group of people or things that are being judged according to quality, ability, size, etc.(把…)分等级,按名次排列 A magazine recently ranked the school as one of the best in the country.一家期刊最近将这所学校评定为全国最好的学校之一。 — often used as (be) ranked常用作(be) ranked The museum is ranked among the best in the U.S.这座博物馆被评为美国最好的博物馆之一。 The young gymnast is ranked fifth in the world.这位年轻的体操运动员排名世界第五。 — see also outrank b  [no object] : to have a particular position in a group of people or things that are being judged according to quality, ability, size, etc.名列;列入 The city currently ranks as the world's largest.这座城市目前是世界上最大的。 Our professor ranks with/among the best in her field. [=is one of the best in her field]我们的教授是她所在领域中最好的教授之一。 This kind of mistake ranks right up there with [=is as bad as] forgetting your mother's birthday.这种错误的严重性等同于忘记母亲的生日。 Students who rank in the top third of their class have a better chance of being accepted to the college of their choice.在班上名列前三名的学生被他们报考的大学录取的可能性更大。 2  [+ object] : to arrange (people or things) in a line or row(把…)排列成行 — usually used as (be) ranked通常用作(be) ranked The books were neatly ranked in rows.这些书籍整整齐齐地排列成行。 3 rank /ˈræŋk/ adjective 3 rank /ˈræŋk/ adjective Learner's definition of RANK 1  [more rank; most rank] : having a strong, unpleasant smell难闻的;臭的 the rank [=foul] smell of the alley小巷的臭味 a rank odor一股臭味 2  a  [more rank; most rank] : very bad and obvious非常恶劣的;公然的 His rank [=flagrant] dishonesty makes it impossible to trust him.他明目张胆的欺诈行为使人不可能信任他。 rank [=glaring] hypocrisy明显的虚伪 b  always used before a noun : complete or total极端的;十足的 You can't expect a rank beginner like her to know all the rules of the game.你不能要求像她这样彻头彻尾的新手能懂得行业所有的规矩。 3  of plants : growing too quickly and over too much land(植物)过于繁茂的,疯长的 rank weeds茂密丛生的野草




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