词汇 | be |
释义 | be 128 ENTRIES FOUND: be (verb) be- (prefix) be-all and end-all (noun) been being (noun) being (conjunction) being bride-to-be (noun) has-been (noun) human being (noun) to-be (adjective) well-being (noun) would-be (adjective) around (adjective) beggar (noun) believe (verb) best (noun) bet (noun) borrow (verb) bottom (noun) bound (adjective) boy (noun) burden (noun) burst (verb) bygones (noun) card (noun) carry (verb) chance (noun) child (noun) concentrated (adjective) condition (verb) cook (verb) correlate (verb) count (verb) curtain (noun) daisy (noun) damn (verb) day (noun) death (noun) desire (verb) devil (noun) discretion (noun) do (verb) draw (noun) eat (verb) equal (adjective) exact (adjective) fall (noun) far (adverb) fiber (noun) fine (adjective) fit (adjective) foot (noun) glory (noun) go (verb) good (adjective) good (noun) guest (noun) hand (noun) have (verb) head (noun) hear (verb) high (adverb) high jump (noun) honesty (noun) into (preposition) know (verb) laugh (verb) leave (verb) let (verb) long (adverb) lookout (noun) lot (noun) man (noun) may (verb) mean (verb) mysterious (adjective) need (noun) number (noun) number (verb) off (adjective) opinion (noun) pain (noun) patch (noun) pocket (noun) policy (noun) possess (verb) power (noun) precise (adjective) prey (noun) push (verb) quick (adjective) rain (verb) reborn (adjective) reincarnate (verb) rid (verb) ride (verb) say (verb) seam (noun) see (verb) service (noun) set (adjective) shout (noun) sick (adjective) sicken (verb) spoil (verb) starve (verb) stern (adjective) strike (verb) suppose (verb) sure (adjective) sweet (adjective) there (adverb) thing (noun) tie (verb) time (noun) toast (noun) tog (verb) true (adjective) upstanding (adjective) usual (adjective) valor (noun) wherever (conjunction) wild (adjective) wish (verb) witness (noun) yet (adverb) yourself (pronoun) be /ˈbiː/ verb present first singular am /ˈæm/ /əm/ second singular are /ˈɑɚ/ /ɚ/ third singular is /ˈɪz/ /əz/ plural are past tense for first and third singular was /ˈwəz/ second singular were /ˈwɚ/ plural were past participle been /ˈbɪn/ Brit /ˈbiːn/ present participle being /ˈbiːjɪŋ/ be /ˈbiː/ verb present first singular am /ˈæm/ /əm/ second singular are /ˈɑɚ/ /ɚ/ third singular is /ˈɪz/ /əz/ plural are past tense for first and third singular was /ˈwəz/ second singular were /ˈwɚ/ plural were past participle been /ˈbɪn/ Brit /ˈbiːn/ present participle being /ˈbiːjɪŋ/ Learner's definition of BE 1 [linking verb] a — used to indicate the identity of a person or thing是(用于指出人或物的身份、属性) Today is Wednesday.今天是星期三。 John is my brother.约翰是我的兄弟。 The first person I met was Susan. = Susan was the first person I met.我遇见的第一个人是苏珊。 Who are you?你是谁? “There's someone at the door.” “Who is it?” “It's David.”“门口有人。”“是谁呀?”“是戴维。” Your responsibility is to keep this area clean. = Keeping this area clean is your responsibility.你负责这片区域的卫生。 b — used to describe the qualities of a person or thing是(用于描述人或物的特性) My hands are cold.我双手冰凉。 He is 35 years old and six feet tall.他35岁,身高六英尺。 I'm hungry.我饿了。 The leaves are green, and so is the grass.树叶是绿色的,草也是。 The noise was very loud.噪声很大。 The way he behaves is foolish.他的行为方式很愚蠢。 How foolish he is!他真傻! “(Are) You hungry?” “Yes, I am.”“你饿吗?”“是的,我饿了。” The book is about English grammar.这是本英语语法书。 These people are with me.这些都是我的人。 The letter is for you.这封信是写给你的。 They asked the students not to be late. = They asked that the students not be late.他们要求学生不要迟到。 Treat people with respect, whether they are rich or poor. = (formal) Treat people with respect, whether they be rich or poor. = (formal) Treat people with respect, be they rich or poor.尊重他人,不分贵贱。 Our neighbors are being unusually friendly lately.我们的邻居最近格外友好。 Don't be such a fool! [=don't act in such a foolish way]别傻了! To be perfectly/quite honest/frank (with you), I didn't like the movie. [=I am speaking honestly/frankly when I say that I didn't like the movie]坦白说,我不喜欢这部电影。 The book is mine.这本书是我的。 I'd do it if I were you. [=I think you should do it]如果我是你,我就会去做。 c — used to indicate the condition of a person or thing表示某人或某事的状态 “Hi. How are you?” “Fine, thanks. How are you?”“嗨,你好吗?”“我很好,谢谢。你呢?” How is your father? = How is your father's health?你父亲身体好吗? 2 [linking verb] — used to indicate the group, class, category, etc., that a person or thing belongs to是,属于(表示某人或某物所属群体或类别) I'm a doctor and my sister is a lawyer.我是医生,我妹妹是律师。 That fish is a trout.那是一条鳟鱼。 The trout is a (kind of) fish.鳟是一种鱼。 Apes are mammals.猿是哺乳动物。 She's a hard worker. [=she works hard]她是一个工作勤奋的人。 What a fool he is! [=he is a fool]他真是个傻瓜! Being an artist herself [=because she is an artist herself], she tends to look at other people's paintings very critically.由于自己是画家,她看别人的画往往非常挑剔。 3 [linking verb] — used to indicate the place, situation, or position of a person or thing在…;处于… The book is on the table.书在桌子上。 “Where's John?” “He's in the living room.”“约翰在哪儿?”“他在客厅。” The house is past the bridge.那座房子在桥的那头。 It was great being here. = It was great to be here.很高兴来到这里。 I must be on my way. [=I must go]我得上路了。 Here's the book. = Here it is.书在这里。 4 [linking verb] a — used in phrases with there to describe a situation, occurrence, etc.有,存在(与there连用构成短语) There is a book on the table. [=a book is on the table]桌上有本书。 There are concerts several times a week. [=concerts are held several times a week]一周有好几场音乐会。 There will be concerts next week.下周有几场音乐会。 “There's someone at the door.” “Who is it?” “It's John.”“门口有人。”“是谁呀?”“是约翰。” b — used in phrases with it to indicate a time or place or to describe a current, past, or future condition与it连用构成短语,表示时间、地点或描述现在、过去、未来的情况 It's 12 o'clock. [=the time is 12 o'clock]现在是12点。 It's noon/early/late.现在是中午/时间还早/时间晚了。 It's Wednesday today. [=today is Wednesday]今天是星期三。 It was noon when we arrived. [=we arrived at noon]我们到的时候已经是中午了。 It was here that I lost my way. [=I lost my way here]我就是在这里迷路的。 It's raining.正在下雨。 It's hot out!外面很热! It's odd that he didn't see us. [=the fact that he didn't see us was odd]他居然没看见我们,真奇怪。 5 [linking verb] — used to say how much something costs花费;值 “I like this painting. How much is it?” [=how much does it cost?] “It's 600 dollars.” [=it costs 600 dollars]“我喜欢这幅画。它要多少钱?”“600美元。” 6 [linking verb] — used to say that one amount or number is the same as another等于;等同 Three plus two is [=equals] five.三加二等于五。 7 [no object] : to happen or take place举行;发生 The concert was last night.音乐会是昨晚举行的。 The concert is [=will be] tomorrow night. [=the concert will take place tomorrow night]音乐会将在明晚举行。 “When was the Battle of Waterloo?” “(It was) In 1815.”“滑铁卢战役发生在什么时候?”“1815年。” “When is Christmas?” “It's on a Wednesday this year.”“圣诞节是什么时候?”“今年是在星期三。” 8 [no object] : to come or go来;去 — used in perfect tenses用于完成时 She has already been [=come] and gone.她已经来过又走了。 Have you ever been [=gone] to Rome?你去过罗马吗? I haven't been there for several years.我好几年没去那里了。 I've been waiting for you for half an hour. Where have you been? [=where were you?; why weren't you here?]我等了你半个小时。你去哪儿了? ◊ People who have been there, done that are bored about the idea of going somewhere or doing something because they have already done it before. This is an informal phrase that is often used in a joking way.早就去过,早就做过,不稀奇(非正式短语,用作戏谑之意) I suggested to my cousin that she go to Florida for her vacation, but she said, “Been there, done that.”我建议表姐去佛罗里达度假,但她却说:“去过了,不稀奇。” 9 [no object] somewhat formal : to exist or live在;存在;生存 I think, therefore I am. [=exist]我思故我在。 Once upon a time there was [=lived] a knight.从前有一位骑士。 There once was a man who dwelt alone in a small village.曾经有个人独自居住在小村庄里。 all the things that are [=exist]存在着的万物 “To be, or not to be: that is the question.”“生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。”Shakespeare, Hamlet (1600)莎士比亚,《哈姆雷特》(1600) 10 [auxiliary verb] — used with the past participle of a verb to form passive constructions与动词的过去分词连用构成被动语态 The money was found by a child.钱被一个孩子找到了。 They were [=got] married by a priest.他们的婚礼是由牧师主持的。 Don't be fooled by what he says.不要被他的话骗了。 Please be seated. [=please sit down]请坐。 The election was expected to produce a very close result.预计这次选举的得票数会非常接近。 God be praised! [=let God be praised]赞美主啊! I was surprised by her rudeness.她的无礼让我感到惊讶。 11 [auxiliary verb] a — used with the present participle of a verb to express continuous action与动词的现在分词连用表示持续进行的动作 They are studying.他们正在学习。 I have been sleeping.我一直在睡觉。 He was reading.他那会儿在看书。 Are you getting hungry?你饿了没? Our neighbors are being unusually friendly.我们的邻居一直格外地友好。 b — used with the present participle of a verb to express future or later action与动词的现在分词连用表示将来的动作 I'm seeing him tomorrow. [=I will see him tomorrow]我明天去看他。 We are leaving soon. [=we will leave soon]我们马上就要离开了。 12 [auxiliary verb] a — used with to + verb to say what will happen or was going to happen in the future与动词不定式连用表示将来会发生的事情 The best is yet/still to come. [=the best has not yet happened]最好的尚未出现。 No one realized that she was one day to become famous. [=that she would become famous one day]谁也没想到她有朝一日会成名。 She was not/never to see him again. [=she would never see him again]她再也不会去见他了。 There are to be two concerts next week. [=there will be two concerts next week]下周将举行两场音乐会。 b — used with to + verb to say what should happen or be done与动词不定式连用表示应该发生的事情 People like that are to be pitied, not hated. [=people like that should be pitied]像这样的人应该得到我们的怜悯,而不是憎恶。 You are not (allowed) to smoke in here!此处禁止吸烟! What am I to do? [=what should I do?]我应该做什么? c — used in negative statements with to + verb to say what is or was possible在否定句中与动词不定式连用,表示可能性 The truth of their argument was not to be denied. [=could not be denied]不能否认他们论据的真实性。 You're not to blame: you weren't to know he'd be offended. [=you could not have known that he would be offended]不能怪你:当时你不可能知道那样会冒犯他。 The book was nowhere to be found. [=could not be found]这本书找不到了。 d — used with to + verb to say that one thing must happen or be true so that another thing can happen or be true与动词不定式连用表示某事的成立是另一事成立的前提条件 He must study if he is to pass his exams. [=he must study in order to pass his exams]他要想通过考试就必须学习。 13 [auxiliary verb] — used like have with the past participle of some verbs to form perfect tenses与某些不及物动词的过去分词连用,构成完成时态 He isn't here: he is [=has] gone.他不在这儿:他已经走了。 — now often considered archaic现常被视为古体用法 Christ is risen. [=Christ has risen]基督升天了。 be yourself : to behave in a normal or natural way显得自然;处于正常状态 You're not yourself today. What's the matter?你今天和平时不太一样。出什么事了? I'll be myself again once I've had something to eat.我只要吃点东西就会恢复正常。 “How can I impress her?” “Just be yourself!”“我怎样才能打动她呢?”“平时什么样就什么样!” leave (someone or something) be — see 1leave let (someone or something) be — see 1let the best is yet to be — see 3best the powers that be — see 1power to be sure — see 1sure |
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