

单词 reaction
释义 reaction 4 ENTRIES FOUND: reaction (noun) chain reaction (noun) chemical reaction (noun) nuclear reaction (noun) reaction /riˈækʃən/ noun plural reactions reaction /riˈækʃən/ noun plural reactions Learner's definition of REACTION 1  : the way someone acts or feels in response to something that happens, is said, etc.反应;回应 [count] Their reaction to the news was positive.他们对这个消息的反应是积极的。 When I told him what happened, his immediate reaction was one of shock.我将所发生之事告诉他时,他的第一反应是震惊。 The announcement produced an angry/stunned reaction from most of the people at the meeting.这个通告使与会的大多数人感到愤怒/大吃一惊。 My first reaction when I met him was not to trust him.我和他相识时的第一反应是不要相信他。 There has been a mixed reaction [=people have reacted in different ways] to the new policy.人们对这项新政策反应不一。 [noncount] There hasn't yet been much reaction to the announcement.人们对这个通告还没有多少反应。 The newspaper received many angry letters in reaction to [=in response to] the editorial.报社收到了很多对这篇社论表示气愤的信件。 2  : an action or attitude that shows disagreement with or disapproval of someone or something不同意;不赞成 [count] — usually singular通常用单数 — often + against The modernist movement in literature was a reaction against traditional literary conventions.文学中的现代主义运动是对传统文学陈规旧律的一种抵抗。 [noncount] There has been strong reaction against the government's policies.有人强烈反对政府的政策。 3  reactions [plural] : the ability to act and move quickly in order to avoid sudden danger反应能力;反应灵敏度 A good driver has quick reactions.好的驾驶员有迅速做出反应的能力。 The speed of his reactions saved his life.他快速的反应挽救了他的性命。 4  medical : an occurrence in which your body is affected by a drug, food, etc., in usually a bad way(不良)反应;副作用 [count] I had/suffered a (bad) reaction to the medicine.我用这种药出现了(不良)反应。 Something she ate caused/triggered an allergic reaction.她吃的东西引起了过敏反应。 [noncount] There is a risk of adverse reaction to the medicine.服用这种药物会有发生不良反应的风险。 5  a  chemistry : a chemical change that occurs when two or more substances combine to form a new substance化学反应 [count] The reaction of hydrogen with oxygen makes water.氢气与氧气发生化学反应生成水。 chemical reactions化学反应 [noncount] a substance produced by chemical reaction由化学反应生成的一种物质 b  [count, noncount] physics : a process in which the nucleus of an atom is changed by being split apart or joined with the nucleus of another atom核反应 — called also nuclear reaction — see also chain reaction 6  [count, noncount] physics : a physical force that opposes the action of an equal and opposite force反(作用)力 For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.每一个作用力,都有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。 7  [noncount] formal : a strong tendency or desire to oppose new political or social ideas反动 They have had to fight against the forces of reaction.他们不得不同反动势力进行斗争。




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