

单词 ready
释义 ready (verb) ready (noun) ready 11 ENTRIES FOUND: ready (adjective) ready (verb) ready (noun) ready-made (adjective) ready-to-wear (adjective) oven-ready (adjective) rough-and-ready (adjective) go (verb) roll (verb) set (adjective) steady (adjective) 1 ready /ˈrɛdi/ adjective readier; readiest 1 ready /ˈrɛdi/ adjective readier; readiest Learner's definition of READY [also more ready; most ready] 1  not used before a noun : prepared to do something准备好;准备就绪 I'll be ready in 10 minutes.我10分钟就能准备好。 “Can we leave now?” “I'm ready when you are.”“我们可以走了吗?”“我准备好了,就等你了。” We didn't have much time to get ready [=to prepare] before they arrived.在他们到达之前,我们没有很多时间做准备。 (somewhat formal) We need more time to make ready.我们需要更多时间做准备。 — often followed by to + verb常接动词不定式 We are ready to make changes.我们已准备好做出改变。 The kids are ready to go/leave.孩子们已准备好离开。 Are you ready to learn/listen?你做好学/听的准备了吗? The boss is ready to speak to you now.老板现在可以和你谈话了。 She got/made herself ready to go.她做好了走的准备。 Doctors are ready and waiting to give help when it's needed.医生们时刻待命,在需要时给予帮助。 — often + for She's busy getting the children ready for school.她正忙着为孩子们上学做准备。 Are you ready for your test?你为考试做好准备了吗? We need time to get/make ready for the long trip.我们需要时间为这次长途旅行做准备。 The soldiers are ready for anything that the enemy might do.敌人不论有什么举动,士兵们都严阵以待。 2  not used before a noun : properly prepared or finished and available for use准备好了;已完成 Dinner is ready.饭已准备好。 The college's new dormitory will be ready (by) next year.学院的新生宿舍明年可以交付使用。 Your prescription will be ready in about 20 minutes.你的处方药大约20分钟可以配好。 The car won't be ready until tomorrow.这辆车明天才能修好。 We got everything ready for the party before the guests arrived.客人们来之前,我们就把聚会的一切都安排好了。 3  not used before a noun : almost about to do something快要;就要 He looked like he was ready to cry. [=like he was about to start crying]他看上去快要哭了。 I was ready to walk out of the room [=I felt like walking out of the room] when he said that.他在我想要离开房间时说出了那番话。 4  not used before a noun a  : willing and eager to do something愿意;急切 She's always ready with advice. = She's always ready to give advice. [=she likes to give advice]她总喜欢给人提建议。 He is always ready to help his friends.他总是乐于帮助朋友。 He was angry and ready for a fight.他很气愤,想要打一架。 b  : needing or wanting something as soon as possible急需;迫切需要 — usually + for I'm tired and ready for bed. [=I want to go to bed]我累了,想要睡一觉。 The house looks like it's ready for a paint job. [=looks like it needs to be painted]这房子看上去该粉刷了。 5  always used before a noun : quick and clever机敏的;敏捷的 a ready answer/wit机敏的答案/头脑 6  always used before a noun : available for immediate use现成的 ready money/cash现款;现金 (Brit) a ready meal现成的饭菜 She has ready access to the files. [=she can get and use the files very quickly and easily]她很容易接触到那些文档。 (get) ready, (get) set, go also British ready, steady, go — used as a command to start a race(用作赛跑口令)各就位,预备,跑 ready to roll — see 1roll 2 ready /ˈrɛdi/ verb readies; readied; readying 2 ready /ˈrɛdi/ verb readies; readied; readying Learner's definition of READY [+ object] formal : to prepare (someone or something)使…准备好;使做好准备 They readied the room for guests.他们为客人们准备了房间。 She readied herself to speak.她准备好了发言。 We have to ready ourselves for a tough fight ahead.我们得为将来艰苦的战斗做好准备。 3 ready /ˈrɛdi/ noun plural readies 3 ready /ˈrɛdi/ noun plural readies Learner's definition of READY at the ready : available for immediate use准备好的;随时可用 The tourists kept their cameras at the ready.游客们准备好相机随时拍照。 the ready British, informal or the readies : money that can be used immediately现钱 I'm a bit short of the ready just now.我现在手头的现金有点紧张。




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