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词汇 bear
释义 bear (verb) bear 17 ENTRIES FOUND: bear (noun) bear (verb) bearing (noun) bear claw (noun) bear hug (noun) bear market (noun) ball bearing (noun) black bear (noun) grizzly bear (noun) polar bear (noun) teddy bear (noun) cross (noun) fruit (noun) grin (verb) loaded (adjective) sore (adjective) witness (noun) 1 bear /ˈbeɚ/ noun plural bear or bears 1 bear /ˈbeɚ/ noun plural bear or bears Learner's definition of BEAR [count] 1  : any one of a group of large and heavy animals that have thick hair and sharp claws and that can stand on two legs like a person熊 a mother bear and her cubs母熊和它的小熊崽 — sometimes used figuratively to describe a large man有时用作比喻,形容大块头的男人 a tall, friendly bear of a man为人友善的大块头男人 My father can be a grumpy old bear when he's tired.我父亲疲惫时就会像只大熊一样暴躁。 ◊ In informal British English, a person who becomes angry or annoyed very easily is (like) a bear with a sore head.易怒的,暴躁的(用于非正式英国英语) My father can be like a bear with a sore head when he's tired.我父亲疲惫时会十分暴躁。 — see also black bear, grizzly bear, polar bear, teddy bear 2  finance : a person who expects the price of stocks to go down and who sells them to avoid losing money(股票市场)看跌的人,卖空的人,空头 The bears outnumbered the bulls on Wall Street today.今天在华尔街卖空的人要比买进的人多。 — compare 1bull; see also bear market 3  US, informal : something that is difficult to do or deal with麻烦事;棘手之事 This oven is a bear to clean. [=this oven is very hard to clean]清洗这个烤箱真费事。 loaded for bear — see loaded 2 bear /ˈbeɚ/ verb bears; bore /ˈboɚ/ ; borne /ˈboɚn/ ; bearing 2 bear /ˈbeɚ/ verb bears; bore /ˈboɚ/ ; borne /ˈboɚn/ ; bearing Learner's definition of BEAR 1  : to accept or endure (something)忍受;承受;容忍 [+ object] He bore [=tolerated] their insults patiently.他默默地忍受着他们的侮辱。 — usually used in questions and negative statements with can, can't, could, and couldn't通常在疑问句和否定句中与can、can't、could和couldn't连用。 He could hardly bear [=stand] the pain.他几乎无法忍受这种疼痛。 I can't bear cold weather. [=I strongly dislike cold weather]我受不了寒冷的天气。 I couldn't bear the suspense.这么提心吊胆的我可受不了。 I can't bear it if/when people behave like that!我容忍不了人们的那种举动! I can't bear doing this. = I can't bear to do this.这么做我可受不了。 How can you bear to see him again after the way he's treated you?他那样对待你,你怎么还能再去见他? I couldn't bear you to get the wrong idea.我不能容忍你有这种错误的想法。 I couldn't bear his behavior. = His behavior was more than I could bear.我无法忍受他的行为。 I couldn't bear the thought/idea of moving again.再要搬家,我连想都不敢想。 [no object] (US) — + for I couldn't bear for you to get the wrong idea.我不能容忍你有这种错误的想法。 2  [+ object] : to be worthy of (something) : to deserve or allow (something)值得;应得;经得起 a joke too silly to bear repeating [=a joke that is too silly to be worth repeating]过于荒谬不值得重复的笑话 It's so horrible it doesn't bear thinking about! [=it's so horrible that I don't want to think about it]太恐怖了,我想都不敢想! a symphony that can bear comparison with Beethoven's best可与贝多芬最佳作品相媲美的交响曲 a plan that will not bear [=withstand] close scrutiny/examination经不起仔细审查的计划 suspicious behavior that bears watching [=that should be watched]值得注意的可疑行为 3  [+ object] : to assume or accept (something, such as cost or responsibility)承担;负担 The company agreed to bear the costs/expenses.公司同意承担这笔费用。 The criminals must bear full responsibility for the deaths of these innocent people.那些罪犯必须为这些无辜者的死承担全部责任。 Who will bear the blame for this tragedy?谁将为这场悲剧负责呢? 4  [+ object] somewhat formal + literary : to move while holding up and supporting (something) : carry手持;携带 The demonstrators bore banners and sang songs.示威者手持横幅,高声歌唱。 They arrived bearing gifts.他们带着礼物来了。 The leaves were borne aloft/away by the wind.叶子被风刮了起来/刮走了。 disease-bearing germs [=germs that carry and spread diseases]致病菌 germ-borne diseases [=diseases that are carried and spread by germs]病菌性疾病 He believes that citizens should have the right to bear arms. [=to carry weapons]他认为,公民应有携带武器的权利。 ◊ If something is borne in on/upon you, it is made very clear to you. This is a formal phrase.(正式短语)使…清楚地认识到 It was borne in on us by the new evidence that prompt action was very important. [=the new evidence strongly indicated that prompt action was very important]新的证据使我们清楚地认识到,立即采取行动至关重要。 5  [+ object] a  : to have (something) as a feature or characteristic具有,带有(某种特点或特征) His leg was badly injured in the accident and it still bears [=shows] the scars/wounds/marks.他的腿在事故中受过重伤,至今还留有伤疤/伤口/伤痕。 His face bears marks/signs of suffering.他脸上露出了痛苦的表情。 Your conclusion bears [=has] no relation to the evidence.你的结论与证据没有任何关系。 She bore a resemblance to her aunt. [=she looked like her aunt]她长得像她姑姑。 b  : to have a surface on which something is written, drawn, etc.写有;刻有;印有 The cornerstone bears a Latin inscription.基石上刻有拉丁铭文。 a letter bearing the date of 1900标有1900年某日的信 a shield bearing strange symbols刻有奇特符号的盾牌 c  : to have (a name, price, etc.)有,具有(名字、价格等) He bore the name (of) John.他名叫约翰。 The store sells imported goods bearing [=having, with] high prices.这家商店出售价格不菲的进口商品。 d  : to have or hold (a feeling) in the mind怀有,抱有(某种感情) She still bears a grudge against him. = She still bears him a grudge.她仍然对他怀恨在心。 She says she bears him no resentment for the way he treated her.她说,她并不怨恨他先前那么对待她。 I can't deny the love I still bear [=feel] for her.无法否认,我依然深爱着她。 6  [+ object] a  formal : to give birth to (a child)生(孩子) She has borne three children.她生了三个孩子。 She has borne her husband three children.她为丈夫生了三个孩子。 b  : to produce (something)产生;产出 a bank account that bears interest = an interest-bearing bank account带息银行账户 a bush that bears red flowers开红花的灌木 trees that bear fruit结果实的树 — see also bear fruit (below) 7  [+ object] : to support the weight of (something)支撑,承受(重量) How much weight is that wall able to bear?这堵墙能承受多大重量? 8  [no object] : to go, move, or turn in a specified direction向…行进;移动;拐向 Bear south.向南走。 The road bears (to the) right.这条路往右拐了。 When you get to the fork in the road, you should bear [=turn] left.走到岔道口,向左拐。 ◊ Do not confuse bear with bare. bear down [phrasal verb] US : to use all of your strength and effort to do something : to try very hard to do something竭尽全力;全力以赴 The pitcher bore down and struck out the last batter.投手拼尽全力,终于将最后一名击球手淘汰出局。 If we're going to finish on time, we really have to bear down.如果我们想按时完成,那就真得加把劲才行。 bear down on [phrasal verb] 1  bear down on (something) : to push or lean down on (something)按在;靠在 The old man bore down heavily on his cane.老人用力拄着拐杖。 She bore down hard on her pencil.她使劲地按着铅笔。 2  bear down on (someone) : to place pressure on (someone)对(某人)施加压力 Don't let your problems bear down too hard on you. [=don't let your problems weigh you down]别让那些问题给你造成太大压力。 3  bear down on (someone or something) : to approach or move toward (something or someone) quickly and in a frightening or impressive way(快速或来势汹汹地)逼近,冲向 The enemy battleship bore down on us.敌舰已向我方逼近。 bear fruit : to produce a desired result or reward取得成效 All his plans have finally borne fruit. [=all his plans have finally been realized]他所有的计划最终都取得了成效。 — see also 2bear 6b (above) bear in mind — see 1mind bear on [phrasal verb] 1  bear on (something) formal : to have an effect on (something)对…产生影响 Personal feelings did not bear on our decision. [=did not affect or influence our decision]个人感情并没有影响我们的决定。 2  : to apply or relate to (something)涉及;和…有关 What are the facts bearing directly on this matter?与这件事直接相关的事实都是什么? bear out [phrasal verb] bear out (something or someone) or bear (something or someone) out : to show the correctness of (something or someone)证实,证明(…的正确) The facts bore out [=confirmed] her story. [=the facts showed that her story was true]事实证明她说的是真的。 Research has fully borne him out. [=has shown that he was completely correct]研究证明他完全正确。 bear up [phrasal verb] : to not be overwhelmed during a time of trouble, pain, etc.(面对困难、痛苦等)不被压垮,挺住 She's been going through a tough time, but she's bearing up pretty well.她经历了一段艰难的岁月,但她始终顽强地支撑着。 — often + under She has found it hard to bear up under the strain.她感到自己很难在那种压力下坚持下去。 bear with [phrasal verb] bear with (someone) : to be patient with (someone)容忍,耐心对待(某人) I'll have that information for you soon. Just bear with me for another minute or two.我过会儿就把信息告诉你,再耐心等一两分钟。 bear witness — see 1witness bear yourself formal : to move, stand, or behave in a specified way站得;表现得 The soldier bore himself [=carried himself] stiffly upright.那个士兵站得笔直。 The soldier never failed to bear himself [=conduct himself, behave] courageously on the battlefield.那个士兵在战场上总是表现得十分英勇。 He always bore himself [=behaved] like a gentleman.他一向表现得像位绅士。 bring (something) to bear : to cause (something) to have an effect or influence使…产生影响;使…起作用 The company's new president brings 30 years of experience to bear.公司新总裁30年的工作经验发挥了重要作用。 If we hope to resolve these issues, more resources must be brought to bear.如果我们要想解决这些问题,就必须利用更多的资源。 — often used with on常与on连用 They will bring their considerable skills/talent/experience/knowledge to bear on the problem.他们将利用自己相当丰富的技术/才智/经验/知识来解决这一问题。 The demonstrators will continue to bring pressure to bear on the government.示威者将继续向政府施压。 cross to bear — see 1cross grin and bear it — see grin




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